Council of Worlds at WAR re Announcement Delays

Note the location of “Planet 9” and the inbound path for Nibiru provided by the Zetas in 1997. Nibiru arrived, right on schedule in 2003, and right where predicted a full 7 years earlier. Where the Zetas provided the location of the gravity draw represented by the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the inbound Nibiru in 1983, when the IRAS team lofted its infra-red balloon in search of the inbound Nibiru, this location was not provided to the public. All articles in print at that time only referring to the location as the “western edge of the constellation Orion”, quite vague, and the “western edge” is vast. Yet the Zetas pinpointed the location as being just outside the lower bow of Orion. Such is the accuracy of ZetaTalk. How would the public eventually become “aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions” as predicted by the Zetas on April 16, 2016? ? It would seem this is already in process.

SOZT March 19, 2016

So what happened to the announcement? Obama lacked the courage. As a result of this colossal failure,  having to disband the Jade Helm structure, the US military reacted. Obama is no longer running the country. Chief of Staff General Dunford is. Ben Fulford has for months been referring to Obama as the US “spokesperson”. Is this true, and how does this work? In that the Middle East, under the direction and press from Israel, Turkey, the Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve, and the Saudis were supporting ISIS and this threatened to create a force that would not only invade Europe but also create an endless terrorism threat to the US, the military did indeed effect a silent coup. Russia needed to enter the fray, and Dunford, but not Obama, agreed. This will never be admitted, publicly, nor do the parties want this.

SOZT October 1, 2015
The three major social media outlets in use around the globe all had significant, and simultaneous outages between September 20-24, 2015. Skype had complaints from the UK, Australia, and Japan. Twitter received reports from the US, Australia, and Singapore. FaceBook had the loudest howls, primarily from the US and Europe. Notably these downtimes, some lasting for hours or even days, got no attention in the major media, and there was no real explanation for the outages.  Every Skype user has an account and a password, as do their contacts. Every Skype user can broadcast messages to their contacts, even if these contacts are not presently online. Every twitter use likewise has an account and a password, and by sending a tweet passes information along to subscribers, who can retweet the info in the future. FaceBook users likewise have an account and a password, with many friends who pick up info from each other and pass it along on their FaceBook accounts.  In all of this, the networks themselves are AWARE of the accounts and passwords, and could do a broadcast to all in the event of an announcement. Check your user agreements. This is legal!

SOZT April 25, 2015
When we announced that the Council of Worlds would be going to war with the elite over their blockage of the announcement, the tools available to the Council were not immediately apparent. Early in the campaign the Sony hack showed one such mechanism, whereby an anonymous hacker revealed embarrassing information about Sony executives. Similarly exposing pedophile activities by Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton and blatant lies by self-promoting media talking heads such as Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly required nothing more than encouraging contactees to step forward.  In many, many cases a financial loss sufficient to trigger a clash among the elite is a result of an electronic delay during trades. 

SOZT July 4, 2015
What is the message here? As with other failed launches, this most recent failure is a definitive message from the Council of Worlds. Space X has had success in resupplying the ISS, though has flounded on landing on a floating ocean platform.  Resupply of the ISS is OK, reuse of their launch equipment so as to help the elite escape, not OK. The message now is that the elite should not expect to get into space at all. No escape. The message here is to take all hope away from such plans among the elite. They are to remain on Earth with the common man. We expect the battle to shift from attempts to block the announcement, or deny its meaning, to attempts to enslave the common man in some way. That is another fight, on another day.

SOZT November 1, 2014
The elite – the wealthy and politically powerful in the world – have continued in their attempts to thwart the announcement by Obama and his partners admitting that Nibiru, aka Planet X exists. We have long stated that the announcement date was set by Obama and Xi at their June 7-8, 2013 meeting in Santa Monica. The flustered slip given by the French Foreign Minister on May 13, 2014 re “500 days
until climate chaos” was in reference to this, as the date set was to be 500 days from the 2013 meeting, ie October 20, 2014.

SOZT November 8, 2014
Relying solely on Russia or China to proceed would get the truth out BUT since the block had always been on the US end, via Reagan’s national security directive, without a confirmation from Obama this is awkward and subject to being countered. If true, where is the confirmation from Obama? It would be packaged as some odd communist attack against Obama going into the elections, to make him seem weak, almost comical. So where is this going now? For us to comment would be to empower the enemy, which of course we will not do. Your curiosity is not as important as having the announcement succeed.

SOZT December 10, 2014
We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

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Comment by casey a on December 10, 2014 at 4:06pm

haha. The punch line was hilarious--this is the queen that attempted to steal funds put aside for poor folks. All so that she could use them to renovate the palace.. Also, the republicans were intent on shutting the government because of Obama's immigration executive order. Once the CIA report was released they did a 180 degree turn, and have agreed to fund the government (Link). And Obama threatened to veto a billl that would make permanent some corporate taxes, and the bill thus blew up as well.

Also on monday he went on "the colbert report". The Lincoln cartoon behind him caught my eye.

Picture from Rex/Guardian

He looks like he getting into that campaign mode. Have the gloves come off?

Comment by Rich Racosky on December 10, 2014 at 3:28pm

Thanks Nancy! What a chess match happening!  No question who wins.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on December 10, 2014 at 3:16pm

ZetaTalk progress report on the COW wars.

Who hacked Sony?
The FBI says it cannot confirm whether the computer leak that has devastated Sony Pictures Entertainment was orchestrated by North Korea, or any other entity. Meanwhile, the hackers themselves have posted more threats and confidential data. Guardians of Peace, a group that has taken responsibility for the hacks, unveiled on the Github coding website. The movie in question is 'The Interview,' a Seth Rogen comedy about two news anchors being recruited by the CIA to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which is scheduled for a Christmas release in the US. Initially, the media and several security companies ran with the most enticing North Korean narrative for the attack. Pyongyang has publicly objected to the release of 'The Interview' since summer, and added fuel to the fire with a statement congratulating the hackers, while failing to take responsibility.
[and from another]
I saw this interesting news on Drudge report. Is this a test also like the one with the TV emergency broadcast in October?
[and from another]
Back in 2011, the FCC began to roll out emergency government alerts to cellphone users in major cities before the program was made mandatory on all new smartphones. Although a user can opt out of some of the alerts, presidential messages direct from the White House cannot be turned off. Early tests of the cellphone emergency alert system in New Jersey caused panic after Verizon customers received text messages warning them that a “civil emergency” was in progress and to “take shelter,” prompting alarmed citizens to flood 911 lines with anxious calls. Back in October we also reported on how television viewers in several different states were interrupted by an emergency alert from the White House warning them to stand by for an emergency message and not to use their phones.  AT&T subsequently blamed a nationally syndicated radio station for triggering the alert message, although this explanation was questioned by some given that only the federal government has the capability of sending out EAS alerts.
[and from another]
52-year-old Belgian Geert Tack - a private banker for ING who managed portfolios for wealthy individuals - was described as 'impeccable', 'sporty', 'cared-for', and 'successful' and so after disappearing a month ago, the appearance of his body off the coast of Ostend is surrpunded by riddles. This is the 36th Dead Banker of the year.
[and from another]
Prince William and Kate fly to New York for three-day visit. They'll visit Obama, Biden & Hillary, separately. Has the queen sent them to seek amnesty?
[and from another]
Prince William will make a side trip to visit Washington for a day, while Kate stays in New York. It will be their first visit to New York and Washington.
[and from another]
William jetted down to Washington for a quick visit with President Obama at the White House.
Barristers representing the government are due to go to the supreme court in the latest attempt to keep secret a series of letters written by Prince Charles to government ministers.
[and from another]
It’s official: torture doesn’t work. Waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, did not in fact “produce the intelligence that allowed us to get Osama bin Laden," as former Vice President Dick Cheney asserted in 2011.

We have stated that the public will see only the flash and parry of swords from a distance during the Council of Worlds war with the cover-up crowd. Meanwhile, periodic tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in the US are done, to see if the channels are open. As of this writing, they are not yet open. The war is still on, full press. Meanwhile, during the flash and parry of swords, one can see resistance, pleading, panic, and capitulation.

While loudly maintaining bravado,
refusing to give Obama coverage on his immigration amnesty announcement, there are subtle signs that the media is starting to comply. No perpetrator was identified when several major media sites - including the popular Drudge Report and CNN and MSNBC – were down for hours,
clamped off at the website ISP. This was done by the elite, to warn the media not to comply with the Council’s demands. Now the CIA torture reports - an extreme embarrassment to cover-up advocates Dick Cheney, the CIA, and the Republican Party -  is getting prime time coverage.  Progress has been made.

While loudly proclaiming that they will indeed go to Mars, the Orion test flight was delayed for a day
until crucial life support equipment tests were removed. Meanwhile, the bravado and bragging continues, as the elite hope that after the announcement they can go back to business as usual – saving their own skins. Bankers are still being found dead for mysterious or suspect reasons, but killing witnesses will not allow them to escape an expose. The banking industry has now begun to pressure media moguls to allow the announcement. Netanyahu’s power grab
looked on the surface to be coming from strength, but he has over reacted by isolating himself. He will thus be the obvious target when Israel’s secrets are revealed.

Since the Council of Worlds went to war with the cover-up, the Sonny hack occurred, with the FBI still not able to discern who the perpetrators are. N Korea does not have the skills, and demands that The Interview - a movie embarrassing to N Korea - be pulled just part of the frame-up.  The group making claims, the Guardians of Peace, is working at the hands of the Council of Worlds, and is being assisted by angels, thus. Sony is being used as an example, to other media elite, of what lies ahead for them if they do not comply with the Council’s demands. Time is running out for these media moguls.

And what of William and Kate’s sudden visit to the US, which included a one-on-one between William and Obama? The Queen and many in the UK government are adamantly opposed to breaking the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru. The Queen has sought asylum
in various countries, including the US under Bush, as she intends to desert the commoners in the UK when the Earth changes increase. William and Kate and their adorable toddler have recently visited New Zealand,
seeking this for the royal family. But this visit to the US is to strike a deal – the Queen will allow the announcement re Nibiru if Obama agrees to bring the royal family to the US and give them protection. The offer was, of course, refused.   

Comment by SongStar101 on December 10, 2014 at 10:19am

Tuesday morning the report is released,  and the royals are visiting NYC 9/11 memorial site?  Interesting...

CIA Torture Report: The Most Stunning Findings

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today released a controversial report on the CIA’s interrogation practices -- claiming the "brutal" techniques the agency used on detainees in the wake of the 9/11 attacks “were not effective.”


Report slams psychologists who devised Bush-era interrogation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA paid $80 million to a company run by two former Air Force psychologists without experience in interrogation or counter-terrorism who recommended waterboarding, slaps to the face and mock burial for prisoners the U.S. suspected of being terrorists, according to a U.S. Senate report.

...The Senate report questioned the psychologists' qualifications and accused them of violating professional ethics as architects of a system that Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said amounted to the torture of some CIA detainees.

--The two psychologists were allowed to evaluate their own work, to which they gave high marks, the report said.


Sexual threats, other CIA methods detailed in new U.S. report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA misled the White House and public about its torture of detainees after the Sept. 11 attacks and acted more brutally and pervasively than it acknowledged, a U.S. Senate report said on Tuesday, drawing calls to prosecute American officials.

The Senate Intelligence Committee's five-year review of 6.3 million pages of CIA documents concluded that the intelligence agency failed to disrupt a single plot despite torturing al Qaeda and other captives in secret facilities worldwide between 2002 and 2006, when George W. Bush was president.

Despite the calls for accountability, there seemed little prospect of criminal prosecutions of those who implemented the program, or measures to hold politicians who authorized it accountable.

A law enforcement official said the U.S. Justice Department had no plans to conduct any investigation of the CIA's actions.

While in office Bush's vice president, Dick Cheney, and other Bush administration officials said the "harsh interrogation" program was justified by results that included halting plots and catching terrorists.


Prince William & Kate's U.S. tour

Royals visit 9/11 memorial day after meeting LeBron, Beyoncé and Jay Z in Brooklyn

New York rolled out the red carpet for Prince William and Kate. The British royals capped their whirlwind tour of the Big Apple at a gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art after visiting the Sept. 11 memorial on Tuesday morning. Monday included meetings with President Obama and Hillary Clinton and attendance at a Brooklyn Nets game, where they bumped into some musical royalty — Beyoncé and Jay Z. Yahoo News covered all their comings and goings stateside.


Interesting Zeta Talk on why royals may want to be visiting?

'Prince Charles is related to our Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Madison, both of the Harrisons, Tyler, Taylor, George Bush.'

'Bush´s vice president, Dan Quayle, was also related to the royal family.'

Comment by casey a on December 9, 2014 at 11:42pm

"Riddles" Surround 36th Dead Banker Of The Year

Comment by casey a on December 9, 2014 at 10:50pm

Re: CIA torture report, trails leading to higher ups have been covered up. Prior investigations by the justice department had concluded no one would be charged as well. Now that a summary has been released, I wonder if they're monitoring global reaction in anticipation of the announcement. Secretary of Defense Hagel said all U.S. commands have been ordered to be on high alert.

Comment by Ecosikh on December 9, 2014 at 10:49pm
Comment by casey a on December 9, 2014 at 12:47pm

Watch the body language of the CIA lawyer defending the practice.

Comment by casey a on December 9, 2014 at 12:09pm

Dick Cheney Was Lying About Torture : The Senate report confirms it doesn’t work.

A classified report from the Senate Intelligence Committee on the CIA's use of torture is going to be made public today.

And already Dick Cheney has come out, dismissing the report. (Notice how he is distancing himself from the interrogation techniques by saying he "strongly supports the CIA veterans". As if to say this was all out of his hands, & the CIA had done this independently of him.)

Several officials who have read the document said some of its most troubling sections deal not with detainee abuse but with discrepancies between the statements of senior CIA officials in Washington and the details revealed in the written communications of lower-level employees directly involved.

Officials said millions of records make clear that the CIA’s ability to obtain the most valuable intelligence against al-Qaeda — including tips that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011 — had little, if anything, to do with “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Comment by casey a on December 9, 2014 at 10:05am

US government files $190 million lawsuit against Deutsche Bank Link

"Deutsche Bank spokesperson Renee Calabro said the bank “fully addressed” the matter in a 2009 agreement with the IRS, in which the government had “abandoned” the theory that the bank was liable for the taxes."

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