Animal Behavior, Methane Poisoning, Dead or Alive and on the move (+ interactive map)


When Planet X entered the inner Solar System in late 2002 - early 2003, it was not just the Earth that reacted, as it did with an increase in earthquakes, volcanism and extreme weather, the animal life on Earth also started showing signs of the approaching monster.

The most noticeable symptoms were:

  • Crazy Animal Behaviour:  Reports of bizarre behaviour including animal attacks from normally passive creatures and spiders spinning webs over whole fields.
  • Confused Animals:  Whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches in droves or getting lost upstream in coastal rivers.
  • Large fish and bird kills:  Flocks of birds falling dead from the sky and shoals of fish dying and floating to the surface of lakes, rivers and washing up along coastlines.


Crazy Animal Behaviour

Reports of crazy animal behaviour have included sheep that charged a farmer’s wife off a cliff, deer attacking a car and rabbits biting pedestrians.  Spiders have spun webs over whole fields and caterpillar larvae have covered whole trees in silk.

As usual, the Zetas explain the true causes: (Jan 11th 2003)

Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but nonetheless there.  [……]  Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal for a spider.  EOZT


Confused Animals

Other erratic behaviour among animals included a seeming loss of direction with whales and dolphins swimming inland and stranding themselves on beaches.

Unreliable Compasses  (March 28th, 2009)

The compass is unreliable for the past few years, and lately has gotten very extreme in its variance. Many animals and insects have a biological compass, recording during migrations where that compass laid, and when taking a return trip relying on the recording to guide them back. If the Earth's N Pole swings away from the press of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole at the Earth, then these animals are not given correct clues and aim for land or up a river. Sad to say, this will only get worse as the last weeks and the pole shift loom on the horizon.   EOZT

Are due to the Magnetic Clash   (July 1st, 2006)

The compass anomaly, swinging to the East, is indicative of the Earth adjusting to the approach of Planet X and the clash of their magnetic fields. The change is indicative of a clash in magnetic fields as Planet X comes ever closer to the Earth, their fields touching. It is the combined field that Earth must adjust to, and continue to adjust to, not the exact position of the N Pole of Planet X within these fields, and the Sun's magnetic field enters into the equation too. This dramatic change, noted by a conscientious tracker, checking dual compasses daily for years, indicates that the Earth is trying to align side-by-side with Planet X, bringing its magnetic N Pole to point toward the Sun, as Planet X is currently doing in the main. These adjustments are temporary, and change about, as magnets can make dramatic and swift changes in their alignment with each other. Put a number of small magnets on a glass, with iron ore dust, and move a large magnet about under them, and watch the jerking about they do. Are we saying the Earth's magnetic field is going to get more erratic in the future, dramatically so? There is no question that this will be one of the signs that will come, yet another not covered by the Global Warming excuse.   EOZT


Large fish and bird kills

Hundreds, if not thousands, of these events have taken place with the frequency increasing year on year.  Poignant examples include the 20 tonnes of dead herring which washed ashore in Norway and 1200 pelicans found on a beach in Peru.

Earth Farts  (January 9th, 2007)

We have explained, in great detail, that the stretch zone does not register great quakes when rock layers pull apart and sink, as this is a silent Earth change. Nancy has carefully documented breaking water and gas mains, derailing trains, dislocating bridge abutments, mining accidents, and outbreaks of factory explosions, showing that these have occurred in rashes on occasion, when the rock layers pulled apart. [……]  In September-October of 2005, a smell of rotten eggs was sensed from LA to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to the New England states and throughout the South-Eastern US. We explained at that time that this was due to rock layers being pulled apart, releasing gas from moldering vegetation trapped during prior pole shifts, when rock layers were jerked about, trapping vegetation. We explained in March of 2002 that black water off the coast of Florida was caused by this phenomena. Do these fumes cause people to sicken, and birds to die? Mining operations of old had what they called the canary in a birdcage, to warn the miners of methane gas leaks. Birds are very sensitive to these fumes, and die, and this is indeed what happened in Austin, TX. Were it not for the explosions associated with gas leaks, it would be common knowledge that gas leaks sicken, as the body was not structured to breathe such air for long.   EOZT


Zetatalk Explanation  (January 8th, 2011)

Dead fish and birds falling from the sky are being reported worldwide, suddenly. This is not a local affair, obviously. Dead birds have been reported in Sweden and N America, and dead fish in N America, Brazil, and New Zealand. Methane is known to cause bird dead, and as methane rises when released during Earth shifting, will float upward through the flocks of birds above. But can this be the cause of dead fish? If birds are more sensitive than humans to methane release, fish are likewise sensitive to changes in the water, as anyone with an aquarium will attest. Those schools of fish caught in rising methane bubbles during sifting of rock layers beneath them will inevitably be affected. Fish cannot, for instance, hold their breath until the emergency passes! Nor do birds have such a mechanism.   EOZT



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Comment by Sevan Makaracı on August 13, 2012 at 6:29pm

More than 10,000 earthworms found dead in a parking lot of 250m2 North Japan

In Komatsu city Ishikawa, more than 10,000 earthworms found dead in a parking lot. Ishikawa prefecture is facing Japan / Korea sea.

Mr. Kobayashi is living near the parking lot. He comments he found earthworms dead in the evening of 8/5/2012. It kept increasing and now it’s scattered around in the 250 m2 of the area.
There are about 500 dead worms in the space for one car. Because 16 cars can park there, more than 10,000 worms are dead in the whole area including the passageway.

Former director of insects museum visited the place to comment it is rare to see this many worms dead at once. It’s an ordinary type of earthworm....


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on August 13, 2012 at 6:04pm

Biological Hazard in Guam on Monday, 13 August, 2012 at 11:11 (11:11 AM) UTC.

Last week dead fish were found mysteriously washing up along the shores of Pago bay. Today PNC went to Pago Bay to investigate the possible cause of this unusual phenomenon. On Thursday of last week a student at the University of Guam's marine lab noticed a lot of dead fish along the short in Pago bay. He took pictures of the fish and forwarded them to UOG marine lab professor Dr. Jason Biggs. "Well one of the things that set up a red flag for me is that this is the first time that it's ever been noticed for Pago bay to have a fish kill like this,” said Dr. Biggs. Department of agriculture fisheries biologist Brent Tibbats also examined the photos. He says they appear to be shallow water fish that live in the reef flats and sea grass. Based on the photos, which show that many of the fish died with open mouths, Tibbats believes that natural causes are the most likely culprit. "We do get reports of fish kills almost every year at around this time of year, July and August, when there are very low tides during the hottest part of the day during the middle of the day what happens is fish get trapped in shallow water pools and they overheat and with a lack of oxygen they suffocate actually in the water and then when the next high tide comes in the fish get deposited on shore and people see this,” explained Tibbats.

However, as Dr. Biggs has pointed out this is the first time that they've seen this at Pago bay. "Over the past we've noticed areas where it happens commonly actually are Tumon bay is one and down along the southeast coast kind of from Ipan beach park down to first beach those areas something about them seems to be where fish kills repeatedly during these low tides during the middle of the day,” said Tibbats. Nevertheless Dr. Biggs is concerned that something else maybe the cause of this strange event. "Another thing that we'd like to point out is because it hasn't happened at Pago bay before that maybe the sedimentation could have the same effect because if you have a big load of water bringing down a lot of dirt with it that dirt could mix with the salt water as well and particulate matter is known to clog the gills of the fish and make it so that water can't pass and they can't breathe,” explained Dr. Biggs. The marine lab professor says that choking from sedimentation would also result in dead fish with mouths open as seen in the photos. Pago bay has been known to have a lot of sedimentation after heavy rains. "You can see it every time it rains really hard there's a plume that goes all the way out and then extends for miles out into the ocean,” said Dr. Biggs.

Tibbats says there is no way to tell for sure what killed these fish because he received the email over the weekend and by then the fish were gone. Tibbats says there are other potential causes for example fresh water can flood the reef flats killing saltwater fish. There is also the possibility that toxins from the land are washed into the water. Tibbats says that if anyone notices dead fish washing up on the shores anywhere on guam to try and collect some of the fish and then contact the Department of Agriculture's Division of Aquatics and Wildlife Resources so they can study the dead fish and get a better determination of their actual cause of death. Senator Sam Mabini is concerned with the dead fish found at Pago bay and she has sent a letter to the Guam Environmental Protection Agency requesting their immediate attention to Pago bay's current condition.
Mass Die-off (Fishes)
Comment by lonne rey on August 13, 2012 at 12:21pm

Swedish experts baffled by 'mystery' elk illness


A unexplained illness has been plaguing the elk community of southern Sweden, with experts perplexed as to why so many are being found dead or dying.

Comment by Howard on August 12, 2012 at 10:28pm

Fish Die by the Thousands Along Galveston Texas Coast (August 12) -

Low oxygen levels (caused by excessive dissolved methane?) are believed to have caused a major fish kill mostly along Galveston’s West End beaches, an official said. Thousands of shad lined the beaches west of the seawall, Galveston Island Beach Patrol Chief Peter Davis said Sunday morning.

Davis spoke with officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, learning the cause of the fish kill was likely low oxygen levels.

Davis had reports Saturday from bay fishermen and found isolated pockets of dead fish on the West End, but he noticed larger concentrations this morning at Terramar and Bermuda beaches. "Very few" dead fish were found at Stewart Beach, but some were visible against the rocks near the 61st Street.

The fish kill was apparently not related to an algae bloom, Davis said.

Comment by lonne rey on August 9, 2012 at 1:09pm

Thousands of fish die as Midwest streams heat up

LINCOLN, Neb. – Thousands of fish are dying in the Midwest as the hot, dry summer dries up rivers and causes water temperatures to climb in some spots to nearly 100 degrees.

"Those fish have been in these rivers for thousands of thousands of years, and they're accustomed to all sorts of weather conditions," he said. "But sometimes, you have conditions occur that are outside their realm of tolerance."


Comment by Howard on July 27, 2012 at 2:01am

Mysterious, Gas-Like Odor Reported Across Wide Area North of San Diego, CA (July 24th)

A mysterious odor was reported along the North (San Diego) County coast on Tuesday by residents In Encinitas, Del Mar, Carmel Valley and Solana Beach.

Lifeguards in Encinitas were first to report the strong, pungent odor at about 5 p.m. The odor was described as a gas-like smell rolling in off the ocean.

Soon after, 10News was flooded with calls. Residents from the coast all the way to Rancho Bernardo and 4S Ranch reported experiencing the smell. Some complained of headaches and outdoor activities were canceled.

One Del Mar resident who did not want to be identified was inside the library in Cardiff at about 5 p.m. when the gas-like odor filled the entire building with the doors closed.

"There was none when I walked in that door and within 10 minutes, the entire library was filled," she said.

Eventually, she got in her car and drove to try and get away from the smell. At about 5:30 p.m., the woman parked at San Dieguito County Park and took a photo of what she believes is some kind of aerosol compound she says fell from the sky and coated her car windows.

"I tried to wipe it and it was black and sticky and tried to put my window down and it smeared," she said.

She is convinced it was gas that was dispersing something with an oil component.

She feels what occurred Tuesday was no accident and wants the people responsible to answer up.

"It's just not acceptable to say, 'We don't know, nobody knows'... which we've heard over the years time and time again when these things happen," she said.

The source of the odor remains unclear. San Diego Gas & Electric is investigating and has reported no problems. Fire departments in the North County have also not found any leaks.

Late Tuesday night, 10News received a statement from the City of Solana Beach that read, "Please do not be alarmed. The apparent smell of gas reported from Oceanside to La Jolla is not a leak of gas. The smell is caused by natural occurring condition from the ocean."

Comment by Howard on July 24, 2012 at 7:38pm

Beach Littered with Thousands of Dead Fish in Florida (July 24) -

Two-miles of Ormond Beach were covered with thousands of whiting, spot and sea trout carcases, shrivelling up in the heat.  The thousands of fish began to wash ashore around 2 p.m. on Sunday, according to News13.

Determined visitors walked for miles in either direction to escape the dead creatures, but they filled the water and the beach on either end.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 20, 2012 at 4:00am

Hundreds of Dead Frogs at Chesterfield Lake

By Lakisha Jackson
Story posted 2012.07.19 at 03:09 PM CDT

Fox2now News

CHESTERFIELD, MO (KTVI)– Chesterfield resident Terri Garbo likes to take a stroll each morning through a local park.

On Tuesday she walked the path around Central Park's seven acre lake.

Comment by Sevan Makaracı on July 19, 2012 at 11:38am

Large amount of dead fish float at south lake in Wuhan (Jul 16)

Dead fish float at the south lake in Wuhan, capital of Central China's Hubei Province, July 15, 2012. Large amount of dead fish showed up at the south lake of Wuhan recently....   Source

Comment by Sevan Makaracı on July 14, 2012 at 11:05am

5 hospitalized in McAllen bee attack

A swarm of bees attacked several people Friday evening, sending five to the hospital for treatment.

Customers were ordered to stay inside the various buildings, including Hop Tung Vietnamese Chinese Restaurant and the Lucky 13 tattoo parlor.

Employees at other stores looked out from their windows as firefighters worked to remove the bees, but were also stung in the process.

“At first I saw some of the guys swatting in the air and didn’t know what was going on but then as they got close I saw the bees,” said Andy Wynn, one of the roofers who dropped to the ground and covered himself in insulation material in an effort to stay safe from the bees. “I was concerned that some of the guys might jump off the roof to get away from the bees … it was about 5 or 10 at a time but they came at you and tried to get in your ears or your nose.”

Wynn said he’d never been attacked by bees in his eight years as a roofer.   Source

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