Animal Behavior, Methane Poisoning, Dead or Alive and on the move (+ interactive map)


When Planet X entered the inner Solar System in late 2002 - early 2003, it was not just the Earth that reacted, as it did with an increase in earthquakes, volcanism and extreme weather, the animal life on Earth also started showing signs of the approaching monster.

The most noticeable symptoms were:

  • Crazy Animal Behaviour:  Reports of bizarre behaviour including animal attacks from normally passive creatures and spiders spinning webs over whole fields.
  • Confused Animals:  Whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches in droves or getting lost upstream in coastal rivers.
  • Large fish and bird kills:  Flocks of birds falling dead from the sky and shoals of fish dying and floating to the surface of lakes, rivers and washing up along coastlines.


Crazy Animal Behaviour

Reports of crazy animal behaviour have included sheep that charged a farmer’s wife off a cliff, deer attacking a car and rabbits biting pedestrians.  Spiders have spun webs over whole fields and caterpillar larvae have covered whole trees in silk.

As usual, the Zetas explain the true causes: (Jan 11th 2003)

Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but nonetheless there.  [……]  Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal for a spider.  EOZT


Confused Animals

Other erratic behaviour among animals included a seeming loss of direction with whales and dolphins swimming inland and stranding themselves on beaches.

Unreliable Compasses  (March 28th, 2009)

The compass is unreliable for the past few years, and lately has gotten very extreme in its variance. Many animals and insects have a biological compass, recording during migrations where that compass laid, and when taking a return trip relying on the recording to guide them back. If the Earth's N Pole swings away from the press of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole at the Earth, then these animals are not given correct clues and aim for land or up a river. Sad to say, this will only get worse as the last weeks and the pole shift loom on the horizon.   EOZT

Are due to the Magnetic Clash   (July 1st, 2006)

The compass anomaly, swinging to the East, is indicative of the Earth adjusting to the approach of Planet X and the clash of their magnetic fields. The change is indicative of a clash in magnetic fields as Planet X comes ever closer to the Earth, their fields touching. It is the combined field that Earth must adjust to, and continue to adjust to, not the exact position of the N Pole of Planet X within these fields, and the Sun's magnetic field enters into the equation too. This dramatic change, noted by a conscientious tracker, checking dual compasses daily for years, indicates that the Earth is trying to align side-by-side with Planet X, bringing its magnetic N Pole to point toward the Sun, as Planet X is currently doing in the main. These adjustments are temporary, and change about, as magnets can make dramatic and swift changes in their alignment with each other. Put a number of small magnets on a glass, with iron ore dust, and move a large magnet about under them, and watch the jerking about they do. Are we saying the Earth's magnetic field is going to get more erratic in the future, dramatically so? There is no question that this will be one of the signs that will come, yet another not covered by the Global Warming excuse.   EOZT


Large fish and bird kills

Hundreds, if not thousands, of these events have taken place with the frequency increasing year on year.  Poignant examples include the 20 tonnes of dead herring which washed ashore in Norway and 1200 pelicans found on a beach in Peru.

Earth Farts  (January 9th, 2007)

We have explained, in great detail, that the stretch zone does not register great quakes when rock layers pull apart and sink, as this is a silent Earth change. Nancy has carefully documented breaking water and gas mains, derailing trains, dislocating bridge abutments, mining accidents, and outbreaks of factory explosions, showing that these have occurred in rashes on occasion, when the rock layers pulled apart. [……]  In September-October of 2005, a smell of rotten eggs was sensed from LA to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to the New England states and throughout the South-Eastern US. We explained at that time that this was due to rock layers being pulled apart, releasing gas from moldering vegetation trapped during prior pole shifts, when rock layers were jerked about, trapping vegetation. We explained in March of 2002 that black water off the coast of Florida was caused by this phenomena. Do these fumes cause people to sicken, and birds to die? Mining operations of old had what they called the canary in a birdcage, to warn the miners of methane gas leaks. Birds are very sensitive to these fumes, and die, and this is indeed what happened in Austin, TX. Were it not for the explosions associated with gas leaks, it would be common knowledge that gas leaks sicken, as the body was not structured to breathe such air for long.   EOZT


Zetatalk Explanation  (January 8th, 2011)

Dead fish and birds falling from the sky are being reported worldwide, suddenly. This is not a local affair, obviously. Dead birds have been reported in Sweden and N America, and dead fish in N America, Brazil, and New Zealand. Methane is known to cause bird dead, and as methane rises when released during Earth shifting, will float upward through the flocks of birds above. But can this be the cause of dead fish? If birds are more sensitive than humans to methane release, fish are likewise sensitive to changes in the water, as anyone with an aquarium will attest. Those schools of fish caught in rising methane bubbles during sifting of rock layers beneath them will inevitably be affected. Fish cannot, for instance, hold their breath until the emergency passes! Nor do birds have such a mechanism.   EOZT



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Comment by SongStar101 on March 17, 2015 at 6:05am

Rare catch: Fishermen catch one of smallest whale species

KARACHI: One of the smallest whales species, pygmy sperm, was found around 120 nautical miles southwest of Karachi. The fishermen caught the whale on Wednesday while they were fishing in the deep sea but the whale was already dead.

This is one of the smallest whales found in the outer continental shelf and considered to be very rare. Known to exist in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, this species is usually found dead on the shores.

The captain of the boat alFahim, Saeed Zaman, caught the pygmy sperm in gillnet used for catching tuna while they were fishing off the shelf area. The whale was enmeshed in the net and died when it was hauled onto the boat.

According to officials of the World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan), the whale was 8.2 feet long and weighed about 400kg. “It is the first authentic record of its presence in our waters,” said Muhammad Moazzam Khan, WWF-Pakistan’s technical adviser.

Previously, there were two unconfirmed records of this whale’s presence in Pakistan after they were found stranded on Sonmiani beach in December, 1985, and dubious observations of a small school off Churna Island, added Khan.

According to him, whales and dolphins are sensitive animals and, in most cases, they die as soon as they become enmeshed in the fishing nets as they are unable to come to surface to breathe. He further pointed out that the pygmy sperm whale feeds on deep water squids and crabs.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 7th, 2015.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 17, 2015 at 5:13am

Thousands of snow geese fall dead from sky in Idaho

SALMON, Idaho Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:14pm EDT

(Reuters) - Avian cholera is suspected in the deaths of at least 2,000 snow geese that fell dead from the sky in Idaho while migrating to nesting grounds on the northern coast of Alaska, wildlife managers said Monday.

Dozens of Idaho Department of Fish and Game workers and volunteers at the weekend retrieved and incinerated carcasses of snow geese found near bodies of water and a wildlife management area in the eastern part of the state, said agency spokesman Gregg Losinski.

Avian cholera is believed to be the culprit in the deaths mostly because of the way the birds died, he said.

“Basically, they just fell out of the sky,” said Losinski.

He said biologists were awaiting results from a state wildlife lab to confirm the birds died of the highly contagious disease, which is caused by bacteria that can survive in soil and water for up to four months.

Humans face a small risk of contracting the disease but the more immediate threat is to wildlife in the vicinity of contaminated carcasses, Losinski said.

About 20 bald eagles were seen near areas where snow geese carcasses littered the ground but a lengthy incubation period makes it unclear if the eagles were infected and would carry the ailment elsewhere, said Losinski.

It was not known where the snow geese – named for their white plumage and for breeding in the far northern corners of Alaska, Canada, Greenland and Siberia – contracted avian cholera during a migration that saw them wing north from wintering grounds in the American Southwest and Mexico, he said.

Outbreaks like the one found affecting the migrating snow geese in Idaho occur periodically in the United States and elsewhere, Losinski said.

Avian cholera is the most important infectious disease affecting wild waterfowl in North America, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 17, 2015 at 4:57am

Hundreds of dead fish wash up along Chesapeake canal

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 14, 2015 at 6:51pm

Mass Animal Deaths March 2015: Birds, Fish, Reindeer, Turtles, Swans & more DEAD!

9th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead turtles, plus hundreds of dead fish found in Bocas del Toro, Panama.
9th March 2015 – 250,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar.
9th March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found on a beach in Tolu, Colombia.
9th March 2015 – 19 dead turtles found on Pulau Tiga Island in Malaysia.
9th March 2015 – 100+ cattle have died ‘due to suspected grass poisoning’ in Gujarat, India.
8th March 2015 – 550 dead animals (mainly deer) found, ‘due to snow and cold’ in Leon, Spain.
7th March 2015 – 1,450 Sea lion pups have washed ashore this year ill and dying – ‘possibly 10,000 have died’ in California, America.
7th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in new die off in Lim Chu Kang, Singapore.
6th March 2015 – 600 TONS of dead fish due to algae in fish farms in the east of Singapore.
6th March 2015 – Massive die off of prawns, ’cause unknown’ in Aroor, India.
6th March 2015 – 15,000 turkeys dead due to avian flu in Minnesota, America.
6th March 2015 – Hundreds of cattle are dead due to drought in southern Ecuador.
6th March 2015 – 10,000+ cattle dead due to flooding of the river Ebro in Spain.
5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Fish dead in Argentina
5th March 2015 – 12 turtles stranded, 3 dead, on a beach in Abruzzo, Italy.
5th March 2015 – 9,000+ birds are dead due to another avian flu outbreak in Bauchi State, Nigeria.
5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish wash up along Derwent river in Tasmania, Australia.
5th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found in Cabo Frio, Brazil.
5th March 2015 – Millions of birds killed due to avian flu during past 6 months in South Korea.
5th March 2015 – 1,100 Birds killed due to avian flu outbreak in Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
4th March 2015 – 4.17 MILLION birds have been killed since January due to avian flu in Taiwan, China.
4th March 2015 – 300 Snow Geese have died this winter due to disease in Illinois, America.
4th March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found on coast of East Java, Indonesia.
4th March 2015 – 23,500 Birds to be killed due to avian flu in Schwanewede, Germany.
4th March 2015 – INFO: 30 dolphins/whales and 54 turtles wash up dead during 2014 in Abruzzo, Italy.
3rd March 2015 – ‘Lots’ of dead turtles found on a beach in Piacabucu, Brazil.
3rd March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish, plus dead ducks found in a lagoon in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
3rd March 2015 – Large die off of fish ‘due to cold weather’ at 3 sites in Nova Scotia, Canada.
3rd March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Hainan, China.
2nd March 2015 – 100,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Fuzesgyarmat, Hungary.
2nd March 2015 – Thousands of TONS of shellfish have died off during past few years in Whangarei Harbour, New Zealand.
2nd March 2015 – 3 dead whales found washed ashore in Chennai, India.
2nd March 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond in Aguascalientes, Mexico.
2nd March 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found washed up along Columbia River in Portland, America.
1st March 2015 – Dozens of birds drop dead out of the sky in Tennessee, America. Link
1st March 2015 – Masses of various marine creatures washing ashore dead on Pasir Ris beach in Dead creatures Singapore
1st March 2015 – Mass die off of fish and reptiles due to burst fuel pipe in Tabasco, Mexico.
28th February 2015 – 100 dead or dying turtles found in the Bellinger River in NSW, Australia.
28th February 2015 – 97 dead sea birds found along beaches of the North East coast of France.
28th February 2015 – Hundreds of dead fish found on the banks of a river in Uttar Pradesh, India.
27th February 2015 – 10,000 birds dead, 23,000 killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar.
26th February 2015 – Fish kill in 2 farm ponds in La Union, Philippines.
25th February 2015 – 5,000 Birds killed due to avian flu in Jigawa State, Nigeria.
25th February 2015 – Thousands of dead fish found, ‘no explanation’ in the port of Wolfersdorf, France.

Comment by Howard on March 7, 2015 at 8:52pm

Another Massive Fish Kill Near Singapore (Mar 7)

Thousands of fish were found washed up on shore at Lim Chu Kang jetty on Saturday in the latest in a series of mass deaths.

Breeds big and small, including catfish and mullets, were discovered on the beach near where several fish farms are situated in the Strait of Johor.

Both sea and farm fish were affected.

Farmer Ong Kim Pit, 65, said he first saw fish jumping out of the water on Friday night, adding that his baby mullets were worst hit.

"It happened within minutes," he said.

"My fish were jumping and jumping in the water. I don't know why."


Comment by Howard on March 7, 2015 at 4:08am

More on Starr's report of Mar 1.

Mass Deaths of Marine Life off Singapore (Mar 1)

Last Sunday morning, Bryan Ang woke up onboard his floating fish farm on the Johor Strait between Malaysia and Singapore to find nearly all his stock had died.

"We woke up and saw all the fish floating belly-up," he said. "It's devastating."

He was not alone. Hundreds of tonnes of fish - both farmed and wild - died over the weekend in the eastern part of the strait. Fish farmers lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock overnight.

Floating out at sea and washing up on the beaches and mangroves, dead sea creatures began to appear, from sea snakes and seahorses to squid and moray eel.

Nature guide and environmental biology student Sean Yap - who supplied some of these pictures to the BBC - said he was jogging along the eastern Pasir Ris beach on Saturday evening when he smelt a foul stench.

It came from what he described as a "mass grave" - thousands of dead fish washed up on shore.

"There were cleaners present on the shore on Sunday morning to deal with the carcasses, but when we returned at night the high tide had brought in a new batch of bodies."

Even species such as catfish and burrowing gobies, which are considered to be more resilient, were found dead. The deaths of "invertebrates like worms is also alarming, as it may mean that the base of the food chain is affected.


Comment by Jorge Mejia on March 6, 2015 at 10:40pm

URUGUAY – Hundreds of dead fish from the Montevideo coast to Atlantis

Were also found in the Arroyo Pando. The Dinara states that were discarded into the river by boat. The Faculty continues to investigate
03.05.2015, 17:01 hs - UPDATED 18:28 

The Municipality of Montevideo (IMM) up 20 tons of dead fish on Thursday and will continue with the cleanup on the shores of Montevideo, he told The Observer director of the Division of Cleanliness IM, Andrés Martirena. On Thursday morning appeared in the Montevideo coast hundreds of dead fish floating in the water. The situation drew the attention of the authorities of the National Directorate of Aquatic Resources (Dinara), who sent a group of technicians who ran the promenade from the center to the Arroyo Carrasco and a significant amount of spice known as Lacha was observed.
"Since yesterday being cleaned beaches with machinery, we collect some 20 tons of rotting fish from Pajas Blancas to Paso Carrasco," said Martirena. In turn, explained that they were "hostages tide" which hampered a little more work and that the equipment normally used in season had to add a blade longer to perform the task. "The more time passes the worse. Luckily there were fish with certain hardness and could lift well, "he said.

Furthermore, since the division was requested will monitor the situation from the air to see if in the coming days could expect a new wave of these dead birds. "Being dead animals float and told us that no other can be seen offshore, so do not come closer to the coast," he said.
The work culminated in the coast of Pocitos and Buceo and the director explained that the places where there are still plenty of fish is on the rocks where machinery can not access. "You have to take with officials with the clothes and the right tools. That takes more time, "he said.
As for the causes that explain the appearance of dead fish from the Dinara is "ruled it an issue of pollution" and favors the theory that they were thrown into the sea as a ship discard.

Google Translation Link 1

Google Translation Link 2

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 2, 2015 at 5:50pm

TWRA investigates dead birds found on road in Spring Hill

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 1, 2015 at 4:56am
Workers showing the dead pompano and red snapper at a kelong off Pasir Ris beach on Feb 28, 2015. The fish at the fish farms off Changi have been found dead. -- ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM
Workers showing the dead pompano and red snapper at a kelong off Pasir Ris beach on Feb 28, 2015. The fish at the fish farms off Changi have been found dead

Mass fish deaths overnight hit Changi farmers hard

PUBLISHED ON MAR 1, 2015 6:03 AM

Thousands of fish have died in coastal farms off Changi, in a repeat of last year's nightmare for farmers.

Farmers woke up yesterday morning to the sight of their fish floating belly up - the mass deaths had occurred through the night, so they had no opportunity to try to save their fish.

Dead fish were also seen along the Pasir Ris shoreline.

The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) attributed the deaths to gill damage caused by plankton. Lab tests conducted so far did not detect biological toxins in the fish, and fish from local farms remains safe to eat, an AVA spokesman said.

At around the same period last year, 160 tonnes of fish died suddenly, also after being poisoned by plankton, and the 39 affected fish farms lost hundreds of thousands of dollars..

Yesterday, some despairing farmers told The Sunday Times that they hope to get more support and training in modern farming methods that can minimise pollution and bacteria growth, particularly since the authorities are encouraging the trade to help boost Singapore's self-sufficiency in food production.

AVA had advised farmers to take precautions since Feb 16, when there were elevated plankton levels detected in the East Johor Strait.

But the overnight deaths took most by surprise.

"I thought I was prepared this year. I even had aerated tanks to save the fish if a few started dying," said fish farmer Timothy Hromatka, 42, who studied marine biology.

"But it was too late," said Mr Hromatka, who lost most of his fish.

Fish farmer Phillip Lim, 53, noting that a few fish had started dying as early as mid-February, added dejectedly: "That was just the 'appetiser'. Friday night was the 'main course'."

The former president of the Singapore Marine Aquaculture Cooperative estimates that almost 50 farms were affected this time round.

"It could be worse than last year. This year, it looks like more fish died and the wild fish also died," added Mr Lim, who estimates his losses at more than $50,000. He reared popular species such as seabass, snapper and pomfret.

Fish farmer Daniel Wee, 40 is in the same predicament.

He had received tens of thousands of dollars from the AVA to kick-start his fish farm again after last year's mass deaths wiped out his stock, and spent another $20,000 on fish feed. But yet again, most of his 70,000 fish were wiped out. "It's a really, really tough business now," said Mr Wee, who estimates he lost $100,000.

"We need to learn new methods to take local fish farming to the next level,"

Dead snappers at a kelong off Pasir Ris beach on Feb 28, 2015

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 26, 2015 at 4:15am

Thousands of dead fish near Rio Olympics sailing venue on the edge of the Guanabara Bay 

They say cleanup won't be met by the time the 2016 Olympics are held.

Dead fish and trash float in the polluted Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015. Rio de Janeiro’s state environmental agency is trying to determine why thousands of dead fish have been found floating where next year’s Olympic sailing events are to be held. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

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