A couple of days ago we had a severe wobble. Then yesterday we had two wobbles 12 hours apart as per predicted. Today we are also having similar wobbles again 12 hours apart. While I don't usually report these unless there is a severe wobble when LISS almost goes "black", I think that these changes are important to note. The Zetas predicted that these wobbles would be subject to be eradicate and changing. Maybe this is part of that prediction. The wobbles are not sever but perhaps they don't need to be to finish the "7 of 10". Just seems that we should stay alert. Sathya





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Comment by Lavonne on January 25, 2012 at 10:23pm

Wow Recall! I was wondering why they had conveniently removed the graphs as well! Plate adjustment and pacific folding picking up speed.  thank you for the info.  comparing to Costa Rica this is amazing!  So, if it can't be hidden just clear the charts ...

Comment by Recall 15 on January 25, 2012 at 10:18pm

Compare with a Costa Rican Chart in the same time period:


Comment by Recall 15 on January 25, 2012 at 10:08pm

New Global Plates Adjusted... and Pacific Folding, that was the event TPTB cleared in the graphs...


Comment by Recall 15 on January 24, 2012 at 1:24pm

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