"The causes of landslides are not a mystery to mankind. Layers of rock and soil such that rain running along a clay or rock layer can create a slippery surface for the weight of the layers above it is a common cause. A rock jumble from previous mountain building, broken or fractured rock easily dislodged. We have stated that the earthquakes man experiences between the periodic passages of Planet X can be considered aftershocks from the last passage, and this is true of landslides also. Mountain building rumples the landscape, so the land is not flat but has steep ravines and hill sides. Older mountain ranges are recognized for their rounded or smoothed appearance, because of frequent landslides distributing the rubble.

"As we approach another passage, another Pole Shift, the pace of landslides has picked up. Why would this be? Plates under pressure will put pressure on regions that contain rumpled hillsides and deep ravines, as these give more readily than strictly flat land, thus act as a weak link. In addition, due to the wobble, the weather has gotten more extreme, with drought and deluge increasing in extremes. Dry ground, suddenly flooded with rainwater needing to seek its level as runoff, will create internal water slides between the rock and soil layers that constitute the rumpled hillsides. Is there an early warning system that mankind could use? The trembles that soil about to slide emits could be detected, yes. These are not earthquakes, and have their own frequency. "

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: March 22, 2014

Views: 122565


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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 10, 2013 at 7:08pm


Uttarakhand: Landslide kills 7 members of a family in Chamoli

CNN-IBN | Posted on Jul 10, 2013 at 01:49pm IST

New Delhi: Seven member of a family including three children and a woman were killed in a landslide in Uttarakhand's Chamoli district on Wednesday. The incident happened after a house collapsed due to the landslide in Bhikona village.

According to reports, the landslide was triggered by heavy rains in the area. The landslide occurred at around 3:00 am on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, after being stuck in Gunji for more than a month due to landslides triggered by incessant rainfall, Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims have finally been airlifted to safety.

Uttarakhand: Landslide kills 7 members of a family in Chamoli

According to reports, the landslide was triggered by heavy rains in the area.

A 52 member batch of Kailash Mansarovar pilgrims who had been stuck in Gunji town, 120 kms away from Pithoragarh, are finally on their way back.

Gunji had become inaccessible after all connecting roads leading to the town were washed away due to heavy landslides caused by heavy rains in the region. It's being claimed that more than 500 people in more than 15 villages near Pithoragarh, are still stranded.

Comment by Mark on July 10, 2013 at 11:17am

China Sichuan landslide 'buries up to 40 people'

A landslide has buried between 30 and 40 people in China's Sichuan province, state media say.

The landslide occurred in Zhongxing town on Wednesday morning. More than 100 rescuers with rescue dogs were at the scene, Xinhua news agency said.

The landslide followed days of torrential rain across parts of China that has caused floods in some areas.

On Tuesday, a bridge in Sichuan's Jiangyou collapsed, with at least 12 people missing.

Zhongxing is in Dujiangyan city, one of the places badly hit by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 7, 2013 at 8:06pm


Impassable Roads

The Zetas have warned that roads will likely be impassable by the time of the pole shift, if not before. Travel by rail will be blocked by twisting track. Travel by plane or ship will be made hazardous by an erratic compass and guidance systems. And travel by road will be blocked by dropping bridges and buckling roads. 

ZetaTalk Warning 12/27/2003: We have consistently warned that waiting until the week or rotation stoppage to travel to safe locations is not wise, for several reasons. The current earthquake damage, occurring not only along fault lines but in the centers of plates where a torque occurs, is but the barest taste of what is to come. Think of what transportation entails, and the weak links in the chain. Gas line breaks will explode along streets and destroy whole refineries suddenly, creating unexpected emergencies. No passage through the flames, no passage through the danger zone likely to explode. Loss of power results in traffic lights not working, gas pumps not working, toll gates not working, and each instance creating a backlog that prevents any single traveler from success.

For roadway travel, the weak links are bridges, tunnels, and the roadway itself. Bridges will be the first to go, twisting off their footings or pulled apart into collapse, with tunnels impassable. This reduces travel to routes that will become clogged passage points, everyone taking the route that does not include overpasses or tunnels, so the road jam makes progress impossible. Are those thinking of going to safe places after rotation stops planning to do so on foot? Ships do not encounter bridges and tunnels, but water is more unpredictable. It will recede from moorings, stranding boats in the mud, or reveal sandbars where none are on the maps. And due to magnetic flux, what guide to use in the volcanic gloom enshrouded sky? Air travel, at a time when guiding systems will all falter, has greater risks because any failure results in a fall and certain death. Air fields will have their pavement buckling too, as with roadways, so landings results in a holocaust.

Comment by Howard on July 7, 2013 at 7:53pm

Landslide Forces I-80 to Close in California (July 2)

Interstate 80 was shut down for hours in both directions near the California-Nevada state line after rocks and mud flowed onto the freeway.

The California Department of Transportation says Tuesday's landslide was the size of a football field, with mud and debris 3 to 8 inches deep.

Several motorists were caught in the mud but Caltrans crews were able to get them out before they began clearing the mess.

One passenger in a car who took cell phone video could be heard saying, "The freeway's gone, the freeway's gone. Concrete and everything!"

Mud and rock even made it down to Union Pacific railroad tracks beside the Truckee River, leaving a short section covered in mud and wood debris.

Cal Trans spokesperson Deanna Shoopman said the muddy debris covering 80 was about the size of a football field -- 300 feet long and 6 inches deep.



Comment by Howard on July 7, 2013 at 6:48pm

Landslides Strand 1500 in Tibet (July 5)
Although reported as "rain-triggered mudslides", the pictured excavators are clearly not removing mud but rather crushed rock.

Over 1,500 people and 300 vehicles were stranded after landslides halted traffic in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.

Two landslides, which occurred successively after 9:30pm (local time) on Friday, stopped traffic on a road section in Bomi's Niutagou region, rescuers said on Saturday.

The landslides blocked over 1,500 people and 300 vehicles on the road, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

There were no reports of casualties so far. The debris flow, about 12,000 cubic meters, covered a road section of about 120 meters.

Rescuers and large equipment have been sent to clear the road.



Comment by Howard on June 21, 2013 at 7:43am

Landslides Kills 1,000 in Indian Himalayas (June 21)

India's military battled to reach villages and towns cut off by flash floods and landslides in the country's north as officials warned at least 1,000 people may have been killed.

Helicopters and close to 10,000 soldiers have been deployed to rescue tourists and pilgrims stranded after floods caused by torrential monsoon rains hit the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand at the weekend.

More than 33,100 people have so far been rescued, as the military takes advantage of clearer weather, but another 50,400 are still stranded, the Home Ministry said in a statement.

"Our priority is to take out the children and women first by helicopter," said Ajay Chadha, chief of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police.

"We hope to rescue all the living and then start the scavenging task," Chadha said in New Delhi, referring to the task of finding the dead.

Houses, buildings and vehicles have collapsed or been swept away by overflowing rivers and landslides, while bridges and narrow roads leading to pilgrimage towns have also been destroyed, officials said.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched an online appeal for funds, asking "all citizens of India to stand with our distressed fellow countrymen" and "donate generously".

Torrential rains four and a half times as heavy as usual have hit Uttarakhand, known as the "Land of the Gods", where Hindu shrines and temples built high in the mountains attract many pilgrims.

"There are some 3,000 of us stuck in Gangotri (a pilgrimage site) for the past few days and there is no food, no drinking water or assurances from the government," a pilgrim, Parwinder Singh, told CNN-IBN by telephone.

"It is very difficult to move from here," he added.

At least 138 people have been confirmed dead across Uttarakhand and two neighbouring states also hit by floods and landslides, officials said, but shrine authorities warned the toll was more than 1,000.

"We estimate more than 1,000 people have died as unattended bodies are scattered all around," said Ganesh Godiyal, chairman of a trust in charge of several shrines in the pilgrimage towns of Kedarnath and Badrinath.

Over the border in Nepal, floods and landslides also triggered by the monsoon have left at least 39 people dead mostly in remote parts of the country, officials said.

The military operation was focused on the worst-hit Kedarnath temple area, as families of the missing faced an anxious wait in Uttarakhand capital's Dehradun.

Some of those rescued told of scrambling to higher ground to escape raging waters, only to watch helplessly as buildings, cars and even dead bodies were swept away before them.

"There is nothing left in Kedarnath now except the temple," pilgrim Sitaram Sukhatiahe told the Press Trust of India after arriving by helicopter in Dehradun.

One of those stranded was Indian cricket star Harbhajan Singh, who was attempting to reach a Sikh pilgrimage site but had to take refuge in a police station.

"Some people are saying that we're stuck but I wouldn't say that we're stuck, I'd say we've been saved by God," said the spin bowler, who was later flown out of the flood-hit area by military chopper.

"With the kind of rainstorm we witnessed, anything could have happened. Many people lost their lives," the cricketer said.

Figures for the death toll have varied considerably, underscoring the difficulty of reaching isolated areas. An Uttarakhand state lawmaker, Shaila Rani Rawat, put the death toll at 2,000, but disaster management officials could not confirm this.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers along with 13 teams from the National Disaster Response Force have been deployed for the rescue and relief effort, the government said.

Indian paramilitary officers have been building rope and log bridges across raging rivers to try to reach those stranded.

Relief camps have been set up to house evacuated residents and tourists. Some 22 helicopters are ferrying many of those rescued to the camps, while 14 tonnes of food and relief aid has been dropped in remote areas, the air force and the government said.

The monsoon, which covers the subcontinent from June to September, usually brings some flooding. But the heavy rains arrived early this year, catching many by surprise and exposing the country's lack of preparedness.



Comment by Howard on June 20, 2013 at 4:21am

Devastating Landslides in Nepal (June 19)

Two shepherds in Jumla district, who were stranded in the woods by heavy rain compounded by gutsy winds, have died of exposure.

Khem Raj Shahi, 20, and Hari Lal Shahi, 45, of Tamti VDC-7 were found dead in the woods in a remote village, said Chief District Officer Hari Pyakurel.

According to Pyakurel, they had gone into the woods to tend sheep, goats and mares Tuesday night. But they could not return home as they were held up by stormy weather, which led to a sharp decline in temperatures throughout the night. Locals recovered the bodies from the woods on Wednesday after the storm subsided.

Around 350 head of cattle that the two men were tending were swept away by a massive landslide.

“All the sheep, goats and mares swept away by the landslide were owned by the locals of Tamti, Haku and Kudari VDCs," said Pyakurel. In Tamti VDC, which is about 18 kilometers north of district headquarters, there was incessant rain since Sunday.

After learning about the incident, the district police office deployed a team from its Kudari post, which is some three hours´ walk from Tamti VDC. Similarly, the district veterinary office has sent a veterinary officer to Tamti VDC to examine the cattle killed in the landslide.

Similarly, landslide also destroyed three watermills owned by one Janak Raut of Tamti VDC. The landslide has destroyed Madhu Shankar Upadhyay´s house in nearby Birat VDC and displaced his family.

According to CDO Pyakurel, streams swollen by the rains have swept away six wooden bridges and inundated Netra Jyoti Secondary School in Haku VDC. Jajwolyaman Neupane, principal of the school, said they have been unable to conduct classes as the school because of the flooding.



Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 16, 2013 at 10:13pm


Woman dies after house demolished in landslide

Updated at 6:14 am today

A 63-year-old woman died when her house was demolished in a large landslide near Kaiteriteri in the Tasman district on Sunday.

Emergency services were alerted at 1.15pm and on arrival, found the badly damaged property on the Kaiteriteri-Sandy Bay Road.

One wall and the roof were all that remained of the house and neighbours were attempting to find the woman, who was the sole occupant of the property.

Her body was found partially submerged in the mud - police say the force of the landslide caused her to be ejected from her house.

Senior Sergeant Stu Koefoed says the house was levelled after a 200 metre slip came through the back of it.

"It was a slope and it's come straight through the house, so there's quite a bit of mass involved in the material that's come through the house - taken out most of the walls, the roof was left standing and she was found nearby."

Police have evacuated two neighbouring properties as a precaution and civil defence is managing road closures and monitoring river levels.

St John Tasman District operations manager James McMeekin says residents and emergency crews tried to help and although there was flooding it didn't stop emergency services from getting to the scene.

Several residents in the Tasman District have left their homes in case of flooding from the Riwaka River, although the levels in most of the area's other rivers are beginning to drop.

Ten millimetres of rain an hour is expected to fall on the district until at least midnight on Sunday.

Heavy rain, landslips, and flooding have closed a number of roads in the Tasman and Waitaki areas.

Drivers in the Tasman area can now use the Takaka Hill and can get to Marahau, although there are closures of minor roads, and the Tasman District Council says even roads which are open may be affected by land slips and debris.

Flooding in Canterbury and North Otago

The regional council in Canterbury says staff will be on duty there all night.

Its duty flood controller Tony Henderson says rain started on Saturday night in South Canterbury and North Otago, and is expected to cause problems on Sunday night.

He says streams and creeks are likely to overflow onto neighbouring roads, so residents should check for closures and warnings before setting out for work on Monday morning.

The council says the Western-Ngpara Road to the north-west of Oamaru is closed, which is expected to interrupt school bus services on Monday.

The regional council says there are no road closures in the North Otago area at 10pm on Sunday, although if a steady drizzle continues there, some surface flooding can be expected.

There are also 14 minor roads closed in South Canterbury.

MetService says the rain will ease in South Canterbury and North Otago by 6pm on Monday.

Landslide partly demolishes West Auckland house

Heavy rain has also affected Auckland with the fire service attending over 50 weather-related call outs.

Some people had to be evacuated from a house on Titirangi Beach Road in West Auckland, after it was partly demolished by a landslide but no one was injured.

Lines company Vector says about 650 households north of Auckland are still without power at 10pm on Sunday due to heavy rain and strong winds.

A Vector spokesperson says power has been restored to most houses that experienced outages earlier in the evening.

She says there are about 300 houses in Warkworth, another 300 in Waiwera, and about 50 in Long Bay that still have no power.

But she says lines staff are still hoping to restore power to those houses later on Sunday night.

Comment by jorge namour on June 13, 2013 at 11:47am

Posted on 12/06/2013

ALERT: Ecuador oil spill threat to Brazil and Peru

The largest pipeline Ecuador suspended its operations after a section broke due to a landslide on the slopes of the volcano reventador,informed state oil company Petroecuador.

The SOTE pipeline transports crude oil produced by state-owned Petroamazonas
The SOTE broke this morning due to a landslide on a mountainside "
The company said about 100 workers were sent to the area to repair the break and contain spill.

Brazil is "on alert" for the oil spill that originated in Ecuador and travels downstream to the Brazilian Amazon.
The spill has already reached the Peruvian Amazon region of Loreto.

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Comment by Mark on June 7, 2013 at 11:12am


Series of landslides in Devon causing trouble for houses: (April 4)

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