"The causes of landslides are not a mystery to mankind. Layers of rock and soil such that rain running along a clay or rock layer can create a slippery surface for the weight of the layers above it is a common cause. A rock jumble from previous mountain building, broken or fractured rock easily dislodged. We have stated that the earthquakes man experiences between the periodic passages of Planet X can be considered aftershocks from the last passage, and this is true of landslides also. Mountain building rumples the landscape, so the land is not flat but has steep ravines and hill sides. Older mountain ranges are recognized for their rounded or smoothed appearance, because of frequent landslides distributing the rubble.

"As we approach another passage, another Pole Shift, the pace of landslides has picked up. Why would this be? Plates under pressure will put pressure on regions that contain rumpled hillsides and deep ravines, as these give more readily than strictly flat land, thus act as a weak link. In addition, due to the wobble, the weather has gotten more extreme, with drought and deluge increasing in extremes. Dry ground, suddenly flooded with rainwater needing to seek its level as runoff, will create internal water slides between the rock and soil layers that constitute the rumpled hillsides. Is there an early warning system that mankind could use? The trembles that soil about to slide emits could be detected, yes. These are not earthquakes, and have their own frequency. "

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: March 22, 2014

Views: 122527


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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 10, 2018 at 5:49am


October 9, 2018

Entire community in northeastern B.C. ordered to evacuate due to landslide

The Peace River Regional District has ordered the entire area of Old Fort evacuated, a week after a slow-moving landslide cut off the only road to the small community in northeastern B.C. — but at least one resident says some refuse to leave.
In a statement, the district said the order was issued because of an “immediate danger to life” due to a slow-moving landslide that struck last Sunday about one kilometre away from the main part of the community, which has about 30 homes and about 200 residents.
The community is about a 15-minute drive south of Fort St. John, flanked by large hills in a valley running alongside the Peace River. Landslides are common in the area.
This landslide has wiped out the only road leading in and out of Old Fort, about one kilometre away from the homes, and the Peace River District says there now appears to be some instability in the part of the hill directly behind the homes as the slide continues to slowly shift.
The district has issued previous evacuation orders and alerts to a number of properties throughout the week.
Resident Gord Pardy says power to the community has been on and off throughout the week as the slide has shifted and crews have attempted to restore services.
“I’m very angry. I’m extremely angry. And it’s because we’ve been living through this process where it seems like nobody is in control of the situation,” Pardy said.
Boat taxis and buses for evacuees
Boat taxis and buses will be transporting evacuees along the Peace River and then by bus to a reception centre at the Pomeroy Sport Centre in Fort St. John, just north of Old Fort.
The district says domestic animals — including dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils and fish — will be allowed on the boat taxis and buses if they are caged or on a leash.
That’s not of much help to Pardy and his wife, Bobbi, who own a 32-year-old horse they don’t expect would survive the journey.
“We’re going to fight for it,” Bobbi Pardy said.
The district said residents should not return home until the order is rescinded. But Gord Pardy said he is one of many residents who have no intention of leaving.
Pardy doesn’t deny the slide is a big deal — but he doesn’t think his home is at any risk because the slide is moving so slowly and he says it doesn’t appear to be affecting the area directly behind his home.
“I don’t think it’s going to get to my home. I’m worried about some of the homes that are on the edge of the community more than mine,” he said.
“I don’t think it’s going to get here and there’s no indication that the hill behind us is moving.”
Pardy says he’s also worried about keeping his home warm and safe. Temperatures have been dipping well below zero at night, he said, and it snowed Saturday night.
“My house will freeze. I’ve got to keep the heat on in the house,” he said.
“There’s many people that are going to be staying here and keeping an eye on things. I think that’s the best security we’re going to have.”
But a spokesperson for the regional district said staying put is a risky plan.
“We have an engineering geologist who has looked at the site and cannot guarantee life safety,” said Deborah Jones-Middleton, emergency operation centre director for the Peace River Regional District.
Landslide movement ‘unpredictable’
The landslide has been ripping up the earth near the small town since Sept. 30, knocking out heat, power and water for residents.
The district said a helicopter survey of the area found evidence of stress cracks and other signs of instability throughout the area.
It’s also posed a risk for crews, who aren’t able to access the area, the district said.
The district said the landslide’s movement remains “significant and unpredictable.” Recent snowfall has also reduced visibility

Comment by Khan on October 3, 2018 at 5:46am

Ukraine: On the coast near Odessa there was a large-scale landslide.

Oct 02, 2018

Today, a large-scale landslide occurred in the village of Sanzhiyka. This was reported in the Ovidiopol district administration.

According to their information, the total length of the landslide is about one kilometer. As noted in the district administration, this displacement of the soil “so far” does not pose a danger to residential buildings.

"Profile specialists will study the territory in more detail, after which they will give the appropriate conclusions," the RGA specified.

At the moment, the question of the designation and protection of dangerous places.

Recall that in the summer of this year near the village Sychavka and the city of Yuzhny also occurred several landslides.


Comment by Khan on October 2, 2018 at 12:45am

Canada: Landslide traps small community in northern B.C.

Sep 30, 2018

A landslide has damaged the only road that provides access in and out of a small community of about 30 homes near the northeastern B.C. town of Fort St. John.

"The slide's still moving ... it's slow and taking its time," Hafner said. "There's nothing we can do while it's still moving."


Comment by Khan on September 21, 2018 at 2:18am

Philippines: Massive landslide buries 24 homes in Cebu.

Sep 20, 2018

A large landslide buried between 20 and 24 homes near a limestone quarry site on the fringes of Naga City of Cebu Province in the central Philippines early September 20, 2018. Most of the residents were still asleep when the slide took place. 12 bodies have been retrieved and another 12 people pulled out alive in the first few hours. Rescuers are looking for about 50 to 80 trapped people.

The slide was caused by days of heavy monsoon rains and comes just several days after passage of Super Typhoon "Mangkhut," the most powerful storm of the year so far, and another massive landslide that left dozens dead.

Although Naga City didn't take a direct hit from the typhoon, the storm system exacerbated monsoon rains and the city received plenty of water over the past couple of days.

About 20 to 24 houses with all the people inside were buried, officials said, adding that rescuers were looking for about 50 to 80 people.

"Even four-story houses were buried," one of the witnesses told Rappler.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 20, 2018 at 1:39am


"Mangosteen" typhoon triggered landslides mine tunnel collapse in Philippines killed 30 miners

2018-09-17 13:38
Philippines's military said on the afternoon of 16, caused by Typhoon "mangosteen" landslides in northern Philippines in a mine tunnel collapse, killing at least 30 miners were killed. In addition, the number of deaths caused by typhoon in the Philippines in other areas has risen to 29

The philippine armed forces in northern Luzon Command commander Emmanuel Salamat said, in the mine tunnel Benguet where landslides buried in the military rescuers found 30 with the bodies of dead miners, there are still 13 miners missing, rescue workers are searching for.

In addition, in charge of dealing with "mangosteen" relief work of the Philippine presidential political adviser Francis Tolentino said, the typhoon total in the Philippines caused 29 deaths in other places. It is understood that the most of the casualties due to typhoon triggered floods and landslides. Philippine National Disaster Reduction Committee news release said that the typhoon has caused northern Philippines 81 landslides, some of the main roads interrupted. According to the Philippine government statistics, a total of more than 5 million Philippines residents due to typhoon affected, of which about 130 thousand residents were forced to transfer.

"Mangosteen" has left Philippines on the evening of 15. As of 16 at noon on the 12, typhoon warning all Philippine territory have been lifted, but there are still some provinces of power and communication in a break state.

Philippine President Duthel Te 16 visited the high-altitude flight from the Philippine northern Cagayan province affected areas, and in the subsequent press conference, expressed condolences to the affected people, he said that the government is to provide disaster relief and will give full support to the affected people.

As one of the world's most frequent typhoon disaster in Philippines, an average of about 20 times suffered typhoons. 2013 super typhoon swallow has hit Philippines, causing many deaths, 6000 1700 people missing, millions of people affected.

Comment by Khan on September 14, 2018 at 1:06am

Comment by jorge namour on September 13, 2018 at 4:36pm

Severe Weather Europe shared a video.
'Mini-tsunami' on Zakynthos, Greece today as a cliff collapsed near a full beach! Sept 13!


MAP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakynthos
Danger of collapsing of the mountain party The Veslemannen in Romsdalen, Norway, is extreme, and the movements in the mountains increased a lot of night to today. Nine residents in the area are evacuated.


MAP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romsdalen

Comment by Khan on September 12, 2018 at 1:39am

Mexico: Land crack caused the collapse of 3 houses in San Marcos Arteaga.

Sep 11, 2018

Huajuapan De León, Oax.- Derived from the rains that were registered this weekend in the city of Huajuapan and neighboring communities, municipal authorities of San Marcos Arteaga reported the emergence of a crack that affected several houses.

The report made by the local authority of San Marcos Arteaga, stressed that the crack of more than three meters deep could be a geological fault, which caused the collapse of three houses.

He explained that according to the opinion of Regional Civil Protection, the houses were uninhabitable, in addition to one of the fences is about to collapse, so the area was cordoned off.

The municipal authority requested that soil studies be carried out to determine the causes of this phenomenon


Comment by Khan on September 12, 2018 at 1:18am

Bangladesh: The erosion of Padma river in Rajbari.

Sep 12, 2018

The erosion of Padma river in Rajbari has not stopped. There has been a new era of 200 meters in Sonakandar area since yesterday morning. The block has already collapsed in the 90 meters area. In the area of ​​Godarbazar and Sonakandar, the amount of breakdown is 450 meters. Earlier, erosion of 250 meters in the area last week.

In this situation, panic among residents of the river area has spread. Many people lost their homes and crops.


Comment by Khan on September 7, 2018 at 3:58am

Vietnam: Large cracks appears in Chiang Kieng , 7 households have to relocate.

Sep 05, 2018

In the evening of September 2, at Km 253 + 900 National Road No. 6, Luong Me Village, Chieng Dong District, Yen Chau District, there appeared a large crack along the side of the negro and many small cracks in the afternoon. Approximately 500m wide, about 35m wide; about 30m of road QL6 cracked and sink the road surface 30cm compared to the road surface.


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