This warning was put on the ning front page on May 20th, and bumped to the front page repeatedly. Be aware that the 30 day period will soon have passed. If you have not filled out your Profile questions, please do so now else you risk being considered an inactive member and purged accordingly.
Fellow Members,
Being a Member on this unique Network is a privilege, not a right.
The goal of this Ning is to spread the message about Planet X and the pending Pole Shift, while allowing people to contribute for the good of all.
Posting something just for the sake of contributing is not what we are looking for, as usually this results in clutter, hand-holding and frivolous contributions. We must assure that people who sign up on this Ning are familiar with the matter to allow YOU, the reader, to have the most relevant information presented without being unnecessarily distracted.
Remember: All information on this Ning and on ZetaTalk are accessible, without the need to sign-up!
In this regard, we updated the Profile Questions and ask all existing members to fill in their profile answers by June 22, 2012 at the profile settings page:
We reserve our right to consider a suspension for those who do not fill in their answers.
Thank you for understanding.
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