With a name reminiscent of a cereal brand, "frost quakes" have splashed across media headlines in response to hundreds of reports of shaking and loud booms experienced around the Great Lakes since Christmas Eve.

Technically referred to as cryoseisms, frost quakes are an extremely rare phenomenon that up until December 24, 2013 was relegated to only a handful of reported incidents.

In fact, a frost quake is so rare that 30-year weather veteran and Environment Canada meteorologist Geoff Coulson hadn’t dealt with the phenomenon until local reports of unexplained booms and shaking started pouring in on Christmas Day.

“They are incredibly rare,” Coulson said in an interview on December 30. Source



A cryoseism is defined as:

"Major frost cracking of the top few feet of the ground, occurring during sub-zero cold snaps, which generates localized ground shaking and is often mistaken for an earthquake." Source


After first being reported around Toronto, Ontario on Christmas Eve 2013, ground shaking and loud booms as far away as Vermont and Illinois were also soon attributed to this formerly unheard of phenomena.


1.  The first piece of evidence against the "frost quake" explanation rests with the historical reporting of cryoseisms.  Over the past 10 days, dozens of articles have appeared on internet news media with numerous reports of frost quakes from Illinois to Vermont, yet prior to this, one is hard pressed to find more than a handful of incidents, with most occurring after 2003.

Source 1  Source 2   Source 3


2.  The next compelling argument against the frost quake explanation is the incidence of shaking and loud booms reported in regions that did not experience extreme cold during the same timeframe:

 December 28 - Moniteau County, Missouri

December 29 - Corpus Christi, Texas

December 29 - Eureka, California

December 30 - Cranston, Rhode Island


3.  Lastly, the locations of all the reported booms and shaking during this brief time portrays the tear points along North America's rock strata undergoing an excruciating diagonal stress from the Christmas Hammer's formidable annual assertion.  

4.  What remains is the disemboweled carcass of yet another desperate Main Establishment Lie intended to misinform and redirect the public from any awareness of the nearby presence of Planet X, aka Nibiru.


Relevant ZetaTalk

"The cover-up crowd is reaching for any excuses they can throw out to explain the Earth changes caused by Planet X. The Earth wobble has gotten more obvious, the Sun out of place and the weather wobbles following. The earthquake increase has been denied by reducing the magnitude of quakes and purging the quake databases, but even with these maneuvers the increase is statistically obvious. Fracking has been blamed for earthquakes, and now the Winter temps are to blame for the booming of breaking rock around Toronto, along the spreading seaway. Will these excuses fall away after the announcement? Expect them to increase, as the cover-up crowd will become like a cornered animal, more vicious and extreme."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: January 11, 2014

 "The Christmas Hammer is caused in great part by the December switch in Magnetic Trimester which occurs, as we have explained, at approximately December 17 on the Earth calendar. This forces a magnetic adjustment in all magnetic planets, and great stress on the Earth which is locked into a magnetic dance with Planet X."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: November 26, 2011

"The magnetic trimesters are echoing what we have frequently referred to as particle crowding, occurring elsewhere in the Universe in such a way as to influence the flow of magnetic particles in the vicinity of your solar system. Your Sun is dominant in his little neighborhood. The planets align with the Sun but in their own little backyards are likewise dominant. But the solar system is swayed by a larger magnetic field which encompasses the solar system. In fact, your human scientists have discovered this, finding the solar system delineated by what they termed a magnetic ribbon.

Why should this divide into three phases, when magnets on the surface of Earth have no such phases? This is a pulse, from afar, and not relevant to mankind's future on planet Earth. Suffice it to say that this pulse is divided into 3 parts, and they line up remarkably well with a 4 month period, each being a third of an Earth year. Did the Earth arrive at her orbit of 365 days in a year in part because of this magnetic pulse? Indeed, and this also relates to why the Earth and the Sun both tilt in a certain direction, magnetically. Were we to estimate more precisely the point when the pulse changes, it would be more akin to December 17, April 20, and August 12. But there is a slight period after the end of a phase when a particle crowding has not yet subsided, or an increase in particle flow has not yet registered. Thus, the end of those months is most accurate as a guide."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: July 17, 2010











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Comment by M. Difato on February 12, 2019 at 12:10am

“Frost quakes” reported in southern Wisconsin

 https://wkow.com/news/top-stories/2019/02/07/frost-quakes-reported-... Posted Feb 7, 2019

MADISON (WKOW) — Quickly falling temperatures Thursday night led to a phenomenon commonly called “frost quakes.” The loud booms and cracks associated with the seismic event happen when ice or frost in the soil or rock freezes quickly. The geological term is cryoseisms.

Social media users in and around Madison reported hearing the booms Thursday evening as the air temperature dropped more than 20 degrees in four hours.."


'Ice quakes' likely to blame for loud booms heard in West Michigan


  As the temperatures dropped there were reports of loud cracks and booms across West Michigan on the morning of Feb. 8, 2019.

These booms, or strange cracking noises, were likely the result of something called ice quakes or frost quakes. The official name is cryoseism..."


Cold causing possible frost quakes

 https://www.foxcarolina.com/cold-causing-possible-frost-quakes/arti...  Posted: February 2, 2019

Sub-zero temperatures paired with the snow Central Pennsylvania has been experiencing may be causing what experts are calling "frost quakes," better known as Cryoseism.

Comment by M. Difato on February 14, 2018 at 5:15pm

Neenah Wi. - The booms that shook Neenah, Menasha and the rest of the Fox Valley during the past two weeks continue to reverberate, at least in the discussions at coffee shops and around dinner tables.


  In a question and answer column posted online Saturday, I asked readers to tell me what they knew about the loud noises. I live in Neenah but haven't heard them.

Most everyone who responded had an explanation or theory for what caused the booms. The problem is those explanations and theories varied widely.

Residents living near Recreation Park in Neenah insisted the booms were man-made, pointing to people shooting off illegal fireworks.

Residents living elsewhere discounted the plausibility of fireworks as the source of the noises they heard. They subscribed to the line of thought that the booms were caused by the natural expansion and contraction of the ice on Lake Winnebago or by frostquakes in the ground.

"Because the lake has very little snow cover this year, ice then has the opportunity to change its temperature," Jim Keating of the Town of Neenah told me. "When it does, it sometimes can create stresses that cause the ice to crack. That's what you're hearing when you hear these booms."

Keating has lived along the lake for more than 30 years.

Others drew parallels to my hometown of Clintonville, which gained national attention for a series of underground booms and rumbles in 2012.

The U.S. Geological Survey concluded Clintonville residents likely heard and felt a series of small earthquakes, the largest of which reached a magnitude of 1.5 on the Richter scale. An alternative explanation was that groundwater in strata beneath Clintonville was diminished and that granite rock settled into the gaps.

The loud noises in the Fox Valley occurred the evening of Jan. 26. They returned about the same time a week later.

According to comments on Facebook, the noises were heard not only in Neenah and Menasha, but also Appleton, Fox Crossing, Grand Chute, Greenville, Hortonville, Kimberly, Combined Locks, Little Chute and Kaukauna.

A number of causes were put forth beyond fireworks and quakes: gunshots, thunder, sonic booms from jets, a meteor shower, railcars slamming together, blown electrical transformers, etc.

A few people turned to humor for an explanation, suggesting the noises came from aliens or flatulence.

For Betty Thompson of Neenah, the situation was no laughing matter.

Thompson was outside her home near Rec Park about 8:15 p.m. Jan. 26 when she saw a bright flash of light and heard a huge blast.

"I started shaking because I didn't know what it was," she said. "It was very scary."

Thompson said she panicked and fled in her car. She couldn't say for sure that the blast was fireworks. She suggested it might have been dynamite.

Tom Buchta of Neenah also lives near Rec Park. He saw three distinct flashes of light and heard and felt three distinct booms. He said the flashes were about 100 feet off the ground.

"Somebody was lighting off some pretty good-sized fireworks," he said. "It was kind of like the end of the Fourth of July. They were that loud."

Buchta said it's possible the sound waves from the fireworks could have reached the outer limits of the Fox Valley.

The weather was crisp and clear, he said, and there was no snow cover at the time to absorb the sound. Rec Park is on the shore of Lake Winnebago.

"That lake can carry noise like you can't believe," Buchta said. "I hear fireworks at my house when WIR (Wisconsin International Raceway in Buchanan) has their stuff. If you draw a line, it's not that far."

People who didn't see any flash of light were more apt to attribute the noise to frostquakes. They described the sounds as "heavier" and "deeper" than fireworks. .."


 'Frost quake' rocks Great Lakes country north of Milwaukee


 "..Numerous residents in the county of nearly 90,000 people along Lake Michigan reported hearing a "loud boom" Saturday afternoon (Jan 26), the report stated.

 Officials later reported that the incident that shook their homes resulted from a frost quake, which is also known as a cryseism. .."

Comment by M. Difato on January 4, 2018 at 5:31pm

Frost quake reported near Pewamo


There was no New Year's Eve explosion in Mid-Michigan. A loud boom in Pewamo in eastern Ionia County on New Year's Day afternoon is confounding people. People living near Lyons and Muir also hearing the boom. 

A handful of calls were placed to Ionia County's 9-1-1 dispatch about the boom, which appears to likely have been a frost quake.."

Comment by M. Difato on January 5, 2017 at 4:02pm


BRISTOL, Va. — Mysterious, loud booms reported across the Mountain Empire in recent days have left many — from local residents to law enforcement officials — scratching their heads.

Were they New Year’s fireworks?

Could a transformer have blown?

What about possible gunfire?

The deafening booms have been reported by residents from Washington County, Virginia to Sullivan County, Tennessee. Although they last only a second or two, many local residents, like Summer Foreman, have been startled.

“The first time I heard it was a few months ago,” said Foreman, who lives on Cortland Street in Bristol, Tennessee. “My initial thought was that my water heater was exploding in the basement. The rumble only lasted for just a few seconds, but it felt like the ground was shaking underneath the house. I’ve never felt anything like it at all.”

She was one of many who heard more booms over the New Year’s weekend. Most were reported at night, although there were a couple in the morning.

“The ones over the weekend happened at night,” Foreman said. “For about two hours, it was just constant rumbles about every 30 minutes or so anywhere from 4 p.m. to around midnight.”

Seth Cross, who lives on Windsor Avenue in Bristol, Tennessee, thought he was hearing fireworks.

“First, it sounded like fireworks, which is usual for New Year’s,” Cross said. “However, then it just started sounding too loud and you didn’t really hear that sizzle and pop like with fireworks.”

The cause of the phenomena remains a mystery to law enforcement. On a number of occasions, officers have gone out to investigate, but so far they’ve been unable to pinpoint the source.

In Bristol, Virginia, 911 calls reporting the booms have come from across the city, according to Nicole Slagle, crime prevention specialist for the city’s Police Department. Over the last weekend, she said dispatch received six calls over a 12-hour period.

It’s a similar story in Washington County, where there have been seven reports since middle December, according to Elaine Smythe, public information officer for the Sheriff’s Office.

“The calls are coming from different parts of the county,” Smythe said. “We’ve had three calls in the Reedy Creek area, along with Bradley Street, Campbell Street, and Yarborough Street as well.”

Across the state line, the Bristol Tennessee Police Department has had no reports of unusual booms, while officials in Sullivan County have received two.

“Both reports were fireworks-related,” said Kristen Quon, public information officer for the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office. “One was on Buffalo Road and another on New Summerville Road. One caller stated the boom shook the whole house, however the call was unfounded.”

Is there a natural explanation? Charles Bartlett, a geologist from Abingdon, said Wednesday that he’s received no reports of geological activity across the region.

“I have not come across any recorded data that shows a natural cause like an earthquake in the region,” Bartlett said. “However, overcast days can cause some pressure to build up in the air.”

A local weather expert said a possible culprit is a minor form of cryoseismic booms, more commonly called “frost quakes,” which happen when water expands at a rapid speed in the ground due to a quick fluctuation in temperatures.

“We saw this phenomena last year in some parts of Middle Tennessee,” said David Hotz, senior science officer at the National Weather Service office in Morristown, Tennessee. “When temperatures quickly drop from high to low it can trigger unusual weather phenomena.”

According to data from the National Weather Service, oftentimes cryoseismic booms are so quick and localized they’re not recorded on seismographic machines.

Weather information from the NWS shows temperatures have see-sawed in recent days, from a high of 69 degrees on Dec. 26 to overnight lows falling into the 20s.

Foreman said she’s skeptical that the booms are weather-related.

“I guess it could happen — but it does seem weird,” Foreman said. “A lot of people are really confused at what is happening because they don’t happen every single day, which is very odd.”

“It still just baffles me that this happens in our own backyard,” she added. “There is also no correlation to the time when it happens — it’s just randomly whenever and just plain old weird.”

Comment by Howard on March 1, 2015 at 6:28am

Frost quakes now being blamed on loud noises inside Boston homes.

Boston Homeowners Hearing Strange Sounds from Frost Quakes - Result of Contraction of Home Materials (Feb 24)

The jarring frost quakes have people around New England asking, "What was that?"

A panicked Sandra Tilden, of Framingham, began to search her attic for the source of a series of loud thuds that woke her up overnight.

"It sounded like somebody dropped a wrecking ball on my roof," she said. "Then it happened three or four more times."

More than 1,000 people posted on the NewsCenter 5 Facebook page to report hearing the loud noises and were glad that there was some sort of explanation as to where the sounds were coming from.

Experts call the noises thermal expansion and contraction. That means the components in your home are shrinking and expanding with extreme temperature changes, especially with the sub-zero temperatures so many of us have been experiencing recently.

"There's motion because the outside temperature is different from the temperature inside of your house, so these differentials could cause movement in a different direction and could create that noise," Wentworth Institute of Technology professor Garrick Goldenberg said.

And when materials are tightly secured with nails or fasteners, and the pressure becomes too great, the energy may be released suddenly and cause a loud noise.



Comment by Howard on January 9, 2015 at 9:18pm

Dozens of loud booms being reported in southern Ontario along the St. Lawrence Seaway.


Comment by Howard on January 8, 2015 at 5:13am

Suddenly, unexplained booms from Missouri to Montreal are being attributed to the formerly obscure cryoseism.

Frost Quakes in Missouri (Jan 7)

It's really cold outside… so cold it's actually causing tiny earthquakes in St. Francois County.

The National Weather Service says it has had reports of underground booms and pops that may be caused by ice or frost quakes known as cryoseisms.

Cryoseisms happen when water frozen in soil or rock expands and cracks.

The NWS says they expect cryoseism reports to increase due to the temperature trends this week.



Frost Quake Shakes Montreal's West Island (Jan 6)

Dollard-Des Ormeaux resident Samantha Koury was woken at around 2:30 a.m by two loud noises.

"It sounded like a really big bang, like something fell on the floor in the house. And then there was another loud bang like something fell on the roof," said Koury. "We literally felt a huge shaking of the floor." 


Frost Quakes Reported in Ontario (Jan 6)


Wide Reports of Frost Quakes in Ottawa (Jan 6)


Loud Bang in Sudbury Ontario May Have Been a Frost Quake (Jan 6)


See other recent mystery boom activity

Comment by Howard on October 20, 2014 at 4:22am

Temperatures have barely fallen below freezing in New England and already the loud booms are being blamed on cryoseisms. 

Loud Boom in Maine Attributed to a Frost Quake (Oct 12) 

For some residents who were awake, the loud boom around 1:30 a.m. Sunday was unmistakable. For others, who were asleep, the sound jarred them awake.

Following the single loud noise, nothing came across the police scanners indicating that first responders or police were investigating or responding to an emergency. A call to Knox County Regional Communications Center Sunday morning revealed that nobody had called in to report an issue, or hearing a loud boom sound.

But a post on Facebook brought out reports from others who heard it.

It’s not clear where the boom originated, but there have been reports on Facebook of it being heard on lower Chestnut Street, Sea Street, Trim Street and Free Street. 

One possible explanation this morning comes from fellow editor Lynda Clancy, who shared a link to the state Geological Survey page on cryoseisms, or frost quakes, in Maine. Frost quakes are caused by the sudden freezing and expanding of moisture in the ground.

According to the state agency, a cryoseism (don’t ask me to pronounce it) is a “natural phenomenon that produces ground shaking and noises similar to an earthquake, but is caused by sudden deep freezing of the ground. They typically occur in the first cold snap of the year when temperatures drop from above freezing to below zero, particularly if there is no snow cover to insulate the ground. ”

The National Weather Service Saturday evening issued frost warnings and watches, the later for coastal areas, so it’s quite possible that a cryoseism is what many of us heard early Sunday morning.

A frost quake is very localized, compared to an earthquake that can be felt by people far away from the epicenter, and according to the Geological Survey page, in some cases people in houses a few hundred yards away do not feel anything

“The reason that the vibrations do not travel very far is that cryoseisms don't release much energy compared with a true earthquake caused by dislocation of rock within the earth. On the other hand, since cryoseisms occur at the ground surface they can cause significant effects right at the site, enough to jar people awake,” said that agency.

No surprise, cryoseisms typically occur between midnight and dawn, during the coldest part of the night. If conditions are right, they may occur in a series of booms and shakes over a few hours or even on successive nights.

But that’s apparently not what happened this time, as those who were either awake or wakened by the sound reported hearing only that single one. And the site of this morning’s cryoseism has not been located, since all of those commenting on Facebook only reported hearing it, not feeling it.

The lowest temperature was 41 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:40 a.m., according to Weather Underground and the 7 Cedars weather station.



Comment by Howard on July 31, 2014 at 4:59am

Mysterious Booms Wake Ontario Residents (Jul 24)

Well, it couldn’t have been a frost quake.

Beyond that, the source of two loud “booms” that jarred several Peel Village residents out of bed in the middle of the night last week remains unexplained.

It was approximately midnight, or just after, on Thursday night (July 24) when the mysterious noises were heard, one after another.

The sounds startled some out of bed, and caused a few to take a midnight wander outside to ensure all was well.

Once the sun was up, the word went out on social media as residents took to the Internet and news sources to try to find out what had happened.

They found nothing.

 “I jumped out of bed, my dog started barking,” Diana Tenuta Heron wrote on the Peel Village Facebook page. “It was two loud booms! My son was startled because we thought it was something blowing up!”

Another resident heard it and went outside, but “found nothing amiss”.

The last time loud “booms” were reported in Brampton, it was winter, and the nighttime noises were attributed to frost quakes.

Glenna Perry said she was outside with her dog and didn’t see anything.

“Not usually one to be startled, I jumped when I heard them,” she wrote. “They were loud and low-sounding, almost like a large truck hitting a big bump… They definitely weren’t thunder.”

A spokesperson for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority said the sounds didn’t come from the airport. Nothing unusual was happening at Pearson International Airport that night, she said.

Peel Regional Police Const. George Tudos said nothing was reported to police that night that could explain the sounds, either.

And City of Brampton spokesperson Megan Ball said the noises had nothing to do with city services or programs.

And it wasn’t until two nights later that some Toronto residents reported seeing unexplained lights in the sky over that city.



Comment by Howard on January 23, 2014 at 8:12pm

Now that the Christmas Hammer has passed, the loud booms near Toronto have subsided, yet the region is experiencing cold temperatures equivalent to when the booms were occurring.



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