For the first time in history, subtropical storm formed/registered near Southeast Pacific, biggest wave ever recorded in the SH

References: Tropical Cyclones data [1]

Anomaly cyclone

ZetaTalk Prediction 2/18/2005: Swirling in the oceans and the air will only increase, not only becoming more violent and following each other in short order, but also will begin slamming into each other, creating weather conditions utterly unpredictable and horrific in their consequences. Forecasters will be dismayed.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: Commentary 09/30/2017With a stronger Polar Push the bounce back would likewise be more extreme, and the bounce back occurs when the Sun is over the Atlantic. As the wobble continued to get worse, the Figure 8 corrective lean to the right and left also got more extreme. This sets the stage for the current 2017 hurricane season.

Zetas predicted that because of the Earth Wobble, hurricanes/tropical cyclones will become more frequent and occur in rare places.

An extremely rare cyclone formed in early May 2018 about 160 kilometers (100 miles) off the coast of Chile—an area that almost never sees tropical cyclones. This image was acquired on May 9, 2018, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite. Acquired May 9, 2018. Image source:

An extremely rare cyclone formed in early May 2018 about 160 kilometers off the coast of Chile. Although, NOAA called it a storm. [2] He generally should not be formed there:

"9 May, 2018. Rare Subtropical Storm off the Coast of Chile

<...> The southeastern Pacific Ocean is normally not conducive to tropical cyclone development. Sea surface temperatures off the west coast of South America are normally far too cold and the region is located in a semi-permanent high pressure zone, characterized by dry, sinking air. NOAA satellite data show sea surface temperatures at the site of the storm just under 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit). While these temperatures are not usually warm enough for convective activity, the right atmospheric conditions in the vicinity of this storm allowed thunderstorms to form, with wind speeds attaining the strength of a weak tropical storm.[2] - National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

How rare is it? Unprecedented

Tropical/subtropical cyclone tracks in the Pacific Ocean, according to the IBTrACS database. (Levi Cowan/ Image source:

There has never been a cyclone in this place (at least not officially registered). 

"9 May. Extremely Rare Southeast Pacific Subtropical Cyclone Forms Off the Chilean Coast

  • A rare subtropical cyclone appears to have developed off the coast of Chile.
  • No subtropical or tropical cyclones have been recognized in that part of the world.
  • Cold water typically inhibits tropical development near South America.

An exceptionally rare subtropical storm appears to have formed off the central coast of Chile in the southeast Pacific Ocean, typically one of the world's most tropical cyclone devoid ocean basins. The subtropical cyclone formed late last weekend several hundred miles west of the South American coast.

The advanced scatterometer aboard the EUMETSAT satellite found the system had a well-defined surface low, with winds of 40-45 mph and shallow thunderstorm activity surrounding but not in its center Tuesday. These ingredients define the system as a subtropical storm, a system with characteristics of both a conventional tropical cyclone and a colder, non-tropical low-pressure system you may see over land or water in the middle latitudes. <...> It may be one of a kind. No other recognized subtropical or tropical storm has been documented in that part of the world." [3]

Satellite showing a likely subtropical cyclone off the coast of Chile on Tuesday. (NASA). Image source:

Nevertheless, scientists do not have complete data:

"The southeast Pacific isn't the only basin where some subtropical or even tropical cyclones go undeclared. There are two reasons why we don't see more subtropical or tropical storms in some ocean basins: Lack of responsibility and lack of good conditions. 

Part of the reason that no tropical or subtropical cyclone has ever been named is because there is nobody to name such a storm. 
There is no Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) specifically in charge of the southeast Pacific Ocean. On the opposite side of South America, in the south Atlantic Ocean, there have been several subtropical systems that have formed in recent years that have gone officially off the record." [2]

Although the fact that it is very rarely recognized

Record wave in Southern Hemisphere

May 8, scientists recorded a record wave in the Southern Hemisphere. This wave broke the record of 2012 and became the largest in the history of the Southern Hemisphere

"11 May, 2018. Monster ocean wave sets southern hemisphere record: scientists

Graphic on the monster wave recorded in the southern hemisphere. Image source:

Scientists have recorded what is believed to be the largest wave ever in the southern hemisphere, a 23.8 metre (78 foot) monster the height of an eight-floor building. 

A buoy recorded the wave on Tuesday during a ferocious storm in the notoriously wild Southern Ocean near Campbell Island, some 700 kilometres (430 miles) south of New Zealand, research body MetOcean Solutions said. Senior oceanographer Tom Durrant said it wiped out the previous southern-hemisphere record of 22.03 metres recorded in 2012.

The largest wave ever in the southern hemisphere has been recorded during a ferocious storm off the coast of New Zealand. Image source:

"To our knowledge it is largest wave ever recorded in the southern hemisphere," he said, adding that the Southern Ocean was an "engine room" for generating swell waves that move across the planet." [4]


The cyclone was formed around May 5, and the record wave was registered on May 8. Quite a strange coincidence. Another proof of the Earth Wobble. 


[1] Knapp, K. R., M. C. Kruk, D. H. Levinson, H. J. Diamond, and C. J. Neumann, 2010:
The International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS): Unifying tropical cyclone best track data.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91, 363-376.
non-gonvernment domain doi:10.1175/2009BAMS2755.1 Link

[2] Rare Subtropical Storm off the Coast of Chile. (2018, May 9). Retrieved May 13, 2018, from

[3] Belles, J. (2018, May 08). Extremely Rare Southeast Pacific Subtropical Cyclone Forms Off the Chilean Coast. Retrieved May 13, 2018, from

[4] Monster ocean wave sets southern hemisphere record: Scientists. (2018, May 11). Retrieved May 13, 2018, from

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