
There are increasing meteor reports recently all over the world. More debris from the Px tail...

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written November 21, 2009

"When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used - asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth, hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed, from the electromagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!"

March 3, 2012

Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm.

The Met Office tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite."

A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been "inundated" with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a "bright light or a fire in the sky" and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. "

It has been confirmed with air traffic control that there are no incidents of aircraftin difficult and nothing registered on radar," she said. "

The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only." Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a "flare or a bright object with a tail" were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a "large ball of fire in the sky" across Annandale and Eskdale.

One user wrote on the force's Facebook page: "It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!" Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: "Of 30 years observing the sky #fireball best thing I have ever seen period."



What a Meteor Looks Like


What a Large Daytime Fireball Looks Like

Chelyabinsk Fireball (2013)

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Comment by Howard on August 4, 2013 at 6:25am

AMS has received nearly 50 reports of a fireball seen over the northeastern U.S. on Aug 1st.

"It was the brightest, longest, and slowest firery thing I have seen."

"I have never seen anything as large, bright, or long lasting as what I saw last night in the night sky."

"It was the longest, most radiantly brilliant shooting star fireball that I have ever seen ... breathtaking!"

"This was an unmistakable slow-moving orange meteor."

48 reports about this fireball seen over MD, NJ, NY, ON, PA and VA on August 2nd 2013 around 04:54 (UTC).


Comment by Carlos on August 2, 2013 at 5:39am

Fireball over Puerto Rico July 21/2013

Comment by Howard on August 2, 2013 at 2:52am

Fireball Crosses the Caribbean (July 29)

The Cayman skies were lit up by a fairly large fireball that traveled from the direction of Belize towards Jamaica on Monday night.

“By the time the meteor got to the middle of the island, it had broken up into a number of segments and may have gone past Jamaica as well,” President of the Cayman Islands Astronomical Society, Chris Coo observed.

“This is an extremely rare event,” he said.


Comment by Howard on July 14, 2013 at 2:33am

Large Fireballs Observed Over North America (July 12)

More than 200 people from Indiana to Ohio southward toward North Carolina reported seeing a large fireball. Most of the sightings came in just before midnight and folks reported the it was traveling from south to north across the sky.  The fireball was described as bright white with some red.

The American Meteor Society page has 86 reports from North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Georgia of a fireball sighting.

Reports of the Saturday morning fireball in Virginia were of a very bright, bluish meteor. Some reported a loud bang or boom with the visual.

Another bright fireball was observed earlier in the evening over parts of Ontario around 10 p.m. The fireball was also spotted in Toronto, Newmarket, Oshawa and as far away as Sudbury.

"Green glowing sphere falling through the sky with an orange flame behind it."


Comment by Howard on July 11, 2013 at 4:12am

Fireball Observed Over North Central U.S. (July 10)

AMS received 18 reports of fireballs observed over Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Montana, South Dakata, Wisconsin and Wyoming on July 10th 2013 around 04:07 (UTC).

"We thought it was a plane falling from the sky. The tail was orange sparks. It seemed extremely close."

"Nice fireball. I have seen hundreds of them, and this one is certainly top 10."

"The fireball was green in appearance and moving slowly. Prior to extinguishing, it turned yellow/orange. There was no fragmentation or sound I could distinguish. The total observable time was approximately 6 seconds from my spotting it."


Comment by Wayne wilson on July 2, 2013 at 4:32pm

Fireballs in Russia were strength of 30 atomic bombs.

Comment by Howard on June 29, 2013 at 4:09am

Fireball Observed Across North Central U.S. Skies (June 26)

"Biggest, brightest (nearest?) ever seen. Further west, appeared 2 B satellite observing?" (Glenwood Springs, Colorado)


Comment by Howard on June 29, 2013 at 3:53am

Fireball Seen Across Midwestern U.S. Skies (June 24)

"I've seen a lot of meteor showers an shooting stars this was the biggest and brightest object from space that I've seen. Wish I could have gotten some video it was amazing. Anyone that saw the space station go by the other day this looked 5-8 Times bigger at the front and the tail was stretched across about a fourth of the sky. It was mostly a green color with a bluish green tail and some orange falling away from it." (Louisville, Kentucky)

"It turned bright, almost from horizon to horizon northwest to southeast and got brighter at the southeast horizon, as if the body may have descended close to ground level." (Larchwood, Iowa)

"Myself and group of friends saw a huge flash in the sky and when we looked up there was a trail of red orange fire. It happened around 2 or 3 am june 24th" (Sioux City, Iowa)


Comment by Howard on June 29, 2013 at 3:40am

Fireball Blazes Across South Florida Skies (June 24)


AMS Report

Comment by Howard on June 29, 2013 at 3:14am

Fireball Streaks Across Central California Skies (June 23)

A dramatic meteor reportedly lit up the skies over the East Bay Saturday night, streaking over Alamo and crossing over the Las Trampas Regional Wilderness toward Moraga, according to one witness.

"It looked like a missile," said a Walnut Creek Patch reader, who said it covered miles in a second in a fast, straight line, with a contrail. "We all jumped up."

AMS Reports

"Full and very bright moon out tonight. Was looking up at outdoor lights i just finished hanging and large fireball streaks from left to right over 3/4 of the viewable sky with a long and bright tail. Longest, biggest, brightest and widest as far as the fireball and tail. No small streak, got the adrenaline going for sure." (Napa, CA)

"This remarkable fireball had a long off white tail which we saw longer than any we've ever seen. The altitude of this fireball was less than a mile. It seemed very low." (Forestville, CA)

"This was very large and seemed fairly close to the ground. It travelled very fast and cut a large arc across the sky. The green and purple colors of the trail were very bright and vivid." (Berkeley, CA)

"The train seem very long, a third of the sky. The head was sparking like it was breaking up. It was very visible even with a bright full moon."  San Francisco, CA)

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