
There are increasing meteor reports recently all over the world. More debris from the Px tail...

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written November 21, 2009

"When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used - asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth, hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed, from the electromagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!"

March 3, 2012

Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm.

The Met Office tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite."

A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been "inundated" with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a "bright light or a fire in the sky" and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. "

It has been confirmed with air traffic control that there are no incidents of aircraftin difficult and nothing registered on radar," she said. "

The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only." Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a "flare or a bright object with a tail" were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a "large ball of fire in the sky" across Annandale and Eskdale.

One user wrote on the force's Facebook page: "It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!" Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: "Of 30 years observing the sky #fireball best thing I have ever seen period."



What a Meteor Looks Like


What a Large Daytime Fireball Looks Like

Chelyabinsk Fireball (2013)

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Comment by Howard on March 9, 2015 at 3:14pm

Daytime Fireball Over Perth Australia (Mar 9)

A fireball flashing through the sky has been reported by multiple witnesses and also recorded on dashcams in Perth, Western Australia.

Thousands of people from Margaret River to the wheatbelt spotted the fireball as it streaked across the sky at about 9.30am (AWST) morning.

“Don't know what it was but whilst on a break at work, was walking back to the workshop and saw a bright flash and an object falling through the atmosphere with a white bright lit tail,” Perth resident, Chris Ugle, posted in a Facebook group titled Australian Meteor Reports.

A resident of Gidgegannup (45km east of Perth), Angela Whife, described the fireball as round, white and having a meter-long tail.

'It would have to have been a fairly big rock to be visible during the day,' Curtin University's Professor Robert Bland, who hosts the Fireball in the Sky website, told Radio 6PR.


Comment by Howard on March 7, 2015 at 3:31am
Comment by Howard on March 1, 2015 at 3:20am

Large Daytime Fireball Soars Over Victoria Australia (Feb 25)

Reports of a rare burst of flame across the blue sky started flooding through on social media at about 10.30am on Wednesday, with one describing it as a "fireball asteroid".

Astronomical Society of Victoria spokesman Perry Vlahos said he had heard reports of the sighting across the state, from Mildura to Wangaratta to Melbourne.

"It appears to have come in from the western sky burning with a bright orange colour and leaving a white trail behind it," he said.

Spotting a daylight meteor is considered to be quite rare, due to the energy required to light up the sky when competing with the sun.

"It is very rare that they saw it. I would say those that did wouldn't see another one in their lifetime," he

One witness, who said his name was Craig, was driving through Mooroolbark in suburban Melbourne when he saw the spectacle.

"This was quite large, and it was flaming. I said, 'what the hell was that?'


Comment by casey a on February 28, 2015 at 8:45am

The Kerala, fireball is now being reported as "it could have been a meteor". News went viral, and claiming it to be rocket/satellite debris might have been untenable. Massive Fireball Explodes Over Kochi, India, triggers panic in city.

(The local authorities were deferring the final word to NASA. It will be incredibly disappointing if they fall back to the space rocket excuse -- Getting themselves out of a hole, only to dig themselves into another one..)

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 27, 2015 at 9:00pm

BREAKING: Fireballs Appear in Different Parts of Kerala India [PHOTOS]

February 28, 2015 00:43 IST

Many residents in Kerala have reported that they have seen fireballs in the sky after 10:30 pm on Friday, 27 February.

The fireball appeared with a noise in many parts of Kerala, including Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kozhikode, Malappuram and Kannur.

Some even reported that they felt minor earthquake.

Cabinet Minister Adoor Prakash has ordered an investigation on the matter and requested the residents not to be panic.

No casualties have been reported as of now.

NASA has said that these fireballs are part of a Chinese rocket, reported Asianet News.

Comment by Howard on February 22, 2015 at 8:13pm

Bright Fireball Explodes Over Florida (Feb 21)

Residents of the Sunshine State say they spotted a massive fireball soar through the Florida sky over the weekend, and similar reports have since surfaced from as far away as South Carolina

AMS has received over 200 reports of the bright fireball.

Over 15 of the reports described a window rattling boom moments after the fireball disappeared. The fact people heard booms suggests it exploded in the lower atmosphere.

The estimated trajectory plotted from the witness reports shows the meteor was traveling from the south west to the north east and ended its flight about 30 miles due west from Jacksonville, FL.

People in a Live Oak neighborhood describe what they heard as a loud smack that almost sounded like a plane crash.

“We seen a bright light and as we looked up the best way I can describe it is it look(ed) like a large firework. But then there was a big ball of fire behind it and as quick as we seen it, it was gone,” said Tracie Sradley.

The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office and Lake City Police Department said they received dozens of phone calls.

“I'm shocked, and surprised and can't believe that a meteor would hit anywhere, much less in our area,” said Stephen Dilley.

“It kind of scared us at first, like, ‘Oh my God, what's going on.'

Saturday’s incident came just a few days after similar reports surfaced up the East Coast, where residents of the Mid-Atlantic states on Tuesday described seeing a fireball that the AMS believes was a 500-pound meteor that was traveling at around 45,000 miles per hour before breaking up in western Pennsylvania.


Comment by Howard on February 18, 2015 at 2:49am

Massive Fireball Over Northeastern U.S. (Feb 17)

A very bright fireball was seen over New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania around 4:45 a.m. Tuesday.

The fireball was described as a space rock about 2 feet in diameter and weighing about 500 pounds.

Witnesses from the Pittsburgh area reported hearing a delayed boom shortly after seeing the fireball.

The space rock entered Earth’s atmosphere above Western Pennsylvania and was first detected by cameras at an altitude of 60 miles above Beaver Falls.

“The fireball moved almost due east at a speed of 45,000 mph. It flared brighter than the Full Moon before the cameras lost track of it at altitude of 13 miles above Kittanning,” said Bill Cooke, with NASA’s Meteoroid Environments Office.

Cooke said there may be fragments scattered on the ground east of Kittanning.


Comment by Howard on February 12, 2015 at 2:41am

Fireball Over Spain (Feb 11)

Stargazers were amazed to see a ball of light speeding across the sky over Catalonia on Tuesday night.

Some of those who saw the bright light took to social media to seek confirmation that they hadn´t imagined the sight.

One twitter user, @xavi_roca_tico asked: "Am I the only one to see a great ball of green and orange falling from the sky really quickly?"

In fact the phenomenon was caught on camera by astronomer Josep Maria Petit Prats at the Astrogirona observatory in Sant Antoni de Calonge, Girona.

The ball of light, the origin of which is as yet unknown, appeared at 7.22pm and presented long flashes of very bright light, the observatory said.


Comment by Howard on February 12, 2015 at 2:35am

Large Fireball Explodes Over New Zealand (Feb 11)

A fireball was seen streaking across the night sky above North Island at around 10pm, with witnesses describing a streak followed by an explosion.

Reports from people who saw or heard the fireball came in from Nelson, Taranaki, Wellington, Wairarapa, Te Awamutu, Tauranga, Hamilton, Ngaruawahia, Havelock North and Auckland.

Last night's meteor not only put on a visual show - it appears to have also shaken the ground, a seismologist says.

GNS duty seismologist Lara Bland said there was a small signal on two local seismographs that coincided with the timing of the meteor.

"From about 9:59:18 we recorded a small increase in higher frequency energy, for a duration of about 14-15 seconds," she said.

"I think it is fair to attribute this to the meteor."

The meteor was seen and heard by hundreds of people across the North Island. It likely exploded 20 to 30 kilometres above the earth, Astronomer Dr Grant Christie said.

It appeared to have detonated at sea 150 kilometres east of Auckland.

Based on the energy it had released, it was probably between one and two metres across.

Shockwaves also hint that this was a relatively powerful bolide explosion. Had it been even more powerful, it could have damaged residential areas.

Descriptions of the light ranged from white and orange to green and blue.

Peter Chisholm, driving home from Nelson heading north on SH6, said it was a double cone shape, "with the front end glowing Palmolive-dishwash green and the second end yellow, not dissimilar to the flames from a rocket engine".

Near Upper Hutt, Andy Wardle said he saw a "green fireball-type light heading in the straight down direction".

It "appeared to explode and split into three distinctive pieces".

Another witness wrote in to tell how she could see the fireball's trail - of a green and orange hue - remain in the sky for minutes afterwards, indicating it was a relatively big one. A lingering trail would mean that not only did the meteor ionize the air molecules around it, but it also got very deep into our atmosphere before burning up, leaving behind freshly released gases and glowing superheated particles that can be seen with the naked eye before they cool.

"I was asleep and woke startled as I thought I was in a small earthquake," one unnamed citizen wrote. "Blinds and doors were shaking... I live in rural south Auckland and my dogs and horses made some slightly distressed noises which you really don't get. It takes a lot to startle them!"


Comment by Howard on February 4, 2015 at 3:46am

Morning Fireball Over UK (Feb 3)

York residents watched in amazement as they saw a fireball fall from the skies this morning.

Bishopthorpe mum Chantelle Byford captured this photograph of what is presumed to be a meteor, at 7.43am.

Chantelle told The Press: "My 9-year-old daughter said there was a ball of fire in the sky. I thought it would be a lovely sunrise but she opens the blind in front of me and showed me.

"It was falling fast and you could see the flames. I grabbed my phone and we went outside to take a picture. We watched it for a while then went to the upstairs window to get a better look. I told my 18-year-old who came and had a look and my 6-year-old son.

"It was very weird; we didn't have a clue what it was. I looked on facebook to see if anyone else had seen it, and put the local news on to see if there had been anything related to it."


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