
There are increasing meteor reports recently all over the world. More debris from the Px tail...

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written November 21, 2009

"When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used - asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth, hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed, from the electromagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!"

March 3, 2012

Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm.

The Met Office tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite."

A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been "inundated" with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a "bright light or a fire in the sky" and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. "

It has been confirmed with air traffic control that there are no incidents of aircraftin difficult and nothing registered on radar," she said. "

The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only." Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a "flare or a bright object with a tail" were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a "large ball of fire in the sky" across Annandale and Eskdale.

One user wrote on the force's Facebook page: "It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!" Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: "Of 30 years observing the sky #fireball best thing I have ever seen period."



What a Meteor Looks Like


What a Large Daytime Fireball Looks Like

Chelyabinsk Fireball (2013)

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Comment by M. Difato on April 11, 2017 at 10:40pm

A shooting meteor flashed across the night sky in California, Monday (Apr 10), dazzling onlookers and even managing to video bomb one astonished woman.
The luminous fireball, described by a number of eyewitnesses as “green”, streaked over San Diego, California at around 9pm local time, according to the American Meteor Society (AMS).

The group received reports of more than 400 event sightings, primarily from San Diego but also from Los Angeles, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on April 4, 2017 at 1:14am

Social media lights up over fireball in the night sky

5:41 PM. EDT April 03, 2017

TAMPA, Fla. (WTSP) -- There are social media reports of a fireball over Tampa around 3 a.m. early Sunday morning.

A report on the American Meteor Society webpage confirms a similar possible sighting. According to Antonio Paris, an astronomer at MOSI, seeing meteors flying across the sky isn't unusual.

If you look up at the night sky, Paris said you could see a meteor almost every night if it's clear. That's not as common in cities like Tampa. Paris said you'll have better luck in rural areas and national parks where there's less light pollution.


There were many reports of the fireball reported to the American Meteor Society webpage.   (Photo: American Meteor Society webpage)

Comment by Howard on April 1, 2017 at 7:55pm

Another Fireball Blazes Over Vancouver BC (Mar 30)

For the second time in two weeks, a large fireball was seen streaking across the sky in southern British Columbia.

“Blue sparks shooting downward off the fireball three times during the descent,” wrote Beau M. of Snohomish, Wash. “Brilliant green streak, widening into several streaks and terminating in a bright hot red,” said Richard M. of Mount Vernon.

“Not sure exactly what I saw but it appeared as a ball with a flame or something. It was pretty fast,” Sheri C. from Blaine, Wash., wrote. “I was facing Peace Portal in my vehicle … and it appeared to hit the ground somewhere. It was quite exciting!”

The sightings came two weeks after a fireball blazed across the sky on March 16 at 9:40 p.m. and was caught on a car dash camera.

“It’s a rare thing for a person to see a fireball,” said AMS astronomer Mike Hankey in Baltimore. “They only last for a second or two and to randomly catch it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”


Comment by Howard on March 24, 2017 at 1:53am

Fireballs Over North America and Siberia (Mar 16-23)

Scientists in the Russian city of Irkutsk are searching for people who witnessed a daytime fireball glowing bright green at 11:39 GMT on March 23.

That the celestial body was visible in the daytime speaks volumes of its enormous weight, according to a source at the Astronomical Observatory of Irkutsk State University.

A bright fireball was also spotted from New York to Kentucky on March 21 at 12:40 GMT, prompting more than 100 reports to the American Meteor Society. A high concentration of sightings came from the D.C. area.

"It was the brightest meteor I've ever seen," one Arlington resident wrote.

"I have seen fireballs before. This was the closest one I've ever seen," one Leesburg resident reported  "This appeared to be very close and bright. Like you could see the ball of fire at the end of the trail almost."

On March 16, a blazing space rock was seen streaking across the skies of the Pacific Northwest around 16:40 GMT.

Aside from the skies, it also lit up Twitter as far away as Oregon and Idaho.

The American Meteor Society, whose website documents meteor sightings, received 114 reports about the fireball.

"It lit the sky up like it was the middle of day and even though it only lasted for a couple seconds the passenger in my car and myself were amazed at how it came out of nowhere and how bright it was," one commenter wrote. "It was an experience we will never forget."


Comment by Scott on March 22, 2017 at 1:28am

Mystery blue fireball lights up Swedish night sky (March 21, 2017)

A bright, blue light which flashed across the night sky in eastern Sweden on Monday followed by a loud bang was most likely a huge bolide.

People in several towns in Sweden, including Uppsala, Stockholm and Örebro, reported seeing the strange fireball at around 9.30pm on Monday.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 16, 2017 at 11:48pm

Meteor fireball lights up the sky and is spotted near Orange | Video

BRIGHT: The meteor is spotted by a motorists travelling on the Escort Way. Photo: DAVID BELL/YOUTUBE

BRIGHT: The meteor is spotted by a motorists travelling on the Escort Way.

A meteor fireball blasting to Earth was spotted near Orange on Wednesday night.

Video footage of the bright light with a fiery tail was identified by skywatching expert Rod Somerville.

“That one to me looks just like a nice bright meteor, known as a fireball,” he said.

The footage was taken from a car travelling on the Escort Way near Boree about 7.45pm and uploaded to YouTube by David Bell.

Mr Somerville, president of the Orange Planetarium Inc. said it was difficult to say where it would have landed as meteors travelled at up to 30,000 km/h.

“It’s deceptive because it looks like it is coming down.

“If it did land it could be hundreds of kilometres away.

“They tend to move very fast.”

He said most meteors were not very big.

“That one could have been the size of your fist, they are quite deceptive.”

That one to me looks just like a nice bright meteor, known as a fireball. - Rod Somerville, skywatching expert

Mr Somerville said he had a report of what appeared to be space junk south-east of Orange around the same time on Wednesday night.

“There was a report of seeing two close together, it was very bright with a fiery tail.”

He said there were plenty of meteors in the skies.

“There is an awful lot of dust in the solar system, mainly left behind by comets.”

“You could see 8-10 meteors a night if you were to lie down and look at the sky out of the lights around Orange.”

People took to social media with reports of seeing the meteor in Orange.


Comment by jorge namour on February 28, 2017 at 10:38pm

AMS received 47 reports about a fireball seen over OK, CO, TX, KS and NM on Monday, February 27th 2017 around 02:56 UT.

Long fireball north north west of hawley, Tx 2-26-17 8:55 pm

Long bright fireball over north west texas last evening at 8:55 pm Video captured via sandia all sky camera in hawley, tx

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 19, 2017 at 11:16pm

Unexplained Fireball, Boom Rattle Residents

February 19, 2017

There’s no official word so far as to what caused a large boom and a bright light across a portion of the North Escambia area Saturday night.

About 9:15 p.m., the first of hundreds of reports began to arrive in the newsroom describing the boom — shaking houses and rattling windows — in a swath from Baldwin County in Alabama, across northern Escambia and Santa Rosa counties in Florida and Escambia County in Alabama.

Many that were outdoors at the time also reported a big light or fire streaking across the sky….leading many to  theorize the the boom was from a meteorite. (Well, technically a meteoroid that entered the atmosphere, a meteorite if any part managed to survive and hit the ground.)

Other media outlets also received numerous reports of the fireball and boom.

There were no reports of any explosions and anything unusual from emergency services or area airports.

and another:

Did you see two fireballs in the sky above Cheltenham this evening

Did you see two fireballs in the sky above Cheltenham this evening?

We have been contacted by someone who said they saw the phenomenon as they drove along Princess Elizabeth Way.

He asked us via twitter: "Seen two fireballs in the sky when heading down Princess Elizabeth Way. Heard anything

He added that he was driving with his son and noticed two bright lights which dimmed and left smoke trails.

"I really can't believe me and my son would have been the only ones to see them, they were bright enough," he said.

It is not the first time that fireballs have been seen above the town.

Back in August 2014, a fireball was also seen over the town on a Sunday night.

This one was caught on camera, however, as you can see below.


The police had no report of any 'fireballs' this evening, but they did say they attended a car fire in Caenarvon Road in Hatherley at around 6.35pm.

They closed the road and PCSOs helped divert the traffic.

Other people on social media suggested the 'fireballs' may have been flares.

And there was another aerial phenomenon in Gloucestershire.

Comment by M. Difato on February 6, 2017 at 2:08pm

Bright green fireball illuminates the sky over Illinois, US

A bright green fireball illuminated the sky over Illinois and Wisconsin at 07:25 UTC (01:25 CST) on February 6, 2017. It was captured by numerous cameras.

Cameras at St. Mary Catholic High School in Neenah captured several angles of the meteor. Technology administrator Martin Suettinger says there were reports that the meteor rattled homes and knocked photos off walls.

The American Meteor Society received over 300 eyewitness reports and they are still coming in. Some of them said a loud boom and fragmentation was associated with the event.

The green fireball was seen primarily from Illinois and Wisconsin but witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minnesota and Ontario also reported the event.

The preliminary estimated trajectory plotted from the witness reports shows the meteor was traveling from the Southwest to Northeast ended its flight on the Lake Michigan somewhere between Sheboygan and Manitowoc, WI, the AMS said.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 30, 2017 at 11:45pm

Monday morning fireball sighting in the Mid-South

Monday, January 30th 2017, 11:12 am EST

(WMC) -

If you saw a bright flash in the sky around 6:16 a.m., it wasn’t lightning. It was a short trail, exploding fireball that lasted around three seconds.

Check out this still image captured by near Greenbrier, Arkansas. They caught a big flash on their camera in the lower part of the sky between 20 and 30 degrees above the horizon.

There were several sightings in Collierville and scattered reports from Louisville, KY to Austin, TX. Check out the map to see all the sightings as of 9:30 a.m.

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