Europe's Envisat Satellite Failure Launches Mysteries (NEW ZetaTalk)


Prior ZT

But as [Planet X] approaches and magnetic confusion increases, these satellites will begin to mis-perform. Satellites use magnets for alignment of their internal mechanisms, and if pointing in wrong directions, communications are halted. What good is a message intended for the Earth's surface when it is sent into outer space?

Prior ZT

We have mentioned that man should anticipate satellite failure due to the charged tail of Planet X and the debris in this tail, and also mentioned that man should anticipate problems with GPS due to the Earth wobble, which puts these satellites increasingly out of synch with their anticipated spot over the globe.


Prior ZT

We have mentioned that satellites will increasingly fail, and this has been happening but has been hidden from the public.


Envisat services interrupted (April 12)

After 10 years of service, Envisat has stopped sending data to Earth. ESA’s mission control is working to re-establish contact with the satellite....

The first sign that there was a problem came on 8 April when contact with the satellite was unexpectedly lost, preventing the reception of any data as it passed over the Kiruna ground station in Sweden...

ESA’s mission control team declared a spacecraft emergency and immediately called for support from additional ESA tracking stations around the world. A team of operations and flight dynamics specialists and engineers was quickly assembled.

In a concerted effort, the recovery team, which included experts from industry, spent the next days trying to re-establish communications with the satellite.

While it is known that Envisat remains in a stable orbit around Earth, efforts to resume contact with the satellite have, so far, not been successful.

As is standard practice, an anomaly review board is investigating the cause for the break in communications....  Source


Huge, Mysteriously Silent Satellite Spotted by Another Spacecraft (April 15)

A massive European satellite the size of a school bus that has mysteriously stopped communicating with Earth has been spotted by another satellite in orbit.

On 15 April, the French space agency CNES rotated the Pleiades Earth observation satellite to capture this image of Envisat. At a distance of about 100 km, Envisat’s main body, solar panel and radar antenna were visible.

The giant Envisat satellite, which is the world's largest imaging satellite for civilian use, was photographed in stunning detail by a French spacecraft that is also designed to snap high-resolution images of Earth, officials with the European Space Agency (ESA) said Frida... Source

Investigation on Envisat continues (April 20)

Optical, radar and laser observations of the Envisat satellite show that it is still in a stable orbit. Efforts to regain contact with the satellite have been under way since 8 April, when it unexpectedly stopped sending data to Earth.
To determine if Envisat has entered its ‘safe mode’ – which would be a starting point for revival – the recovery team is drawing on every information source available...  Source


Researchers Unable to Revive Europe's Envisat (April 23)

Things are not looking good for Europe's flagship Earth observation satellite Envisat. Ground controllers lost contact with the craft on 8 April and so far have been unable to re-establish contact. Envisat, the largest ever civilian Earth observing satellite, carries a battery of sensors for scanning land, sea, and atmosphere, and has been the mainstay of European environmental researchers for the past 10 years.
Following the loss of contact, controllers have aimed a laser at retroreflectors on the craft and found that it is still in a stable orbit and not spinning; that rules out a collision. Images from a ground-based radar show that the craft's own radar antenna and solar array are both intact. On 15 April, the French Space Agency spun round its recently-launched Pleiades Earth observation satellite to point upward and snap an even more detailed picture of Envisat from just 100 kilometers away. This again showed no sign of damage and gave no clues to what is wrong.
The European Space Agency (ESA) had hoped that Envisat would last another couple of years until it launches its next-generation Sentinel satellites, starting next year... Source


Why did the giant Evisat satellite fall silent? The satellite has been viewed by other satellites, and no sign of damage from collision, nor a spin (which would also indicate a collision) is apparent. Evisat is unresponsive to all attempts at communication, and all attempts to restart it, a type of rebooting of the computer programs, have failed. When we predicted, early in the ZetaTalk saga, that there would be increasing satellite failure, we alluded to debris in the tail of Planet X but ALSO to the charged nature of the tail and magnetic confusion swamping satellites which use magnets for alignment of their internal mechanisms.

Man is used to relying upon electricity and magnetism, and has built his technology around these particle flows which in the main are stable because the Earth is stable. Then comes Nibiru, aka Planet X, with its immense magnetic field many times stronger than Earth and its vast charged tail. There is no question that Planet X has been interfering with Earth’s magnetic field, as anyone following the Magnetic Simulator as the folks on the Pole Shift ning have been doing can see. What does this do to sensitive satellite mechanisms? Ruined, and unlikely to be recovered, and only just the start of such premature death in satellites.


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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 16, 2019 at 5:52am

Jul 15, 2019, 10:21am

Europe's GPS System Totally Down After Major Technical Issue Hits Its Satellites

"Just think what would happen if Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals were suddenly switched off," asked the agency behind Galileo—Europe's answer to GPS— as it encouraged Europe's citizens to switch to its newer, brighter alternative.

Well, that's exactly what has happened. Galileo came unstuck last Thursday (July 11) with operational issues and had lost all signals by Saturday (July 13), making the service completely non-operational. In the meantime, Galileo users with the right technology have been relying on the U.S. GPS alternative to find their way around.

A spokesperson for Europe's GNSS Agency (GSA) told the BBC Galileo is "still in the 'initial services' phase; we're not in full operation yet. This is something that can happen while we build the robustness into the system. We have recovery and monitoring actions, and we are implementing them, and we are working 24/7 to fix this as soon as possible."

But that will unlikely assure those the agency wants to recruit to its GPS alternative, given the unexplained nature of the fault.

First conceived back in 1999, the operators behind Galileo heralded "improved positioning and timing—with greater precision than what is offered by other available systems... Making Europe’s roads and railways safer and more efficient." Financially, GSA claimed it offered Europe "a greater share of the €175 billion GNSS market."

Despite still being in an initial phase, a year ago GSA asked: "Who is using Galileo today?" The answer, said the agency, is "millions of people—400 million Galileo-enabled phones sold globally, 1 million more are sold every day, 69 models are Galileo enabled, 7.5 billion Apps will be using GNSS by 2019."

Comment by Juan F Martinez on March 28, 2018 at 1:06am

EUGENE, Ore. - A Chinese space station could reenter the Earth's atmosphere over Oregon in the next two weeks, according to experts in the field of space debris.

The space station will make an uncontrolled reentry into the Earth's atmosphere on April 1, 2018, plus or minus 4 days, according to The Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, California. (Source: The Aerospace Corporation)

EUGENE, Ore. - A Chinese space station could reenter the Earth's atmosphere over Oregon in the next two weeks, according to experts in the field of space debris.

China lost control of the Tiangong-1, the country told the United Nations in 2016.

The space station will make an uncontrolled reentry into the Earth's atmosphere on April 1, 2018, plus or minus 4 days, according to The Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, California.

Aerospace says the space station will crash to Earth between 43 degrees north and 43 degrees south, roughly two-thirds of the planet's surface.

For reference, Roseburg sits at 43.2165 degrees north.

Medford is at 42.3265 degrees north - within the reentry window.

Debris is more likely to land in regions towards the extremes of that range, which includes Southern Oregon and all of California, according to Aerospace. Those areas are denoted in yellow in the map above.

Most of the space station will burn up upon reentry.

"Hydrazine, a highly toxic and corrosive substance, may survive reentry on pieces of space debris," Aerospace notes.

Overall, the debris poses little risk to the Earth, Aerospace says.

"Any surviving reentry debris will most likely fall into an ocean," according to Aerospace. "The odds of space debris hitting you are less than one in 1 trillion."

If the space station does reenter over a populated area, it could create quite the sight for observers.

"Incandescent objects during this reentry may be visible and will likely last up to a minute or more, depending on time of day, visibility conditions, and the observer’s location," Aerospace says.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 31, 2017 at 8:10pm

Kazakhstan satellite problem

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 21, 2017 at 1:31am

NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 17 March 2017 - Dealing with TDRS 275 Communications Issues


NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 17 March 2017 - Dealing with TDRS 275 Communications Issues.

Today - Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) 275 Failure: On Wednesday evening, White Sands Facility reported a timeout of the 275 satellite. This resulted in a loss of both S-band and Ku-band communications.

The ISS team worked to fill comm gaps where possible. As of Friday, Network Specialists are still troubleshooting the issue with TDRS 275. Currently TDRS 275 is expected to return to operations on Monday. There have been no significant impacts to operations.

Dragon Departure Preparations: The crew completed a computer based training session to review the Dragon departure documentation and a Robotic Onboard Trainer (ROBoT) session which included two simulated Dragon release runs. The crew have also successfully transferred Polar-1, Polar-2, Polar-3, and General Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator (GLACIER)-5 to Dragon. All units are providing good data and are actively cooling.

SpX-10 Sample Return Preparations: In support of this weekend's SpX-10 departure, the crew stowed NanoRacks Module 9, NanoRacks Platform 1, and Simple Solar Neutron Detector. This morning, the crew moved the temporarily stowed APEX-04 Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Fixation Tube (KFT) to Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) for conditioning prior tomorrow's Double Cold Bag packing.

At Home In Space Questionnaire: The crew attempted to answer the second of two At Home in Space questionnaires, however due to issues with the app the crew was unable to complete the questionnaire. Ground teams are looking into the issue. The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) experiment, At Home in Space, assesses culture, values, and psychosocial adaptation of astronauts to a space environment shared by multinational crews on long-duration missions. It is hypothesized that astronauts develop a shared space culture that is an adaptive strategy for handling cultural differences and they deal with the isolated confined environment of the spacecraft by creating a home in space. At Home In Space uses a questionnaire to investigate individual and culturally related differences, family functioning, values, coping with stress, and post-experience growth.

Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Remote Manipulator System (RMS): Overnight, Ground Robotics Controllers activated the JEMRMS and stowed the Small Fine Arm (SFA) on the SFA Storage Equipment (SSE). They then deactivated the JEMRMS. Next Tuesday, the JEMRMS will grapple the JEM Exposed Facility (EF). The crew removed the Launch Lock and Mount, performed a sharp edge inspection and performed a fit check of the Wrist Vision Equipment (WVE) camera. These tasks are in preparation for changeout of the JEMRMS WVE camera planned during the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) on March 24, 2017.

Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Flywheel Set Screw Tightening: There are 4 Flywheels in ARED that provide inertial smoothing of an exercise cycle, avoiding a jerky exercise cycle. Each flywheel has 2 set screws that are torqued annually. The two left flywheels for the left ARED cylinder each have had 1 of 2 set screws whose torque could not be verified because the torque wrench would not fit. A redesigned tool was flown on HTV6 and used yesterday to successfully torque all 8 set screws.

Robotic Work Stations (RWS) Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) Failure: Today, during checkout of the Lab and Cupola RWS, RPCM LAS52A3B-A RPC-4 would not close. This RPC powers Common Video Interface Unit (CVIU)-4 for the Cupola RWS. Investigation of the signature indicates it is an FET Controller Hybrid (FCH) failure and must be Removed and Replaced (R&R'd). During the investigation, ground teams uncovered that RPC 1 may have a similar failure, and the Video Tape Recorder (VTR)-2 load on this RPC was previously declared failed. R&R of this RPCM has minimal powerdown impacts and is easily accessed.

The result of this failure is only 2 of 3 Cupola RWS monitors are available. Only 2 RWS monitors are required for Visiting Vehicles capture and release. Additionally, a PCS (Portable Computer System) can be deployed in the Cupola for a third monitor if desired. There is no impact to the upcoming Extravehicular (EVAs) since these robotic operations are ground controlled. Ground teams are evaluating R&R of RPCM LAS52A3B-A next week.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 21, 2017 at 5:35am

Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation system suffers multiple clock failures

Jan 19, 2017

Europe’s beleaguered Galileo satellite navigation system has suffered another setback, with clocks failing onboard a number of satellites in space, the European Space Agency said Wednesday.

Designed to render Europe independent from America’s GPS, the €10 billion ($11 billion) project may experience further delays as the cause of the failure is investigated, ESA Director General Jan Woerner told journalists in Paris.

Eighteen orbiters have been launched for the Galileo constellation to date, a number that will ultimately be boosted to 30 operational satellites and two spares.

Early, initial services were launched in December, and the failure of nine clocks out of 72 launched to date has not affected operation, Woerner said.

No satellite has been declared “out” as a result of the glitch.

“However, we are not blind. … If this failure has some systematic reason we have to be careful” not to place more flawed clocks in space, he said.

Each Galileo satellite has four ultra-accurate atomic timekeepers — two that use rubidium and two hydrogen maser.

Three rubidium and six hydrogen maser clocks are not working, with one satellite sporting two failed timekeepers.

Each orbiter needs just one working clock for the satnav to work — the rest are spares.

The question now, Woerner said, is “should we postpone the next launch until we find the root cause?”

The next four satellites were to have been hoisted into space in the second half of 2017.

“You can say we wait until we find the solution, but that means if more clocks are failing then we are reducing the capability of Galileo,” the director general said.

“If we launch we will at least sustain if not increase the possibility of Galileo, but we may take the risk (of) a systematic problem.”

It was also not known whether the broken clocks can be fixed.

ESA boasts that Galileo has the most accurate atomic clocks ever flown for geolocalization.

Similar to traditional clocks relying on the tick of a pendulum, atomic timekeepers also count regular oscillations, in this case switches between energy states of atoms stimulated by heat or light.

The project has already experienced many setbacks, taking 17 years and more than triple the original budget before going live last month.

In August 2014, after a more than year-long delay over “technical difficulties,” satellites number five and six were placed into a lopsided, elliptical orbit — delaying subsequent launches.

The civilian-controlled service is seen as strategically important for Europe, which relies on two military-run rivals — GPS and Russia’s GLONASS.

Neither provides a guarantee of uninterrupted service.

Woerner defended the decision to create an autonomous European satnav system based on European technology.

“If you want to be competitive in the global market you should not rely in too many aspects on the technology of others,” he said.

“If you only use proven technology, you have no further development… We ought to take risks in order to learn, in order to be competitive in the future.”

Last October, ESA’s Mars lander Schiaparelli, designed to test technology for a future rover, crashed into the red planet.

It had been Europe’s second failed attempt to reach the Martian surface.

Comment by M. Difato on September 14, 2016 at 8:19am

Israel launches Ofek spy satellite – officials confirm malfunctions. September 13, 2016

Israel launched its Shavit rocket for the first time since 2014 on Tuesday, carrying an Ofek reconnaissance satellite into low Earth orbit. However, while Israel confirmed the satellite has reached orbit, officials soon cited unspecified problems with the spacecraft during the checkout period post-launch.

Shavit Launch: 

Ofek, also transliterated Ofeq – from the Hebrew word for Horizon – is aside from its first two members a series of reconnaissance satellites operated by Israel’s Ministry of Defence. In contrast, the first two spacecraft were used for research and technology demonstration.

Tuesday’s launch, which appears to have carried an optical imaging satellite, took place at 16:38 local time (14:38 UTC) from the Palmachim airbase on Israel’s Mediterranean coast following a 24-hour delay due to adverse weather.

Israel did not announce the launch until the spacecraft was already in orbit.

Reports shortly after the launch suggested that the satellite had experienced some form of problem during its early phases of operation.

Amnon Harari, the head of the Space department within Israel’s Ministry of Defence, informed reporters of “indications of some things that aren’t working as we expected”, and that work would be ongoing to “stabilise” the spacecraft over the next few days..."

Full article :

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on July 19, 2016 at 4:34am

It's in freefall and scientists have no idea where it will hit. Let's pray it hits water.

Track it here

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on March 28, 2016 at 1:31am

Japanese X-ray satellite loses communication with Earth

27 March 2016

Future of the major astronomy probe remains unclear as pieces of space debris are reported.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) lost contact with its flagship X-ray astronomical satellite, Hitomi, on 26 March. The observatory, launched on 17 February, had been going through initial check-outs and calibrations.

Hitomi's status remains unknown as JAXA engineers work to re-establish communication. Ominously, the US Joint Space Operations Center, which tracks space debris, reported spotting five objects in the vicinity of the spacecraft around the time it went silent. The centre characterized the objects as pieces of a “break-up”.

The space debris could indicate some minor pieces blowing off Hitomi as opposed to complete destruction, says Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer and space analyst at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Hitomi, which was known before launch as ASTRO-H, is designed to study X-rays streaming from cosmic phenomena such as black holes, galaxy clusters and dark matter. It carries a high-resolution spectrometer to measure X-ray wavelengths in exquisite detail. Earlier versions of the same instrument have twice met a grim fate on JAXA missions: in 2000, the ASTRO-E telescope crashed on launch, and in 2005 a helium leak aboard the Suzaku satellite crippled its spectrometer within weeks of launch.

JAXA lost contact with Hitomi at 4:40 p.m. Japan time on 26 March. “The cause of the communication failure is under investigation,” the agency said. It has, however, received at least one short signal from the satellite since then, and is working on possible ways to start talking to it again.

Agency engineers have pulled off spaceflight saves before. Most recently, JAXA placed the Akatsuki spacecraft into Venus orbit in December, five years after a failed engine burn seemed to doom the mission. And in 1993, a US X-ray mission named ALEXIS made it to orbit but was not heard from for three months. But spacecraft engineers eventually recovered it, and it went on to do its planned X-ray science.

International partners on the Hitomi project include NASA, the European Space Agency, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research, and the Canadian Space Agency.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 28, 2016 at 11:06pm

Satellite failure caused global GPS timing anomaly

Jan 28 2016

Created 13 microsecond error.

A time spike in the global positioning system which rippled through the world yesterday was caused by a satellite launched in 1990 failing and triggering a software bug, United States officials have confirmed.

The problem was first noted by Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Finland, where an atomic clock measured a discrepancy in GPS timing of 13 microseconds.

Other radio observatories such as Jodrell Bank in Britain and ATCA in Australia confirmed the 13 microsecond error, and speculation rose that it might have been caused by an older satellite, SVN 23, failing and being decommissioned.

Although the timing anomaly measured just microseconds, it could have caused significant navigation errors, Richard Easther, head of the University of Auckland's physics department said.

"The rule of thumb is that for every nanosecond of error, you could be out by as much as a foot," Easther said.

"An error of 13 microseconds or 13,000 nanoseconds works out as just under four kilometres."

The United States Air Force confirmed that the GPS anomaly was caused by the SVN 23 satellite failing.

A spokesperson for the USAF 50th Space Wing at Schriever Air Base, Colorado, said the issue started on January 26 12.49 am local time when verified users experienced GPS timing issues.

"Further investigation revealed an issue in the global positioning system ground software which only affected the time on legacy L-band signals," a spokesperson said.

"This change occurred when the oldest vehicle, SVN 23, was removed from the constellation [of GPS satellites orbiting Earth].

"While the core navigation systems were working normally, the coordinated universal time timing signal was off by 13 microseconds which exceeded the design specifications.

"The issue was resolved at 6.10 am Mountain Standard Time, however global users may have experienced GPS timing issues for several hours."

The 50th Space Wing said operator procedures were modified to prevent a repeat of the GPS timing anomaly, until the ground system software has been corrected. An operational review will also be conducted into procedures and impacts on users.

“No reports of issues with GPS-aided munitions were reported by the US Joint Space Operations Centre at Vandenberg Air Force Base; the US Strategic Command’s Commercial Integration Cell which operates out of the USJSOC, will act as portal to determine the scope of the GPS error for commercial users."

SVN 23 was launched in 1990 as part of the improved Block IIA GPS 19-satellite constellation. When it failed it was the oldest GPS satellite in operation, its 25-year service time well exceeding the 7.5 year life expectancy.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 8, 2015 at 7:20pm

Russian Military Satellite Suffers Launch Failure, Will Crash Soon

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