MICHIGAN: Electrical explosions underground force evacuation

Hannah Potes | MLive.com Walmart employees were forced to evacuate the building after a 911 call reported a man hole explosion at the rear of the mall Thursday evening



Didn't quite know where to post this.  Unusual elecrical explosions might be something we'll see more of going in to the shift.

Electrical explosions under parking lot lead to evacuation of Westwood Mall in Jackson

Published: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 8:45 PM     Updated: Friday, July 20, 2012, 11:08 AM

JACKSON, MI – Westwood Mall and surrounding stores were evacuated Thursday night, after electrical lines underneath the mall parking lot caused a series of explosions, according to Blackman- Leoni Township public safety Deputy Director Jon Johnston.

At about 6:11 p.m., officers arrived at the mall, 1850 W. Michigan Ave., in response to a 911 call reporting a possible explosion.

Johnston said officials soon determined the cause was electrical, not gas, and called Consumers Energy to the scene.

The explosions were from several electrical lines below the parking lot, which then lofted a manhole cover six to 10 feet into the air at the rear of the mall by JC Penney, Johnston said.

The area was immediately evacuated by Blackman Leoni Public Safety officials, with the help of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office and Jackson Police Department.

Johnston said the WalMart shopping center had already lost power due to the electrical issues and mall officials made the decision to close early as a precautionary measure.

The cause of the electrical explosions was not immediately known, but crews from Consumers Energy have been called in to investigate the scene and help restore power to the area, Johnston said.

“The scene has been turned over to Consumers Energy but we’ll have a presence on the scene until the area is secure,” he said.

Johnston is unsure when power will be restored to the area, but said generator trucks have been called in to provide electricity to the produce sections of WalMart.

ZetaTalk: Power Outages
written Sep 29, 2003

We, the Zetas, cannot take credit for the recent rash of power outages affecting all sides of the globe, as this is a result of equipment failure in all cases. That the authorities decline to announce the failure is due to the media blackout in place on all matters that point to earth movement, stretching or compression, volcanic awakening, earthquake frequency and intensity increase, or rising oceans. The news is closely monitored, and must be approved prior to release. In that the establishment, which includes as we have explained the major powers of the world and the hands that own them, the wealthy elite, has not come up with a proper excuse for these outages, they are left unexplained. On occasion an honest comment will slip through, but if it approaches the truth, it is countered, promptly. So what hasbeen happening?

As with derailing trains, which cannot be explained by any but earth movement, and exploding gas lines or broken water main, which likewise point to earth movement, electrical systems are fragile, a single broken point causing domino effects. But the problems are more than single breaks, they are massive breaks, of major cables running underwater between European countries, of entire connections across a seaway tearing apart, of whole substations fracturing so all connections coming in or out are essentially broken. Large mechanical breaks, and not the ones that should be the focus of concern. Electrical breaks result in lose of electrical power, the public being plunged into darkness or without communications, but far worse than this are breaks that are about to occur in gas lines and gasoline refinery and distribution networks. When these break, as break they will, there will be explosions and fires that will not be so easily corrected nor subdued. A holocaust, an inferno, one that spreads without abatement along the distribution lines, so hot and intense that none can approach.


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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 1, 2013 at 11:03pm


Explosions Rock UC Berkeley Campus

Posted date: October 01, 2013

Berkeley, California: A series of explosions have rocked the campus of the University of California Berkeley starting the evening of Monday, September 30, 2013 and continued through the morning hours of Tuesday, October 1, 2013.

Monday evening a massive explosion and fireball erupted from the Underground Power Station of the University of California Berkeley campus. This resulted in the hospitalization of one person and the evacuation of several  from the campus. The primary explosion occurred because of a possible power failure in the underground stream tunnels between California and Durrant Halls on the university campus, where witnesses claim to have seen a two story fireball burst from the tunnels.

KTVU.com reported:

The power outage was reported around 4:45 p.m. Monday and after emergency generators turned on, smoke could be seen coming from one of them near Bancroft Library.

The outage resulted in all classes being canceled and students were told to suspend lab activity and leave the academic buildings, campus emergency officials said.

But the power system failure then caused an underground explosion and fire in an underground steam tunnel between California and Durant halls at about 6:40 p.m. that shrouded the campus in smoke, university officials said.

Witnesses described the explosion as being a two-story fireball shooting into the air.

At 6:50 p.m. campus emergency messaging thru WarnMe called for all to evacuate campus, according to UC Berkeley Police.

While the campus was evacuated as firefighters worked for the next 90 minutes to put out the fire and then turned their attention to restoring power and campus services.

One student was taken to a hospital with minor injuries from the explosion and two other people were injured but declined to be taken to the hospital, according to Cal spokesperson Dan Mogulof.

By 8:30 p.m., Cal officials reported that the fire had been extinguished.

As of 8 p.m., fire crews were also trying to free 20 people trapped in elevators on campus, said Mogulof.  By 8:30 p.m., all of them had been rescued, according to Cal officials.

Mouglof also said that campus officials believed the power outage may have been caused by an attempted theft of copper wire from the campus’ underground power system last week, and that the explosion resulted from damage fto the wiring that went undetected.

“It appears that may have caused far greater damage than initially thought,” said Mogulof.

Power was still out as of 11 p.m. for most of the campus and UC officials were advising people to stay away from the campus until it was restored.-KTVU California

Thirty minutes later, there were reports of ammonia leaks into the dorm rooms of Latimer Hall.  Police and Fire experts say that one was almost immediately contained and the dorm evacuated.


Shutting off the primary power grid however, did not stop the explosions from continuing.

This photo was taken during the daylight hours of Tuesday, October 1, 2013, as another series of explosions continue to rock the campus.

More then 11 buildings are still without power, students and faculty at the campus are being chased away by the police. While the initial explosion is being blamed on the theft of copper, no one seems to be explaining why the man hole covers continue to explode.

Fox News reported that the primary explosion may have been the result of theft of copper from the main power grid early this morning and stated:

It appears that may have caused far greater damage than initially thought,” said Mogulof.

Power was still out as of 11 p.m. for most of the campus and UC officials were advising people to stay away from the campus until it was restored.

Residential halls have reopened with power provided by backup generators, university officials said.

UC Berkeley has not yet announced the status of classes for Tuesday, and students were told to call (800) 705-9998 for updates.- Fox News

Raw amateur footage continues to flood social media showing continuing explosions and police on blow horns telling people to stay away from man hole covers. One such video from a few hours ago can be seen here:

Firefighters and law enforcement are urging people to stay away from man hole covers and the toxic smoke.   While the initial cause may be from the main power grid, there is no new indication of what is causing the secondary explosions.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 24, 2013 at 8:45am


Officials respond to reports of “explosions” at Appleton Electric

Posted on: 4:43 pm, June 23, 2013,

SOUTH MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Officials were called to Appleton Electric in South Milwaukee on Sunday, June 23rd in response to reports of explosions.

It happened around 12:30 p.m. at the Appleton Electric building next to Grant Park.

Officials say the “explosions” were caused by a transformer on the building that shorted out.

FOX6 News spoke with someone who was working nearby and saw the situation unfold.

“I heard the explosions. When I turned around and looked outside it was just large balls of lightning. It was clearly electrical — very crackling.  There was at least five or six of them. By the last time the last one exploded, the concrete and metal caught fire,” Brent Oudeans said.

Officials say the flames quickly went out on their own.

No one was hurt, and damage was minimal.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on June 13, 2013 at 6:50am


Three electrical explosions rock downtown Des Moines overnight

A series of electrical explosions knocked out power to part of downtown Des Moines, including the Federal Building, early this morning.

Three explosions in the Court Avenue District blew manhole covers on the street into the air. Witnesses reported flames from the open manholes shot up to 30 feet above street level.

“Around 2:45 this morning we had an underground cable that faulted,” says Tina Potthoff, a spokeswoman for MidAmerican Energy. “We currently have crews on site to make those repairs.”

Power should be restored to most businesses in the area by 10 a.m.

“But there will be some businesses that will be out all day — just a handful, if you will — while we make repairs and replace that electrical system that was damaged,” Potthoff says.

Some witnesses told police they smelled gas, but Potthoff says the explosions were not caused by a natural gas leak.

“We’ve hadcrews out there this morning since the incident happened taking readings in the area and we’ve detected no natural gas in the area,” Potthoff says. “We did not make any evacuations and portions of the road are blocked off as we make repairs, but it is strictly electrical.”

The Federal Building is closed to the public all day, due to the power outage. Both of Iowa’s U.S. senators have offices in the building, although both senators are in Washington, D.C. for senate votes this week. Several federal agencies have staff working out of the Neal Smith Federal Building in Des Moines as well

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 28, 2013 at 12:57am


Power restored after transformer explosions

Posted: Feb 27, 2013 6:24 AM AST


The power is back on in Cumberland County after several transformer explosions knocked out electricity for thousands of customers.

It happened shortly before 7 p.m. Tuesday. The explosions took down power lines and shut off traffic lights.

One of the explosions happened near Arch and Simpson Streets in Mechanicsburg.  It's unclear what caused them.

At one point, more than 1,200 customers in Mechanicsburg and Silver Spring Township had no power.

Comment by KM on July 20, 2012 at 7:30pm

Here is some recent Zetatalk on  stretch zones.


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