Nuclear Facility dangers abound during severe Earth Changes

Nuclear plant in Taiwan catches fire

Nuclear plant in Taiwan catches fire
A loud noise was heard at midnight around the plant as the turbine released steam into the sky during the process, Taipower said. (Representative Photo)
BEIJING: Taiwan has shut down two reactors after a fire broke out at a nuclear power station in southern Taiwan shortly before midnight on Sunday.
The incident has caused no radioactive leak and no personnel have needed to be evacuated, Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) said in a statement on its website. 

The fire began inside an auxiliary electrical transformer at the Third Nuclear Power Plant in Pingtung County, setting off an alarm at 11:58pm, Taipower said. It was put out by the plant's own firefighters within 17 minutes of its occurance, it said. 

A loud noise was heard at midnight around the plant as the turbine released steam into the sky during the process, Taipower said. 

Taipower said preliminary investigations suggest that it will take two weeks to get the second reactor operational again. The transformer, which was one of a number of devices supplying electricity to the plant, has been damaged due to short circuit. 

The accident is expected to affect China's ambitious plans that include launching eight new nuclear power plants this year besides granting approvals for another set of six new plants. The government aims to build capabilities for producing 30,000 megawatts by 2020. 

Chinese nuclear experts have argued that the country has the best safety standards in place after the government recently lifted the ban on new plants, which was imposed after Japan's Fukushima accident in 2011. 

Giving details of the accident, Taipower said that another reactor in the affected plant, the No. 1 reactor is unaffected. 

The second reactor, which has a electricity generating capacity of 951 megawatts, has been in operation since May 1985. 

Taiwan has three nuclear power plants in operation and another one under construction. There has been much public debate about whether the island should become a nuclear power-free society, particularly in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

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Egypt nuclear reactor in Cairo to begin June 21st and is already having problems, leaking radiocative materials.  Employees were forbidden to speak of the problems the facility is having.  It's a go.......... to open.views">

Uploaded by NibiruMagick2012 on Jun 6, 2011

The Anshas nuclear reactor, located on the outskirts of Cairo, has leaked ten cubic meters of radioactive water for the second time in a year, according to Samer Mekheimar, the former director of the Nuclear Research Center's atomic reactions department. Mekheimar submitted a note to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, saying the leakage took place on 25 May as a result of operating the reactor without taking into account safety precautions. He also said the Atomic Energy Agency kept the incident secret and threatened to fire the staff if they talked about it. "The fact that the reactor was by mere chance not operated the next day saved the area from environmental disaster," he wrote. "All ministries were changed after the revolution, except the Ministry of Electricity and Energy," he added. "It still kept the same minister and his deputies from the dissolved ruling party." Meanwhile, sources at the Nuclear Safety Authority said they were denied entry to the reactor to conduct an inspection. Director of the Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed al-Kolaly, said that levels of radiation inside the reactor are normal, and that the International Atomic Energy Agency has praised the reactor

Egypt nuclear reactor to begin operation this month
Saturday Jun 4, 2011 - 17:06

Fort Calhoun, NE -- OPPD declares notification of unusual event at the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Station.

Neb. nuke plant declares emergency due to flooding

ZetaTalk: Nuclear Reactor Accidents

Written November 27, 2010

Perhaps that we can expect incidents at nuclear stations during the 7 of 10 events, i.e. in SE Asia on achievement of a 7/10, in the west and the north of the S America during its roll, during rupture of the New Madrid fault line, in the western Europe during a tsunami? I assume that earthquakes and tsunami can present some problems on nuclear pollution even before the pole shift. Any comments of the Zetas?

After the Chernobyl disasters it is understandable that mankind is nervous about the coming pole shift and the potential of nuclear disasters in their nearby power stations. We have encouraged all to contact the operators of these facilities, and advise them of the coming disasters, encouraging them to shut down the facilities at the first sign of major quakes and the like. We have explained that to a certain extent we, as benign aliens under the control of the Council of Worlds, can step in and remove the explosive potential from these power stations, as we have from nuclear bombs held by the US, by Russia, and by other nations. In a shutdown procedure, bolts that inhibit the nuclear reaction are dropped between the reactor rods, stopping the nuclear reaction cold. This is a simplistic explanation, as the power plant controls run on electricity which can surge or fail, thus interfering with a shutdown. Such electrical surges or failure, happening during a shutdown, has been associated with nuclear accidents at Chernobyl, and SL-1 for example. As the hosing from the magnetic tail of Planet X continues to waft over the Earth, such surge and brownout can be expected. We predict that many nuclear power plants will be shut down, permanently, during the Earth changes leading into the pole shift, due to a combination of earthquake threats or damage and electrical surge and brownout. The grid will, in any case, be down after the pole shift, so this is only an early loss. As to flooding of reactors during the Earth changes or the pole shift tides, other than interfering with the electrical controls, this does not create, in and of itself, a disaster. Water is used to cool the reactor rods. It is the absence of water, due to the pumps being inoperable, that is a problem.

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ZetaTalk: Nuclear Call
written February 4, 2012

The issue of whether benign alien assistance will come during disasters, neutralizing nuclear facilities, comes up often, understandably. Those who currently live near nuclear facilities worry constantly about sudden earthquakes or operator neglect, which can cause a meltdown with consequent radiation pollution far and wide. Fukushima is the latest example. As the earthquakes are on the increase, and the 7 of 10 scenarios about to afflict those countries which have utilized nuclear power extensively, this concern will only increase.

The answer in these matters, which we have repeatedly explained, is first that the Element of Doubt must be maintained. This is an aspect of the gradual awakening of mankind to the alien presence that ensures that contactees will not be savaged by those in panic, fearing for their lives. In the past, the establishment - MJ12 composed of the CIA, military intelligence, and the very wealthy - withheld information on their preliminary contact with aliens. Where they claimed they were saving the public from panic, this move was self serving as they wanted alien technology for themselves, and also did not want to be knocked from their perch in the eyes of the public.

Rather than reassure the public about the alien presence, the old MJ12 deliberately moved to foster fear in the public. Hollywood has been enlisted to produce a stream of movies showing aliens landing to eat people, colonize the Earth, and infect and takeover human bodies and minds. The old MJ12 likewise harassed and monitored contactees, to control the plethora of books and videos being produced by enthusiastic contactees. The Element of Doubt at base is to protect the growing army of contactees, whom the establishment fears. What it their threat? That they challenge the legitimacy of the establishment to lead, creating a secret network, an information exchange taking place on space ships among contactees, which the establishment is powerless to stop.

Enter the nuclear power plant issue, which is a legitimate concern even among those in the establishment. As the pace of the Earth changes has picked up, our answers have moved from being vague in 2008, stressing that this is in the hands of man, to hinting by 2010 that the collective Call from many in the Service-to-Other would make a difference and that alien interference would be allowed, to admitting after Fukushima in 2011 that some interference had occurred.

Has the degree of concern from Service-to-Other souls on Earth, giving a collective Call on this matter, made a difference? Unquestionably. From the start of ZetaTalk we have stressed that matters such as a healing only take place as a result of a Service-to-Other call. Those who Call for themselves, out of self interest, are ignored. The collective Call out of concern for others, made by those in the Service-to-Other on Earth, have and will make a difference on the nuclear power plant issue.

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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on February 5, 2016 at 10:39pm

Posted by portugalpress on February 05, 2016

“Portugal is facing an exceptionally grave situation” due to vital system failings at a Spanish nuclear plant just 100 kms from the frontier, a parliamentary committee has warned.

The environmental committee is now pressing parliament to demand guarantees from the Spanish government.

Meantime, Spanish newspaper El Pais claims the country’s nuclear supervising body is refuting the ‘failings’, saying everything is under control.

But five independent experts have gone on record to say they have doubts that a “cooling system for essential services” at the Almaraz plant near Cáceres, is ‘reliable’.

As El Pais explains, this system is a basic safety requirement.

Thus the reason for the parliamentary committee’s urgent meeting convened yesterday.

Said committee president, Left Bloc MP Pedro Soares: “Portugal is under a credible nuclear threat”.

Soares hopes to persuade parliamentary president Ferro Rodrigues to “create a new commission to debate the issue”, reports TVI24.

To this end, he is sending Rodrigues a letter to which his committee hopes to get “an urgent response”.

MPs want to know “what means exist, in the face of an eventual accident, to secure the defence of populations and the environment”, says the news channel.

Soares told Lusa, even a small accident would have “dramatic consequences. We demand credible guarantees”, he stressed.

- See more at:
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 26, 2016 at 9:41pm

One dead in mudslide at French nuclear waste site

Two people involved in the incident were in a tunnel currently being dug at the site

BURE (AFP) - One person was killed on Tuesday in a mudslide at a laboratory of France s national nuclear waste management agency in the northeast of the country, the emergency services said.

Another person suffered minor injuries in the incident at Bure near Nancy.

The site is being prepared to receive highly radioactive nuclear waste, which would be stored at a depth of 500 metres (1,650 feet).

The two people involved in the incident were in a tunnel currently being dug at the site, a spokesman for the emergency services said.

Officials said no nuclear waste was at the site at the time of the incident.

Psychological counselling was offered to employees at the facility.

The nuclear waste site, which has been heavily criticised by environmental groups, is part of a 25 billion euro ($27 billion) project designed to stock the three percent of France s radioactive waste that is most dangerous.

The project is planned to begin in 2025 but is still awaiting the full go-ahead from the government.

It is spread over a site that includes four small villages, provoking concerns from residents that they might be exposed to radioactivity.

Comment by KM on December 22, 2015 at 1:31pm

"We don't believe you!" Panic causes a run on the banks and traffic jams as Russians ignore "no danger claims" after a cloud of vapour seen pouring from Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant

The panic followed the emergence of pictures showing a cloud of vapour pouring from Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant, some 50 miles from St Petersburg.
The authorities insisted that the was no radioactive leakage after a "defect" which caused a steam emission from the turbine section of the station - the most westerly in Russia - but people did not believe the "no danger" claim.
Radio Svoboda reported that in the wake of the incident on Friday locals in Sosnovy Bor started withdrawing money from their credit cards.
They said locals were in panic mode despite statements from officials that the radiation level was normal.
People had more trust in the ecologists who prepared their own statement.
They confirmed the radiation level in Sosnovy Bor was normal but said wind carried the stream away from the city towards the Gulf of Finland.
They said that didn't mean the stream was not radioactive.
One local said: "Everyone got very worried and rushed to get iodine."
This is seen as a protection against radiation poisoning.
There were traffic jams as residents left the area and headed for St Petersburg.
Oleg Bodrov, chairman of "Green Wolrd" ecological group said people were right not to trust denials from the authorities, with many people recalling that Soviet officials turned a blind eye to the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in 1986. He said:
"They know well that the officials' first task is to say all is normal but not to report about danger, even if there is one.
"All those who understand a bit about nuclear energy know that it was an attempt to mistake the wish for the reality.
"In this reactor the water turns into vapour which goes to the turbine. "And this vapour is surely radioactive.
"This time we were lucky, the reactor was immediately stopped, but some vapour still appeared and because the turbine was stopped it had to go somewhere.
"It was expelled via the tubes.
"Fortunately, the wind had an unusual direction for this region - it was south-south-east and the vapour has gone to the Finnish Gulf, towards Vyborg town."
This was also in the direction of Finland.
Bodrov called for medical checks for staff at the power plant.
Interfax reported that a special commission was working at the nuclear station aiming to find out the reasons for the emission.
One woman - an employee of the station - was taken to the hospital with high blood pressure attack. The incident led to a shut down of the second power unit at the station.
After the reactor shutdown "the steam leak significantly dropped", reported website.
An area of 40 square metres was "completely isolated".
Plant manager Vladimir Pereguda said: "The situation at the plant is calm.
There are no reasons for evacuation of the plant personnel and residents of Sosnovy Bor."
He said the reactor had been halted "in a subcritical state".
The reactor was being cooled "in order to correct a defect".
Readings at the plant in the days after the incident show safe levels of radiation. The plant was completed in 1973, and had an expected 30 year life cycle.
It suffered shutdowns or safety alerts in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011.
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 18, 2015 at 7:16am

Reactor At Prairie Island Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After Turbine Issue

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says one of the two reactors at Xcel Energy’s Prairie Island nuclear plant shut down automatically after a problem developed in the unit’s turbine.

NRC spokeswoman Viktoria Mitlyng says officials and NRC inspectors at the plant are looking into why the turbine went offline Thursday. When that happened, she says, fire alarms went off in the control room.

Because it took more than 15 minutes for plant operators to confirm that there was no fire, she says, they had to report it to the NRC as an “unusual event,” which they did around 1:15 p.m.

Mitlyng says they’re investigating why the fire alarms went off. But she says the plant is safe.

An Xcel Energy spokeswoman says the company is preparing a statement.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 15, 2015 at 6:23am

Unplanned shutdown of reactor at Torness nuclear power plant

14 December 2015 20:08 GMT

GV of Torness Power Station, East Lothian. Quality image. Power: It is not clear when the reactor will restart. © SWNS Group

There has been an unplanned shutdown of one of the reactors at Torness nuclear power station in East Lothian.

Operators EDF energy have not indicated when Reactor 2 will return to service after the unit "tripped" on Monday. This refers to the reactor being rapidly shut down by the insertion of its control rods.

The company said the cause of the incident is under investigation. 

Torness station, 33 miles east of Edinburgh, generates enough electricity to power more than two million homes. 

Statutory outages occur every three years to allow the units to undergo inspection and maintenance work.

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said: "With this unplanned shutdown at Torness coming so soon after news of cracking in the bricks surrounding the reactor at Hunterston, nuclear power is once again revealing itself to be a creaking and increasingly unreliable source of energy. 

"It underlines why Scotland is right to be choosing to harness more power from renewable energy sources."

and another:

Peach Bottom reactor shut down to fix leak

Radioactive steam leaking from a valve prompted operators to shut down Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station's Unit 2 reactor early Monday morning, a company spokesman said.

David Tillman, a spokesman for Exelon, the company that runs the power plant, said the company became aware of the leak last week. Exelon decreased the reactor's power output Saturday, but decided to shut down the reactor before attempting to fix the leak.

“You can perform certain types of repairs and maintenance activities at low reactor power, and that’s what operators attempted to do," Tillman said. “Trained workers in protective gear used cameras to inspect the area and determined that taking the unit offline was the most conservative repair option."

The leak occurred in a part of the reactor building that is "not open to casual entry," Tillman said. Neither the public nor workers were at risk throughout the duration of the leak, he said.

"The steam has been removed from the system," Tillman said. "There’s no longer an active steam leak, so they can now go in and make the repairs.”

Though the Nuclear Regulatory Commission classifies steam leaks of this kind as "infrequent," a certain amount of leakage is inevitable, said NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan.

"You're talking about a very large industrial complex that has miles of piping," Sheehan said. "They do develop leakage over time."

Sheehan said the NRC permits a certain amount of leakage. However, this leak, which he said was at a rate of about 1.17 gallons of water per minute, exceeded the NRC's allowance.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 15, 2015 at 5:15am

Entergy: Indian Point 3 nuclear power plant shuts down due to electrical disturbance

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on December 6, 2015 at 5:50am

Control rod power loss spurs shutdown at downstate nuclear plant

1 hour ago  • 

BUCHANAN | Officials said one of the Indian Point nuclear power plant's reactors in suburban New York has been shut down because several control rods lost power.

Plant owner Entergy said control room operators safely shut down the Indian Point 2 reactor around 5:30 p.m. Saturday. The reactor's designed to make a safe shutdown if the control rods lose electricity.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the company reports no radiation was released into the environment. State Department of Public Service workers are headed to the plant in Buchanan, about 30 miles north of midtown Manhattan.

The Indian Point 3 reactor is running. Together, the two reactors supply about one-quarter of the power used in New York City and Westchester County.

Indian Point 3 was shut down in July after a water pump problem.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on November 26, 2015 at 1:09am

Sudden shutdown of Monticello nuclear power plant causes fish kill

The sudden drop in temperature in the discharged cooling water resulted in a fish kill in the Mississippi River. 
Jim Gehrz The gray concrete walls of the Monticello nuclear power plant, 40 miles north of the Twin Cities, shown in 2012.

The Monticello, Minn., nuclear power plant was shut down suddenly on Monday after an equipment problem, causing a fish kill in the Mississippi River from thermal shock.

In a report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Xcel Energy said it shut down the plant while operating at 100 percent power after a problem arose with a reactor pump. The utility said shutdown happened safely, with no release of radiation and no risk to the public.

But the sudden drop in temperature in the discharged cooling water resulted in a fish kill. Xcel said it counted 59 dead fish. The fish were crappies, sunfish, bass, catfish and carp, according to the state Department of Natural Resources, which was notified of the incident.

During unexpected shutdowns, the water temperature near the plant can drop from about 65 degrees to 40 degrees F. in a few hours, said Harland Hiemstra, a DNR information officer. The fish can’t cope with the sudden change in temperature, he said. “It is thermal shock,” he added.

DNR is monitoring the situation with Xcel’s onsite biologist, he said. There is no evidence that the fish kill exceeded Xcel’s count, he said. The utility will be assessed a penalty for each dead fish.

Fishing continues below the power plant late into the season because the warmer water keeps fish active. The plant lies just upstream of the Montissippi Regional Park, which has a boat ramp.

On Tuesday, after the plant had shut down, a second issue arose with another pump, triggering a second report to the NRC, but no additional action, Xcel said.

The plant, 45 miles northwest of the Twin Cities, has a single boiling-water reactor. It supplies electricity to about 500,000 customers in Minnesota.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on November 1, 2015 at 8:10pm

Explosion rocks nuclear power plant in Belgium

An explosion occurred overnight at a nuclear power plant in Doel, northern Belgium, local media reported, adding that the blast caused a fire. The exact damage from the incident remains unknown.

The blast happened around 11pm local time on Saturday. The fire started in Reactor 1 of the plant, but was soon extinguished by personnel.

The explosion didn’t cause any threat to nature, Els De Clercq, spokeswoman from Belgian energy corporation Electrabel that runs the plant, told Het Laatste Nieuws. There was no fuel present at the time of the incident as the reactor had been shut due to its expired operational license.

READ MORE: ​Mysterious drone over restarted Belgium nuclear plant p...

Doel Nuclear Power Station, one of the two nuclear power plants in the country, is located near the town of Doel in east Flanders. The plant employs about 800 people.

According to the Nature journal and Columbia University in New York, the plant is in the most densely populated area of all nuclear power stations in the EU. About 9 million people live within a radius of 75km of the station.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 19, 2015 at 6:09pm

Fire at Nevada radioactive waste plant closes schools

Associated Press 8:18 a.m. PDT October 19, 2015


BEATTY - Two schools are closed in rural Nevada because of a fire at a radioactive waste plant.

The US Ecology plant fire started about 2:30 p.m. Sunday at its industrial site near Beatty, Nevada, about 115 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

The fire is about eight miles away from populated areas....

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