Draft newsletter for Sunday May 8, 2016. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm
SOHO Revelations
Let us not forget, while looking for the Second Sun and naked eye sightings of the brilliant Moon Swirls of Nibiru, that the Moon Swirls are showing up on SOHO regularly, as presented by dedicated Pole Shift ning
members on the blog devoted to this issue. Covering a mere month from March 22, 2016 to April 22, 2016, the following were documented. Note that the appearance of a Moon Swirl is not the same as a passing planet, nor the same as a meteor. There is a solid presence, with a drifting tail. The Moon Swirls go in all directions, as blowing out from the N Pole of Nibiru, which is off camera and to the lower right, they first blow left and then curl up and around. A retrograde swirling motion. Note this is similar to the tail location and movement captured in Alberto’s filtered photos.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/18/2005:
Planet X not only passing the Sun in a retrograde orbit, it rotations in a retrograde manner.
This retrograde motion, an orbit and rotation for Nibiru and the manner of rotation in the swirling tail, has also been depicted in Crop Circles.
ZetaTalk Analysis 6/30/2012:
Planet X has a retrograde orbit and this design shows this clockwise progression. Going into the passage, Planet X will grow in size, looming as large as the Moon or the Sun in the sky, while also continuing in its retrograde orbit so it will align in front of the Sun, rather than to the right of the Sun in the view from the Northern Hemisphere as it does today.
SOHO captures of Moon Swirls appear on both the red and blue images. On March 22, 2016 at midnight
and 8:48 am.
Note how different the passing Mercury appears. These Moon Swirl captures are not passing planets. As SOHO captures in 2D, not 3D, one cannot be certain how close or far away the Moon Swirls are.
On March 29, 2016 at 8:00 am
and at 19:30 pm.
Once again with Mercury showing a contrast.
Looking like a soaring bird, the Moon Swirls appear to be spreading wings when the dense dust and debris balances on either side. This appearances showed up on March 30 at 8:30 am
and on April 1 at 8:00 am
and on April 2 at 12:30 pm.
Bumbling Announcement
On January 20, 2016 Planet 9 hit the news,
what the Zetas described as a “prong”. Per the Zetas, they were pointing to the Sun’s dark binary, which the Zetas had defined as lying some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away. The articles on Planet 9 were stating the object just found was some 20 Sun-Pluto distances away. Clearly, this was the same lurking dark gravity sink, which the Zetas referred to as the Sun’s dark unlit binary and the Caltech astronomers Brown and Batygin were calling Planet 9.
ZetaTalk Explanation 1/23/2016:
There is great confusion between the Sun’s binary twin and Nibiru, a planet that orbits both foci. Nibiru comes from the direction of the binary twin, and returns in that direction. What is the reason for the media blitz at this time? Astronomers are clearly aware of the Sun’s binary twin, and the existence of Nibiru, and have for decades been severely repressed from speaking about these issues. Many deaths have resulted to keep this secret, on the excuse that the public would panic if they knew. Now that Nibiru is so visible that the public is regularly seeing a Second Sun and the brilliant Moon Swirls, as well as the body of Nibiru itself with its double helix of its two most dominant Moon Swirls, the announcement is viewed as inevitable. We have described the planned announcement as a multi-pronged event that cannot be sabotaged. This is one of the prongs.
At that time there was no clear indication where Brown and Batygin had located Planet 9. Diagrams of the supposed orbit were provided and published by Wikipedia, but the abstract provided by Brown and Batygin on March 17 was anything but clear, filled with astronomerspeak. Supposedly the aphelion, the farthest distance from the Sun during the presumed orbit of Planet 9, was in the constellation of Orion, just outside the lower part of Orion’s bow.
Where is Planet Nine? (by Michael E. Brown & Konstantin Batygin)
March 17, 2016
By Michael E. Brown & Konstantin Batygin. Abstract: We use an extensive suite of numerical simulations to constrain the mass and orbit of Planet Nine, the recently proposed perturber in a distant eccentric orbit in the outer solar system. We compare our simulations to the observed population of aligned eccentric high semimajor axis Kuiper belt objects and determine which simulation parameters are statistically compatible with the observations. We find that only a narrow range of orbital elements can reproduce the observations. In particular, the combination of semimajor axis, eccentricity, and mass of Planet Nine strongly dictates the semimajor axis range of the orbital confinement of the distant eccentric Kuiper belt objects. Allowed orbits, which confine Kuiper belt objects with semimajor axis beyond 230 AU, have perihelia roughly between 200 and 350 AU, semimajor axes between 300 and 900 AU, and masses of approximately 10 Earth masses. Orbitally confined objects also generally have orbital planes similar to that of the planet, suggesting that the planet is inclined approximately 30 degrees to the ecliptic. We compare the allowed orbital positions and estimated brightness of Planet Nine to previous and ongoing surveys which would be sensitive to the planet's detection and use these surveys to rule out approximately two-thirds of the planet's orbit. Planet Nine is likely near aphelion with an approximate brightness of 22<V<25. At opposition, its motion, mainly due to parallax, can easily be detected within 24 hours.
Planet Nine
The aphelion, or farthest point from the Sun, would be in the general direction of the constellations of Orion and Taurus.
Then on March 28, 2016 a blitz of articles
began associating terms such as Planet X or Red Dwarf with Planet 9, and talking about past extinction level events for the Earth. By April 7, 2016 this had progressed to including the term Nibiru,
and talking about the ancient Sumerians. Still, the Zetas did not consider this sufficient to be considered another prong. The blitz of articles in the media were still confusing terms and the astronomers were still debating the issues. Witmire speculated that the theoretical orbital period of Planet 9 took 27 million years but that it might be causing debris to sling toward the Earth by April, 2016. Brown had the orbital period pegged at 15,000 years. Human astronomers were being depicted as imperfect, and groping, rather than arrogant. Meanwhile, mankind was being re-introduced to concepts that had been suppressed since the discovery of Nibiru, inbound, in 1983.
That the location of Planet 9’s aphelion was right where the Zetas had stated that the IRAS team had located a mystery planet in 1983 was astonishing. But it was certainly not in the news. Not yet, at least. The only hint on the location of the mystery planet in 1983
were phrases in the Washington Post article such as “near the western edge of the constellation Orion”. But now the precise location of Planet 9’s aphelion as determined in 2016 is being presented as the precise location pinpointed by the Zetas by the Zetas on their path diagram in 1997.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/9/2016:
What is notable in this series of articles, posted between March 28 and April 2 on various news outlets, is not the content but the rush to print. Certainly some news is about to break, and thus the public is being rapidly educated. But now the knowledge gap is being closed with great haste. Clearly media editors were asked to cooperate in this regard, and clearly another prong is just ahead!
ZetaTalk Comment 4/16/2016:
The cover-up crowd clearly thought they had all the time in the world, could fool the public until the last minute, the Last Weeks, and meanwhile the 1%, the wealthy and powerful, could continue their party, living high while the common man was kept ignorant. What has changed, in this equation, that the owners and editors of major media outlets have been told to rapidly educate the public? The announcement, as planned by Obama, may have failed, but the Council of Worlds is hardly without cards to play. Regardless of the route the Council’s announcement takes, the outcome will be the same. The public will be aware of what is pending, aware that the establishment has lied to them for decades, and aware of the history and accuracy of ZetaTalk predictions.
Of course, at that time in 1983, both the inbound Nibiru and the Sun’s dark binary were both in the same location - the dark binary stationary, Nibiru approaching from that direction. In the early days of 1980 the search for the perturbing gravity source out in the direction of Orion was known as the search for Nemesis,
the cause of periodic extinctions on Earth and catastrophe in the Solar System. Much confusion has and still does abound about whether one or two objects are involved, what their size and potential orbits might be, and what to call them. Only the Zetas have been clear on these issues. And correct.
Search for 'Nemesis' Intensified Debate
December 18, 1984
With bounding curiosity and a theory to establish, astronomers are searching the northern skies for a star they call Nemesis, a small, dim companion of the Sun. Nemesis may or may not exist, but the quest goes on and soon will expand to the southern skies. Other astronomers, similarly inspired, have revived interest in finding Planet X, the putative body that has long been sought beyond Neptune and Pluto. They are examining new data from a spacecraft for evidence of the planet's existence. For several months now the possible mechanism that has stirred the greatest interest and debate is the one involving the Sun's theorized companion star, Nemesis. Or ''death star,'' as scientists sometimes call it.
ZetaTalk Comment 1/24/2015:
Since the advent of the Council of Worlds going to war with the cover-up, this issue has returned and those in the establishment are concerned about how to ease the public into the subject. New data, dredging up old arguments, is an obvious route. This will inevitably land the public new on this subject at the ZetaTalk website. ZetaTalk became internationally known and famous even before the 2003 arrival of Nibiru right on time and at the location promised by ourselves. ZetaTalk had the ring of truth, was able to predict with accuracy, and was unique in giving people the ability to interact with ourselves via conversations with Nancy. Thus Obama saw this as an opportunity to not only break the cover-up over the pending passage of Nibiru, but to also break the cover-up over the alien presence. Or was it Nancy who provided those coordinates on where to sight the inbound Nibiru?
By April 20, 2016 popular media outlets were stating that researchers had concluded that Planet 9 might presently be in the constellation Cetus, basing this on tugging that the Cassini probe had noted. This location makes no sense in that the distance from a recorded location near Orion in 1983 and an acknowledged aphelion some 20 Sun-Pluto distances away to Cetus is too far to have been traveled in a short period of time, given the orbital period provided by Brown and Whitmire. Only 33 years passed since 1983, and this body supposedly in orbit was supposedly taking either 15,000 or 27 million years. In fact, Brown’s orbit, as shown on the Wiki article, shows a bare creep over a 3,000 year period, not the leap to Cetus. But the point, it appears, is not to be logical but to bumble along toward an announcement that Nibiru is here, and arrived in 2003.
Theorized “Planet Nine” Could Be Found Using Cassini Probe’s Orbital Oddities
April 6, 2016
Cassini’s orbit around Saturn experienced some unexpected disturbances, and with the right calculations, they could lead us to the discovery of a distant, massive planet way in the outer reaches of the solar system—if it exists. If Planet Nine exists, it’s incredibly far away from the sun (about 75 times as far as Pluto) and fairly large and massive at about ten times Earth’s mass and up to four times its size. They found that everything lined up if Planet Nine was hiding out about 600 astronomical units (600 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun) away towards the constellation Cetus.
Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Saturn Probe?
April 5, 2016
Batygin and Brown made the case for Planet Nine's existence based on its gravitational effect on several Kuiper Belt objects — icy bodies that circle the sun beyond Neptune's orbit. Theoretically, though, its gravity should also tug slightly on the planets, moons and even any orbiting spacecraft. With this in mind, Agnès Fienga at the Côte d'Azur Observatory in France and her colleagues checked whether a theoretical model (one that they have been perfecting for over a decade) with the new addition of Planet Nine could better explain slight perturbations seen in Cassini's orbit.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/23/2016:
In 1983 when the sighting of Nibiru by the IRAS team hit the front page of the Washington Post, it was stated that the object lay on the western edge of the constellation Orion. Astronomer Whitmire states his assumption that the orbital period for Planet 9 is 27 million years. Astronomer Brown has an assumption that the orbital period is 15 thousand years. How did Planet 9 travel the distance from Orion to Cetus then, in just a few decades, a mere 33 years, between 1983 and 2016?
If one is leading a supposedly ignorant and vulnerable public to a complicated truth, conventional wisdom is that steps and stages are best. Yes, grandma is dying of cancer, but first grandma must be tired, then sick, then perhaps grandma is sleeping, and finally grandma is in Heaven. The Planet 9 prong re-introduced concepts, long suppressed, into the public eye – Planet X, Brown Dwarf, Nibiru, Sumerian, extinction level events. The Planet 9 prong also presented the cover story that astronomers do not always agree, nor are they always wise and knowledgeable. They argue. They grope. And through all this ZetaTalk will stand like a beacon.
What is significant about Cetus is that it lies at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun! At least, on April 20, 2016 this was the case. The very location that the Zetas have stated where Nibiru can be found by those wanting to see it, naked eye or by camera. Can this be a coincidence? Clearly, this is begging the question. Is what is seen by the public, the Second Sun
at sunrise and sunset,
Planet 9? Oh look, just coming in from outer space! We just noticed it! Is this the game plan?
Scientists Claim Breakthrough in Hunt for Planet Nine
April 20, 2016
The research indicates that the most probable location for Planet Nine is towards the constellation of Cetus, in a patch sky with a 20-degree radius near Aires and Pisces, centred at the celestial coordinates right ascension 40?, declination -15?.
Are we Closer to finding a Mystery World in our Solar System? Scientists Narrow Down the Location for Planet Nine
April 20, 2016
Based on their analysis, the researchers suggest the ninth planet may be toward the constellation of Cetus, in a small area of the sky that makes up just 20 degrees in radius. And, researchers with the Dark Energy Survey are coincidentally investigating this zone as well.
ZetaTalk Comment 4/23/2016:
How convenient that the direction currently claimed for Planet 9, in the constellation Cetus, lies at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun, which we have been stating for a decade is where those wanting to view Nibiru from the populous Northern Hemisphere should look. Cetus is close to the Sun per star charts for April 20, lying both at sunrise and sunset at the 4 o’clock position to the Sun. Thus for the immediate future this explanation for Second Sun sightings might fit. But there are inherent contradictions in this explanation, and the lie would soon be exposed.
Then there is the matter of brightness, with the Second Sun sightings casting dual reflections on the water in photo after photo from around the world. And even, when supposedly so far out from the solar system, being captured by amateur cameras and webcams that must use a zoom to even see the giant planet Jupiter? And what to make of the undeniable and photographically captured Second Sun sightings that occurred over a decade ago? None of this fits with the suggestion that Planet 9, at a distance, might be responsible for the Second Sun sightings.
Is this emphasis on Planet 9 being in Cetus another prong, in disguise? Second Sun sightings, long a staple of ZetaTalk, are now a step away from being featured in popular media. Won’t someone else just grab the stage and make claims, as has been tried so many times in the past? We have stated that the Council of Worlds war with the media and the elite has been won. The Council of Worlds wants Nancy in the media. The war has been won, and to the victor go the spoils.
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