Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday, January 24, 2016. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm
Shipping Slowdown
In yet another sign that corporate management is anticipating the announcement, ocean shipping has plunged into an unprecedented slowdown. Where the media avoided discussion, this was under discussion on the Internet. The evidence? The Baltic Dry Index showed the plunge, as did graphic images of where the ships were clustered.
Shipping Said to Have Ceased… Is the Worldwide Economy Grinding to a Halt?
January 11, 2016
Last week, I received news from a contact who is friends with one of the biggest billionaire shipping families in the world. He told me they had no ships at sea right now, because operating them meant running at a loss. This weekend, reports are circulating saying much the same thing: The North Atlantic has little or no cargo ships traveling in its waters. Instead, they are anchored. Unmoving. Empty.
Factories aren’t buying and retailers aren’t stocking. The ratio of inventory to sales in the US is an indicator of this. The last time that ratio was this high was during the “great recession” in 2008.
Major Ships Evacuate Atlantic Ocean for First Time in History
January 10, 2016
A very alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Federation Naval Forces reported yesterday that the entire Atlantic Ocean has been totally deserted of major freighter ships—an occurrence this report states has never been seen in all of modern recorded history. What I can confirm from the report is that the Baltic Dry Index did hit an all-time low in November of 2015. And stocks did plunge in the first week and a half of 2016. The BDI is the global index that provides an assessment of the price of moving major raw materials by sea and takes in 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain.
Claims immediately arose that ships WERE out to sea, just not showing up on the graphics because ship to shore communication equipment only connected when the ship was close to shore. Thus, all ships clustered close to shore. In fact, for a subscriber, ships DO show up out at sea.
The Cargo Coast
January 12, 2016
MarineTraffic.com writes that a ship may not be visible on a map for a number of reasons. Mainly, the AIS system only covers coastal areas. A terrestrial AIS map only has a range of about 15-20 nautical miles. The image posted/tweeted by MarineTraffic combined terrestrial AIS data with satellite AIS data. MarineTraffic has a partnership with satellite communications firm Orbcomm.
Note the numbers on the Marine Traffic
chart represent the number of ships located below the number, as a zoom feature shows. So there are indeed a number of ships at sea, just MANY MORE clustered in port or parked just off shore.
Yet in addition to the Baltic Dry Index chart showing a dramatic slowdown in ocean shipping, the Harper Petersen charts likewise show this dramatic drop.
Investigating Claims "North Atlantic Trade Ground to a Halt, No Ships Moving"; The Real Shipping Story
January 12, 2016
Harper Petersen provides much more information. Shipping has not ground to a halt. However, shipping volumes and shipping rates have both plunged. 2015 was a disaster by any measure. There's no need to exaggerate. Reality is bad enough.
A casual look at the Vessel Finder
website shows the first dozen or so tankers on the list of registered vessels are NOT at sea but parked off-shore or in port. Vessel Finder has 626,477 ships registered, though this number also includes fishing boats and large pleasure craft. Nevertheless, for some reason ocean going shipping vessels are NOT out to sea.
Is this the economy? Where the stock markets have been up and down recently, and boom and bust is normal during economic swings, if the economy were SO BAD as to cause ocean going shipping to almost halt, then shipping by other means would likewise be slowed. Yet an analysis of traffic by rail in the US shows otherwise. If anything, business is booming, up. The Zetas, as usual, explain.
US Domestic Intermodal Shippers Moving Loads Back to Trucks
August 3, 2015
With carload volume, particularly coal shipments, declining and railroads’ enviable profit growth slowing, the acknowledgement shared during second-quarter earnings calls that intermodal has lost share to truck reflects not only the dynamism of surface transportation but a rare case in which railroads must step up their game or lose valuable business.
Despite Domestic Growth Slowdown, US Intermodal on Solid Track
September 20, 2015
Through July domestic containers are up over 5 percent, compared to 3.9 percent for the international sector. And we’re tracking overall intermodal growth for this year at a total of 5 to 6 percent, marketwise; 3 to 4 percent for international; and 6 to 7 percent for domestic shipments. And if we achieve those results, we’re going to add up to 700,000 to 800,000 units, compared to last year’s 16.3 million units. So we’re looking at over 17 million units transported in intermodal service by the end of this year.
ZetaTalk Insight 1/16/2016:
Recession swings typically include a boom and bust pattern. During a boom jobs become available because manufacturers have allowed their inventory to drop during a bust. Thus flush with wages, the public goes out to purchase items they have been longing for but waiting out of fear of personal bankruptcy. Retailers find their sales going up, and start production again, thus needing new inventory on their raw materials. Everyone is busy, including the shippers providing raw materials and finished goods.
With all the warnings that the worldwide economy was approaching the inflation that was present in 2008 before the housing bubble burst, it should be no surprise that shipping has slowed to a crawl, the boats in ports rather than in route. But is there more to this? There have been several factors recently that impact the global economy.
1. One is the oil glut price war wherein the Saudi’s are trying to drive the US out of oil independence from the Middle East. Fracking oil production in the US is going bankrupt. But rather than spurring production of goods that require oil during their manufacture, manufacturing is stalled, worldwide.
2. A second factor is the rise of banking systems competing with the traditional western banking control of the world. In the past, the US dollar was considered the base currency. Now BRICS is effectively competing
with the IMF. But if a lack of loans to support trade might account for a Europe-US slowdown in trade, it would not account for a worldwide slowdown affecting BRICS members too.
3. A third factor might be caution in the face of potential piracy on the high seas, a potential rise of ISIS or other terrorist maneuvers. This was an issue in the past with Somali pirates off the coast of Africa, until a concerted effort by the military from a number of countries put this to rest. But ISIS has made no threats, nor is there any evidence that they are taking to the seas. ISIS is a land based terror organization.
What is not published for the public to read, but what is known by the shipping industry, is that the Earth changes are heating up, and storms at sea have made the profit margin slimmer. The Earth changes are discounted in the media, the magnitude and frequency of earthquakes a frank lie, and the incidence of giant waves on the increase. But it is the rumors that the presence of Nibiru is about to be announced, admitted, and the potential of riots in ports is giving shippers pause. Until the ports are proven secure from rioters fearing starvation and opportunists wanting goods free of charge, this slowdown will continue.
Wal-Mart Closures
Another sign that corporations are aware of the pending announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, and the likely increase in ZetaTalk predicted Earth changes, is the recently announced Wal-Mart closings. Yes, they are closing a number of small stores, which were never profitable, per Wal-Mart. Yes, this only represents a tiny percentage of their overall revenue. Yes they are otherwise expanding their number of large stores. But the recently announced closures do show a pattern. The Zetas explain.
Here’s a List and Map of all the Walmart Store Closings in the US
January 15, 2016
Express began in 2011 as an experiment with bodega-like Walmarts in spots, mostly urban and rural areas, where the company couldn’t open the sprawling “Supercenters” for which it is best known. But they weren’t successful.
Wal-Mart to Shutter 269 Stores, 154 of Them in the US
January 15, 2016
The world's largest retailer is closing 269 stores, including 154 in the U.S. that includes all of its locations under its smallest-format concept store called Wal-Mart Express. The other big chunk is in its challenging Brazilian market. The stores being shuttered account for a fraction of the company's 11,000 stores worldwide and less than 1 percent of its global revenue.
Walmart is Ending its Express Concept and Closing 269 Stores
January 15, 2016
Even as Walmart plans to close hundreds of locations, it also intends to open more than 300 stores in the next year, including 50 to 60 supercenters in the United States and 85 to 95 Neighborhood Markets. The stores that are to be shuttered are ones that the retailer says account for less than 1 percent of global revenue. Walmart Express stores were something of mashup between a dollar store and a small grocery, offering convenience-oriented food products but not a wide array of fresh produce or meats. Of the 115 stores it is shuttering abroad, 60 are money-losing stores in Brazil.
ZetaTalk Analysis 1/23/2016:
The closing of the Wal-Mart Express line, which has never made a profit, is a non-issue when viewed through the lens of a profit driven corporations looking to the bottom line. That this store concept was “experimental”, initiated recently in 2011, allows it to be closed as an experiment that failed. It is noteworthy however that the Wal-Mart Express stores were located, by design, in poor neighborhoods that would be likely to riot with slight provocation. They are also located in a region likely to be devastated by New Madrid adjustments. The Brazilian stores are reputed to have never made a profit.
What is also noteworthy is that regular Wal-Mart and Super Centers are being closed in Baltimore, LA and San Francisco, Houston, and Los Vegas. These are big city closures or along the coastlines and the San Andreas. Supercenters are also being closed along the Seaway in Ohio and Michigan, yet many new Wal-Mart and Super Centers are planned to be opened shortly. What is clear from this pattern, though unspoken by the media or Wal-Mart management, is that they anticipate the Earth changes and the announcement. New Madrid devastation, earthquake damage along the San Andreas, rioting in big cities, and rioting in poor neighborhoods is anticipated, and Wal-Mart is making adjustments accordingly.
Booms are Back
Booms are back in the N American continent, as noted in the Pole Shift ning
blog dedicates to such matters.
Simultaneously, across the nation, from New Jersey to the California coast, during the same timeframe – Friday January 8, 2016 to Saturday January 9, 2016. In New Jersey, the booms were located just west of the Hudson river, and were still ongoing a week later. In southern Pennsylvania, they were just west of the Susquehana River which flows to the coast. In Georgia, they were just southwest of Atlanta, which has the Chattahoochee River flowing through it. And on the Florida panhandle, the booms were on the coastline on the western side of the state.
The Zetas have often pointed out that rivers are weak points in the crust, causing a sag where water then flows, seeking the lowest point. It is also true that the recent booms up along the East Coast follow the East Coast Fault Line, which connects in the Gulf to the New Madrid Fault Line. The Zetas have also made the point that the N American continent is in a bow, with the center of the bow in California near San Diego. It would seem that this bow stress and the New Madrid diagonal pull are both involved in the recent spate of booms.
New Jersey: Fair Lawn, NJ Residents Baffled by Loud Noises in Night
January 15, 2016
Residents of Fair Lawn, New Jersey, have been plagued by loud booming sounds for about a week. As CBS2’s Dave Carlin reported, the source of the nuisance is a mystery.
Pennsylvania: What were the Loud Booms in York County?
January 11, 2016
At least 10 calls were made to 911 dispatchers between 4:50 p.m. and 5:10 p.m. Saturday around York County with people reporting what sounded like a loud explosion. But fire crews — sent to the North Codorus Township and Spring Grove Borough area — did not find anything.
Georgia: Booms in Eastern Coweta Reported to be Tannerite
January 8, 2016
Social media lit up with theories regarding the origins of the concussive blast. On Facebook, residents of Senoia, Sharpsburg and even Peachtree City, all reported hearing the explosion around 6:00 pm. According to the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, the source has been identified as Tannerite being detonated in the Winchester Road and Marion Beavers Road area.
Florida: Loud Boom Heard Friday, Source Unknown
January 8, 2016
We received more than 100 reports of the boom, mainly from those in parts of Panama City Beach, Panama City, Southport, Lynn Haven, and Youngstown. However, residents in Santa Rosa Beach, Marianna, Cottondale, Chipley, Bonifay, and Clarksville also noticed it. Some said it tripped the breakers and shook their house. None of the military bases in the area confirmed any activity possibly contributing to the explosive sound. Gulf Power representatives said there weren't any reported blown transformers.
While the East Coast Fault Line runs up the East Coast from Florida to Connecticut, the New Madrid Fault Line runs up the Mississippi to Chicago and then turns East to run under the Great Lakes. The booms heard just to the southwest of Fort Wayne, Indiana fall along this route. Oklahoma has been sustaining quake swarms for months, not surprising when one looks at the plethora of fault lines in southern Oklahoma. As the New Madrid region is pulled at a diagonal, and the bowing of N America tightens, this region is fracturing. Thus the booms.
Indiana: We get to the Bottom of the Huntington “Booms”
January 8, 2016
Huntington County Emergency Management said the county has received “numerous” reports of explosions and booms over the last 10-14 days, with a spike over the last 24 hours.
Oklahoma: Loud Boom Leaves Dozens with Questions
January 8, 2016
People from all over Carter County took to social media about a loud boom that shook their homes and workplaces around 10:15 Friday morning.
And of course at the center of the bow is the region along the California coastline close to San Diego. Note that for this spate of booms, only the Georgia booms received the typical establishment excuse. All others honestly reported that no military activity or mining blasting was ongoing, and the booms remained unexplained. This is a move in the right direction.
California: Loud "Boom" Noises Heard throughout Paso Robles coming from Camp Roberts
January 9, 2016
KSBY has had reports from multiple viewers about loud "boom" sounds heard throughout Paso Robles. We made calls to authorities and Paso Police tell us that the sounds are coming from Camp Roberts. Calls are being made to Camp Roberts for more information. More details to come as soon as new information comes into the KSBY newsroom.
Elsewhere around the world trumpets and sounds from the sky were heard, as noted in the Pole Shift ning
blog. In Morocco on January 5. In the Netherlands on January 6. And in Singapore on January 13. This is nothing new, and well documented. In summarizing 2015 at year end, the Daily Mail reports these sounds have been prevalent for the last 10 years. Yes indeed, since Nibiru arrived in 2003 and began tugging on the Earth. This has been documented in Issue 255
of this newsletter in August, 2011 when we had the trumpets of Kiev.
And in Issue 257
of this newsletter in September, 2011 when we had the Tampa Bay Howl
and the Belarus Horns.
And in Issue 277
of this newsletter in January, 2012 when we had the Costa Rico Drums.
And in Issue 380
of this newsletter in January, 2014 we had the Bratislava Bellow
and the Saskatoon Squawk.
Now that Nibiru has crept closer, sounds and signs in the skies will become stronger and more prevalent. The double helix shape of Nibiru and its two dominant Moon Swirls are so very visible these days.
What IS this strange sound from the sky? Noise heard across the globe for nearly a DECADE
December 25, 2015
A mysterious noise from the sky baffled people all over the world - as well as giving those who hear it sleepless nights. Sounding like a trumpet or a collective from a brass section of an orchestra, a selection of videos shot from Canada to Ukraine, via the U.S., Germany and Belarus showed strange goings on above us. And the eerie sounds have been continuously heard at all different times and locations for almost a decade.
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