Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday August 7, 2016. Newsletters can be found in the archives by Friday, also. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm
Pole Shift Timeline
In 2008 the Zetas were asked, on a scale of 1 to 10
with 10 being the Pole Shift, where we were. The Zetas described 2008 as being on a scale of 2-3, and periodically as the earthquakes picked up, this count increased. By the end of 2010 we had reached the start of the 7 of 10,
which was assigned to major plate movements. But these plate movement were then softened and the pace slowed by the Council of Worlds in order to give the establishment time to educate the public on what was in their future, ie make the announcement about Nibiru. As this failed to happen, the 8 of 10 was allowed to overlap
the 7 of 10 plate movements, and this is the status today. While these are completing, the Last Weeks,
the 9 of 10 which only last for 7.3 weeks, are ahead, and then the hour of the Pole Shift.
Where the Zetas are allowed to explain the sequence of events, they are NOT allowed to give the date of the Pole Shift, but as quake charts show, the S American roll is at it again. Quakes outline the S American plate at Antarctic, in the Atlantic, along the border with the Caribbean Plate, and especially along the spine of the Andes. The Caribbean Plate also has quakes on all sides. And the N American Plate is showing the stress of being pulled into a bow, with the distressed tip of Mexico covered in quakes as the movement West of the Caribbean Plate pulls the tip of Mexico to the West. The Philippine Plate likewise has returned to tilting. These are all ZetaTalk 7 of 10 plate movement predictions.
What to Do?
How is the confused public to react? They have been hearing the rumors about exoplanets and have a nervous eye on the weather. They have an uneasy feeling that real grief might be around the corner, and then what? Especially for those new to the concept, it can all be overwhelming. The Pole Shift ning
provides tools up front to help the public go through the elemental 7 steps routine, to examine their current location. This routine can also be found in an October 11, 2015
newsletter and in an earlier September 19, 2010
newsletter. This can help you determine if you are in a good location or might need to travel before or during the Last Weeks. Of course, the sooner you are in a Safe Location and Self Sufficient, the better. There is no time to waste!
My basic approach to helping the public plan for survival is to assume they have lost everything, are essentially naked and afraid. The good news is that this is entirely doable, and even fun! I am flooded with email from those new to the issue, in panic as they have just come to grips with the big picture. “What do I DO?” they wail, not having read a word of the vast survival info on the ZetaTalk website, in a panic, beyond being able to even use the Search Engine provided on the site. In all fairness, it is a vast site. Periodically survival overviews are presented in this newsletter, the last time a year ago on August 30, 2015.
This info was comprehensive, and as such will be included below. But in addition there is a September 7, 2015
YouTube lecture on how to survive even if you are essentially naked and afraid, and a September 22, 2013
survival tips overview.
Anticipate needing to start a fire. Flashlights batteries will burn out, and matches are a finite supply, but a little dry kindling and an old BIC lighter flint will last. No BIC lighter? Halcon shows how easy it is to use friction. Get his handbook
Survival communities need not be without electricity, even with the grid down. Windmills and water mills can be constructed from old car parts or lawn mowers. The essential ingredient is an alternator, which cars and many electric tools such as drills have. These issues are addressed in a September 22, 2013
newsletter and a March 2, 2015
YouTube discussion. Biogas, or using methane gas as a replacement for natural gas is also discussed in an April 28, 2013
Water will be polluted due to broken or overflowing sewer pipes and volcanic dust on surface water. Drinking and cooking water must be cleaned of heavy metals such as lead and mercury and parasites that would cause dysentery or cholera. Your supply of filters will run out, as will your supply of bleach. In any case, bleach and filters will not remove heavy metals. Distillation, long recommended by the Zetas, will remove heavy metals and the boiling process kills and removes parasites.
Modern man expects to get his protein from meat, fish, eggs, milk, and perhaps vegies like soy. What if these sources are not available? What if the grocery store shelves are bare and travel on broken roadways is impossible? Many cultures eat bugs as a delicacy, as they are high in protein and fat. In fact, raising bugs and grubs and worms as food is cheaper than raising cattle or chickens, a more efficient use of feed. And remember, shrimp and lobster are in essence bugs.
Wildlife will be hunted almost to extinction, but during the Revolutionary War squirrel was a staple. Remember the Hunger Games? Rats are eaten in many cultures. Add their meat to the soup pot
and eating rats will not even be noticed, as the Finegan Fine story relays.
Finegan asks, “What do you do for meat?” The manager puts her finger to her mouth, a shush motion, and in a low voice replies. “You can see we've got cats. We've got a population explosion.” The manager
glances at Finegan's face, prepared to drop the bomb and wanting to see if he's ready for it. “I've got several female cats that bring me their catch. It's the females that hunt. Must be a rat population explosion somewhere, as they rarely fail to deliver. Every morning, there they are, dead rats, fresh meat, on my doorstep.” She glances at Finegan's face again. “Well, it's protein! I cook it to death, meat falls off the bone, mix it into the soup that's supper every night. No one's died yet.” Just then one of the female cats saunters up with a dead rat in its mouth and drops it at the manager's feet. The manager leans forward to praise and pet the cat. “Why thank you Mitzy! That's a beautiful gift!”
Did you know that earthworms are 82% protein? And their essential oil is Omega3, equivalent to fish oil. Chop, rinse, and add to the soup pot. Raising them is easy, done in a vegies only compost pile. Remove the egg casts for the garden, as the egg casts will stop reproduction, preventing an overpopulation of worms. Red wigglers make the best worms for your earthworm production compost pile.
What to do when the Vitamin bottle is empty and scurvy has started gums bleeding? Vitamins in Nature, an excellent study that shows NO vitamin deficiency diseases should be anticipated if you simply eat what nature has provided – bugs and weeds. The details are found in a January 4, 2016
YouTube or a January 10, 2016
You are surrounded by vitamins and minerals in the edible weeds that grow everywhere. Get a good handbook. Plantain and Purslane is high in Vitamin A, Sheep Sorrel and pine branch tips high in Vitamin C, and plants such as Prickly Pear, Dandelion, Thistle, Moss, Lichen, and Cattails are entirely edible. Mushrooms too are edible and high in B Vitamins, but get a good handbook. Eating a poisonous mushroom is no picnic and can be fatal and at minimum a miserable experience.
Seaweed is eaten regularly in Japan, harvested from the beaches where it washes ashore. Where most algae is edible, be aware that some algae such as the Red Tide
is poisonous, as is an anaerobic Cyanobacteria
bacteria that can lurk in large green algae growths in stagnant water.
Duckweed has more protein than Soy. Duckweed is found worldwide and is actually a tiny water plant, considered the smallest flowering plant. It can be eaten by humans as well as ducks, and feed fresh water fish such as Tilapia. An enterprising company has determined that dried Duckweed can be made into a protein powder called Lentein.
One plant that deserves special mention is Kudzu, considered the scourge of the Southeast US where it climbs over houses and cars, flattening forests. A relative of the pea plant, Kudzu is entirely edible from the leaves to the tubers, and puts nitrogen back into the soil. The leaves can be fodder for cattle. As this
chapter in the Finegan Fine story asserts, a survival community could survive nicely on Kudzu alone.
The kudzu has covered several trees, which form spires, and has covered the remains of some houses in an abandoned subdivision, the shape of the rooftops barely discernible. They see an even more amazing sight - the remains of a car recycling junkyard where cars have been piled high after being crushed. Children and adults are climbing down the vines, hand over hand and putting their feet against the rusting crushed cars underneath the vine cover. The piles of crushed cars, topped with cars as living quarters, and the kudzu cascading down the sides of the piles, all now covered with creeping and hobbling residents, look a bit like an anthill under an evacuation.
Most communities will plan to get into traditional gardening, buying seeds and equipment in preparation for that day. What might be forgotten is that seed may not be for sale in the future, when the shelves are empty, the Internet down, and shopping just not possible. Learning how to save seed is of prime importance. Many garden plants present their seed in a dried form if allowed to mature fully. Other plants need to ripen almost to a rot if to be used for seed (Tomato, Bell peppers, Melons, and Eggplant) or the seed pods may need to be bone dry (Beans, Raddish, Okra, Corn). Tomato seed has to have the slime removed by white mold or it will not germinate.
Lettuce seed will fly away if not harvested regularly. Spinach plants are male and female and both must be present. Onions and Cabbage are biennial, so must winter over or be kept in a root cellar before the seed stalks will arrive. Related plants will cross pollinate so only plant one type of squash per year, for instance. Garlic must be sown as a clove as it has lost the ability to reproduce by seed. Same with Potato. Cut that seed Potato into pieces and plant. Strawberries propagate by runners, which produce separate plants at their ends. Both Potato and Tomato are members of the nightshade family, so do not eat the leaves or feed them to livestock. Get a good book and get educated!
For those survival communities that do not have a ready source of protein, take note that certain plants are high in Lysine, the essential plant protein that allows vegetarians to be healthy. Buckwheat, Soy, Peas, Legumes, and Amaranth are highest in Lysine. In fact, Corn and Amaranth together provide the
protein equivalent of red meat, as the Orphan Mistress
in this Finegan Fine story relays.
The orphan mistress has graying hair, barely pinned on top of her head in a bun. She looks immensely weary, and walks as though she might not make the next step. She takes a seat on the picnic table,
sighing as though relieved to be off her feet. Taking a deep breath to gain her strength, she lifts her face to smile at the visitors and waves them forward to join her. She directs her charges. “Stir that fire and put on a pot. We'll serve some tea.” She leans back, having caught her breath, and continues to direct her young charges. “Honey, use that other pot. It has a spout. That's it.” “I been at this business for some years. Planted corn and amaranth, being vegetarian and all. Don't need meat if you got those. Made a mix for the local organic outlets. Amaranth greens are a good salad too. Made my living at that. No need to plow if you keep the weeds down regular. Just re-seed.” The orphan mistress waves in the direction of the wall of young children clustered behind her, each clutching a cup of tea. “These are the best little weed pickers I ever seen. You pull a weed up, the grubs and beetles fall out, and the chickens clean them up. You go down the rows and knock the bugs off the plants, and the chickens foller along and clean them up. What's left is our produce, bug free, and eggs. We got lots of eggs.”
No survival site would be complete without chickens. They only need a coop to protect them from predators, an opportunity to free range to hunt for bugs and worms, water, and sunlight for Vitamin D. In return they provide eggs and chicken meat. I kept chickens for a few years and can attest that one becomes very attached to them. A flock of hens will usually have one hen that is the brooder, and all the hens lay their eggs in her nest for a communal hatch operation. We fed them melon rinds and they consumed them all. Feed the egg shells back to the flock for the calcium. Got rotting road kill or entrails? Don’t bury that, let the flies lay eggs and put the mess in a plastic container. When the mess starts to writhe, full of maggots, spill it on the ground and let the hens feast. Roosters, by the way, are natural protectors and will attack people if not familiar. They are natural farm guards
as are donkeys and geese.
Goats are another easy addition for survival communities. They follow the herdsman around, unbidden, and eat anything, including poison ivy. Goat manure is easy to transport as it is delivered in pellet form, not sloppy. Why keep dairy cattle when goat milk is superior!
Stuck in the city so feel you can’t garden? Nonsense! Look at what Growing Power in Milwaukee did. They not only compost with earthworms, in essence creating soil, they market their produce! The CEO of Growing Power has become an in-demand consultant as a result. This works!
Many cities have urban garden space, or allow roof top gardening or container gardening. If all you have is a patio or even just a sunny window, get into it!
High tech gardening with hydroponics is possible too, which provides a garden free from any volcanic dust or raids by the wildlife. Water can be reused, and when the store bought hydroponic nutrient solution runs out, watering the earthworm compost beds will produce a brown nutrient solution runoff equivalent to the store bought version. I know, as we did this in the Troubled Times labs and leaf for leaf, blossom for blossom, the results were equivalent. High tech hydroponics assumes you have electricity for a pump and lights. But a simple manual system using gravity, lifting a pail a couple times a day, works also. Full spectrum lights are required if no sunlight is available, but what happens when all the light bulbs have burned out? Carbon arc lamps,
used today for film production in Hollywood, is a full spectrum light that turned the streets of London into day a century ago. Direct current is required, and for the carbon tips, even pencil leads can be used. Setup a windmill and have an earthworm compost pile and you are in the hydroponics business!
Survivors will surely miss their daily shower, but the more urgent issue is what to do about a lack of soap and diapers. Soap can be made from water drained through wood ash, which is caustic, and animal fat. This is cooked to boil it down and then poured into molds.
Moss makes a perfect diaper filler and works for feminine hygiene too. What about contraceptives? There is of course abstinence, or having oneself sterilized ahead of the Pole Shift, but does Mother Nature have a safe and natural contraceptive? She does indeed. The seeds from Queen Anne’s lace, a common weed growing throughout the world, works as a morning after pill. Known in antiquity, for instance among the Egyptians, for its effectiveness. Modern day tests among feminist have shown it to be 100% effective when seeds are munched the morning after, and when one desires a pregnancy the
pregnancy is normal with no untoward effects from having used the contraceptive routine. Seeds are harvested from dry seed heads. Note that some blistering plants are a look-alike. Giant Hogweed
has a similar white flower but is huge. Wild Parsnip
has a similar size but has a yellow flower.
When the pharma meds run out, you should be well versed in herbal medicine. Get a book and plant your garden well ahead of time. I can personally vouch for a compost of Comfrey leaves building skin on a patch of raw flesh in just three days. This raw flesh had no skin on it for a two month period, until the compress was tried. Three days! Get a book and plant your herbs!
Picking up the pieces to build a new shelter will give survivors lots of options. As long as one has hand tools
then creativity should know no bounds! Fill old tires with dirt for an insulated wall. Tents for temporary
housing are great, and if not enough to go around, use a tarp. Downsizing your expectations of floor space and learn to live in a tiny house as this December 22, 2013
newsletter suggests, or plan for a flood plain stilt home as detailed in this April 17, 2016
If the waters are rising around you, build a houseboat. Floatation devices can be constructed or one can use a sealed steel drum or a bunch of plastic bottles. Details and examples on how to build houseboats are found in a February 15, 2015
which features homemade wooden pontoons and plans and a November 16, 2014
newsletter showing a mangrove swamp houseboat using empty soda bottles for floatation. A December 7, 2015
YouTube has extensive examples. As the coastline changes during the rising seas anticipated after the Pole Shift, one can pull up anchor and move along the coastline. This is featured in the Finegan Fine
story, where Finegan is a trader running up and down the flooded riverways.
The humidity and Spanish moss hanging from the trees on the Georgia coastline is not unusual, but the fact that the coastline is flooded is unusual. Rooftops and treetops are sticking out of the placid water, which is lapping gently on suburban lawns. A houseboat is floating nearby, tied to a sturdy treetrunk
sticking out of the floodwaters. And the houseboat is immensely cluttered. Bins of vegetables are stacked one on top of the other and side by side. Engine and mechanical parts are heaped in piles on the corners of the houseboat, placed for balance. There are pegs everywhere a peg can be placed, where loops of fishing line, wire, and rope are hung. Boxes are stacked, smaller boxes on top of larger ones. Some of the wooden boxes have pull-out drawers. Large plastic containers are stacked here and there, but only a few are labeled. Folded tarps are on top of one pile, topped by fishing netting flung there to dry after a night's catch. Poles have been placed on the four corners of the houseboat and lines are strung from these poles to the single story house in the center. On one, some fresh fish, gutted and headless, are hung by the tail.
Tired of holes in your jeans? It will take time for all the clothing to wear out, but survivors should be thinking about replacement. Traditional fibers used for clothing and blankets are from linen, cotton, and wool. Cotton and wool are combed to straighten out the fibers prior to spinning into threads or
yarn, but linen must be soaked to rot away all but the fibers. Construction specs for spinning wheels and looms
are available although these are also offered for sale on the Internet. Leather is another option, with
instructions on how to cure and scrape skins available.
Having the right mindset is as important for survival as having the right supplies, as this April 6, 2015
YouTube discussion relays. Sharing, not hoarding, should be the focus. Since paper money will likely be a thing of the past, the globe on the barter economy,
a good approach would be to develop skills and be prepared to contribute. In short, one will not be able to buy their way, in the Aftertime. Model communities
exist as examples.
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