Double Filter Again at Sunset, 2012/10/15: 18:13.

Views: 2230


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Comment by Nancy Lieder on October 16, 2012 at 4:19pm

The String of Pearls phenomena is not new, as mentioned on February 14, 2010 in Issue 172

of my newsletter, and introduced originally on January 24, 2010 in Issue 169

of my newsletter.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on October 15, 2012 at 8:42pm

Someone on a flight from UK to Spain sent me these. I am encouraging him to become a member here. Alberto's photos get the TAIL, big time, lately, String of Pearls format. These photos show the same.

Hi Nancy these are some photos I recently took, 11th October 2012, over the duration of a flight fro the UK to Spain, using the internal disk from a floppy drive as you mentioned and my Samsung Galaxy 2.

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