Disease outbreaks will increase as per ZetaTalk


Taking Sick

On Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk stated that Illness will increase as Planet X approaches.  Zetas right again !!!

ZetaTalk: Take Sick, written Feb 15, 1998.
Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring more frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen before in the memory of man. What is going on here?

The changes at the core of the Earth that have resulted in El Nino weather patterns and white buffalo and deformed frogs also affect man. The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move. And thus humans are exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be undocumented in medical journals.

You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is scattering about and spreading germs in places where it normally doesn't travel. 90% of all the illness and distress you're going to see is a natural situation, a natural occurrence. Because of the changing, swirling in the core of the Earth, and this will continue to up-tick until the pole shift.

And reiterated in 1999

ZetaTalk: Next 3 1/2 Years, written Sep 15, 1999.
Sickness will slightly increase from where it is today. There is a lot of illness now because people who are already unstable are unable to take the turmoil caused by the increased emanations from the Earth. Some of them have simply sensed what is coming and have decided to die. This is true of animals as well as humans. Sickness will increase, but not to the point where it is going to get exponentially worse.

On Feb 2, 2000 a Washington report confirmed this increase, and published concerns were subsequently reported.

Diseases From Around World Threatening U.S.
Reuters, Feb 2, 2000
30 New Diseases Make Global Debut
At least 30 previously unknown diseases have appeared globally since 1973, including HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Ebola haemorrhagic fever and the encephalitis-related Nipah virus that emerged in Indonesia. Twenty well-known infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera have re-emerged or spread since 1973.
Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
Scientific American, August 2000
Notably, computer models predict that global warming, and other climate alterations it induces, will expand the incidence and distribution of many serious medical disorders. Disturbingly, these forecasts seem to be coming true.

And since this time, SARS and increased incidence of flesh eating disease,
and entire cruise ships regularly returning to port with the passengers ill with stomach flu have been reported.
Depressed immune systems?
Zetas RIGHT Again!

After the pole shift, there will be many opportunistic diseases that will afflict mankind. This does not require an imagination, as today they afflict mankind after disasters. The primary affliction will be from sewage laden water, which will pollute the drinking water man is forced to use. We have been adamant about mankind distilling their drinking water after the pole shift for this reason. Distillation removes heavy metals as well as killing microbes by the boiling process. Any disease that flourishes in malnourished bodies and in areas of poor hygiene will take advantage of the pole shift disasters. Scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C will occur, with bleeding gums and even death if not corrected. Many weeds are high in Vitamin C and survivors should arm themselves with knowledge about the vitamin content of weeds. Unprotected sex by survivors either taking advantage of the weak, as in rape, or by simple distraction and grief and a lack of contraceptive devices will spread AIDS and hepatitis. Morgellons, which is caused by a synergy of parasites and microbes when the immune system is low will likely increase. There will be outbreaks of diseases which were endemic in the past, such as small pox or measles, but in those survivor communities where the members have been immunized in the past these will be limited and quarantines can help in this regard.



Chile battles youth unrest and typhoid fever outbreak

September 15, 2011SANTIAGOChile’s problems dealing with youth unrest over slow education reforms are being compounded by concerns the capital may be in the grip of a typhoid fever outbreak. The government has battled to enforce restraint on law enforcement agencies amid angry student-led protests, which have disrupted urban centers across the country for more than a month. The reforms demanded by youth groups are nowhere near being implemented and protests continue to simmer with support from teachers and workers unions. Now authorities are faced with the more immediate risk of typhoid. Health authorities issued repeated alerts for tougher hygiene checks and controls after they found several people infected and seriously ill with typhoid in the western metropolitan area of Santiago. At least seven cases were confirmed by the Public Health Institute but there were no immediate reports of fatalities. “Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease triggered by a salmonella bacteria strain,” Institute Director Maria Teresa Valenzuela said. In most cases the infection is caused by consumption of contaminated food and drink or fruit and vegetables grown in areas where contaminated water is used in irrigation. Typhoid fever produces symptoms of high fever, diarrhea or intense headaches. The Santiago region has been prone to typhoid outbreaks since the 1990s when incidence of the disease caused up to 190 cases a year.


Epidemic Hazard in India on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:16 (03:16 AM) UTC.

The Department of Health and Family Welfare has informed that it had received a message through telephone on 12th September 2011 of an outbreak of fever of unknown cause leading to three deaths at Poilwa village, Peren District. Immediately the State Rapid Response Team (RRT) of Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP), Nagaland, comprising of Dr. John Kemp (State Surveillance Officer), Dr. Sao Tunyi (Epidemiologist), Dr. Kevisevolie Sekhose (Epidemiologist), and Venezo Vasa (Entomologist) conducted an outbreak investigation at Poilwa village. The team collected three samples from suspected cases out of which all the three were tested positive for Scrub Typhus. Till date, there are 9 cases with 3 deaths. This was stated in a official press note issued by Dr. Imtimeren Jamir, the Principal Director, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Kohima. Scrub Typhus is Rickettsial disease caused Orientia tsutsugamushi and transmitted by the bite of mite called Leptotrombidium deliense. In Nagaland, it was formerly detected by IDSP with Central Surveillance Team at Longsa village Mokokchung in 2006, and in Porba village of Phek District in 2007. The State RRT team carried out the outbreak investigation along with doing and entomological survey. The patients were treated with appropriate medicines and awareness and preventive measures were communicated with the villagers. The concerned local health authorities and programs are informed for further necessary action. The mop-up operation is being carried out by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program.
Biohazard name: Typhus (Scrub)
Biohazard level: 3/4 Hight
Biohazard desc.: Bacteria and viruses that can cause severe to fatal disease in humans, but for which vaccines or other treatments exist, such as anthrax, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, SARS virus, variola virus (smallpox), tuberculosis, typhus, Rift Valley fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, yellow fever, and malaria. Among parasites Plasmodium falciparum, which causes Malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes trypanosomiasis, also come under this level.
Symptoms: - After bite by infected mite larvae called chiggers, papule develops at the biting site which ulcerates and eventually heals with the development of a black eschar. - Patients develop sudden fever with headache, weakness, myalgia, generalized enlargement of lymph nodes, photophobia, and dry cough. - A week later, rash appears on the trunk, then on the extremities, and turns pale within a few days. - Symptoms generally disappear after two weeks even without treatment. - However, in severe cases with Pneumonia and Myocarditis, mortality may reach 30% Diagnosis - The most commonly used test for diagnosis is Wel-Felix Test, which is available at State IDSP laboratory, Kohima. - More specific serological tests like detection of IgM can also be done for diagnosis.



Turns out, the plague isn't just ancient history. New Mexico health officials recently confirmed the first human case of bubonic plague — previously known as the "Black Death" — to surface in the U.S. in 2011. 

An unidentified 58-year-old man was hospitalized for a week after suffering from a high fever, pain in his abdomen and groin, and swollen lymph nodes, reports the New York Daily News. (Officials declined to say when the man was released from the hospital.) A blood sample from the man tested positive for the disease.


Epidemic Hazard in USA on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:33 (03:33 AM) UTC.

Umatilla County health officials today confirmed a case of plague in an adult male county resident. He may have been infected while hunting in Lake County, noted Sharon Waldern, clinic supervisor for the county’s public health department. “Lake County had two cases of human plague last year.” The man has been hospitalized and is receiving treatment, Waldern noted. “People need to realize he was never considered contagious and he started treatment fairly quickly.” Plague is spread to humans through a bite from an infected flea. The disease is serious but treatable with antibiotics if caught early, officials said. Plague can be passed from fleas feeding on infected rodents and then transmitted to humans. Direct contact with infected tissues or fluids from handling sick or dead animals can pass the disease, as well as through respiratory droplets from cats and humans with pneumonic plague, officials said in a press release. Some types are spread from person to person, but that is not the case here, Waldern said. Symptoms typically develop within one to four days and up to seven days after exposure and include fever, chills, headache, weakness and a bloody or watery cough due to pneumonia, enlarged, tender lymph nodes, abdominal pain and bleeding into the skin or other organs.

Plague is rare in Oregon. Only three human cases have been diagnosed since 1995 and they all recovered. Last year two human cases of plague were diagnosed in Lake County. As far as she knows, this is the first ever incident in Umatilla County. “In this recent case it is important to stay away from flea-infested areas and to recognize the symptoms. People can protect themselves, their family members and their pets,” said Genni Lehnert-Beers, administrator for Umatilla County Health Department. “Using flea treatment on your pets is very important, because your pets can bring fleas into your home.” People should contact their health care provider or veterinarian if plague is suspected. Early treatment for people and pets with appropriate antibiotics is essential to curing plague infections. Untreated plague can be fatal for animals and people. Antibiotics to prevent or treat plague should be used only under the direction of a health care provider. Additional steps to prevent flea bites include wearing insect repellent, tucking pant cuffs into socks when in areas heavily occupied by rodents, and avoiding contact with wildlife including rodents.
Biohazard name: Plague (Bubonic)
Biohazard level: 4/4 Hazardous
Biohazard desc.: Viruses and bacteria that cause severe to fatal disease in humans, and for which vaccines or other treatments are not available, such as Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, H5N1(bird flu), Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, hantaviruses, Lassa fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and other hemorrhagic or unidentified diseases. When dealing with biological hazards at this level the use of a Hazmat suit and a self-contained oxygen supply is mandatory. The entrance and exit of a Level Four biolab will contain multiple showers, a vacuum room, an ultraviolet light room, autonomous detection system, and other safety precautions designed to destroy all traces of the biohazard. Multiple airlocks are employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from a Biosafety Level 4 (P4) lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release.

The Black Death: Bubonic Plague








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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 19, 2011 at 6:09am

Climate Change and Infectious Disease: Is the Future Here?

atherine M. Cooney

Catherine M. Cooney, a science writer based in Washington, DC, has written for Environmental Science & Technology and Chemical Watch.

Environ Health Perspect 119:a394-a397 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.119-a394 [online 01 September 2011]

After kayaking on Vancouver Island’s eastern shore, a 45-year-old woman’s headaches and night sweats were little indication that she had been exposed to a rare and dangerous fungus while on the water. Her doctors, mystified as to the cause of the symptoms, didn’t recognize that the infection was Cryptococcus gattii—a species of pathogenic yeast—until shortly before her death in 2002.1

Most cases of C. gattii have been reported in the warmer climates of Australia, Asia, Africa, and Southern California. But at least two strains of the fungus are now affecting humans, pets, and wild animals in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.2 From January 2004 through July 2010, a total of 15 people died from C. gattii infection, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 60 human cases of the illness were reported in Oregon, Washington, California, and Idaho.3 Despite the alarming sound of the disease, public health officials in Oregon have urged residents not to consider the spread of C. gattii as a health emergency—although the fungus is present in the wild, few people have become seriously ill with this infection, and even fewer have died, says Oregon state epidemiologist Katrina Hedberg.

Nevertheless, the mere presence of this foreign species so far from its home raises questions. Reports suggest the fungus may have been exported from its native habitat on commercially valuable trees such as eucalyptus and ornamental Ficus species.4 “We don’t know exactly why the [Pacific Northwest] outbreak emerged,” says Edmond Byrnes, a postdoctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who has studied the fungus.5 “One of the more current hypotheses is that climate change is one of the factors that should be considered.” Byrnes explains that C. gattii may be able to establish itself in the Pacific Northwest region because of milder winters with daily average temperatures above freezing.

C. gattii is one of several pathogens whose spread is hypothesized to be linked to climate change. Like many aspects of climate change, the connection with infectious disease involves controversy. Some scientists argue that improved climate models may give a false impression that climate change is driving a spread in infectious diseases; others point to human activity and other factors as far more important determinants than climate.6,7,8,9

But health practitioners know that a myriad of factors affect the spread of any disease, and many of these—including human migration, poverty, water and air quality, land use decisions, ecological change, the strength of the local public health system, and even access to air conditioning—are themselves intertwined with climate change.10 Moreover, says Jonathan Patz, a professor of environmental studies and population health sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, “So many infectious diseases are sensitive to climate that if the majority of the climatologists around the world are telling us that climate is changing and will continue to change under the scenario of global warming, then disease incidence will change.” Several scientific studies and reports suggest these proposed future effects of climate change are in fact already occurring.11

Diseases of Interest

Considering climate change and extreme weather events when analyzing the spread of disease is a fairly new idea. In one of the first papers to call attention to the potential connection, published in 1989, author Alexander Leaf listed immune system depression, health care and sanitation deficiencies, pollution, population shifts, malnutrition, vector shifts, and contaminated water supplies as factors that could spur a rise in infectious diseases in a warming climate.12 Studies published as part of a series in The Lancet in the fall of 1993 first began to link increased cases of infectious disease to longer seasons, hotter temperatures, and increased rainfall.13,14,15 Studies published since then have coupled aspects of climate change to increased outbreaks of viral illnesses such as West Nile virus (WNV) and dengue fever, and to outbreaks of bacterial illnesses such as cholera and salmonellosis.10 In 1996 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the first time included a chapter on public health effects in its report.16

To make a firmer determination about links between climate change and infectious disease, researchers need high-quality data collected over long periods detailing changes in the numerous factors that go into the spread of disease. But those data haven’t been collected. “That is one reason some of us look at cases where [there are] unseasonable conditions, like in an El Niño where there are unseasonal rain or drought conditions or unusually high temperatures,” Patz says. “We look at that and say, as scientists, okay what did that extreme weather pattern do to disease? If we can study what happens to disease in extreme weather events, it gives us a window into the future [where such extremes are expected to become more common].”

Most public health officials contacted for this article agree that climate change and extreme weather events will move more infectious diseases northward. Warmer winters and high-latitude warming—occurring twice as fast as overall warming17—are already contributing to shifts and expansions of vector ranges.18 In addition, extreme weather events—occurring with greater frequency and intensity19—are often associated with outbreaks of water-, mosquito-, and rodentborne diseases,20 says Paul Epstein, associate director of Harvard’s Center for Health and the Global Environment.

But predicting how the interaction of factors will play out is not always straightforward. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Scientific Working Group, dengue is the most rapidly spreading vectorborne disease in the world, with the average annual number of reported cases increasing by more than 7.5 times between 1970–1979 and 2000–2005.21 Malaria, on the other hand, is decreasing in all regions in response to highly targeted control efforts—in 2009 there were an estimated 225 million cases and 781,000 deaths worldwide, down from 233 million cases and 985,000 deaths in 2000.22 In the World Malaria Report 2010 the WHO stated, “A realistic view of what would have happened without control activities . . . cannot be established from the data currently available,” but suggested that, absent control activities, short-term climate variations could be expected to affect disease trends.22

Lyme disease, spread by ticks carrying the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, has been expanding for decades in the United States, but it is difficult to know how much of that expansion is a result of infected ticks expanding their geographic range versus growing awareness and better detection of the disease. It is clearly both, says Richard S. Ostfeld, a disease ecologist with the Carey Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York. “We know [Lyme disease] has spread into the mid-Atlantic states, into Maryland and Virginia and north into New Jersey and New York and southern Canada,” he says. “It is possible that the spread northward is influenced by a warming climate, but that wouldn’t explain the spread southward. We just don’t know what the other factors are.”

Other diseases are predicted to become more prevalent as a result of climate-related changes in water and food sources. Water contamination from flooding can cause shortages of clean water that lead to the spread of diarrheal diseases such as cholera as well as enteric diseases such as typhoid.23 Not having enough water for cleaning and bathing can cause infections such as scabies24 and trachoma,25 whereas drinking too little water can lead to harmful infections of the bladder and kidneys.26 Warm temperatures and rainfall have also been tied to the spread of foodborne contaminants. For example, contamination of crops with aflatoxins—potent mycotoxins produced by Aspergillus flavus fungi that can cause developmental and immune system suppression, cancer, and death—is linked both to increased rainfall and to drought.27

One thing that seems fairly clear is that not all areas will see uniform shifts in infectious diseases; these, like other climate-related changes, will be highly dependent on local factors.10 “In some areas [in the United States] we expect to see a disease increase, and in others areas we expect to see a decrease. How climate change will affect that is really a wildcard at this time,” says Ben Beard, associate director for climate change at the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.



Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 19, 2011 at 6:05am

Dreaded Diarrhea Diseases for Toddlers: Rotavirus and Other Agents 2011

Mary Anne

According to the Centers for Disease Control CDC there has been a dramatic uptick in voluntarily reported incidences of rotavirus in the Midwestern and Western Regions during late spring, 2011. Rotavirus and other viral gastroenteritis agents and protozoan parasites are responsible for diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration in infants, children and the elderly, according to Brown University. Rotavirus is highly contagious and transmitted through the fecal-oral route. Anti-bacterial soap hand washing is not sufficient to eliminate the disease. Instead, epidemiologists recommend alcohol based products for cleaning affected areas. Each year in the United States, more than 3 million children are diagnosed with rotavirus and over 55,000 require hospitalization for the disease. World-wide rotavirus is the leading cause of children's death in third world nations.


Rotavirus can be tricky to diagnose in the most vulnerable age groups ages six months to two years and the elderly because the symptoms mimic numerous other agents and parasites, according to the National Foundation for Disease Control, the following symptoms requires further testing and treatment to prevent dehydration by a competent medical doctor. A physician should be contacted immediately if any signs of dehydration are present or if the symptoms last more than 48-hours. There is no antibiotic treatment available for rotavirus.


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