Disease outbreaks will increase as per ZetaTalk


Taking Sick

On Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk stated that Illness will increase as Planet X approaches.  Zetas right again !!!

ZetaTalk: Take Sick, written Feb 15, 1998.
Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring more frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen before in the memory of man. What is going on here?

The changes at the core of the Earth that have resulted in El Nino weather patterns and white buffalo and deformed frogs also affect man. The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move. And thus humans are exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be undocumented in medical journals.

You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is scattering about and spreading germs in places where it normally doesn't travel. 90% of all the illness and distress you're going to see is a natural situation, a natural occurrence. Because of the changing, swirling in the core of the Earth, and this will continue to up-tick until the pole shift.

And reiterated in 1999

ZetaTalk: Next 3 1/2 Years, written Sep 15, 1999.
Sickness will slightly increase from where it is today. There is a lot of illness now because people who are already unstable are unable to take the turmoil caused by the increased emanations from the Earth. Some of them have simply sensed what is coming and have decided to die. This is true of animals as well as humans. Sickness will increase, but not to the point where it is going to get exponentially worse.

On Feb 2, 2000 a Washington report confirmed this increase, and published concerns were subsequently reported.

Diseases From Around World Threatening U.S.
Reuters, Feb 2, 2000
30 New Diseases Make Global Debut
At least 30 previously unknown diseases have appeared globally since 1973, including HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Ebola haemorrhagic fever and the encephalitis-related Nipah virus that emerged in Indonesia. Twenty well-known infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera have re-emerged or spread since 1973.
Is Global Warming Harmful to Health?
Scientific American, August 2000
Notably, computer models predict that global warming, and other climate alterations it induces, will expand the incidence and distribution of many serious medical disorders. Disturbingly, these forecasts seem to be coming true.

And since this time, SARS and increased incidence of flesh eating disease,
and entire cruise ships regularly returning to port with the passengers ill with stomach flu have been reported.
Depressed immune systems?
Zetas RIGHT Again!

After the pole shift, there will be many opportunistic diseases that will afflict mankind. This does not require an imagination, as today they afflict mankind after disasters. The primary affliction will be from sewage laden water, which will pollute the drinking water man is forced to use. We have been adamant about mankind distilling their drinking water after the pole shift for this reason. Distillation removes heavy metals as well as killing microbes by the boiling process. Any disease that flourishes in malnourished bodies and in areas of poor hygiene will take advantage of the pole shift disasters. Scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C will occur, with bleeding gums and even death if not corrected. Many weeds are high in Vitamin C and survivors should arm themselves with knowledge about the vitamin content of weeds. Unprotected sex by survivors either taking advantage of the weak, as in rape, or by simple distraction and grief and a lack of contraceptive devices will spread AIDS and hepatitis. Morgellons, which is caused by a synergy of parasites and microbes when the immune system is low will likely increase. There will be outbreaks of diseases which were endemic in the past, such as small pox or measles, but in those survivor communities where the members have been immunized in the past these will be limited and quarantines can help in this regard.



Chile battles youth unrest and typhoid fever outbreak

September 15, 2011SANTIAGOChile’s problems dealing with youth unrest over slow education reforms are being compounded by concerns the capital may be in the grip of a typhoid fever outbreak. The government has battled to enforce restraint on law enforcement agencies amid angry student-led protests, which have disrupted urban centers across the country for more than a month. The reforms demanded by youth groups are nowhere near being implemented and protests continue to simmer with support from teachers and workers unions. Now authorities are faced with the more immediate risk of typhoid. Health authorities issued repeated alerts for tougher hygiene checks and controls after they found several people infected and seriously ill with typhoid in the western metropolitan area of Santiago. At least seven cases were confirmed by the Public Health Institute but there were no immediate reports of fatalities. “Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease triggered by a salmonella bacteria strain,” Institute Director Maria Teresa Valenzuela said. In most cases the infection is caused by consumption of contaminated food and drink or fruit and vegetables grown in areas where contaminated water is used in irrigation. Typhoid fever produces symptoms of high fever, diarrhea or intense headaches. The Santiago region has been prone to typhoid outbreaks since the 1990s when incidence of the disease caused up to 190 cases a year.


Epidemic Hazard in India on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:16 (03:16 AM) UTC.

The Department of Health and Family Welfare has informed that it had received a message through telephone on 12th September 2011 of an outbreak of fever of unknown cause leading to three deaths at Poilwa village, Peren District. Immediately the State Rapid Response Team (RRT) of Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP), Nagaland, comprising of Dr. John Kemp (State Surveillance Officer), Dr. Sao Tunyi (Epidemiologist), Dr. Kevisevolie Sekhose (Epidemiologist), and Venezo Vasa (Entomologist) conducted an outbreak investigation at Poilwa village. The team collected three samples from suspected cases out of which all the three were tested positive for Scrub Typhus. Till date, there are 9 cases with 3 deaths. This was stated in a official press note issued by Dr. Imtimeren Jamir, the Principal Director, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Kohima. Scrub Typhus is Rickettsial disease caused Orientia tsutsugamushi and transmitted by the bite of mite called Leptotrombidium deliense. In Nagaland, it was formerly detected by IDSP with Central Surveillance Team at Longsa village Mokokchung in 2006, and in Porba village of Phek District in 2007. The State RRT team carried out the outbreak investigation along with doing and entomological survey. The patients were treated with appropriate medicines and awareness and preventive measures were communicated with the villagers. The concerned local health authorities and programs are informed for further necessary action. The mop-up operation is being carried out by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program.
Biohazard name: Typhus (Scrub)
Biohazard level: 3/4 Hight
Biohazard desc.: Bacteria and viruses that can cause severe to fatal disease in humans, but for which vaccines or other treatments exist, such as anthrax, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, SARS virus, variola virus (smallpox), tuberculosis, typhus, Rift Valley fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, yellow fever, and malaria. Among parasites Plasmodium falciparum, which causes Malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes trypanosomiasis, also come under this level.
Symptoms: - After bite by infected mite larvae called chiggers, papule develops at the biting site which ulcerates and eventually heals with the development of a black eschar. - Patients develop sudden fever with headache, weakness, myalgia, generalized enlargement of lymph nodes, photophobia, and dry cough. - A week later, rash appears on the trunk, then on the extremities, and turns pale within a few days. - Symptoms generally disappear after two weeks even without treatment. - However, in severe cases with Pneumonia and Myocarditis, mortality may reach 30% Diagnosis - The most commonly used test for diagnosis is Wel-Felix Test, which is available at State IDSP laboratory, Kohima. - More specific serological tests like detection of IgM can also be done for diagnosis.



Turns out, the plague isn't just ancient history. New Mexico health officials recently confirmed the first human case of bubonic plague — previously known as the "Black Death" — to surface in the U.S. in 2011. 

An unidentified 58-year-old man was hospitalized for a week after suffering from a high fever, pain in his abdomen and groin, and swollen lymph nodes, reports the New York Daily News. (Officials declined to say when the man was released from the hospital.) A blood sample from the man tested positive for the disease.


Epidemic Hazard in USA on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:33 (03:33 AM) UTC.

Umatilla County health officials today confirmed a case of plague in an adult male county resident. He may have been infected while hunting in Lake County, noted Sharon Waldern, clinic supervisor for the county’s public health department. “Lake County had two cases of human plague last year.” The man has been hospitalized and is receiving treatment, Waldern noted. “People need to realize he was never considered contagious and he started treatment fairly quickly.” Plague is spread to humans through a bite from an infected flea. The disease is serious but treatable with antibiotics if caught early, officials said. Plague can be passed from fleas feeding on infected rodents and then transmitted to humans. Direct contact with infected tissues or fluids from handling sick or dead animals can pass the disease, as well as through respiratory droplets from cats and humans with pneumonic plague, officials said in a press release. Some types are spread from person to person, but that is not the case here, Waldern said. Symptoms typically develop within one to four days and up to seven days after exposure and include fever, chills, headache, weakness and a bloody or watery cough due to pneumonia, enlarged, tender lymph nodes, abdominal pain and bleeding into the skin or other organs.

Plague is rare in Oregon. Only three human cases have been diagnosed since 1995 and they all recovered. Last year two human cases of plague were diagnosed in Lake County. As far as she knows, this is the first ever incident in Umatilla County. “In this recent case it is important to stay away from flea-infested areas and to recognize the symptoms. People can protect themselves, their family members and their pets,” said Genni Lehnert-Beers, administrator for Umatilla County Health Department. “Using flea treatment on your pets is very important, because your pets can bring fleas into your home.” People should contact their health care provider or veterinarian if plague is suspected. Early treatment for people and pets with appropriate antibiotics is essential to curing plague infections. Untreated plague can be fatal for animals and people. Antibiotics to prevent or treat plague should be used only under the direction of a health care provider. Additional steps to prevent flea bites include wearing insect repellent, tucking pant cuffs into socks when in areas heavily occupied by rodents, and avoiding contact with wildlife including rodents.
Biohazard name: Plague (Bubonic)
Biohazard level: 4/4 Hazardous
Biohazard desc.: Viruses and bacteria that cause severe to fatal disease in humans, and for which vaccines or other treatments are not available, such as Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, H5N1(bird flu), Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, hantaviruses, Lassa fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and other hemorrhagic or unidentified diseases. When dealing with biological hazards at this level the use of a Hazmat suit and a self-contained oxygen supply is mandatory. The entrance and exit of a Level Four biolab will contain multiple showers, a vacuum room, an ultraviolet light room, autonomous detection system, and other safety precautions designed to destroy all traces of the biohazard. Multiple airlocks are employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from a Biosafety Level 4 (P4) lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release.

The Black Death: Bubonic Plague








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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 29, 2012 at 2:43am


Mexican Swine Flu Outbreak Kills 29, Infects Nearly 1,500mps up.

January 28, 2012

MEXICO CITY (BNO NEWS) — An ongoing swine flu outbreak in Mexico has left at least 29 people dead and nearly 1,500 others infected, health officials confirmed on Saturday. Thousands more are also ill as the country faces several types of flu this season.

Since the start of the ongoing winter season, at least 7,069 people have reported suffering from symptoms similar to those of swine flu. Lab tests are still underway and have so far confirmed 1,456 cases of the disease, which is officially known as A/H1N1.

According to Mexico’s Health Ministry (SSA), at least twenty-nine people have died of swine flu so far this season. While no health emergency has been declared, officials expect the death toll will rise in the coming weeks as Mexico also faces A/H3N2 and B influenza.


The H1N1 influenza virus emerged in the Mexican state of Veracruz in April 2009 and quickly spread around the world, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global flu pandemic in June 2009. At least 18,000 people have died of the disease since, although the actual number is believed to be far higher.

In August 2010, the WHO declared that the swine flu pandemic was over. “In the post-pandemic period, influenza disease activity will have returned to levels normally seen for seasonal influenza,” the WHO said at the time. “It is expected that the pandemic virus will behave as a seasonal influenza A virus.”

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 27, 2012 at 5:25pm


Brockovich looking into teens’ mystery ailment

by Sharon Jayson, and Elizabeth Weise on Jan. 26, 2012, under USA Today News

Environmental activist Erin Brockovich has started her own investigation into the mysterious illness that’s caused symptoms of facial tics and verbal outbursts among teenagers in Le Roy, N.Y., in light of new evidence about a toxic chemical spill more than 40 years ago that caused water and ground contamination nearby.

Brockovich gained notoriety with a 2000 movie (Erin Brockovich, starring Julia Roberts) about her efforts to expose a toxic chemical coverup in California.

She told USA TODAY on Thursday that after families of affected teens and other community members asked her to look into the Le Roy case, she has spent the past week studying federal and state reports of a 1970 train derailment that spilled cyanide and an industrial solvent called trichloroethene within 3 miles of the high school attended by the 12 girls who started reporting neurological symptoms last fall. Three other teens, including one boy, are reportedly experiencing similar symptoms.

A statement issued by the school district said “medical and environmental investigations have not uncovered any evidence that would link the neurological symptoms to anything in the environment or of an infectious nature.” An indoor-air-quality report and a mold report are posted on the school district’s website.

“When I read reports like this that the New York Department of Health and state agencies were well-aware of the spill and you don’t do water testing or vapor extraction tests, you don’t have an all-clear,” says Brockovich, of Los Angeles.

According to a 1999 report by the U.S.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 24, 2012 at 2:33pm


Typhoid outbreak hits Zimbabwe

HARARE — At least 90 people were admitted to hospital and over 600 affected in a typhoid outbreak in the Zimbabwean capital Harare, a health official said on Tuesday.

"We have attended to over 600 cases in Kuwadzana alone," city health director Prosper Chonzi was quoted as saying in the state-owned Herald newspaper.

"We have confirmed that the disease is typhoid. We have not recorded any deaths. We have over 90 patients admitted at the Beatrice Infectious Diseases Hospital."

Chonzi said city health authorities found traces of the typhoid bacteria in meat samples taken from open-air vendors.

Typhoid thrives in areas that do not have proper sanitation.

Poor hygiene and sanitation have caused numerous disease outbreaks in Zimbabwe in recent years.

Some suburbs go for weeks without running water as Zimbabwean municipalities battle to keep up services.

Last October, over 6,000 cases of diarrhoea were reported in the southern towns of Masvingo and Kadoma and children were the worst affected.

Four years ago over 4,000 people died of cholera in an outbreak which affected nearly 100,000 people.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 23, 2012 at 8:16am


HCMC alert on outbreak of brain inflammatory disease


HCMC alert on outbreak of brain inflammatory disease

A highly contagious outbreak of a brain inflammatory disease spreading from the Ho Chi Minh City Tan Thuan export processing zone has placed on alert the Department of Preventive Medicine, which on Tuesday ordered its branch in HCMC to adopt immediate prevention measures.

The City health department has been asked to take immediate preventative measures to curb the disease and increase awareness of personal hygiene and tackle ways to maintain a cleaner environment.

The Department of Preventive Medicine has requested medical clinics in the city to keep a close watch on those who have been in contact with patients from the Tan Thuan export processing zone and other suspected cases.

Medical units should provide timely treatment and organize rooms to quarantine patients and suspected cases so as to reduce the number of fatalities as well as send regular reports to the Department of Preventive Medicine for further investigation.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 21, 2012 at 9:42pm


I'm posting this again because I'm wondering what in the heck is this.....and why just girls?

The Zetatas have stated time and time again that disease will be rampant with new strains and disorders.  I wonder if its a combination of the bodys psychic awareness that Planet X is interfering with our weakened immune system or an hysterical psychiatric incident, occurring only in that pocket of space at that time.

I think we will see an uptick in miscarriage now but I'm not sure how to monitor that. 

01-18-2012 8:38 am -
Twelve teenage girls in a New York school have developed tics and other classic symptoms resembling Tourette syndrome, and their parents want answers. But officials aren’t saying much.

Tourette syndrome was first recognized and identified in 1885 after France’s compulsory smallpox vaccination program began. Tourette is considered rare in the United States; but it has become more common, affecting 1 percent of the population since 2000. Autism Spectrum Disorders also affect 1 percent of the population.

One of the classic symptoms of Tourette is an involuntary muscle twitching, or motor tic, that may affect the ability to speak at times. It’s a frightening and debilitating condition that may be an adverse reaction to vaccines containing aluminum, especially the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines that young girls are encouraged to get. There are two HPV vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, both of which have “generous” aluminum amounts [as high as 225 mcg] as adjuvants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System details thousands of adverse effects experienced by girls and women after receiving Gardasil®. [1] Other aluminum-containing vaccines include DTaP, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A, Hib [Haemophilus influenza B] and PVC [pneumonia]. [2]

During a recent meeting with parents, Dr. Greg Young of the New York State Department of Health said: “I can assure you these children have all been seen by professionals that have come up with answers, and they are being treated and they’re actually doing pretty well.”

Jim DuPont, whose daughter is one of the 12 girls, said: “There has to be more to it. There has to be a cause, a common dominator. I always thought that we could get together with families of the girls who have this and go through their daily routines and maybe find something that they’ve all done… These girls all go to the same neurologist and there is no diagnosis. They don’t know what’s causing it. That’s why we’re all here at this meeting.”

According to Young, the department ruled out environmental factors, poisonings, illicit drugs, hysteria, fake illness and various other causes. Vaccines were not mentioned as ruled out, as far as I understand. Furthermore, officials cited Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 privacy laws and allegedly remarked that it’s a “Federal issue.”

Someone has to belly up to the bar and set the record straight. If I were a parent of one of the girls involved, I would retain an effective Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) attorney and have him file request after request, since the children seemingly are being treated as political footballs with non-disclosure even to the child’s parents, which is the ultimate denial of parental rights.

Adding more fuel to the controversial fire is this: Le Roy Central School District Superintendent Kim M. Cox issued the following statement:


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 18, 2012 at 3:30am


Falklands refuses to allow sick cruise ship to dock
January 18, 2012 - 12:27PM

Passengers and medical experts have criticised the Falkland Islands for refusing to allow a cruise ship with an outbreak of stomach flu to dock.

Tourists on the Star Princess told The Associated Press they were forced to cancel long-planned trips when officials in the disputed British territory off Argentina refused them entry on Saturday, saying an outbreak could strain its medical resources.

About 74 passengers and crew among the more than 3,500 people on board were reported ill with norovirus, 20 of them with symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea.

Norman Noah, an infectious diseases expert at London's School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, described the Falklands' decision as ''over the top''.

He has previously investigated norovirus outbreaks and says the illness normally passes within a couple of days and is unlikely to overwhelm hospitals.

''If you're suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea, you probably won't be sightseeing,'' Noah said. ''Chances are you'll be staying in your cabin by yourself.''

Passenger John Sturgeon and his wife had been looking forward to the visit as one of the highlights of the South American cruise, saying they wanted to see the islands for the upcoming 30th anniversary of Argentina's invasion of the colony. Argentina and Britain continue to be in a diplomatic row over the islands, which Argentina calls the Malvinas.

Argentine passenger Liliana Rodriguez said some of the passengers had been planning to pay respects to loved ones buried on the island.

The Falklands has defended its decision as being ''in the wider interests of the public and tourism industry''.

Norovirus is highly contagious. It can linger on surfaces like door handles, carpets and tabletops.

The virus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in the US. About one in five norovirus outbreaks reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention occurred on cruise ships or in holiday settings. The CDC has documented about a dozen outbreaks a year on cruise ships worldwide.

The US CDC's Vessel Sanitation Program never advises that ships cannot dock, though they might issue a ''no sail order'' in the case of repeated or large outbreaks with little controls in place.

Even if the ship had been allowed to dock in the Falklands, experts weren't sure the infected passengers would have spread the virus very far.

According to guidance from Britain's Health Protection Agency, any passengers on board a ship who have norovirus should be isolated in their own cabin until at least 24 hours after their symptoms have passed. There are more stringent recommendations for sick crew members.

The agency does not advise that ships with infected patients be prevented from docking, but says certain measures should be in place when the ship arrives into port, like thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the vessel before it sails on.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/falklands-refuses-to-allow...

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 18, 2012 at 1:21am

Doctor die of Lassa fever in Abakaliki


•Others in critical condition

A Doctor has reportedly died of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, otherwise known as Lassa fever, in Ebonyi State.

Some other doctors are being treated for the disease at the Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), Abakaliki.

Though no official confirmation has been made by the Ministry of Health, doctors have raised the alarm over the outbreak of the disease.

Some doctors at the FTH, who spoke to our reporter, regretted the outbreak of the disease, adding that doctors are prone to it since they are exposed to infected patients.

The doctors called for the quick intervention of the Federal Ministry of Health to forestall the spread of the disease.

The outbreak of Lassa fever was first reported in the state in 2008. 

Several people died. They included two doctors and other health workers. 

Last year, four persons said to be residing at the Military cantonment, Nkwoagu, near Abakaliki also died of the disease.

The government said it has set up an emergency response team for the treatment and control of outbreak of communicable diseases, such as Lassa fever, gastroenteritis and meningitis, usually associated with dry season.

The Commissioner for Health, Sunday Nwangele, said this while addressing stakeholders in Abakaliki.

Nwangele said epidemiologists from the ministry had been deployed to health facilities in the state to check the possible spread of the disease.

He urged the people to report any suspected case to a hospital or the epidemiology unit of the ministry.

The commissioner said the ministry had procured drugs for the treatment of the disease, adding that more was still expected from the Federal Ministry of Health.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 17, 2012 at 1:13am

Contagion Lands in India with Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

By Sabrina Siddiqui on January 16th, 2012

The deadly and feared drug-resistant tuberculosis hits India (Photo: Global Post)

The deadly and feared drug-resistant tuberculosis hits India (Photo: Global Post)

In what sounds nothing short of the “Outbreak” genre witnessed only in Hollywood, Indian doctors reported the country’s first cases of “totally drug-resistant tuberculosis”. At least 12 cases of the lung disease’s untreatable form were announced this weekend, though outlets suspect many more cases remain unaccounted for.

The hospital in India that discovered the initial cases tested patients with at least a dozen medications, but to no avail. And while this lethal type of TB is not expected to spread at a rapid pace, the fear of any such possibility remains palpable. The disease has previously been found in Italy and Iran and is primarily transmitted through close personal contact.

Patients have typically failed antibiotics tried over a period of two to three years. In India, three of the 12 infected have died, and not a single successfully treated.

Adding fuel to the fire are claims that the three deceased fell victim to medical malpractice. Doctors from the P.D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center wrote a letter stating that the patients in question received “erratic, unsupervised second-line drugs, added individually and often in incorrect doses, from multiple private practitioners”.

India’s Health Ministry has yet to release a statement and did not return requests for comment as of Monday.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 16, 2012 at 7:52pm


Ukraine declares measles outbreak

Last Updated: Monday, January 16, 2012,
Ukraine declares measles outbreak

Kiev: Ukraine Monday declared an outbreak of measles, with at least 883 cases of the infectious disease reported across the country so far.

Sergey Platov, a top official in the health ministry, however, said it was still too early to talk about the epidemic, according to Xinhua.

Platov told the press that alerts have been sounded in the country`s western and central regions as well as in the capital Kiev.

He urged people to be vaccinated against the disease immediately.

Measles is not usually life-threatening but can cause complications in people with a weak immune system and in pregnant women.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 13, 2012 at 9:04pm
Event Description

HAZMAT in USA on Friday, 13 January, 2012 at 04:14 (04:14 AM) UTC.


The level of radiation exposure from holding the tissue box against the body for one hour would be equivalent to a chest X-ray, said state health officials. Health officials said they've removed a dozen metal box tissue holders containing small amounts of radioactive material from four Bed, Bath and Beyond stores in New York. None of the boxes were sold to the public, said the company. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission notified state health officials Tuesday that a shipment of metal box tissue holders to four Bed, Bath and Beyond stores were found to contain low levels of Cobalt-60. Cobalt-60, a man-made product using cobalt, has been used to sterilize medical equipment and in radiation therapy for cancer patients. The level of radiation exposure from holding the tissue box against the body for one hour would be equivalent to a chest X-ray, said state health officials. The NRC said scrap metal containing Cobalt-60 could have inadvertently been incorporated into the product during smelting. The products arrived in a shipment from India on Dec. 27, and 220 were distributed to Bed Bath and Beyond stores nationwide. Locally, 12 were distributed to a store in Nassau County, a store in Suffolk County, and two stores in Westchester County. Company representatives emphasized none were sold to the public and that no other stores in New York received shipments of the items. "The presence or handling of these boxes poses no imminent public health threat," said Nassau County Health Commissioner Lawrence Einstein, M.D.


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