Disappearance Of Sandy Island- Australian scientists who went in search of outcrop in Pacific found only sea. (NEW ZetaTalk)

Nov 22, 2012

A tiny island in the Pacific which appears on a range of maps seems to have disappeared without a trace.

Australian scientists who went in search of Sandy Island - which appears midway between Australia and the French-governed New Caledonia on Google Earth among other world maps - found nothing but sea when they arrived.


The Times Atlas of the World appears to identify the sizeable phantom island in the Coral Sea as Sable Island, and weather maps used by the Southern Surveyor, an Australian maritime research vessel also say it exists.



Coral Sea floor

And indeed, the highly sensitive Coral Sea floor, which is a thin point on the crust per the Zetas, reflected this quake. The floor of the Coral Sea has been rising and falling, because when the Indo-Australian Plate tilts its eastern edge up it is heavy, and until magma fills in underneath, the plate tends to bend at this weak point. Thus, at those times, the Coral Sea floor approaches the surface, the water less deep. But likewise when the plate adjusts with a bend elsewhere, between Australia and India, for instance, the Coral Sea can straighten out.


[Originally posted November 23, 2012]


New ZetaTalk referencing previous ZetaTalk on the flexing Indo-Australian Plate. They seem to be predicting that Sandy Island will reappear!


We have explained that as the Indo-Australian Plate rises on its eastern edge, where eastern Australia and New Zealand lie, that temporary undulations will occur in weak spots on the crust. The eastern end of the plate is heavy, so the first reaction is to bend in the Coral Sea, which is suddenly jutting above the magma level. This puts stress on the bend point in Australia, which also begins to bend. The second reaction is for the flex point in the Indian Ocean between Australia and India to allow the plate portion holding India to drop on its southern end, bringing Sri Lanka down. This allows the eastern end of the Indo-Australian Plate to straighten out, so the temporary bend in the Coral Sea region disappears.

During such times, the floor of the Coral Sea will flex up when the plate is tilting again, then relax somewhat as the magma fills in and again supports the void, then straighten out as the bend point between Australia and India allows Sri Lanka to drop, then disburses and redistributes the magma under the Coral Sea which now has once again changed shape. The crust under the Coral Sea is not smooth, but is as irregular as the crust visible to man. There are mountains and valleys, places where magma can get trapped or swirl, creating currents. Thus at times the Coral Sea floor will be LOWER than previously, although this too is likely to be temporary. For Sandy Island to disappear, temporarily, is thus logical.


Prior ZT: http://www.zetatalk.com/ning/27no2010.htm

The Indo-Australia Plate bends in several places, as the tilt that this plate is forced to assume, being driven under the Himalayans, is extreme. Australia bends through the lowlands, as we have described, bending such that the eastern part of the Indo-Australian Plate can rest on magma and not just jut into the air. As we explained, the Indo-Australia Plate is assumed by some to be two separate plates - one for India and one for Australia - because of a bend point in the center of the Indo-Australia Plate. But the plate operates as one. The Coral Sea also is a weak point in the plate that is already bending of late.

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