Draft newsletter for Sunday August 18, 2013. Newsletters can usually be found on the archives by Friday, also. http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/archives.htm
Man Not First
Who lived on Earth 120-500 million years ago, with enough intelligence to create mechanical machine parts, forge metals, dam rivers, and draw maps? It certainly was not man. This was the age of the dinosaurs. The age of Neanderthal Man is computed to be 600,000 years, for instance, less than 1 million years. And Lucy, a predecessor of early man, is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago. Yet a ceramic map of the Ural Mountains was discovered, estimated by the position of the N Pole to be 120 million years old. This map showed terra-forming of the Earth, damming rivers, beyond what man today has accomplished. Per the Zetas, in those days an intelligent species of lizard, a type of raptor, was the dominant intelligent species on Earth.
The Map of "The Creator"
April 30, 2002
On the map, a giant irrigative system could be seen: in addition to the rivers, there are two 500-metre-wide channel systems, 12 dams, 300-500 metres wide, approximately 10 km long and 3 km deep each. The dams most likely helped in turning water in either side, while to create them over 1 quadrillion cubic metres of earth was shifted. In comparison with that irrigative system, Volga-Don Channel looks like a scratch on the today's relief. The map was probably created at the time when the Earth's magnetic pole situated in the today's area of Franz Josef Land, while this was exactly 120 million years ago.
ZetaTalk Explanation 6/15/2002:
Reputedly an ancient map of the Ural Mountains were discovered, estimated age to be 120 million years. We estimate, based on when the makers were present, more akin to 90 million years ago. In that the Ural Mountains are on a solid old plate, always remaining above sea level, it is probable and likely that their shape would be the same over the eons, for Earth. Is this a true map, and who would have drawn this? It is indeed real, although the age is not quite as estimated but more recent. The map makers were not Homo Sapiens, or even hominoid. As we have stated, Homo Sapiens is not the first intelligent creature on Earth to be capable of forming souls. Prior to the dieoff of the dinosaurs, there was another race, reptilian, that had been engineered to this level. These reptilians were peers of man. What you might term their hands were dexterous, as are lizards on your Earth today. It was the handiwork of these creatures that was discovered.
But the real shocker is the discovery of metal artifacts encased in coal! The metals are aluminum, silver, and zinc. Coal takes a long time to form, squeezed under rock layers with intense heat and pressure. Per the Zetas, once again this points to the intelligent lizards, the raptors, as the dominant intelligent species on Earth at that time.
300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia
July 20, 2013
Russian sources are reporting that a 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery has been found in Vladivostok. Knowing that the coal deposits of this region date 300 million years back, Russian experts inferred that the metal detail found in these deposits must be an age-mate of the coal. Experts say a gear rail appears to be manufactured and not the result of natural forces. The find was very much like a toothed metal rail, created artificially. Nowadays, finding a strange artifact in coal is a relatively frequent occurrence. The first discovery of this sort was made in 1851 when the workers in one of the Massachusetts mines extracted a zinc silver-incrusted vase from a block of unmined coal which dated all the way back to the Cambrian era which was approximately 500 million years ago. Not so long ago in Russia a mechanical device was found in volcanic rock which was dated 400 million years before the current era (B.C.E). The most ancient vase on Earth was discovered in 1851 in Massachusetts when blasting in the quarry. It is a silver-zinc vase inlaid with fine silver in the form of the vine. The age of this vase, according to the rock in which it was found, is 534 million years old. Another strange artifact that was found in coal is the iron pot. It was found in 1912 in Oklahoma in a piece of coal with an estimated age of 312 million years.
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/27/2013:
We explained, in prior ZetaTalk, that mankind was not the Earth’s first intelligent species. An ancient map of the Ural Mountains showed that something was about, eons before mankind was genetically engineered into conscious intelligence. For artifacts to be found encased in coal, which takes a long time to form under the pressure of rock strata forced into a squeeze, proves their age. And multiple finds in different parts of the globe show this not to be a hoax. Combined with the ancient map, what do these finds tell us about this ancient race of lizards, which in appearance looked like raptors? They smelted metal, created mechanical devices, terra-formed their Earth with dammed rivers, and appreciated flowering vines.
Evidence of Wobble
What would cause a retrograde storm to pass from the East Coast to the West Coast of the US? Where such retro motion is of record in the past, for short distances and for short periods, this recent pass is unheard of. The retrograde motion from East to West was compounded by the counterclockwise direction of swirling air. Storms in the US move from West to East, and curl clockwise in keeping with the Coriolis Effect.
Per the Zetas, this is yet more evidence of the daily Earth wobble, which is steadily worsening.
Unusual Storm System Moving Backwards Across United States
July 14, 2013
An unusual storm system is over Oklahoma and Texas at this time, causing severe thunderstorms and much needed rainfall to the dry areas of both states. A low pressure system that started in the Eastern United States has retrograded under a ridge of high pressure to the north over the last couple of days. This system is moving from east to west, which is extremely unusual for this hemisphere. We’ve seen these move east to west for a short period of time, but this one will make it to Southern California by the time it weakens.
ZetaTalk Explanation 7/27/2013:
Part of the daily global wobble, the daily Figure 8 assumed by the N Pole during the wobble, is a turn of the N Pole to the right and then to the left. What this does is first create a vacuum in the North Atlantic, sucking air from North America into the North Atlantic, and then pushing all this BACK into North America. The pull and push of air runs directly contrary to the Coriolis Effect, which circles air masses in a clockwise manner in the Northern Hemisphere, up from the Equator and round back again. Thus the retrograde flow of air East to West in a counterclockwise manner, all due to the increasing Earth wobble.
Where the Earth wobble has been evident and measurable since 2004, it has increasingly gotten worse. Some of the best evidence is the position of the Sun at sunrise or sunset, where it is not at the Azimuth expected. For a personal proof, establish N/S directions for your location, not by using the compass (which is increasingly erratic) but by grid lines in towns or cities laid out in the past, or by markers on surveys done long ago. From there, compute the Azimuth of your sunrise, and then compare to planetarium programs such as Skymap or Stellarium. All this is often too technical for those who notice their morning sunlight shining in the wrong window. Alberto has taken note of the azimuth of the setting Sun lately, on a Pole Shift ning
blog. Kojima notes that the Sun should have been at azimuth 269?, not 214?. It was as though Alberto were seeing the Sun where it ought to be some 2.5 hours earlier! The Earth wobble causes the globe to be tilted toward the Sun when it is high over N America, thereby giving Italy a view from a higher latitude, thus Alberto was looking DOWN toward the Sun, rather than straight to the West.
An alternative method is to time the exact sunrise, noting that the sunball is visible earlier or later than expected. Yet another alternative proof are images from fixed webcam archives, where the same spot, on the same day and time, year after year is stored. If the wobble is increasing, then there should be a shift in shadows showing the direction of the Sun on the horizon, or the angle from a Sun higher or lower in the sky. One such endeavor by a conscientious Pole Shift ning member
has produced such evidence! From a Denver webcam, comparing sunrise photos in 2008 to 2013 for the same date and time, one can see that the Sun is higher in the sky and further South. The Figure 8 wobble has tilted the globe to the left, so the Sun is rising earlier and is thus higher in the dome, due to the wobble.
It is no surprise that the heat of the Sun has melted a small lake atop the ice at the N Pole. This hit the news as proof of Global Warming recently, though the real cause is the daily Earth wobble which leans the globe this way and that daily so more sunlight can reach the pole at times. The temperature difference in the air was slight, from prior years, and well below the freezing temperature. How would the air alone have created the melted pool atop the ice?
North Pole Melting Leaves Small Lake at the Top of the World
July 25, 2013
The shallow lake you see at the pole is made of meltwater sitting on top of a layer of ice, according to the observatory.
But the glare from the Sun is REDUCED when viewed from a pole, just as the heat from the Sun is reduced at dawn or dusk. With a reduced glare, the Moon Swirls around the Sun are more visible. Planet X watchers are aware that catching a view of these Moon Swirls is enhanced on a cloudy day. Thus not only can we see a temporary melt atop the ice in the media glare, we can see Moon Swirls! These can be seen through the clouds, but in the Sun’s reflection on the pool of water, they are clearly identified as distinct orbs around the Sun! The reflection also has a reddish tinge on one side, reflecting the red color on the upper left of the Sun. Where some of this Sun glow is likely a lens flare, in line with the little blue flare lower right, some is obviously due to the swath of red dust in the tail captured regularly in Alberto’s red-filter photos. The tail is regularly seen blown below the Sun, then curling around from the lower left to the upper left. And there it is, for the world to see, in the reflection at the N Pole – the bugger who is causing the wobble!
Bankruptcy Binge
Detroit has declared bankruptcy, the largest US city to have done so. What will happen when the Earth changes associated with the approaching passage of Planet X, aka Nibiru, drive individuals and cities and even countries into bankruptcy in increasing and overwhelming numbers? This is not a new problem in human culture. Per the Zetas, it will become epidemic as the time of the Pole Shift approaches.
'Motor City' Detroit Files for Bankruptcy with 100,000 Creditors
July 19, 2013
The list of those owed includes the names of all of the city’s active employees and its retirees, a list of properties that have tax claims with the city, numerous bondholders, business creditors and companies that insured Detroit debt. The largest creditor is the city's general pension scheme, which is owed $2 billion. An estimated 78,000 homes are unoccupied in the city, and in 2011 half of the occupiers of the city's 305,000 properties did not pay any tax.
In Ancient Greece, bankruptcy did not exist. If a man owed and he could not pay, he and his wife, children or servants were forced into "debt slavery", until the creditor recouped losses through their physical labour. In Islamic teaching, according to the Qur'an, an insolvent person was deemed to be allowed time to be able to pay out his debt. According to al-Maqrizi, the Yassa of Genghis Khan contained a provision that mandated the death penalty for anyone who became bankrupt three times.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/27/2013:
Bankruptcy is not uncommon, and will explode exponentially as the Earth changes affect commerce via rail or boat, crop production and the availability of raw resources, fuel availability and distribution, and confidence that investments are secure. Where the world has been in an economic depression for most of the last decade, it will plunge further. We have mentioned that all treaties will eventually be broken, and certainly all corporate contracts will be ignored. All paper money will eventually be considered worthless, and anything like stocks and bonds will not be worth the paper they are printed on. Artwork and jewelry will not hold any value either, in the Aftertime.
Things of worth, as outlined in Issue 310
of this newsletter, are the tools to grow and garner food such as land and boats and skill sets among survivors, and the barter system will eventually prevail.
ZetaTalk Prediction 12/15/2001:
We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. The value of the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or received. This is a common practice in countries where the dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in their cultural evolution. What will this mean for the common man, and what will it mean for the rich? The common man will find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or tools or dried food. The value of appliances that are dead and not able to run, even of cars unable to run over broken roads, will be zero. The value of items that can increase worth, such as a needle and thread which can repair clothing otherwise worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a weed patch, will balloon. The rich will of course whine endlessly, and try to convince anyone who will listen that their goods will return in value, which it will not.
But what of the interim? What of the slow process where paper assets slowly lose value? Bankruptcy most often involves creditors fighting over assets. Physical assets like land or gold can be secured, but increasingly paper assets such as currency or stocks or bonds will have diminishing value. But what happens when a city goes bankrupt? What belongs to the citizens, and what is a physical asset that can be given to a creditor? When a country goes bankrupt, most often its intangible assets plummet. But the country itself is not given to a creditor. Within this past decade, Argentina went through bankruptcy and Iceland and various countries in the Euro zone have threatened bankruptcy.
Detroit isn’t Alone. The U.S. Cities that have Gone Bankrupt, in one Map
July 18, 2013
On Thursday, the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy protection after being saddled with debts totaling more than $18.5 billion. That makes Detroit the largest city in the United States ever to file for bankruptcy — the previous record was held by Stockton, California, which was half the size and owed $26 million. The previous debt record, meanwhile, went to Jefferson County, Alabama, which owed $4 billion when it filed for bankruptcy in 2011.
What Happens When a Country Declares Bankruptcy?
Russia has gone bankrupt in 1998, followed by Argentina in 2001. In 2008 Iceland became the first country to fall victim to the financial crunch that resulted after the collapse of the U.S. housing market. When a country reaches bankruptcy, massive inflation is the likely outcome for the country's consumers and businesses. Stock prices often plummet, along with the value of the nation's currency. As the value of money falls, bank runs may result as panicked citizens rush to withdraw cash from their accounts.
Per the Zetas, the interim will find the rich gaining assets, purchased at bargain prices, but this will only be a temporary stage.
ZetaTalk Prediction 7/27/2013:
But what of the interim? During the cycle downward, the rich will secure assets such as foreclosed homes, forced to sale by the poor. What might the rich snap up? Farm lands have long been consolidated into corporate farms. Real estate in all its many forms, including foreclosed homes that can be used to house a new slave class, will be included. As the Earth changes create earthquake damage in cities, the ranks of the homeless will increase beyond the ability of governments and social services to care for them. Slave camps will posture themselves at first as a rescue mission. Once you take advantage of the free housing, your obligations will be explained to you. What assets would a city such as Detroit hold that the wealthy might desire? Bridges can become toll roads. Nature preserves can become estates for the wealthy. But all this, in the scheme of things, is only temporary.
Distracted Drivers
Drivers of planes, trains, and buses seem to be distracted these days. A rash of accidents due only to human error occurred recently. In Spain on July 25, 2013 a horrific train crash resulted in 80 dead when a train sped around a curve at twice the speed limit. The driver was on a cell phone and shuffling documents at the time. A Swiss head-on crash occurred between two trains on July 29, 2013 due to a signal ignored by one of the conductors. Human error in both instances.
Spain Investigators: Train Driver was on Phone
July 30, 2013
The driver was on the phone with a colleague and apparently looking at a document as his train barreled ahead at 95 mph. Human error appears to be the cause of Spain's worst railway disaster in decades.
Swiss Train Crash Driver's Body Recovered From Mangled Wreck
July 30, 2013
The accident happened just after a local train left the station, where it had stopped. It collided with a train going in the opposite direction that wasn't scheduled to stop. Sauterel said that schedules call for the slower train to remain in the station while the faster train passes through. He said the "the hypothesis favored by investigators" is a "failure to respect a signal" by the slower train.
The Asiana plane crash at San Francisco on July 7, 2013 occurred in clear weather and with all mechanical systems on the airplane in working order. It was the pilot’s first time landing a 777 at San Francisco but he had logged flight time with a 777. He thought the autopilot was on, but it was only armed, thus NO ONE was at the controls! On July 30, 2013 a New York City bus driver distracted with a cell phone ploughed into lamp posts, killing an infant being walked in a stroller nearby. Human error again, in both cases.
Asiana Airlines Flight 214
The autothrottle control was found to be in the "armed" position during documentation of cockpit levers and switches, differing from both the "on" and "off" positions. Furthermore, the pilot flying's flight director was deactivated whereas the instructor pilot's was activated. In this flight, in the last 2.5 minutes of the flight, from data on the flight data recorder we see multiple autopilot modes and multiple autothrottle modes.
Pilots Relied on Autopilot Before San Francisco Crash
July 9, 2013
The pilots of Asiana Flight 214 that crashed at San Francisco airport have told investigators they were relying on automated cockpit equipment to control their speed.
Bus Driver Charged In Crash That Killed 8-Month-Old Baby In West New York
July 30, 2013
A bus driver has been hit with multiple charges, after allegedly using a cellphone while driving and causing a chain-reaction crash that left a baby dead. The driver was allegedly behind the wheel of a bus that went out of control — jumping the curb and striking a lamppost.
ZetaTalk Comment 12/30/2006:
We have often mentioned that the populace is distracted, irritable, worried, as they sense that something is afoot and they are not being told the truth. The Sun and Moon are out of place, at times, the constellations not quite right, temperature extremes on the increase, severe storms and tornadoes hitting in places not used to this air turbulence, snow in Summer and the poles and glaciers melting at a rate not logically associated with a slight rise in the air temperature, the Global Warming excuse. Then there are the Earthquakes, and the awakening of so many volcanoes. Is this caused by Global Warming? Meanwhile the media and politicians chirp on about Global Warming as the problem, as though they do not have brains and cannot see what the common man is seeing. So they suspect a big lie, and have no trust, and are insomniac and have moments when their mental candle flickers and they are distracted. Distracted people make mistakes.
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