7 of 10 Flood and Orogeny ( S American Rolls )
ZetaTalk proof:
/ Desaguadero River cause flooding in communities. The Desaguadero River overflowed for the second time in less than a month, causing new flooding, although in recent weeks showed no rain. The growth of water level, coming from Lake Titicaca, caused most damage to the few crops that had been saved in the first flood in the municipalities of Toledo, El Choro and other populations. Now the number is 185 families affected, but the flooding in communities Huayllancu, Qari Qari, Lami Pampa, Pampa Ullami, the already homeless. The rains have eased in Oruro, at least for a few days. The soil was dry, but "on Monday we have never seen flooding, although no rain in Oruro think still raining in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca and the river that has grown to cause this flood," said Colque. /
Bolivia flood NEW ZetaTalk:
This is map of January!!!! Not Feb!!
Lakes in the high Andes drain into the Amazon basin, if they drain at all. The area in Bolivia experiencing the worst flooding normally is drained by two different rivers, but what happens when mountain building occurs in the Andes, and pressure from the crimp creates crumpling in the Andes. The top portion of S America is free to pull to the west, overriding the Caribbean Plate and the Cocos Plate just to the west. But the bottom portion of S America is blocked by the Nazca Plate, which resists. Crumpling in the crimp creates folds, which are points on the crust which drop and heave, alternately.
This is similar to the accordion fold that occurred on the Sunda Plate, wherein the rivers in northern Thailand heaved, blocking the river beds, and then at a later date relaxed, releasing the flood through Bangkok. . Flooding is likewise occurring along the coast of southern Brazil, due to a stretch there that drops the land when S America bows. The crimp in S America is opposite from the yaw point at Nigeria, where sudden flooding and imploding buildings are occurring because the top part of Africa is held in place at present while the bottom part is pulling toward the east, falling into the void of the Indian Ocean.
/ While Jaihuayco several streets, south of the city were flooded with rain effect yesterday, in the upper valley of the river to overflow Cliza caused the flooding of 17 hectares of maize fields belonging to 87 families in six communities in the municipality Cochabamba /
Peru (Orogeny in Andes):
/ Majes River to overflow flooding about 500 hectares of rice in Arequipa /
/ Heavy rains caused four rivers to overflow. Several homes and farm land in various regions of the country were affected yesterday by the unprecedented flood flow of four rivers, which began to overflow in various sectors due to heavy rains, and affected a thousand families. /
/ Coast: In Ica, the sudden increase in river flows Ica and Pisco, which tripled in the last 24 hours the volumes of water, caused damage in various fields to bring bread and left isolated over 600 families of four population centers Humay district.
Center: Meanwhile, rainfall over 72 hours straight caused rivers to overflow in the central jungle. 650 homes were razed 2 000 left homeless. Also were flooded 150 hectares of crops and destroyed two roads platforms.
Southern Sierra: Meanwhile, rainfall over 72 hours straight caused rivers to overflow in the central jungle. 650 homes were razed 2 000 left homeless. Also were flooded 150 hectares of crops and destroyed two roads platforms. /
/ Rivers began to overflow in Arequipa and Moquegua. Cultures was carried. Farmers in the sector of La Jara, on the bridge Congata, noted that crops of cabbage, corn and pasture were destroyed by the flooding of the River Chili. /
/ Huanuco: The Huallaga River overflows flooding homes and crops. Heavy rains that occur in the Huánuco region, has resulted in the final hours of the Huallaga river overflow flooding homes and agricultural crops in the districts of Rupa Rupa Luyando and in the province Leoncio Prado. /
7 of 10 Subsidence, landslide and collpses ( S American Rolls )
/ A landslide in Bolivia destroys eight homes!
In the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, a landslide has left eight houses reduced to rubble. The eleven families that lived had been evacuated and no injuries to lament. Residents blame the neglect of a local construction company, apparently, not sufficiently strengthened a retaining wall that collapsed. Source /
/ Partial collapse of building leaves one girl dead in Brazil. A 13-story building partially collapsed in an industrial suburb of Sao Paulo, killing a girl of 3 years, fire officials said. /
New road subsidence occurs in northern Bogota /
Majes River to overflow flooding about 500 hectares of rice in Arequipa
Arequipa, Feb. 08 (ANDINA). The increase in the Majes river flow, from 640 to over 710 cubic meters per second, caused the flooding of 500 hectares of rice crops in the province of Castile, in the southern department of Arequipa, reported a local authority.
The mayor of Castile, Héctor Muñoz Caceres, arrived Tuesday to the southern city of Arequipa to report the incident to the authorities of the Civil Defense Regional Office and ask for their support.
"The damage that caused rainfall in Castilla have exceeded the attention span of the Provincial Civil Defence Committee, so please support the regional government with heavy machinery and fuel to coastal defenses and prevent further flooding," he said.
The 500 acres of flooded rice fields are located near the river Majes Corire sectors, Aplao, Uraca, among other towns, whose population is engaged in agriculture.
Those affected crops account for 10 percent of total sown area of rice in the province, said the mayor who also asked the regional government an allocation of 500 thousand new soles to address the damage caused by rains.
This, he said, because the jurisdiction was declared on Monday in emergency for 60 days, due to damage resulting from rainfall.
"Weeks ago the region gave us 5.500 gallons of gasoline and 80,000 soles to address the damage caused by the first rains of January, but recent rains are more persistent and continuous," he said.
The National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (Senamhi) Arequipa warned that the rains will continue until Thursday, so the population and urged authorities to take the necessary provisions.
Heavy rains caused four rivers to overflow
Several homes and farm land in various regions of the country were affected yesterday by the unprecedented flood flow of four rivers, which began to overflow in various sectors due to heavy rains, and affected a thousand families.
The most serious occurred in Pichanaqui district in the province of Chandigarh (Junin), where the rising river Perene left 570 families homeless. The head of the local Civil Defense, Arturo Medina, said the force of water caused the overflow of a river defense and, therefore, the flooding of homes that were located in the surrounding area.
In Ica, the rains in the morning caused the increased volume of Pisco river, whose waters affected districts Huancano, Humay and San Clemente. The floods left 26 people homeless, 5 houses destroyed and several roadside Los Libertadores affected.
Meanwhile, in the district of Humay, the Ica River to overflow caused the isolation of populations and the collapse of a bridge, while in the district of San Clemente water also affected the cotton crop.
A similar situation occurred in Arequipa, where the river flooded some areas descampadas Chili, as well as in Huanuco, where the Huallaga river overflowed, for a second day, affecting 58 homes and 60 hectares of panllevar.
SLIDES. The Director of Operational Hydrology Senamhi, John Grove, said precipitation will continue for two or three days and could cause the fall of landslides in some highland areas of the country.
"Although the rains in this period will be similar or lighter, we must take into account that the soils are already saturated and, consequently, any rain could cause an overflow of river flooding and landslides or of regular proportions," he said.
Mass of clouds that came from Brazil intensified rains in Midwest
Rainfall and flooding characteristic of the rainy season intensified in the highlands and the central coast due to a cloud mass scale which moved from northeast Brazil and Bolivia passed down to Mother of God.
According to meteorologist Senamhi Nelson Quispe, the system (name of the winds that shape end air movement) reached the highlands of the central highlands down to the coast, and cause rivers to overflow Ica and Pisco.
"Today [yesterday] these winds came to the whole department of Ancash and in the morning [today] should generate intense rainfall in La Libertad. We warn that since Monday, "said Quispe, who ruled that the phenomena of El Niño or La Niña had to do with" normal rainfall during this period followed by a long way to February and March, but now intensified by the arrival of this system from Brazil. "
Nationwide toll reported by these rains affecting 80% of the country, according to Colonel Edgard Ortega, deputy head of the National Civil Defense Institute (INDECI).
In Ica, the sudden increase in river flows Ica and Pisco, which tripled in the last 24 hours the volumes of water, caused damage in various fields to bring bread and left isolated over 600 families of four population centers Humay district.
President of the Regional Government of Ica, Alonso Navarro said emergency jurisdiction. He indicated that this measure will be taken immediate action to have two million soles in emergency care and prevention activities in your region.
The Ica river suddenly increased its volume of 80 m3 per second recorded on Sunday to 227 m3 per second at dawn yesterday and overflowed in the area of San Felipe, in the district of Ocucaje (40 km southwest of Ica). Here were affected about 180 hectares of cotton, lima beans and chickpeas belonging to twenty plots. The strong overflow was about to destroy the gates of Macacona-Quilloay sector in the district of San Juan Bautista, and also weakened the defenses flimsy riverside area.
In Pisco increased river flow of the same name, which rose from 120 m3 per second to reach 390 m3 per second, again left isolated some 600 families of four district towns Humay.
Meanwhile, rainfall over 72 hours straight caused rivers to overflow in the central jungle. 650 homes were razed 2 000 left homeless. Also were flooded 150 hectares of crops and destroyed two roads platforms.
In Pichanaki Chanchamayo province, in Junín, the overflowing of the river Perene 400 homes razed towns of Playa Escondida, Puerto Azul and El Salvador. The more than two thousand people had to flee in fear. The local civil defense chief, Arturo Medina, said the homes were built in areas at risk.
In La Merced flooded the criminal Lady of Mercy, where they were held more than 170 inmates, the same happened on the army base, home to 50 people, including army officers and their families. River flooding also destroyed 60 meters of river defenses.
The move to the central forest is restricted by the rising river Yanango, located on the road between Tarma and San Ramon. In addition, the electricity was cut for 18 hours in the Tarma due to a failure in the power substation Andean Cement Factory, which provides the service.
As for the central highlands, in Huancayo flooded the back of the hospital's Carmen and collapsed part of the wall of the College of Nurses. The Los Libertadores highway, which connects Lima with Ayacucho, was interrupted 18 hours by the snow that covered the track in the area of Barrow.
In Arequipa, the rains damaged roads and crops in the provinces of Arequipa, Castilla, Camana and Islay. In Castile some 2 000 people Chachas district were cut off by the overflow of a pond, in the same province also reported damage in 500 hectares.
The Majes river shows a seating capacity of 600 m3 per second and threatens to damage the foundations of the bridge Punta Colorada. It also destroyed the coastal defenses in various sectors, so the mayor of that province, Raul Caceres, declared a state of emergency for 60 days.
Rivers began to overflow in Arequipa and Moquegua
Cultures was carried. Farmers in the sector of La Jara, on the bridge Congata, noted that crops of cabbage, corn and pasture were destroyed by the flooding of the River Chili.
Carlos Herrera - Rufino Motta
The increased river flow in the region, following heavy rains, has placed Arequipa and Moquegua in an emergency situation. The Chili, which divides the White City in two mutated: its greenish waters are calm today torrential discharges began to back flush the channel. The first flood occurred in the Fence, and Uchumayo Tiabaya, districts where the river makes its way.
The provincial secretary of Civil Defense, Jose Vasquez Allasi, said that the flooding will persist in the coming hours. "We estimate that can reach 250 cubic meters per second. Up to press time bordered the 190 m3 / s.
Cultures was carried
On the way he did The Republic by the lower, floods found in Hunter, Sachaca, Tiabaya and Uchumayo. Total damage is estimated at 10 hectares. Ismael German farmer sector of La Jara, on the bridge Congata lost cabbage crops and pastures. He complained of the authorities had not cleared the runway in a comprehensive manner. This version was supported by Simona Panca and Miguel Perez, and Uchumayo Tiabaya farmers also affected.
majestic river and damage
In the valley of Majes, located two hours of the White City, the river flooded 300 hectares of rice crops. The discharge exceeded 650 cubic meters of water.
The chairman of users of Majes, Jesus Salazar, said the spill was caused by the lack of river defenses. He said that 100% of the channel, only 34% is protected by dikes and jetties. "There are 152 people affected. Between land and crops, these farmers have lost about 35 million suns."
Salazar urged the authorities in the region to move equipment to perform work for the protection of farmland. "We must take steps to protect what you have. 4 000 hectares are threatened with flooding. Rains persisted since yesterday afternoon and continued into the night.
Air traffic had problems, a Lan Peru flight could not enter the city, landed in the city of Juliaca. Furthermore, collapsed drains, emergency Sedapar reported, mostly obstructions in drains.
Rain in Moquegua
In Moquegua region rainfall has also caused problems. The population of the districts Chojata, Yungas, and Ubinas Lloque remained isolated since last weekend, due to rising rivers and Yunga Alto Tambo. The mayor of Ubinas, Pascual Coaquira, confirmed on Saturday the buses that come and go to Arequipa were stranded at the ends of the rivers, for fear of being stuck on the runway.
The Provincial Secretary Civil Defense Sánchez Cerro, Lourdes Vilcapaza said that 50 meters from the road Tonohaya, linking with Matalaque Chojata have been totally damaged.
Police Reports National Chojata indicate that the pedestrian bridge structures Tonohaya San Miguel and are about to collapse.
Provincial Mayor Sanchez Cerro, Américo Quispetupac said that is coordinated with the regional government to move equipment to the area.
Huanuco: The Huallaga River overflows flooding homes and crops
Huanuco, 06/02/2012 (CNR) - Heavy rains that occur in the Huánuco region, has resulted in the final hours of the Huallaga river overflow flooding homes and agricultural crops in the districts of Rupa Rupa Luyando and in the province Leoncio Prado.
According to information from preliminary damage assessment conducted by local authorities for Civil Defence, the resulting flood left 75 people affected, 15 houses affected and affected crops in the district of Luyando. Moreover, in the district of Rupa Rupa have registered so far affected 230 people and 40 houses affected.
Immediately the emergency occurred, municipal staff and Rupa Rupa district Luyando and General Corps Volunteer Fire of Peru and the National Police, moved to the area to conduct damage assessment and needs analysis. It has also ordered the evacuation of affected people to a school located in a safe area.
The Emergency Operations Center Regional Huanuco to INDECI reported that the runway Tingo Maria Airport located in the district of Rupa Rupa, has affected approximately 01 km.
Rain flooded neighborhoods and cultures
While Jaihuayco several streets, south of the city were flooded with rain effect yesterday, in the upper valley of the river to overflow Cliza caused the flooding of 17 hectares of maize fields belonging to 87 families in six communities in the municipality Cochabamba.
The authorities of the municipality moved machinery to dredge the river and help the affected families.
The information was released by the mayor of that town, Freddy Vargas, who explained that the river channel in its path was reduced by farmers to extend the crops, which is causing flooding in the agricultural zone.
"To take advantage of the grow-our brother farmers have been narrowing it, and now we are sending the request for cooperation both Civil Defense, the Interior and the Risk Unit of which we have received the cooperation with bike pumps and corresponding machinery. "
Vargas said the water did not enter the houses, but they were cut off "and small islands" by the level of the water that flooded corn crops and caused the loss of 30 000 bolivianos to each affected family.
As a result of flooding of the river were affected Cliza 17 hectares of cornfields. "With this, each cliceño was losing more than 30 thousand Bolivians, a significant amount this will affect the economy of the entire country," said Vargas.
According to the mayor authority, affected communities are Huasa Huerta, Dam Pata, Surumi Villa Santa Lucia Final Villa Rosario Batista and also the crops were 15 to 20 meters underwater.
Departmental Service Director of Agricultural Development (SEDAG), Ruben Paichucama, reported yesterday that 76 hectares of crops were affected in recent weeks in four regions the effect of rain and hail.
"In the municipality of Pojo 100 percent was damaged in areas of high, as specific crops were potatoes, oca and papalisa" he said.
He said that the damage was caused in 20 acres by a hailstorm in five communities, but two weeks of evaluation found that 85 percent of the products could sprout and regenerate.
"Of the 25 communities that had, five communities have more than 75 percent loss. For those with more will be provided as necessary," he added. For Totora, Paichucama said that 140 families were affected by the effects of the rains, but it showed that 36 had a total loss of products.
Desaguadero River cause flooding in communities
Oruro - Bolivia. - The Desaguadero River overflowed for the second time in less than a month, causing new flooding, although in recent weeks showed no rain. The growth of water level, coming from Lake Titicaca, caused most damage to the few crops that had been saved in the first flood in the municipalities of Toledo, El Choro and other populations.
The mayor of Toledo, Martin Colque said that everything seemed under control, and had prosecuted the river, but "the overnight waters have grown back and it has caused more anxiety and concern among the communities at the nearby, as the case of Tres Cruces, which recorded the new overflow. "
The rains have eased in Oruro, at least for a few days. The soil was dry, but "on Monday we have never seen flooding, although no rain in Oruro think still raining in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca and the river that has grown to cause this flood," said Colque.
The first major flood occurred on January 14, 2012, when not only Toledo, but the municipality of El Choro, were under water. The houses were surrounded by water and the animals had to be taken to the nearby hills, to keep sheep. The crops of barley, alfalfa and quinoa, have disappeared.
"We went to Oruro to collect food for sheep and found that the river was calm, but when we returned, the Tres Cruces area was flooded and the river had overflowed again, so we're very concerned" he said.
Toledo Mayor called for the immediate assistance of Civil Defence and the authorities of the Government, so that it can perform other work of emergency, to redirect the Desaguadero River.
"We did a retaining wall with the Jutes, but not sufficient because once again the river has overflowed and the community of Tres Cruces is isolated and there is no way to access, walking just walk," he said. Affected communities are Huayllancu, Qari Qari, Lami Pampa, Pampa Ullami.
This year, it is anticipated that there will be no harvest, because "we're a few days after the completion of that task, precisely at the time of Carnival, and this flood will be difficult to get food for animals and people.
Now the number is 185 families affected, but the flooding in communities Huayllancu, Qari Qari, Lami Pampa, Pampa Ullami, the already homeless.
In January Oruro was declared a state of emergency by heavy rains and floods that occur in the department.
Vice President of the Legislative Assembly Departmental Marza Hugo, said that after the first session of 2012 and listen to the authorities of the municipalities affected by flooding and overflowing of the river Desaguadero, the Legislature declared an emergency in the Department of Oruro.
Meanwhile the Technical Committee Operations Center (EOC) established departmental emergency actions and risk prevention, in a coordinated effort by the municipalities and the Government.
Partial collapse of building leaves one girl dead in Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil. - A 13-story building partially collapsed in an industrial suburb of Sao Paulo, killing a girl of 3 years, fire officials said.
The concrete floor of the upper level collapsed, said fire department spokeswoman Vanessa Andrade, and dragged the rest of the levels of the building. The roof of the building structure is still standing.
Andrade said he was still investigating the cause of the collapse Monday in Sao Bernardo do Campo.
Six people suffered injuries that do not endanger their lives.
Andrade said unaccounted for at least one person, a nurse of 25 years.
Most of the building 74 units were occupied by commercial offices and doctors, plus a restaurant, said Andrade.
New road subsidence occurs in northern Bogota
Furthermore, it was determined that a faulty manifold caused the collapse in the G.
This new collapse, which was presented at the Ninth Street and Carrera 70A, was announced by the press room of the Transit Police.
The sinking is one meter long, 60 inches deep and 70 inches wide.
The authorities regulate vehicular traffic on site.
Collector failure, cause of sinking of three meters in the G
This was confirmed by the Mobility Department, which closed traffic on the crossing.
The collapse occurred on Thursday in the fifth race with Calle 69 A, and according to the official report of mobility was caused by "the failure of the collector of the creek la Vieja, facing the sector."
While maintaining the closure, vehicles moving from the north and usually take the fifth race at the height of the streets 72 or 77, to head south, now must take alternate routes as the seventh and eleven races.
Mobility stated that, in the case of pedestrians, caution is needed because it closed the northern side of the road affected, so that people who want to cross the street should do so in the south side.
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