Ecuador aerial flood Manabí prov.
Medan - / Flood tides causing anxiety for coastal residents in the District of return occurs Belawan Medan, Friday (9/3) afternoon. Thousands of homes in the northern coastal city of Medan was submerged sea water. This condition also makes people afraid to shock. The arrival of sea water at night makes the residents feel worried. How could I not when they were soundly asleep, slowly the tide began to rise into the sea water and soak their home land /
Pasuruan- / Floods hit several villages in the submission of four districts in Pasuruan, East Java, resulting in hundreds of homes flooded. The water level reached 30 centimeters to one meter. Even as many as seven houses were damaged after a flood currents eroded, Saturday (03/10/2012). Seven houses were damaged in two villages, the villages and countryside Mlaten Penunggul, District Nguling /
Mataram - / Hundreds of houses in several villages in the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), stagnant water that overflowed Jangkuk time on Saturday (10/3). Besides soaking homes, rushing river flood also washed away hundreds of banana trees are harvested owned by residents who planted on the outskirts of Kali Jangkuk. Water levels that flooded homes account for about one meter. /
Cilacap - / Flooding since Tuesday 96/3), the teaching and learning activities in the Public Elementary School (SDN) Ciklapa 01, District Kedungreja, Cilacap, disturbed. "Floodwaters actually occurred since Tuesday, but the worst starting on Thursday (8/3) evening to Friday (9/3) because the water goes into the classroom with the water levels reached 30 centimeters," said the teacher SDN Ciklapa 01, Agus Soleh, in Kedungreja, Cilacap, Saturday (03/10/2012). /
/ Flood tide (rob) the south coast beaches in the area of Sukabumi increasingly widespread. Tidal disasters have threatened hundreds of head of household (HH) in the three residential neighborhoods in two villages in the district Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi district. Sea water is not only damaging two houses in the village of Pine. But similar conditions experienced by residents in Kampung Rawa Bats, Palabuhanratu Village. Recorded nine units of houses and shops were severely damaged. Meanwhile, sixty-three houses in Kampung uit Tourism, Village Citepus threatened coastal flood inundation Palabuhanratu. "Not only that, twenty houses were severely damaged due to sea waves washed away. 3-meter-high water memporakpaorandakan houses and shops are located on the shoreline /
/ Floods remain under water more than 12,000 hectares of rice in Babahoyo. A total of 5,176.25 hectares of rice and 7,019 losses affected, has left the flooding caused by continuous rains in the parish halls of Pinocchio, Babahoyo canton, province of Los Rios. The total number of affected crops in these areas is 5,000 hectares, of which 70 percent are under water and another 30 percent is at risk of being unusable. /
/ Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, declared today a state of emergency in five provinces affected by heavy flooding. The provinces of Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, El Oro and Loja, this Thursday will remain in a state of emergency decree signed by the Government Palace, to the Secretary of Risk Management, Maria del Pilar Cornejo. /
/ The torrential rain that fell Tuesday on Santander de Quilichao caused flooding in neighborhoods Nariño, La Esperanza, Santa Ines, El Porvenir, San Jose, San Antonio village and in an area of invasion. /
/ Severe flooding in Vinto, Chapare and Capinota. Recent rains have caused more flooding this time in the regions of Vinto, Capinota and Chapare, with reports of affected families and crop losses, said yesterday in charge of the Secretariat of Mother Earth, Tatiana Sanabria. In Capinota, in the lower valley, it is estimated that the river flooding devastated 100 hectares, according to the evaluation of community members. Most of the crops of vegetables and potatoes that were about to be harvested. At least 15 families were affected by the flood of a canal through the town of Capinota. As a first step the mayor of the municipality placed these families in educational units waiting for Civil Defense to provide supplies. /
Flood, Residents Fear Belawan electrocuted
BELAWAN-flood tides causing anxiety for coastal residents in the District of return occurs Belawan Medan, Friday (9/3) afternoon. Thousands of homes in the northern coastal city of Medan was submerged sea water. This condition also makes people afraid to shock.
As a result, sebahagian residents were displaced and houses a lift to the other higher. "His condition is getting worse, let alone to cook, to be occupied as a residence just suck. Because not only houses submerged, but also furniture washed away, "he said, Halima (33) citizens of New Tax Belawan Happy End Sub Sub Banting Belawan Medan North Sumatra told the Post.
Halima, said the floods which hit the region have occurred three days. And the height of the water volume has reached nearly a meter. "The day overnight sea levels could rise up to three times. Usually the water onto the land at midnight, dawn and day, "he said.
The arrival of sea water at night makes the residents feel worried. How could I not when they were soundly asleep, slowly the tide began to rise into the sea water and soak their home land. "Not only that, people here also the fear of an electric short circuit.
Previously unheard-of one resident died electrocuted so trample a puddle on the floor of his house electrified, "he said.
Similar complaints also expressed, Masriani (40). The housewife was admitted, could not leave the house when the flood tide enters the room of his house, he and his family were forced to work hard. Meraka drain tidal water that brings a variety of trash and feared marine animals such as sea snakes, crabs and jellyfish often go if not immediately drained. "Usually these big pairs have to take 5 hours to back away, but if almost every day of the week so keep this tide conditions, cause a serious headache and vomiting as well as the arrival of the disease threatening diarrhea and itching," complained, the mother of five children who live in Jalan Kampar district Belawan I.
Residents blamed the flood tide of growing lately due to rampant encroachment of mangrove forests act as well as the incessant creation of natural ponds around the area Percut Seituan, Belawan, and Langkat. "His condition is now becoming critical, the region surrounding Belawan tide flooding threatened drowning," he said, Amri (32) a resident of the other.
From the observation post in North Sumatra Belawan, look at some of the villages like in the Village of Bagan Deli, Belawan I, Belawan Joy, Belawan Kurnia Kampung Bahari, and Belawan Sicanang conditions became large and high tide. In fact, after the tide causes more environmental conditions especially dirty ocean tide always brings a variety of trash and sewage treatment plants into residential areas. Flood tides not only soak the thousands of homes belonging to the coast, but this time the flood tide sweeping the somewhat large number of road thereby disrupting the activities of citizens. (Mag-17)
Floods in Pasuruan, Hundreds of Houses Submerged
PASURUAN, - Floods hit several villages in the submission of four districts in Pasuruan, East Java, resulting in hundreds of homes flooded. The water level reached 30 centimeters to one meter. Even as many as seven houses were damaged after a flood currents eroded, Saturday (03/10/2012).
Seven houses were damaged in two villages, the villages and countryside Mlaten Penunggul, District Nguling. Almost all the rotten foundations of the house because of eroded flood flows. One of them owned homes Sugito (45), Mlaten residents, half of his house collapsed after the foundation of the left side of the flood eroded the very swift current. A number of furniture items damaged after falling rontokan wall.
"Fortunately, this time all the people here can save yourself a moment to see the water was so swift," said Sugito.
While the village became flooded the village and Kedawung Kedawung Kulon Wetan, Grati subdistrict. Activity in the two villages were almost completely paralyzed. Because the access road was flooded up to the abdomen of adults so that they can only be done by foot.
While boats are usually alerted the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Pasuruan not visible at the site. "Though the water flow that comes from early Saturday had been very heavy. Of course if there is a rubber boat is very helpful," said Joko Widianto, Kedawung Wetan residents.
From the monitoring, standing water is still visible in some villages in two districts namely Grati subdistrict and district Rejoso. While the other two districts, District and Sub Winongan Nguling water is receding.
Until this afternoon, the Pasuruan BPBD still reviewing the data collection efforts for victims of flooding for the purpose of distribution. A number of officers are still difficulties to reach the houses are still flooded. "We're still completing the data first, then help us prepare," said Yudha Triwidya Saso, Chief BPBD WordPress.
Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Mataram
MATARAM, - Hundreds of houses in several villages in the city of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), stagnant water that overflowed Jangkuk time on Saturday (10/3). Besides soaking homes, rushing river flood also washed away hundreds of banana trees are harvested owned by residents who planted on the outskirts of Kali Jangkuk.
Based on observation, the houses are located in the watershed (DAS) Jangkuk and flooded several villages scattered like in the Village of Dasan Court, District Selaparang; Environment and Kebon Pejeruk Abiyan Talo, Village North Ampenan, District Ampenan.
Water levels that flooded homes account for about one meter. Overflow of water caused by heavy rains Jangkuk time to hit the city of Mataram since Friday (9/3) evening to Saturday (10/3) afternoon, as well as due to water transfers from the West Lombok district crossed by the DAS Jangkuk time.
Residents on the banks of Kali whose homes were flooded Jangkuk was busy saving the valuables. Meanwhile, other residents who survived the floods to help evacuate the goods.
FLOOD CILACAP: Teaching and Learning Activities Impaired SD
CILACAP-flooding since Tuesday 96/3), the teaching and learning activities in the Public Elementary School (SDN) Ciklapa 01, District Kedungreja, Cilacap, disturbed.
"Floodwaters actually occurred since Tuesday, but the worst starting on Thursday (8/3) evening to Friday (9/3) because the water goes into the classroom with the water levels reached 30 centimeters," said the teacher SDN Ciklapa 01, Agus Soleh, in Kedungreja, Cilacap, Saturday (03/10/2012).
Nevertheless, he said, it was not until the flood damage the equipment stored in classrooms because it had moved to higher ground when the water is still flooding the school yard.
According to him, for 1-5 grade students while studying at home, while the Grade 6 students stay logged in as usual.
"Incidentally, Grade 6 students are conducting trials of national exams and they will go though the school was still under water. In fact, they also have to go through a number of roads are still flooded, "he said.
He said the Grade 4 and 5 are welcome to study at home, keep going to school by turns to carry picket.
While the 1-3 grade students, he said, still studying in their homes because of standing water in the school yard is still high.
He said the flooding was not as high as it did in 2005.
"The school yard was diuruk ground level of 80 centimeters, so a pool of water is not too high," he said.
Nevertheless, he admitted to not worry if the puddle high back heavy rains drenched the area because the weather looks cloudy.
From observation, on Saturday afternoon, the water levels in the SDN page Ciklapa 01 to 40 centimeters and almost flush with the floor of the school terrace
Post The Sea Flood Area
Sukabumi (PRLM.) - Flood tide (rob) the south coast beaches in the area of Sukabumi increasingly widespread. Tidal disasters have threatened hundreds of head of household (HH) in the three residential neighborhoods in two villages in the district Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi district.
Sea water is not only damaging two houses in the village of Pine. But similar conditions experienced by residents in Kampung Rawa Bats, Palabuhanratu Village. Recorded nine units of houses and shops were severely damaged. Meanwhile, sixty-three houses in Kampung uit Tourism, Village Citepus threatened coastal flood inundation Palabuhanratu.
"Not only that, twenty houses were severely damaged due to sea waves washed away. 3-meter-high water memporakpaorandakan houses and shops are located on the shoreline. Likewise a disaster eroded musala participate this time. An estimated 178 houses inhabited by families threatened inundated by sea water, "said the chief Citepus, District Palabuhanratu, Parluhutan to" PRLM ", Sunday (11/3). (A-162 / A-147) ***
Quilichao River caused some flooding
The torrential rain that fell Tuesday on Santander de Quilichao caused flooding in neighborhoods Nariño, La Esperanza, Santa Ines, El Porvenir, San Jose, San Antonio village and in an area of invasion.
This was confirmed by Carlos Andres Jimenez, coordinator of the Local Committee and Disaster Prevention, CLOPAD, Santander de Quilichao, who indicated that partial damage recorded in three educational institutions, a rural area and two in the county seat, between which is the National Technical Institute College High School.
Until yesterday afternoon, the report of the affected families in urban areas is 38. In the census involved the CLOPAD, police and relief agencies of Northern Cauca municipality.
The ravages of hail domingoEl CLOPAD Coordinator of Santander de Quilichao noted that because of the hail and the storm that occurred in the village pavitas reported partial damage to the electrical infrastructure of the area, including the sidewalk Vilachí.
"Extensive plantain, coffee, sugar cane and fruit trees have been severely affected, hurting families who use them as part of their food security and as a source of income," said Carlos Andres Jimenez, coordinator of CLOPAD.
The official also said that 40 properties include rural area affected by the climatic phenomenon, for which the owners will begin to make possible the aid they need.
Floods remain under water more than 12,000 hectares of rice in Babahoyo
A total of 5,176.25 hectares of rice and 7,019 losses affected, has left the flooding caused by continuous rains in the parish halls of Pinocchio, Babahoyo canton, province of Los Rios.
In rural areas of the enclosures San Fernandez and Colorado, the situation is critical because several tributaries overflowed its banks and devastated the crops of farmers in the lowlands.
There are at least 500 hectares belonging to small rice under water, where flooding and take 16 days and that has spoiled production.
The total number of affected crops in these areas is 5,000 hectares, of which 70 percent are under water and another 30 percent is at risk of being unusable.
Meanwhile, the economic losses amounting to over two million dollars in the precincts of the parish Pinocchio, whose farmers seeking immediate assistance with seeds.
The governor of Rivers, Jesus Narvaez said they see as an immediate alternative delivery aid kits of seeds and the implementation of crop insurance, as detailed Ecuavisa.
Ecuador enacted a state of emergency in flood
Quito, Mar 8 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, declared today a state of emergency in five provinces affected by heavy flooding.
The provinces of Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, El Oro and Loja, this Thursday will remain in a state of emergency decree signed by the Government Palace, to the Secretary of Risk Management, Maria del Pilar Cornejo.
Specifies the document that this measure is established because rainfall may increase in the next six weeks, and placed over the normal level, which becomes more vulnerable to the population of these provinces.
The state of emergency lasts 60 days and provide resources to address particular areas of health, education, transportation, housing and agriculture, thereby strengthening the actions already running multiple portfolios of state in those provinces.
Correa said the government is now much more prepared to face this kind of natural phenomena through different government agencies, and questioned some opposition sectors have politicians wanted to use for purposes that human tragedy.
Severe flooding in Vinto, and Chapare Capinota
Recent rains have caused more flooding this time in the regions of Vinto, Capinota and Chapare, with reports of affected families and crop losses, said yesterday in charge of the Secretariat of Mother Earth, Tatiana Sanabria.
In Capinota, in the lower valley, it is estimated that the river flooding devastated 100 hectares, according to the evaluation of community members. Most of the crops of vegetables and potatoes that were about to be harvested.
At least 15 families were affected by the flood of a canal through the town of Capinota. As a first step the mayor of the municipality placed these families in educational units waiting for Civil Defense to provide supplies.
The head of the Secretariat of Mother Earth announced yesterday moved to the area a technical team to assess the situation of agricultural damage and the status of the 15 families affected by the flood.
At least three Vinto rustic houses collapsed and four others suffered structural damage due to flooding of rivers. Were also underwater grassland and maize crops.
Meanwhile, in the tropics of Cochabamba the river continues to put in 24 risk of more flooding to several unions. Faced with this threat the Government has mobilized the Departmental Roads Service (Sedcam) for cleanup of the secondary roads and access.
The latest assessment of the Secretariat of Mother Earth realizes natural disaster emergency in 26 municipalities, which have left more than 5,500 affected families, of which more than 2 thousand are homeless because they have lost 90 percent of its agricultural production or their homes.
Almost a month after floods and hail caused damage to buildings and crops there are still families living in shelters in Quillacollo and the city.
According to Tatiana Sanabria, many victims have begun to leave the shelters. "We continue to evaluate, we had a preliminary report of more than 60 houses. In some sectors has been given as the houses collapsed referred to a single room or a perimeter wall, then these assessments are being collected in detail. In some cases it will replenish and rebuild other, "said Sanabria.
Two weeks before the collapse of a mile from the platform-independence path-Morochata Quillacollo the Sedcam sent heavy equipment to enable an interim step, which will restore the road communication with at least 50 potato-producing communities, which after the disaster were isolated.
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