- Peru
Indonesia SINKING:
/ Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi - Since the morning rain, Jakarta, Depok and Bekasi Flooded Flood.
Hundreds of houses in Taman Duta, Sukmajaya, Depok, West Java, submerged in water up to nearly a meter. Meanwhile, housing residents in Bogor submerged 15 centimeters to 30 cm. As high as 80 centimeters of water soaking, resulting in a number of vehicles were off the engine as it passed. Rain for 7 hours to make it that was not far from residential areas can not accommodate the rain water to overflow into residential areas.
Meanwhile, in East Jakarta, dozens of homes in the Village of Middle Village, Kramatjati, the evening had been submerged in water is 15 centimeters and 30 centimeters.
Not only homes, flooding also soak Highway Bogor. Many two-wheeled vehicle that tried to break through the flood, strike and fell. Banjiir also resulted in long traffic jams of Pasar Rebo to Cililitan to 3 kilometers.
Stagnant water also flooded as high as 50 centimeters of the two access roads in Jakarta, on Jalan Gunung Sahari Large Fields, Central Jakarta and Jalan Marthadinata Ancol, North Jakarta. Flood that flooded the main road link between central Jakarta and North Jakarta is due to the overflow stream Gunung Sahari time, unable to accommodate the heavy rain that swept through the capital Sunday morning.
In the northern Tambun, Bekasi, West Java, floods submerge hundreds of homes on Sunday (19/2) yesterday afternoon. Flood elevation is 20 centimeters to 30 centimeters. Causes of river flooding due to levee breached that limit settlement residents. Flooding also caused by shipment of Bogor. Source /
/ Hundreds of homes in West Semarang Submerged Flood
Metrotvnews.com, London: Hundreds of homes in District Mangkang, west of Semarang, Central Java, on Sunday (19/2) yesterday, the flood. Floods caused by rain and overflowing rivers Badon. Flooded hundreds of homes located at 02 Village RT 01/RW Mangunharjo, Mangkang District, west of Semarang. /
/ Soak the Three Village floods in Pamekasan. Floods hit three villages in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, on Sunday night. Flooding due to overflowing rivers Semajid time this happened in the Village, Patemon, Village and Village Jungcangcang Parteker. In the Village Patemon, flooding homes began flooding the yard since Sunday (19/02/2012) at around 20:00 pm, and the increasingly widespread. /
/ Thousands of homes flooded in Sampang. Thousands of homes in the District of the City, Sampang, Madura, East Java, on Monday again flooded due to overflowing rivers Kalikemuning. Flooding from morning to evening and there has been no sign of receding, even increasingly extends into the city. "We have been flooding into the city monument with a height of between 30 to 40 cm," said city resident Sampang, Sally Ahmad, Monday night. /
/ Floods hit at least 300 homes Tebet area of Bukit Duri, South Jakarta. Flooding began to enter the residential area since Sunday afternoon and the water levels continue to rise until it reaches its peak in the afternoon. /
/ Floods hit some parts of the City Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, on Sunday (19/2) night led to dozens of homes and residents living along the river Kali Semajid flooded. /
/ Bekasi Kali began to overflow on Sunday (19/2) afternoon due to flood from Bogor, West Java. Dike subsidence and silting of the river plus the water overflowed and flooded the village of Sri Jaya, District of North Tambun, Bekasi. Hundreds of homes inundated with height varying between one and one half feet. In addition to soaking the settlement, floods also inundated the village street and made a number of isolated villages because of standing water deep enough. /
/ Due to heavy rain for five hours from 08:00 until 13:35 throughout Sunday (19/2), making hundreds of homes in two districts in Cilegon flooded.
/ Torrential rains that occurred during the five hours resulted in Ponorogo Jingglong River, East Java, on Sunday (19/2) to overflow. As a result, dozens of homes along the river flooded. At least 60 houses on the banks of the River Jingglong, Jingglong Village, City District, Roxburgh, flood. The water level reached half a meter. In fact, floods often come from the higher regions, although the region does not rain. /
/ Rain flushed through the night until Sunday (19/2) morning, so a number of areas in the city of Serang, Banten, flooded. In the Village Kaligandu, for example, floods submerge the neighborhood so that disrupt the activities of people /
/ River flood causes 4 000 displaced in Brazil. Acre river flooding by rains in the last few hours arrived today near its highest level, bringing to 4,122 the number of displaced in the Amazon region of Brazil, near the border with Bolivia and Peru, which also registered victims /
/ Alarm landslides and swollen rivers in Bolivia, where 6,585 families have been evacuated in the past two months and where there have been 7 deaths so far. /
/ At least 10 people died and nearly 7000 were affected by heavy rains that drench Bolivia since January. Thousands of families have lost their homes and tens of thousands of hectares of crops have been flooded by heavy rainfall. /
/ The Acre River slashing his record. Acre river flooding by rains in the last hours yesterday came close to its highest level, bringing to 185 families evacuated from Bolivia in 4122 and the number of displaced in the Amazon region of Brazil, near the border with Bolivia and Peru, where there were also victims. /
/ Around 272 families were affected by the rising river Acre in the department of Pando, because they are homeless. As reported by the Mayor of Cobija, Ana Luisa Reis, La Razon, the Acre river rose 10 meters and flooded the capital of Pando, affecting 225 families. Pando's governor, Luis Flores, said that in the town of Bolpebra addition municipality, bordering Peru and Brazil, there are 47 families hurt by the rising river, and are about 200 homes in the department who have become uninhabitable. Datos naturalCrecidaEl overflowing river has not affected the bridge to Brasilea with Blanket, although the flood has reached ten metros.BarriosEn the capital of Pando, Cobija, the areas most affected by the overflowing of Acre are Mapajo and Niagara neighborhoods where there are 63 families affected, reports ANF.BoliviaEl Ministry of Defense reported that nationwide there are 8,117 families affected in 93 municipalities, due to heavy rains in recent days. /
/ Acre river overflow caused flooding in recent days Bolpebra Township, bordering Peru and Brazil. Yesterday, these waters resulted in Cobija, leaving flooded three quarters of this city whose inhabitants were evacuated to the coliseum and educational units in the capital Pando. Acre river flooding by rains in the last hours yesterday came close to its highest level, bringing to 4,122 the number of displaced in the Amazon region of Brazil, near the border with Bolivia and Peru, which also recorded victims./
/ The streets of the district Iñapari in Madre de Dios rivers have become. The houses, public institutions, churches, and others are flooded under four feet of water. According to the report of damage to the Emergency Operations Center Regional (COER), 512 houses were flooded, 10 public institutions were affected, 6 miles of streets are flooded and water systems, sewerage and electricity were damaged. /
/ Heavy rains cause flooding in the district of Desaguadero and Zepita. Remarkably, in the district there are 180 families affected Zepita and an average of 450 affected by the floods, the most affected communities in such a jurisdiction Chua Chua, Curjicha, Ancoputo, Jachapampa including the three areas. /
Landa flood Pamekasan City
Pamekasan - AFP: Floods hit some parts of the City Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, on Sunday (19/2) night led to dozens of homes and residents living along the river Kali Semajid flooded.
Flooding began to enter the yard of the house residents, since at around 21:20 pm and until now the higher the standing water, which is between 20 cm to 40 cm.
Currently most residents began packing up his belongings, but no one has been displaced. (Ant/OL-2)
The river overflowed, hundreds of Houses Submerged
Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Bekasi Kali began to overflow on Sunday (19/2) afternoon due to flood from Bogor, West Java. Dike subsidence and silting of the river plus the water overflowed and flooded the village of Sri Jaya, District of North Tambun, Bekasi. Hundreds of homes inundated with height varying between one and one half feet.
Flood suddenly came crashing was surprising because the Tambun residents only light rain. Floodwaters spread quickly because most of the village's levee was broken down.
Until Sunday afternoon, flooding is still rising high. Create reduce floodwaters, some residents put sandbags near waterways and around their homes.
In addition to soaking the settlement, floods also inundated the village street and made a number of isolated villages because of standing water deep enough. Despite the flood, residents stayed at home for fear of their property looted by thieves. (ANS)
Floods Soak 60 Houses Residents in Ponorogo
Metrotvnews.com, Ponorogo: Torrential rains that occurred during the five hours resulted in Ponorogo Jingglong River, East Java, on Sunday (19/2) to overflow. As a result, dozens of homes along the river flooded.
At least 60 houses on the banks of the River Jingglong, Jingglong Village, City District, Roxburgh, flood.
The water level reached half a meter. As a result of water into the houses. According to residents, the area was often flooded when it rained for a long time.
In fact, floods often come from the higher regions, although the region does not rain.
Until Sunday night, some residents are still wary of flooding. They worry that the growing flood. (Riz)
Soak the settlements and road flooding
Liputan6.com, Serang: Rain flushed through the night until Sunday (19/2) morning, so a number of areas in the city of Serang, Banten, flooded. In the Village Kaligandu, for example, floods submerge the neighborhood so that disrupt the activities of people. Many locals could only surrender.
Floods submerge a number of areas in which this attack occurs due to the water line to accommodate the overflow of rainwater. In addition, poor drainage system keeps water also commemorate some streets. In addition to disrupting traffic flow, flooding also made a number of motorcycle breaking down. (ANS)
5 Hours of Rain, Flood Cilegon
CILEGON - Due to heavy rain for five hours from 08:00 until 13:35 throughout Sunday (19/2), making hundreds of homes in two districts in Cilegon flooded. Two districts that the district and subdistrict Cilegon Jombang. Location flooding slams Jombang atan is only 300 meters from the residence of Mayor Cilegon.
Flood that comes on suddenly with a height of 50-70 centimeters that make people not have time to save his valuables. Although residents could block the door with bags of sand, but the water levels continue to rise resulting in their houses remain submerged.
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Hundreds of homes in West Semarang Submerged Flood
Metrotvnews.com, London: Hundreds of homes in District Mangkang, west of Semarang, Central Java, on Sunday (19/2) yesterday, the flood. Floods caused by rain and overflowing rivers Badon.
Flooded hundreds of homes located at 02 Village RT 01/RW Mangunharjo, Mangkang District, west of Semarang.
Flooding that occurred in this region due to overflow of the River Badon. Residents were not expected to come flooding, so it does not have time to save their property.
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Soak Flood Zone Dur Hill
indosiar.com, Jakarta - (Monday, 02.20.2012) Floods hit at least 300 homes Tebet area of Bukit Duri, South Jakarta. Flooding began to enter the residential area since Sunday afternoon and the water levels continue to rise until it reaches its peak in the afternoon.
Some residents were busy evacuating their own valuables and fled to the house of their relatives are safe from flooding. While some of them opted to stay on the 2nd floor home, although the settlement has been besieged by floods. This flood is the flood caused by overflowing Ciliwung times following heavy rains that hit the capital and surrounding areas during early morning until Sunday afternoon.
Residents worry about the water levels will continue to increase, if Jakarta and the regions upstream of rain again. (Dedi Irawan / Sup)
Thousands of homes flooded in Sampang
Sampang (Reuters) - Thousands of homes in the District of the City, Sampang, Madura, East Java, on Monday again flooded due to overflowing rivers Kalikemuning.
Flooding from morning to evening and there has been no sign of receding, even increasingly extends into the city.
"We have been flooding into the city monument with a height of between 30 to 40 cm," said city resident Sampang, Sally Ahmad, Monday night.
In addition to thousands of homes flooded, flooding that occurred in the city were also flooded Bahari educational buildings, such as SMP in the village of Abu Rasad Pasean, SMP VI at Jalan Imam Bonjol, SDN I Dalpenang at Jalan Imam Bonjol, and SMK Negeri I Shuhada Street.
Communities in the region claimed, fear conditions will increasingly high floodwaters, because the weather was cloudy in the upper reaches of the river, it is still raining.
Floods that hit parts of Sampang City on Monday (20/2) it is the second time in the past month. Earlier on February 8, floods also inundated thousands of homes in the area with the same cause.
Chairman of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Sampang Imam Sanusi said, his department continue to monitor the development of flood conditions and do not deliver any assistance.
"Where will we expect the condition becoming interspace, then we will make the soup kitchen," Imam said Sanusi.
The most severe of homes flooded in the Village Stage. There, standing water on the road between 1 meter to 1 meter and a half.
While these floods, traffic lanes connecting the district with the City Omben Sampang paralyzed since Monday morning.
Soak the Three Village floods in Pamekasan
Pamekasan, KOMPAS.com - Floods hit three villages in Pamekasan, Madura, East Java, on Sunday night. Flooding due to overflowing rivers Semajid time this happened in the Village, Patemon, Village and Village Jungcangcang Parteker.
In the Village Patemon, flooding homes began flooding the yard since Sunday (19/02/2012) at around 20:00 pm, and the increasingly widespread.
Residents in these areas claimed to worry, the flood will be greater, because the river was still raining. "If the rain upriver, flooding would still here," said local resident Ismail.
In the Village Parteker, floods also inundated Blimbing market located on the edge of the river. In addition to flooded homes, flooded due to overflowing of the river Kali in Pamekasan Semajid also inundated a number of educational institutions in the Village Jungcangcang, namely in the SDN Jungacang V and VI.
Stagnant water in these institutions go up in a classroom with a height between 20 cm to 30 cm. While since Monday morning at around 00:15 pm, the flood began to spread to the village Laden.
Camat Pamekasan Achmad Hidayat at the location of the flood to explain, now that he has to collect data on residents of flooded homes.
"We do not know the exact number of households flooded, as it is awaiting collection from the village / urban villages," said Achmad Hidayat, Monday (20/02/2012).
Streets become rivers Iñapari
The streets of the district Iñapari in Madre de Dios rivers have become. The houses, public institutions, churches, and others are flooded under four feet of water.
According to the report of damage to the Emergency Operations Center Regional (COER), 512 houses were flooded, 10 public institutions were affected, 6 miles of streets are flooded and water systems, sewerage and electricity were damaged.
Reporter Noah W Ccorahua Huarcaya captured images of the floods that show the plight being experienced by residents who have to use boats and canoes to trasladadarse.
Heavy rains cause flooding in the district of Desaguadero and Zepita
In recent days heavy rains lashing the region are also affecting the Puno district of Desaguadero, Zepita including Juli Chucuito province.
In Desaguadero the Civil Defense District Committee chaired by the Mayor, Juan Carlos Aquino Condori, together with the police commissioner of the Desaguadero led by Mayor Jesus Ordinola Cortez and members of the public safety by verifying and confirming the continued damage rains and overflowing rivers and Santa Cruz de Ayrihuas Mauri in Collpacotaña Communities and Collana, likewise took clothing, food for homeless people, which constituted a sum of forty (45) places where the respective records rose to declarárseles in Emergency, introducing its access roads impassable likewise their homes uninhabitable by collapsing walls.
In such an action the National Police of Peru, has given unconditional support to the mobile unit to the victims of their places uninhabited transferring us to other more secure, and it moved to the town of Desaguadero to people who had been in poor health for their respective medical attention.
Remarkably, in the district there are 180 families affected Zepita and an average of 450 affected by the floods, the most affected communities in such a jurisdiction Chua Chua, Curjicha, Ancoputo, Jachapampa including the three areas. However, in the passing of the days if the rains continue with the same intensity exceed the numbers of homeless
Finally the authorities are yet to forecast losses in crops.
AMERICA / BOLIVIA - The country beaten by rain, floods and an epidemic of dengue
La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - Alarm landslides and swollen rivers in Bolivia, where 6,585 families have been evacuated in the past two months and where there have been 7 deaths so far.
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Rains left at least 10 dead and 25 thousand victims in Bolivia
La Paz, Andina. At least 10 people died and nearly 7000 were affected by heavy rains that drench Bolivia since January. Thousands of families have lost their homes and tens of thousands of hectares of crops have been flooded by heavy rainfall.
La Paz is one of the departments most affected, where about 540 thousand families were affected, 20 towns are on alert for the risk of flooding and 37 homes were destroyed, according to Europa Press.
Indeed, in La Paz were five of the ten deaths, including a child of three years by the collapse of a building in the town of Kupini.
In the region of Santa Cruz, three people died. Two of them women, were swept away by a river and the rest is a fisherman who was surprised by the overflow of a river, according to Bolivian newspaper picked up the Times.
The latest victim was a child of ten years, which has been crushed by a wall in the city of Chuquisaca. The last weekend killed another child, aged twelve, drawn by a flood in the town of Camargo.
The Acre River slashing his record
Acre river flooding by rains in the last hours yesterday came close to its highest level, bringing to 185 families evacuated from Bolivia in 4122 and the number of displaced in the Amazon region of Brazil, near the border with Bolivia and Peru, where there were also victims.
Most of the displaced residents of Rio Branco, the capital of Acre, which are housed in shelters has mounted the City Council and the regional government in sports halls and schools. In Peru, the city of Inapa also suffers.
The Acre state government said the homonymous river reached its way through Rio Branco altitude of 17.17 meters, 29 centimeters more than the Saturday and three feet above the level at which water overflows.
Acre River to overflow at least 272 affected families pandinas
Around 272 families were affected by the rising river Acre in the department of Pando, because they are homeless. Bolpebra blanket and are the most affected municipalities. The Vice Ministry of Civil Defence sent a plane with 5.6 tons of food.
As reported by the Mayor of Cobija, Ana Luisa Reis, La Razon, the Acre river rose 10 meters and flooded the capital of Pando, affecting 225 families. Pando's governor, Luis Flores, said that in the town of Bolpebra addition municipality, bordering Peru and Brazil, there are 47 families hurt by the rising river, and are about 200 homes in the department who have become uninhabitable.
The school Heroes of Distance is the main shelter for victims of the flood in Blanket, but have also enabled many government offices to aid those left homeless.
All public institutions, from the Governor to the police, help with rescue efforts. Meanwhile, Minister of the Presidency Juan Ramon Quintana, announced that he would coordinate with the Mayor and the Governor Blanket rebuild the 200 homes affected by the rising river.
While Tahuamanu and Beni rivers still grow, do not represent an immediate danger. But it's Acre which has shocked the cobijeños, they are not accustomed to the significant increase in flow.
For yesterday, Sunday, a parade was scheduled child in the capital of Pando, which caused some tension among the residents, as some held together with their children the carnival, while others complained about the lack of solidarity, said Mario Chacon , commander of the police department.
The Ministry of Defense sent a Blanket 5.6 tons of food aid (flour, sugar, rice, noodles and oil), plus 50 tents and mattresses to accommodate affected by the flood.
According to the report of the agency ABI, Quintana came to Blanket and immediately sailed up the river Acre to ascertain the extent of flooding, according to local media flooded the border towns of Bolpebra and San Miguel. "We are in the work of verification of the impact. The situation is quite dramatic, so the military is mobilized through the Joint Command Amazon. The Army, the Air Force itself together with the government, the municipality and the national government are mobilized for the work of evacuation and relocation of material possessions, "explicó.Bolpebra. ANF reported that the rains of recent days caused the overflowing of the Acre River in the municipality of San Pedro de Pando Bolpebra, which is flooded in the early hours of Sunday the waters led to Cobija affecting some neighborhoods.
Proceeds from this, Bolpebra 30 families were evacuated, according to the governor of Pando, Luis Adolfo Flores, who announced the intention to "rebuild" this municipality.
"We have been in Bolpebra, people are in trouble, practically nothing has been recovered, the rain has arrived until three in the morning (...). We are committed to help them, not only temporary relief, but with the reconstruction of the town, "the Governor in contact with Radio Panamericana. The flooding of the river also flooded Inapari, Peru, and the Brazilian municipality of Assis, reported the disaster ANF.Datos naturalCrecidaEl overflowing river has not affected the bridge to Brasilea with Blanket, although the flood has reached ten metros.BarriosEn the capital of Pando, Cobija, the areas most affected by the overflowing of Acre are Mapajo and Niagara neighborhoods where there are 63 families affected, reports ANF.BoliviaEl Ministry of Defense reported that nationwide there are 8,117 families affected in 93 municipalities, due to heavy rains in recent days.
President Evo Morales said yesterday that the government is mobilized to deal with emergencies caused by incessant rains that have affected several departments, and have intensified in recent hours, especially in the Amazonian department of Pando.
By providing several works in the village of Toco, Cochabamba, the Head of State said he is in constant contact with ministers and civil defense authorities to set humanitarian assistance to affected families. This institution reported that more than 7,000 affected families, particularly in the departments of Cochabamba, Oruro, La Paz, Chuquisaca and in recent days, Pando.
Thus, the president contrasted statements of opposition members, who said he is prioritizing his participation in the Carnival before serving homeless families. "Some opponents will always say 'Evo people dancing and crying', there are floods and fellow Vice President from five o'clock was in contact with the Interior Minister, the Minister of Defense," he argued.
He said he is aware of what happens in Pando, where the overflowing of the river Acre flooded the border town of Bolpebra and another nearby, in addition to the affected families in two neighborhoods of the city of Cobija, and expressed their solidarity with the victims.
Reported that the Minister of the Presidency went to Pando and announced the removal of food and supplies in a Hercules aircraft from the Air Force. "We are mobilizing, by there, Deputy Minister of Civil Defense was Bolpebra there have been many problems at the border with Peru and Brazil," said the President.
River flood causes 4 000 displaced in Brazil
Acre river flooding by rains in the last few hours arrived today near its highest level, bringing to 4,122 the number of displaced in the Amazon region of Brazil, near the border with Bolivia and Peru, which also registered victims
Reuters - Most of the displaced residents of Rio Branco, the capital of Acre, which are housed in shelters has mounted the City Council and the regional government in sports halls, schools and an exhibition center.
The floods have affected several locations in the state of Acre and the Pando region of Bolivia and the Peruvian city of Iñapari, located in the triple border.
The Acre state government reported today that the homonymous river reached its way through Rio Branco the height of 17.17 meters, 29 centimeters more than the Saturday and three feet above the level at which water overflows.
"We are in a difficult, worrisome because are still forming clouds with rain forecast for the coming days, the rivers continue to fill and we can overcome the greatest flood that we lived, it was in 1997," said the governor of Acre, Tião Viana, quoted by official news agency of the state.
In 1997, the Acre river reached the highest level that was recorded, a height of 17.67 meters, and then, as now, the flood submerged several neighborhoods of Rio Branco.
The Upper Rio Branco district was completely isolated by the flooding of Riozinho do Rola, a tributary of the river Acre, and local authorities had to go today by helicopter to the area for delivery of 38 food baskets to the inhabitants.
Despite the flooding, the authorities decided to keep Rio Branco the festivities of the carnival, which met on Saturday night about 40,000 people at the center of the capital of Amazon state.
In the Bolivian region of Pando, which borders that of Acre, now had to be evacuated 185 families by the floods, officials said.
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