Kojima had created small snips of Konstantin's animation of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements.
Here is the full 7 of 10 Animation by Konstantin.
This blog is the place to document ongoing earth changes related to the 7 of 10 plate movements as described by the Zetas.
ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence
written October 16, 2010
The 7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to occur something has to release the deadlock, the current stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once the deadlock is broken and the plates start moving, sliding past each other, new points where the plates are locked against each other develop, but these are weaker locks than the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which is being driven under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of the Himalayans attests. Nevertheless, the activity in this region shows this likely to be the first of the 7 of 10 scenarios to manifest. Bangladesh is sinking and the Coral Sea is rising, showing the overall tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. Now Pakistan is sinking and not draining its floods as it should, while Jakarta on the tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the tilt that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started.
Meanwhile, S America is showing signs of a roll to the west. Explosions on islands just to the north of the S American Plate occurred recently, on Bonaire and Trinidad-Tobago, and the Andes are regularly being pummeled. There is a relationship. As the Indo-Australia Plate lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to shift west, which allows S America to shift west also. This is greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the Philippine Plate. But it is the Indo-Australian Plate that gives way to incite change in these other plates, and this is what is manifesting now to those closely following the changes. Once the folding of the Pacific has occurred, Japan has been destabilized. We are not allowed to give a time frame for any of these plate movements, but would point out that it is not until the North Island of Japan experiences its strong quakes that a tsunami causing sloshing near Victoria occurs. There are clues that the New Madrid will be next.
Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New Madrid gives way. We are also not allowed to provide the time frame between the Japan quakes and New Madrid. Other than the relationship in time between the New Madrid and the European tsunami, no time frame can be given. The sequence of events is, thus:
Source: http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta584.htm
Tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,
Folding Pacific
South American Roll
African Roll
Japan Quakes
New Madrid
European Tsunami
Due to the slowing of the 7 of 10 plate movements by the Council of Worlds the impact of some of the events described above will be lessened.
The Zetas explain:
ZetaTalk: Pace Slowed
Written May 19, 2012
The effect of the thousands of humming boxes placed along fault lines and plate borders can be seen in several incidents that have occurred since the start of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate is one such example. We predicted at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios in late 2010 that the Sunda Plate sinking would occur within 2-3 weeks, yet it dragged on through 2011. At the time we had predicted tsunami on the Sunda Plate, in general equivalent in height to the loss of elevation for a coastline. None of this occurred due to the slower pace.
The pace of mountain building in S America, where slowed, has still resulted in rumpling up and down the Andes, and stretch zone accidents likewise in lands to the east of the Andes. The shape of S America has clearly changed. Will the islands in the Caribbean be spared? At some point, as with the magnitude 7.9 quake in Acapulco on March 2, 2012 a significant adjustment will need to occur, and this will include depressing the Caribbean Plate so it tilts, sinking the islands and lands on that portion of the plate to the degree predicted. But the S American roll will likely continue to avoid the magnitude 8 quakes we originally predicted in deference to slow rumpling mountain building. The African roll was anticipated to be a silent roll in any case, so the slowed pace would not affect the outcome.
Will the slowed pace prevent the 7 of 10 scenarios for the Northern Hemisphere? Bowing of the N American continent has reached the point of pain, with breaking rock booming from coast to coast, but still there have been no significant quakes in the New Madrid area. Yet this is past due, and cannot be held back indefinitely. What has and will continue to occur for the Northern Hemisphere scenarios are silent quakes for Japan, which has already experienced drastic subduction under the north island of Hokkaido where mountain building is occurring as a rumple rather than a jolt. However, the anticipated New Madrid adjustment cannot be achieved without trauma. But this could potentially occur in steps and stages such that any European tsunami would be significantly lessened.
All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com
Source: http://www.zetatalk.com/7of10/7of10109.htm
ZetaTalk , Written March 10, 2012
What happens when the pace of plate movement is slowed? The likelihood of tsunami is definitely reduced, as can be seen in the sinking on the Sunda Plate. The sinking occurred, and is almost complete, yet the possibility of tsunami we predicted for various regions on the Sunda Plate were avoided. The height and force of a tsunami is directly related to the degree of displacement in the sea floor, and if this happens in steps rather than all at once the displacement will be less for any given step.
This bodes well for the European tsunami. If the Council of Worlds is still imposing a slower pace on the 7 of 10 plate movements, this tsunami will definitely be lessened. The tear in the North Atlantic will be slight, each time. The amount of water pouring into this void will be less, each time. And the rebound toward the UK will likewise be less, each time. But our prediction is the worst case situation, and it also reflects what the Earth changes, unabated, would produce.
But what does a slower pace do to land masses where jolting quakes are expected? Does this reduce the overall magnitude of the quakes anticipated? Large magnitude quakes result when a catch point along plate borders is highly resistant, but snapping of rock finally results. Usually there is one place, the epicenter, where this catch point resides and a long distance along the plate border where smaller quakes have prepared the border for easy movement. A point of resistance within the body of a plate, such as the New Madrid, can likewise resist and suddenly give.
There is no way to lessen the resistance at these catch points, though the tension that accompanies such points can be reduced so that the quake itself is delayed. What this means for a slower 7 of 10 pace is that large magnitude quakes will be spread apart in time, and their relationship to our predictions thus able to be camouflaged by the establishment. Where sinking (such as the Caribbean Island of Trinidad) or spreading apart (such as to the west of the Mississippi River) are to occur, these land changes will eventually arrive. But like the sinking of the Sunda Plate, a slower pace unfortunately allows the cover-up time to maneuver and develop excuses.
All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com
South American Roll
Orange alert for the Cerro Negro / Chiles complex, which borders Colombia-Ecuador.
2014-10-21 17:23:45.2 0.62 N 77.99 W 2 4.6 COLOMBIA-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
2014-10-20 22:24:55.7 0.68 N 78.12 W 2 4.4 COLOMBIA-ECUADOR BORDER REGION
2014-10-20 19:33:22.5 0.72 N 77.98 W 10 5.7 COLOMBIA-ECUADOR BORDER FELT
Chiles volcano - photo Ingeominas
The monitoring network of Cerro Negro de Mayasquer and Chiles, the "Siamese" volcanoes on the border between Ecuador and Colombia, reported increased seismic activity in the area, with earthquakes associated with the fracturing of rocks.
The total earthquakes until 13 October of around 25,000 events, characterized by epicenters located between 1,000 and 4,000 meters south-west of Chiles volcano, with a magnitude between 0.7 and 3.5 and a depth of between 300 and 7,000 meters (summit is located at 4700 meters). These earthquakes were not felt Ecuadorian side, but perceived by the inhabitants of Cumbal in the Chiles reserve. Slight inflation of the volcano is recorded.
Analysis of this activity was done in collaboration between IGEPN and Ingeominas.
The volcano Cerro Negro de Mayasquer - photo Ingeominas
Cerro Negro, to the left & Chiles, snowy, to the right - photo Minard Hall, 1985 (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito) / in GVP
On October 20, at 2:33 p.m. local, an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 / 5.8 centered on the southwest flank of the volcano Chiles, 6 km depth was recorded, along to Tufiño of falling objects, damage of glass and other minor damage, and felt at Cumbal, Colombian side.
At that time, it's over 39,000 volcano-tectonic earthquakes were counted in 22 days, associated with the fracturing of rocks, accompanied by a lower proportion of earthquakes LP and VLP type, in connection with fluid movements. GPS stations on the southeast flank of the volcano indicate an increase of the inflation in the last days.
The alert level has risen to orange, Colombian side, following recent events. The IGEPN indicates that we are dealing with an initial phase of magmatic intrusion and is considering the possibility of a phreatic eruption at Chiles with production of ballistic missiles, ash fall or mud flows.
20/10/2014 Earthquake - M 5.8 - doc Geoscope / IPGP
19.10.14. Land subsidence in Cửa Đại beach, Hoi An Ancient Town, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
11 October, 2014. Record-high tide turns parts of Ho Chi Minh City into river
Residents push their motorcycles through Huynh Tan Phat Street in District 7 on October 11, 2014. Photo: Pham Huu
The tide in Ho Chi Minh City reached its peak of 1.7 meters on Friday night, submerging many streets in the country’s largest metropolis.
Students go through water to a secondary school in District 2 on October 11, 2014. Photo: Pham Huu
The tide on the Dong Dien Canal in Nha Be District surge to 1.7 meters, the highest-ever level, at 6:30 p.m. on Friday while the tide on the Saigon River rose to 1.68 meters, similar the record it set in October last year, said Nguyen Minh Giam, deputy director of the Southern Region Hydro-meteorology Station.
“I had to seek permission from the school for absence for my children this morning due to heavy flooding,” said Thanh Tung, a resident of Huynh Tan Phat Street.
Waters flowed into many houses along Ben Phu Dinh Street in District 8. Residents of neighboring streets placed sand bags to prevent waters from flooding their houses.
Parts of districts 2 and 4 as well as Binh Tan and Thu Duc districts were also underwater.
Last April, HCMC mayor Le Hoang Quan warned about worsening flooding in the city due to the impacts of climate change, saying the city can only mitigate damages.
“The Mekong Delta will suffer the most when up to 30 percent of the area is affected by rising sea levels in 2050. Ho Chi Minh City is no exception and nearly 700 square kilometers (270 square miles) will be affected," said Quan.
He said city dwellers will have to “live with floods because it will be impossible to totally solve inundation.” Source: thanhniennews.com
Caribean beaches disappearing
08.09.14. In a new report, the Washington-based financial institution said, in some areas of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, for instance, an estimated 18-30 meters of beach have been lost over the last nine years.
Mag 7.4 Quake felt in South of Mexico Chiapas and Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica)
Chiapas MX
El Salvador:
Costa Rica:
Rescue personnel evacuate villagers from Kampung Dabak in Penampang, Sabah October 7, 2014. — Picture by Julia Chan. Source: themalaymailonline.com
Floods in a housing area in Penampang. Picture taken from Adrian Lasimbang @lasimbang Twitter account. Source: thestar.com.my
8 October, 2014. Floods Hit Penampang
SOME 100,000 people here were affected by floods after Sungai Moyog broke its banks following four days of heavy rain.
It brought the district to a near standstill and was described as the worst floods since 1999, when a large part of the district was inundated for several days.
The river swelled in the last several days because of the persistent downpour, and things took a turn for the worse when it did not stop from Monday evening until yesterday morning.
Nearby districts, such as Papar Kota Kinabalu and Kota Belud, were also affected by floods, forcing 18 schools to close.
“The floods affected nearly two-thirds of the 160,000 population, either by the rising water level, or because the roads were impassable, bringing the district to a near standstill. The last time it flooded this bad was in 1999. Source: malaysiandigest.com
8 October, 2014. Penampang submerged
KOTA KINABALU: Much of the West Coast was inundated by water following a three-day continuous rainfall, with Penampang experiencing one of its worst floods since the big flood in 1999. Source: dailyexpress.com
Extent of flood water since 2007 use MODIS Data satellite MODIS Data
Heavy rain and floods have killed at least 45 people in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Officials say up to 56,000 people have been displaced and moved to relief camps. Most people were killed when flash floods destroyed their homes. Any comment here? Another sign, perhaps, of the upcoming changes leading to the Shift?
India is sinking, the Indio/Australian plate tipping up at New Zealand and plunging under the Himalyas. This is disguised as a rising sea, an increasingly inundating tide, but the land is sinking. This will get far more serious before the pole shift, with sudden adjustments forcing massive evacuations.
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live written Jun 23, 2007
29 September, 2014. Of all natural calamities, floods are the deadliest for India
Natural disasters strike India routinely—earthquakes, tropical storms, cyclones and heat waves. But floods have, by far, been the most damaging of all the natural calamities in the last 10 years, data from the International Disaster Database shows.
This year, floods killed hundreds and left thousands homeless in India—all within a month. First, it was the deluge in Kashmir that killed at least 215 people and now, incessant rains in the northeastern states of Assam and Meghalaya have claimed about 85 lives already.
In the last decade, such floods have become the most deadly of natural disasters, with their death toll far outstripping the number of people killed due to earthquakes or extreme temperatures. For this analysis, we considered the worst ten natural disasters in each of the following categories, provided by the International Disaster Database. The database only registers those disasters in which at least 10 or more people are killed or at least 100 people are affected or it is declared a state emergency and international assistance is sought.
Floods in Kashmir caused massive devastation to infrastructure, damaging roads, bridges, schools and government buildings. The total cost of the damage is estimated to be around Rs 5000 crore ($ 977 million).
Omar Abdullah, the state’s chief minister, called it the worst floods in a century, as 300,000 of military personnel were deployed to carry out relief and rescue efforts. The rebuilding process, too, will require much assistance because of the sheer scale of the disaster.
Typically, floods in India have caused the most widespread damage, impacting people far greater than other natural disasters.
Floods have caused the most economic damage in India, substantially higher than any other natural disaster, amounting to $15 billion since 2005.
In India, such flood-related damage is partly due to faulty town planning, poor drainage and waste disposal systems. Moreover, the impact of climate change, particularly in mountainous regions, increases the threat of floods.
“The noticeable impacts of climate change include the rapid melting of many glaciers leading to immediate risks of glacial lake outburst floods with implications for downstream communities and infrastructures and the increase of irregular rainfall patterns with a higher frequency of floods and droughts,” according to the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.
Globally, economic damage due to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and drought has totaled about $25 trillion since 2000. Source: qz.com
The town of San Pascual and several other coastal barangays in Hagonoy, Bulacan are prone to tidal flooding. All photos by George Moya/Rappler. Source: rappler.com
Children in Santo Rosario play water basketball in the flooded street. Source: rappler.com
11 October, 2014. Hagonoy in the time of tidal floods
The sea creeps into the streets of Hagonoy's coastal towns and the flooding needs human intercession
It sounds like the litany of saints, as if devotees are praying for divine intercession — San Pascual, San Nicolas, Santa Elena, Santa Monica, Santo Rosario. But these are the flood-prone coastal towns in Hagonoy, where tidal flooding is part of the people’s everyday lives.
“I pray that we be spared from calamities, especially floods,” said 81-year-old Epifania Bautista.
Nanay Paning, who has lived in the town of San Nicolas all her life, still remembers the time when Hagonoy River was still wider, deeper, and cleaner.
“The water was still crystal clear,” said a nostalgic Nanay Paning, who recalled her younger days when they used to wash their clothes with “batya” (basin) and “palu-palo” (wooden club), and bathe in the river.
The lush mangroves, fireflies, and rice fields in Hagonoy are now just an old woman’s story, along with the traditional “bahay kubo” (nipa hut) – made of bamboo slats, thatched roofing, and palm walls – with neighbors, few and far between.
It’s now just a memory over half-a-century old.
Hagonoy’s coastal towns are now congested. People have encroached on the waterways. The river has narrowed, the sea turned into fish ponds, and swamps reclaimed.
The sea has slowly crept into the streets of coastal towns over the last 4 decades. The fish, too, end up swimming in the streets during times of heavy flooding. Hagonoy has become particularly vulnerable to tidal flooding.
In the town of Santo Rosario, the old church there has become an island; the cemetery, sunken. Despite the floods, devotees continue to hear Mass in the church and honor the dead during All Souls’ Day in the cemetery.
Recently, when San Nicolas celebrated its town fiesta, the procession was held amid floods half-a-leg deep. The celebration had become a water festival much like the feast of San Juan, with people playfully drenching one another.
Hagonoy is known to be deeply religious. Relics of their patron saint, St Anne, or Apo Ana to the elderly locals, are venerated at the National Shrine at the town center. A two-foot replica of the statue of St Anne is moved from one sandbagged house to another during the block rosary.
The Feast of St Nicholas of Tolentine usually signals the start of the ebbing of high tides during daytime, which tend to flood the towns of Hagonoy. It’s also the time when the rainy season is about to end. That's when there are no more fish in the streets or children playing in pools on the road.
But when the first rains of May come, like clockwork, the daytime tides also return. To Nanay Paning, and perhaps the rest of the faithful here, it’s God’s design. But the flooding needs the intercession of men. Source: rappler.com
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