Please Place Evidence of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements Here

Kojima had created small snips of Konstantin's animation of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements.

Here is the full 7 of 10 Animation by Konstantin.

This blog is the place to document ongoing earth changes related to the 7 of 10  plate movements as described by the Zetas.

ZetaTalk: 7 of 10 Sequence
written October 16, 2010

The 7 of 10 scenarios describe plate movements, and for this to occur something has to release the deadlock, the current stalemate where the plates are locked against each other. Once the deadlock is broken and the plates start moving, sliding past each other, new points where the plates are locked against each other develop, but these are weaker locks than the one at present. The current lock, as we have so often stated, is the Indo-Australian Plate which is being driven under the Himalayans. This is no small lock, as the height of the Himalayans attests. Nevertheless, the activity in this region shows this likely to be the first of the 7 of 10 scenarios to manifest. Bangladesh is sinking and the Coral Sea is rising, showing the overall tipping of the Indo-Australian Plate. Now Pakistan is sinking and not draining its floods as it should, while Jakarta on the tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the tilt that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started.

Meanwhile, S America is showing signs of a roll to the west. Explosions on islands just to the north of the S American Plate occurred recently, on Bonaire and Trinidad-Tobago, and the Andes are regularly being pummeled. There is a relationship. As the Indo-Australia Plate lifts and slides, this allows the Pacific plates to shift west, which allows S America to shift west also. This is greatly increased by the folding of the Mariana Trench and the Philippine Plate. But it is the Indo-Australian Plate that gives way to incite change in these other plates, and this is what is manifesting now to those closely following the changes. Once the folding of the Pacific has occurred, Japan has been destabilized. We are not allowed to give a time frame for any of these plate movements, but would point out that it is not until the North Island of Japan experiences its strong quakes that a tsunami causing sloshing near Victoria occurs. There are clues that the New Madrid will be next.

Where the N American continent is under great stress, it has not slipped because it is held in place on both sides. The Pacific side holds due to subduction friction along the San Andreas, and the Atlantic side holds due to the Atlantic Rift's reluctance to rip open. What changes this dynamic? When S America rolls, almost in step with the folding Pacific, it tears the Atlantic Rift on the southern side. This allows Africa freedom to move and it rolls too, dropping the Mediterranean floor above Algeria. What is holding the N American continent together has thus eased, so that when the Japan adjustments are made, there is less holding the N American continent in place than before, and the New Madrid gives way. We are also not allowed to provide the time frame between the Japan quakes and New Madrid. Other than the relationship in time between the New Madrid and the European tsunami, no time frame can be given. The sequence of events is, thus:

  • a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,
  • a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll,
  • a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
  • great quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment,
  • which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.



Tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking,

Folding Pacific


South American Roll


African Roll


Japan Quakes

New Madrid

European Tsunami


Due to the slowing of the 7 of 10 plate movements by the Council of Worlds the impact of some of the events described above will be lessened.

The Zetas explain:

ZetaTalk: Pace Slowed

Written May 19, 2012

The effect of the thousands of humming boxes placed along fault lines and plate borders can be seen in several incidents that have occurred since the start of the 7 of 10 plate movements. The lack of tsunami during the 7 of 10 sinking of the Sunda Plate is one such example. We predicted at the start of the 7 of 10 scenarios in late 2010 that the Sunda Plate sinking would occur within 2-3 weeks, yet it dragged on through 2011. At the time we had predicted tsunami on the Sunda Plate, in general equivalent in height to the loss of elevation for a coastline. None of this occurred due to the slower pace. 

The pace of mountain building in S America, where slowed, has still resulted in rumpling up and down the Andes, and stretch zone accidents likewise in lands to the east of the Andes. The shape of S America has clearly changed. Will the islands in the Caribbean be spared? At some point, as with the magnitude 7.9 quake in Acapulco on March 2, 2012 a significant adjustment will need to occur, and this will include depressing the Caribbean Plate so it tilts, sinking the islands and lands on that portion of the plate to the degree predicted. But the S American roll will likely continue to avoid the magnitude 8 quakes we originally predicted in deference to slow rumpling mountain building. The African roll was anticipated to be a silent roll in any case, so the slowed pace would not affect the outcome.

Will the slowed pace prevent the 7 of 10 scenarios for the Northern Hemisphere? Bowing of the N American continent has reached the point of pain, with breaking rock booming from coast to coast, but still there have been no significant quakes in the New Madrid area. Yet this is past due, and cannot be held back indefinitely. What has and will continue to occur for the Northern Hemisphere scenarios are silent quakes for Japan, which has already experienced drastic subduction under the north island of Hokkaido where mountain building is occurring as a rumple rather than a jolt. However, the anticipated New Madrid adjustment cannot be achieved without trauma. But this could potentially occur in steps and stages such that any European tsunami would be significantly lessened.

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ZetaTalk , Written March 10, 2012

 What happens when the pace of plate movement is slowed? The likelihood of tsunami is definitely reduced, as can be seen in the sinking on the Sunda Plate. The sinking occurred, and is almost complete, yet the possibility of tsunami we predicted for various regions on the Sunda Plate were avoided. The height and force of a tsunami is directly related to the degree of displacement in the sea floor, and if this happens in steps rather than all at once the displacement will be less for any given step.

This bodes well for the European tsunami. If the Council of Worlds is still imposing a slower pace on the 7 of 10 plate movements, this tsunami will definitely be lessened. The tear in the North Atlantic will be slight, each time. The amount of water pouring into this void will be less, each time. And the rebound toward the UK will likewise be less, each time. But our prediction is the worst case situation, and it also reflects what the Earth changes, unabated, would produce.

But what does a slower pace do to land masses where jolting quakes are expected? Does this reduce the overall magnitude of the quakes anticipated? Large magnitude quakes result when a catch point along plate borders is highly resistant, but snapping of rock finally results. Usually there is one place, the epicenter, where this catch point resides and a long distance along the plate border where smaller quakes have prepared the border for easy movement. A point of resistance within the body of a plate, such as the New Madrid, can likewise resist and suddenly give.

There is no way to lessen the resistance at these catch points, though the tension that accompanies such points can be reduced so that the quake itself is delayed. What this means for a slower 7 of 10 pace is that large magnitude quakes will be spread apart in time, and their relationship to our predictions thus able to be camouflaged by the establishment. Where sinking (such as the Caribbean Island of Trinidad) or spreading apart (such as to the west of the Mississippi River) are to occur, these land changes will eventually arrive. But like the sinking of the Sunda Plate, a slower pace unfortunately allows the cover-up time to maneuver and develop excuses.

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Comment by SongStar101 on September 13, 2019 at 8:43pm

Temperatures In The Pacific Ocean Have Shot Up To Dangerous Levels, And Scientists Are Blaming A "Strange Anomaly"

It is being called “the Pacific marine heatwave of 2019”, and officials are warning that it could have very frightening implications if it does not dissipate soon.

Right now, there is a vast expanse of water stretching from northern Alaska all the way to southern California where the water temperatures have rapidly risen to very dangerous levels.  In fact, in some spots the water temperature is already “as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit above normal”, and there is a tremendous amount of concern about what will happen if the water continues to become even warmer.  At this point things are already so bad that we are being warned that this strange anomaly could “ravage marine life and decimate commercial fishing” all along the west coast.  The following comes from NPR

A huge new marine heat wave has gripped the waters off the U.S. West Coast, threatening to ravage marine life and decimate commercial fishing over an expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

We are being told that this new anomaly is probably similar to another “marine heatwave” known as “the Blob” that made global headlines when it struck the region in 2014.

And if that is true, then things will definitely get very uncomfortable for marine life, but conditions will eventually go back to normal.  Although for the near future we are being warned that this anomaly is “on a trajectory to be as strong as the prior event”

“It’s on a trajectory to be as strong as the prior event,” said Andrew Leising, a research scientist at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center. About five years ago, sea temperatures peaked at close to 7 degrees Fahrenheit above average. This year’s heat wave already is almost as large and almost as warm, with temperatures as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit above normal over a very large area. The size and intensity of the heat wave are ominous signs of its potential danger to marine life.

But what if this new anomaly is not being caused by temporary weather patterns?

Normally, ocean temperatures take a substantial amount of time to change so dramatically, but in this case we have seen a radical change in temperatures “in just three months”

“It went from a little bit warmer than average to about as warm as we’ve ever seen it, in just three months,” said Nate Mantua, a research scientist at Noaa’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Santa Cruz, California.

Could it be possible that this new anomaly is being caused by something else this time around?

We don’t know, and most of the experts are assuring us that we don’t have too much to worry about, but the size of this new blob has already reached 2.5 million square miles and it continues to expand at an aggressive pace.

The weeks ahead should tell us more.  The previous “Blob” dissipated very rapidly once weather patterns shifted, and hopefully that will happen to this new anomaly.

But if ocean temperatures remain elevated or go up even higher, that could potentially be absolutely devastating for marine life along the west coast, and experts are already warning about what could happen to the salmon population

“Ocean conditions can be stressful for the salmon, if the temperatures get really warm and their food supplies are very poor,” Mantua said. “That’s a tough combination for them, because their metabolic rates go up with higher temperatures, so their need for food increases and the food supply is going down at same time.”

And it doesn’t take that much of a temperature change to put their lives in jeopardy.  The following information comes from the Seattle Times

Sustained water temperatures above 68 degrees Fahrenheit can stress young salmon, increase disease and keep adult salmon from reaching their spawning grounds. Water temperatures above 73 degrees can be lethal.

According to Dr. Andrew Leising, this new anomaly is already “one of the most significant events that we’ve seen”, and it just keeps getting worse.

So let’s keep a close eye on it.

To me, an image that the NOAA recently released certainly makes it look like what we are experiencing in September 2019 is significantly more severe than what we experienced in September 2014.  And if ocean temperatures continue to rise, it is inevitable that a lot of sea creatures will die.

But if this new anomaly is being caused by the exact same thing that caused “the Blob” to appear in 2014, then it could dissipate just as quickly and this will just be a relatively temporary phenomenon.

Unfortunately, we don’t know if any of that is true at this point, and there is definitely a possibility that this could be just the beginning of a truly catastrophic event.

What we do know is that we have seen bizarre weather extremes all over the world so far in 2019, and there has been a tremendous amount of global seismic activity.  We live at a time when our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and many are extremely concerned about what is coming in the years ahead.

We get a tremendous amount of food out of the oceans, and so their stability is of paramount importance.

If ocean temperatures rise high enough, millions of fish will perish, and that will put even more stress on our increasingly strained global food supply.

So many elements of “the perfect storm” are already coming together, and this is yet another one that we can add to the list.


Comment by SongStar101 on May 4, 2019 at 9:16pm

Indonesia Will Move its Capital from Fast-Sinking Jakarta

image source

Indonesia's president elect announced plans this week to move the country's capital away from Jakarta, reportedly the fastest sinking city in the world.

A 2018 report said that Jakarta, located on the island of Java, was one of the global cities most vulnerable to sea level rise caused by climate change. It is sinking at a rate of approximately 10 inches per year due to a combination of the drilling of wells for groundwater and the weight of its buildings. The 40 to 50 centimeters (approximately 16 to 20 inches) of sea level rise expected by 2100 even if warming is limited to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius would only make the situation worse.

"In Java, the population is 57 percent of the total for Indonesia, or more than 140 million people, to the point that the ability to support this, whether in terms of the environment, water or traffic in the future, will no longer be possible so I decided to move outside Java," Indonesian President President Joko Widodo told local media, as The Financial Times reported.

Jakarta's sinking isn't a problem for the end of the century. Heri Andreas of the Bandung Institute of Technology found that 95 percent of North Jakarta could be underwater by 2050, BBC News reported. Jakarta also experiences serious flooding once a decade and is so congested that its traffic costs Indonesia $7 billion a year, according to The Jakarta Globe.

Planning Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro announced Widodo's decision Monday following a cabinet meeting, Reuters reported.

"The president chose to relocate the capital city to outside of Java, an important decision," he said.

Indonesia held its presidential elections April 17, and private polls have indicated that Widodo is the winner, though his opponent Prabowo Subianto has not conceded. The official results will be announced May 22. During the campaign, Widodo promised to more evenly distribute economic growth outside Java.

An alternative capital has not yet been selected, and Widodo asked ministers to come up with alternatives, The Jakarta Globe reported.

Brodjonegoro said the new capital would probably be located in the center of the country, to encourage a sense of fairness and equity, and that it would need to have enough drinking water and be relatively safe from natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and flooding.

The frontrunner right now is Palangkaraya in Kalimantan, the part of Borneo controlled by Indonesia, BBC News reported. However, one high school student was concerned about what the move might mean for the region's forest.

"I hope the city will develop and the education will become as good as in Jakarta. But all the land and forest that's empty space now will be used. Kalimantan is the lungs of the world, and I am worried, we will lose the forest we have left," the student said.

Some Indonesians are skeptical that the capital will actually be relocated, since such a move has been discussed off and on since the country gained its independence from the Dutch in 1945. But Brodjonegoro was optimistic, pointing to other countries that had achieved similar moves.

"Brazil moved from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia near the Amazon, and look at Canberra it's built between Sydney and Melbourne, and Kazakhstan moved their capital to closer to the centre of the country and also Myanmar moved to Naypyidaw," he said, as BBC News reported.

He estimated the process would take 10 years. Wikodo said the move could cost $33 billion, The Financial Times reported.

Comment by KM on December 29, 2018 at 8:26pm


A volcanic lava type inflammable liquid spontaneously bursting into flames during earthquakes is triggering panic in parts of India and Bangladesh

Google Maps

A volcanic lava type inflammable liquid triggering panic in parts of India as earthquakes cause spontaneous combustion
A volcanic lava type inflammable liquid has been reportedly profiting out of the ground in Tripura's Jalifa village and has triggered panic among the local residents of the area.
It has gradually become a matter of concern for the Tripura state government, in North East India, which is highly vulnerable to earthquakes as it lies in seismic zone V.
This is the third such incident reported this year the state which is very close to Chittagong in Bangladesh.
Earlier in mid-April, at two spots, namely Baishnavpur and Ghagrabasti of Sunroom, lava-like liquid erupted along with fire and gas.
In the recent incident that happened only a few days back, the local villagers of Jalifa were scared to find lava erupting from the lower portion of the electric pole on the roadside and reported the matter to the fire extinguishing team and local police.
A team of firefighters rushed to the spot and tried to spray water and foam, but failed to stop the ongoing eruption that had already burned the spot.
Meanwhile, scientists from the Department of Science, Technology and Environment of the Government of Tripura also visited the spot.
After examining the spot and analysing the samples collected from the spot they concluded that the fire, smoke and other materials running out of the ground is due to a fault line that passes through that area beside the displacement of the underground tectonic plates in that region and which is creating huge subsurface heat causing the incident.
However, Avisek Chaudhuri, from the Tripura Space Application Centre, who is the leading scientist team viewed that there is very little chance of eruption of lava or an active volcano.
But the Science, Technology and Environment Minister of Tripura Sudip Roy Barman has expressed concern as the state has a history of recorded massive earthquakes earlier.
Barman said that the government is taking the matter seriously.
Comment by SongStar101 on December 18, 2018 at 11:04pm

'Biggest Ever' Sinkhole Ripped Open in New Zealand, And Unearthed History

What is thought to be the largest known sinkhole in New Zealand ripped open across a farm on NZ's North Island earlier this year, revealing a gigantic cavernous void estimated to have been decades or even a century in the making.

As of May 2018, the sinkhole, situated about 15 kilometres south-east of the city of Rotorua in a region called Earthquake Flat, measured as long as two football fields and plunges to a depth that would swallow a six-storey building.

"The largest I've seen prior to this would be about a third of the size of this, so this is really big," volcanologist Brad Scott from Kiwi geoscience firm GNS Science told AP at the time.

A farm assistant first came across the sinkhole in early May before the sun came up, narrowly avoiding riding into it on his motorbike when rounding up cows for milking early in the morning.

Only later in the day, when visibility was improved, did the sheer scale of the gaping chasm become apparent.

"It wasn't until I came down in daylight that I actually saw just how big it was," said farm manager Colin Tremain.

"We'll keep it fenced off as it is to keep stock out, although stock aren't stupid, they're not going to walk into a hole, they can spot danger."

According to Scott, the sinkhole could have been forming for up to 100 years, after decades of rainfall slowly eroded the farm's limestone rock foundations.

After a period of intensive rainfall at the end of April that lasted for about a week, the last of the rock's resistance gave way, opening up to reveal this jagged, 200-metre-long (656 ft) ravine that looks like something out of the movie 2012.

The 20-metre (66 ft) depth of the hole isn't just vertigo-inducing. It also offers a fascinating scientific cross-section to geologists, showing the gradual build-up and layering of rock, sediment, and soil over unimaginably long timescales.

"What I see in the bottom of this hole is the original 60,000-year-old volcanic deposit that came out of this crater," Scott told TVNZ.

"Then there's a stack of about 10 to 12 metres of sediment sitting on top of it from lakes that have formed in this crater. The top three metres is volcanic ash."


What makes this sinkhole so much bigger than ones that have preceded it in New Zealand is the record-breaking rainfall that helped cause it – almost 170mm of rain in 38 hours.

Thanks to that decisive deluge, volcanologists and landslide scientists will be busy over the next few weeks, inspecting the chasm, and seeing what they can learn from it.

Others meanwhile, are just happy this giant void didn't swallow them whole – like the farm assistant, Gabriel Lafalla, who narrowly avoided riding into the sinkhole in the pre-dawn darkness.

"I could have died," he told Stuff.

"I touched myself [the sign of the cross] and said to myself, 'I'm alive'."

Comment by jorge namour on December 7, 2018 at 4:08pm

Tehran Is Sinking Dramatically, And It May Be Too Late to Recover IRAN

December 4, 2018

The ground is shifting under Iran's capital, Tehran, home to approximately 15 million people and the biggest city by population in western Asia. High-resolution satellite images recently revealed that in some places, the metropolis of the Middle East is sinking about 10 inches (25 centimeters) per year.

Scientists investigated satellite data of the capital city gathered from 2003 to 2017 and found significant sinking — also known as subsidence — in about 10 percent of the city center and in many villages in Tehran's northwestern region, according to an article published Nov. 30 in the journal Nature.

A side effect of the subsidence is the sudden appearance of giant cracks and sinkholes in some areas. In one case, a farmer was trapped for hours in a 20-foot-deep (6 meters) sinkhole after a crack opened where he was standing,

Fissures that formed near fields are also affecting crops, as they drain water meant to irrigate the thirsty land.

Tehran isn't the only sinking city. Satellite observations have also shown that Venice, Italy; parts of western Texas and coastal Louisiana; California's San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco International Airport are victims of subsidence.

Should the sinking continue, Tehran's railways, bridges, gas and oil pipelines, and electrical infrastructure could be at risk, the journal Nature reported.

The growth of underground cracks sometimes produces sudden sinkholes in the ground.Credit: Building and Housing Research Center in Tehran


Comment by Khan on November 29, 2018 at 8:49am

Strange waves rippled around the world, and nobody knows why.

Nov 28,2018

Instruments picked up the seismic waves more than 10,000 miles away—but bizarrely, nobody felt them.

On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.

The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile.

Comment by Khan on November 10, 2018 at 1:39am

India: Land cracks in Samastipur district of Bihar.

Nov 9, 2018

Five children were killed while six children were injured due to soil erosion in Samastipur district of Bihar.
Two of whom are being conditioned seriously. In the village related to the accident

According to the information, about 18 boys were brought to the soil for the Chhath festival and they were buried under the soil. The incident took place in Najirpur Surhania Pokhar of Ujaipur of Samastipur district.


Comment by Khan on November 8, 2018 at 2:35am

Costa Rica: Land cracks in San Vito.

Nov 7, 2018

Cracks take 40 people out of their homes
San Vito, Coto Brus
Families had to leave before the imminent risk
The Cotobruseños are scared by the phenomenon
The houses were compromised by the cracks
Inside, many houses have already suffered damage
Thirteen families of Barrio Los Granados in Santa Clara de San Vito, Coto Brus, had to be evicted from their homes by cracks caused by a landslide that puts them at risk.

Forty people inhabit this area that has been exposed to constant rains in the last days that caused the landslide of 17 hectares of land, generating cracks of up to 25 centimeters and ruptures of land of one kilometer in the sector of Santa Clara.

Those affected had to take their belongings to move to live in family homes or in rented homes.

"The process accelerated. It was believed that there was not going to be such a rapid displacement, but, under these conditions, the decision was made to evacuate the families that are in this unstable condition, "explained the geologist of the National Emergency Commission (CNE), Julio Madrigal

The eviction was made emergency because the land is very unstable and could give way at any time. Fortunately the people of this area followed the indications of the CNE without putting resistance.

"Possibly all the houses are going to be completely deformed, the road will be destroyed and in the future all these houses will have to be relocated," the expert added.

The Local Emergency Committee made available a shelter in the community hall of Santa Rita de Limoncito, at the moment there are no people occupying it, but it is ready to be used if necessary.

The damage in the area is irreparable and it will be difficult to return to being inhabited, for which the 40 people evicted will have to be relocated


Comment by Khan on November 6, 2018 at 1:59am

Indonesia: 75 meter landslide road, 10 isolated Nagari in West Sumatra.

Nov 5, 2018

Padang - The Government of Sijunjung District, West Sumatra, has set a two-week emergency flood and landslide response period. There were a number of other landslides that occurred in the area.

In Sijunjung, floods and landslides caused one person to be killed and hundreds of houses submerged and cut off the road, the only residents living in 10 villages because they collapsed for 75 meters.

"We have set. Emergency response period for 14 days," said Regent Sijunjung Yuswir Arifin told AFP on Monday (5/11/2018) afternoon.
Also read: West Sumatra Flood, 75-meter Road in Sijunjung Landslide

He added that the emergency response period will be implemented until November 18. Specifically for the collapsed road, Yuswir said, it was certainly difficult to repair it because the road had collapsed and the river was washed away.

"The only way, we need to make a new road. The road now cannot be used anymore. Repairing the collapsed road requires more costs and takes longer because the land condition is still potentially landslide," he said.


Comment by Khan on November 4, 2018 at 12:50am

Land cracks in india.

Nov 2, 2018

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