Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013

Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)



"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. "   ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000

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Comment by jorge namour on June 19, 2014 at 4:35pm
Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 19, 2014 at 7:45am

Sabancaya Volcano in southern Peru becomes active

By Rachel Chase

Activity at Sabancaya has slowly increased since late February.

Geological authorities are reporting that the Sabancaya volcano in southern Peru has become active after 15 years of silence.

According to information released by the Peruvian Geophysical Institute (IGP), Sabancaya has erupted several times. The first recorded activity at Sabancaya was in 1750, and the volcano became active again in 1784. 200 years later, in 1986, the volcano once again displayed activity. Now, the volcano is once again active, having gradually intensified since late February.

Speaking to El Comercio, IGP investigator Orlando Macedo said “All this activity is part of an expected process. Before the eruption, tremors were occurring closer and closer to the volcano and the crater. However, the process is taking longer than that which we saw at the Ubinas Volcano, when everything happened in a matter of days. In the case of Sabancaya, this could go on for several months.”

In addition to seismic activity, Sabancaya has also emitted plumes of smoke. No thermic anomalies have been observed by the IGP.

According to the IGP, three seismic monitoring stations are keeping watch over activity at Sabancaya.

Sabancaya, located in the southern region of Arequipa, is part of a volcanic complex that includes Hualca-Hualca and Ampato.

Source: http://www.peruthisweek.com/news-sabancaya-volcano-in-southern-peru...

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 18, 2014 at 6:49am

Alaska Volcano Observatory is Having Busiest Volcano Year to Date

Scientists at the Alaska Volcano Observatory are paying extra close attention lately due to high seismic activity at five volcanoes running all along the Aleutian Chain. Many of the volcanoes have recently sprung back to life, and others have just continued their normal eruptions. John Power is the Scientist-in-charge at AVO. He says a few recent explosions and heightened unrest have led to the busiest time since the inception of the state’s observatory.

It is the busiest time that we have had in terms of Alaska Volcanoes. As long has AVO has been around in 27 years. We do have five that are at alert levels or color codes.

A screen capture of active Alaska Volcanoes as of June 17, 2014.
Credit Alaska Volcano Observatory

Power says the most active volcano recently has been Pavlof, which has erupted continuously since the May 31st. He says it has had some explosive activity and lava flows along the Northwest side. It currently has a "watch" Alert Level and an "orange" Aviation Color Code.
The Shishaldin Vocano is the other volcano with a “watch” Alert Level, and “orange” Aviation Color Code. Power says the volcano has experienced continuing low level eruptive activity, and its conditions form its recognizable outward appearance.

Shishaldin is one of the ones that you would say looks like a volcano. There's a big summit crater, and we're having magma, low level magma, extrusions have been observed down inside the summit crater. It's been a very effusive eruption, we would call it. It hasn't put out big ash cloud or had explosions. It's just been lava oozing out in the inside of this crater if you will.

Power says the Cleveland Volcano has clearly been the most active volcano over the last ten years. On June 5th, AVO picked up two explosions from seismic monitoring stations and infrasonic data. Power says the observatory primarily monitors the volcano via satellite data because of its remote location, but from what they can tell conditions have stayed the same.
The Semisopochnoi Volcano is the most remote of the 5 active volcanos. It’s more than 1,000 miles west of the Pavlof Volcano near the island of Amchitka. Powers says the volcano has not had any eruptions or warm ground, but AVO raised its Aviation Color Code to “yellow” due to a sequence of elevated earthquake activity. The Veniaminof Volcano is also showing volcanic activity. It’s located in the Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge. Power says it had a sizeable eruption last summer and seismic activity has continued throughout the year causing AVO to continue monitoring conditions at the volcano.

Every time we look at it and we think it's time to cancel these advisories it does a little bit more, and we're continuing to watch it just as closely as we can.

You can follow the activity at all of Alaska’s active volcanos on the website of the Alaska Volcano Observatory.  

Source: http://kdlg.org/post/alaska-volcano-observatory-having-busiest-volc...

Comment by Howard on June 17, 2014 at 2:47am

Mount Etna Erupts in Fiery Display (Jun 15)

Italy's Mount Etna erupted in a spectacular nighttime display Sunday, captured in the above video. Lava fountained in the air and flowed down Etna's flanks from its New Southeast crater. The lava flowed and spread into the Valle del Bove. Ash from the eruption closed nearby Catania Airport in Sicily.

Near-continuous explosions from the several vents at the summit of the NSEC occur in rapid succession and eject glowing spatter to heights of 100-200 m during in what could be described as pulsating lava fountains. A vent at the eastern part of the summit occasionally ejects dark jets of ash and brown ash plumes rise from time to time from the northeastern rim of the crater, presumably from collapse events.

Unfortunately, heavy cloud cover , approx. 10 cm of fresh hail and thunderstorm activity prevented detailed observations during most of the early afternoon.

Starting from early this morning, several lava flow headed slowly towards the Valle del Bove rim started to descend from the summit through the valley on the SE side of the crater.




Comment by Howard on June 14, 2014 at 12:12am

Kamchatka's Zhupanovsky Volcano Erupts, Continuing Ash Emissions (Jun 13)

The eruption at the volcano that was initially reported by a pilot who observed a 6 km ash plume on June 7 continues with smaller ash emissions.

While the initial report left some doubts about the eruption, confirmation was soon after provided by the presence of a SO2 plume, ash deposits visible on satellite imagery and photos taken on location.

The above photo shows ongoing ash emissions the morning of 7 June following the main explosion.

Two secondary flank vents producing steam plumes and dark streaks on the lower left flank of the volcano representing mud flows that were generated by lava-snow interaction are visible.



Comment by Howard on June 6, 2014 at 2:38am

‘Volcano-like eruption’ in India (June 5)

Reports of a "volcano-like eruption" in Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh has triggered panic among the people of the area.

Flames and a hot liquid stream were seen spewing out of a hill 100 m from Gadiyada village. The village is over 200 km from Shimla.

After a report by the state geologists confirmed the eruption as 'small magmatic activity', a team of Geological Survey of India (GSI) reached the site on Thursday. This is the first time such a volcanic activity has been witnessed in the state.

Fearing that a bigger eruption could damage their agricultural land and houses, residents of around half a dozen villages in the vicinity of the eruption are anxiously awaiting the final report of GSI team.

"Gases and liquids are being emitted from holes in a 10 feet area around the hill where the volcanic activity took place," said Ved Prakash, president of Drang panchayat. He said the eruption, unheard of in this area, caused panic among villagers.

Unmindful of the threat of more volcanic activity the site has turned into a tourist spot with hundreds of people from surrounding areas heading there to see the phenomenon. To prevent anything untoward the district administration has decided to fence off the entire area and deploy security guards.

Chief parliamentary secretary Jagjivan Pal in whose Sulah assembly constituency the area falls visited the spot on Tuesday.

He said the flames and the hot liquid emanating from the hill had created panic. "Underground temperature in the area has increased manifold and people say that a steel electricity pole had become red hot a couple of days back," he added. Pal said a sulphur-like material and black stone is flowing out from the perimeter of the hill.

Palampur SDM Bhupender Attri said a team of geologists from state had confirmed small scale magmatic activity in the area.

As chances of this activity escalating in coming days cannot be ruled out, a GSI team has been called to study the area and check the strata. Flames were witnessed so possibility of reoccurrence cannot be ruled out.




Comment by jorge namour on June 4, 2014 at 2:03am

Report about the eruption of Ubinas- PERU June 3, 2014


In Peru, the Ubinas Volcano produced an ash plume which rose to 2500m above the crater at 8:52 in the morning (local time). Ubinas is Peru's most active volcano.

MAP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubinas

Ubinas volcano sends stones flying more than a kilometer

The continuing explosive activity at the Ubinas volcano in southern Peru has had locals worried for months, and now the volcano’s picked up a new trick— throwing rocks.

According to El Comercio, Ubinas has recently begun launching volcanic rocks between 10 and 20 centimeters in length. Reports indicate that some of these rocks have been displaced as far as almost two kilometers. The closest town, the village of Querapi, is four kilometers away.

Geologist Jersy Mariño told Andina news agency that “Just like [the lava] sometimes is pulverized and comes out as ash, which falls on nearby towns, that same lava also fragments into blocks that are 10 centimeters to two meters long, and they’re launched towards the sides of the volcano, and we call them ballistic projectiles.”

Mariño added that local residents should stay far away from Ubinas, as continued explosive activity is expected.


Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 3, 2014 at 6:09am

Alert level raised at Alaska volcano as eruption escalates

Alaska DispatchJune 2, 2014 

The Alaska Volcano Observatory on Monday said that an eruption at Pavlof Volcano had prompted a heightened alert level as the volcano spat out an ash cloud that reached 22,000 feet and stretched for about 50 miles to the east of the peak.

The activity prompted volcanologists to raise the alert level at the volcano to "warning" and the aviation color code to "red," indicating "eruption is underway or suspected with significant emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere," according to the AVO.

Pavlof Volcano sits on the Alaska Peninsula, 36 miles northeast of the community of Cold Bay, which boasts one of the state's longest runways.

The alert level at Pavlof was initially raised Saturday when the volcano demonstrated elevated surface temperatures and a pilot in the area reported an ash and gas plume at around 7,000 feet elevation.

Source: http://www.adn.com/2014/06/02/3498673/alert-level-raised-at-alaska-...


Comment by Howard on May 31, 2014 at 3:37am

Update of today's powerful eruption at Sangeang Api Volcano, Sunda Islands, Indonesia.

Menacing 12-mile-high ash cloud looms over Indonesia's 'Mountain of Spirits' (May 30)

This is the incredible moment when a huge volcano erupted in Indonesia sending ash spewing an estimated 12 miles into the sky.

The powerful explosion took place at Mount Sangeang Api in the Lesser Sunda Islands and sent a distinctive spaceship-shaped ring of pyroclastic smoke high into the air.

After erupting, the volcano sent a distinctive spaceship-shaped ring of pyroclastic smoke high into the air. Pilots in the area reported seeing the cloud rising to 65,000 feet, spreading over a 25 mile area.

Seismic activity preceding the eruption, including a nearby magnitude 4.5 earthquake at 03:05 UTC, was reported felt in the nearby city of Bima (Sumbawa Island) and even on Flores.

Scores of farmers who work but do not live on the island were ordered to leave and not return until the volcano has finished erupting, said Muhammad Hendrasto, head of Indonesia's National Volcanology Agency.

NASA satellite image of the ash plume and continuing ash emissions.

Flights around Australia this weekend have been disrupted after the major volcanic eruption sent an ash cloud barreling into Aussie skies.

The ash and SO2 plume has drifted and spread over more than 3000 km to the E and SE, covering a vast area that includes parts of northern and eastern Australia. Darwin Airport is now closed.

Qantas and Virgin Australia have confirmed all their flights to and from Darwin have been cancelled.
“Because of the impact of the volcano we have cancelled all flights today on our schedule to and from Darwin,” Virgin Australia spokeswoman Jacqui Abbott said.

At this stage experts do not expect a major impact on the east coast, although they warn that could change as Mount Sangeang Api, a volcano off the northeast coast of the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, continues to discharge debris.

The manager of the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre at the Bureau of Meteorology in Darwin, Emile Jansons, said the cloud is dispersing as it spreads south.

Mr Jansons said it is clear from satellite images that the volcano is still erupting and the situation could still change at any time.

“It is continuing to disperse but it is moving very rapidly — at 70 to 80 knots (130 to 150km/h) — towards Alice Springs,” Mr Jansons said.

The Northern Territory News reports that while there is no official announcement yet, word on the ground at Darwin Airport is most flights will be cancelled until Monday.






Comment by Howard on May 30, 2014 at 4:25pm

Sangeang Api Volcano Erupts in Southern Indonesia, Forcing Evacuations (May 30)

Powerful burst of hot ashes erupted from a rumbling Mount Sangiang in West Nusatenggara province of Indonesia on Friday, forcing evacuation of growers from the areas at the slope of the volcano, official said.

Mount Sangiang of 1,842 km located in a small island of Bima district spewed ashes by up to 3,000 km to the sky at 15:55 p.m. local time, Muhammad Hendrasto, head of National Volcanology Agency, revealed. "Scores of farmers cultivating the land in the island, 7 km from the crater, have been told to leave the area since this morning. And they have been warned not to reenter the island during the eruption period,"he told Xinhua by phone.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, an official at the National Board for Disaster Management, said in a press release, “Sangeang Api island has no permanent settlements. However, residents from Sangeang’s mainland have gardens on the island and were evacuated from the gardens."

A joint search and rescue team conducted the evacuation by boat.

Indonesia’s Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation raised the alert level after the eruption, most of the volcanic ash from which fell into the sea.




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