Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013

Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)



"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. "   ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000

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Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 18, 2015 at 7:27am

Alaska’s Cleveland volcano is restless again

Laurel Andrews

An ash cloud puffs from Mount Cleveland on March 14, 2013. NASA photo

Alaska’s remote Cleveland volcano is growing restless again, according to the Alaska Volcano Observatory.

Satellite images have detected elevated surface temperatures on Cleveland’s summit for the past week, and a light dusting of ash was visible in an image taken Sunday, the agency wrote on its website.

“The volcano has entered a renewed period of unrest,” AVO reported, prompting the agency to raise its alert level to advisory and its aviation code to yellow.

The increased temperatures are “consistent with renewed growth of the small lava dome within the summit crater,” and “the possibility of sudden explosions has increased,” AVO said.

Roughly 940 miles southwest of Anchorage, the volcano forms the west part of uninhabited Chuginadak Island in the east-central Aleutian chain.

Cleveland is one of Alaska’s most active volcanoes and has been in a near-constant state of eruption since 2006, AVO geologist Tina Neal told Alaska Dispatch News in September.

A webcam showed an overcast day Wednesday on Chuginadak Island, with Cleveland escaping view.

Source: https://www.adn.com/article/20150617/alaska-s-cleveland-volcano-res...

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 18, 2015 at 7:23am

A Restless Volcano Puts Ecuador on Edge Once More

The snow-capped peak of Cotopaxi in Ecuador, June 15, 2015. GDA/AP

Cotopaxi, located only ~60 kilometers from Quito in Ecuador, has been silent for almost 75 years. Prior to this three-quarter century quiescence, the volcano was vociferous, producing dozens of potent eruptions over the two centuries. Most of these explosive eruptions where fairly small. However, in 1744, 1768 and 1877, the volcano unleashed larger eruptions that were on the same scale as the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull or Pelée in 1902 — in other words, big. The 1877 eruption sent volcanic mudflows (lahars) over 100 kilometers from Cotopaxi. Then, after 1940, Cotopaxi went quiet*, and since has been a sentinel looking over the valley were Quito lies. However, Cotopaxi is starting to show signs of restlessness. Now, it is unclear whether this restlessness might be the prelude to a new eruption, but in any case, Ecuador isn’t taking any chances in preparing for the eventual awakening of Cotopaxi. The most recent reports from the IG-EPN, Ecuador’s volcano monitoring agency, say that the volcano is feeling over 100 small earthquakes per day, along with the signature tremor associated with fluid movement at a volcano. This increase in seismicity was first noticed in mid-May but has been slowly increasing ever since. Sulfur dioxide emissions are 5 times higher than the background level of ~500 tonnes/day. The steam-and-gas plume has also become more prominent, reaching 1-kilometer in recent days (and causing some alarm). The northeast flanks of the volcano are also experiencing low levels of ground inflation. Put all those signs together, and you have a volcano that is clearly heating up. Until other signs appear, it is hard to say these signs mean a new eruption will happen. Everything described above could be hypothetically caused by changes in the hydrothermal system under Cotopaxi rather than magma rising. It is important to remember that more times than not, unrest at a volcano does not lead to a new eruption. Even so, the IG-EPN suggest that we might expect only steam-driven (phreatic) explosions as the interior of the volcano warms. Right now, the volcanologists and disaster planners in Ecuador have to play a waiting game until the signs of activity at Cotopaxi become clearer (or start to wane). The National Park at Cotopaxi has been closed to the public as a precaution during this time of unrest. Regions near Cotopaxi have been placed on Yellow alert status as well so that preparations can begin if any eruption occurs. A major eruption from Cotopaxi could have serious ramifications for Quito. The population of the Quito metro area is around 3 million people, meaning it is roughly the same size as Seattle. Thinking of Cotopaxi the same way that Seattle thinks of Rainier is a good place to start when considering the dangers the volcano poses.

Source: http://www.wired.com/2015/06/restless-volcano-puts-ecuador-edge/

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 16, 2015 at 6:48am

Light ashfall points to volcano eruption in central Japan; no damage reports

Comment by lonne rey on June 10, 2015 at 11:04pm

Kamchatka’s Zhupanovsky volcano spews ash 6 km above sea level


Zhupanovsky Volcano in Russia’s Far Eastern Kamchatka Territory has spewed ash to a height of six kilometres above sea level, the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) of the Institute of Volcanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences told TASS on Tuesday.

Kamchatka’s Zhupanovsky volcano spews ash 6 km above sea level

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 8, 2015 at 7:14am

Sinabung Volcano erupts in Indonesia, forcing evacuations

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 4, 2015 at 7:20am

Thousands evacuated as
Sinabung’s alert status

Thousands of people living in the dangerous zone around Mount Sinabung in the Karo regency of North Sumatra were evacuated on Wednesday as the alert status of the volcano has been increased to the highest level.

Commander of the Mount Sinabung Disaster Mitigation Agency task force, Lt. Col. Asep Sukarna, said that the people within a radius of seven kilometers from the crater were evacuated to a temporary evacuation center at the Parish Catholic Church in Kabanjahe, the regency’s capital.

“Until this afternoon the evacuation is still going on,” Asep told The Jakarta Post, Wednesday, estimating that 1,500 residents had been evacuated.

Asep, who is also commander of Military District Command 0205 Karo, said that 600 joint personnel from the military, the police and the regency administration and 12 trucks had been deployed to evacuate the people since 3 p.m. local time.

Based on a recommendation from the volcanology agency, Asep said, residents in nine subdistricts had to be evacuated.

Yet, he added, the evacuation was focused on the subdistricts of Gurukinayan, Sibintun, Pintu Besi and Tiga Pancur.

Residents of Gurukinayan and Sibintun were once evacuated during previous eruptions and had recently returned home as Sinabung showed decreasing activity. Those of Pintu Besi and Tiga Pancur, on the other hand, have never experienced an evacuation.

Head of Mt. Sinabung Observation Post, Armen Putra, said that the alert status of the volcano had been officially increased from Siaga (second highest) to Awas (highest) since 11 p.m. on Tuesday.

Armen said the increase was made based on signs of possible big eruptions, which could spew pyroclastic flows in a seven kilometer radius around the volcano. The signs include the huge mass of lava at the peak of Sinabung’s crater.

“The pile of lava amounts to three million cubic meters. If it erupts, the dome can slide down as far as seven kilometers,” Armen told the Post, Wednesday.

Avalanches of hot lava, Armen said, had also been more frequently occurring. If on Sunday avalanches of hot lava occurred only 100 times, they increased to 150 times the following day.

Armen also said that his side had sent a letter to the Karo regency administration to recommend the evacuation of people residing in the nine subdistricts of Sukameriah, Bekerah, Simacem, Berastepu, Gamber, Gurukinayan, Kuta Tengah, Tiga Pancur and Pintu Besi.

Karo regent Terkelin Brahmana confirmed this statement, saying that a meeting with the local military and police was promptly held to follow up on the recommendation.

“The meeting [committee] decided that the evacuation starts today. We want to act quickly before Sinabung erupts,” Terkelin said after the meeting on Wednesday.

He said he had coordinated with other stakeholders to prepare for strategic steps to deal with the evacuation.

“This is not the first evacuation we ever conducted. We have evacuated people several times since the eruptions of Sinabung in 2010. We are prepared,” Terkelin said.

Head of Gurukinayan subdistrict Pelin Sembiring said that hundreds of his people remained in the subdistrict to farm, but they were willing to evacuate because it was for their own safety.


Source: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/06/04/thousands-evacuated-s...


Comment by Andrey Eroshin on June 3, 2015 at 12:57am

Mysterious steam smelling like gas comes out of the ground near Lake Toba a supervolcano that erupted 70,000 years ago!

02.06.15. A mysterious steam, smelling like gas, is coming out of the ground around houses in Sitoluama, Indonesia.

Comment by Howard on May 29, 2015 at 4:12pm

Strong Explosions at Japan's Sakurajima Volcano (May 29)

The volcano began a series of strong explosions this morning with ash plumes rising 20,000 ft high.

The eruptions were followed by long phases of continuous jets of ash. 

The above satellite image shows the eruption plume from Sakurajima as well as the larger plume from Mt Shindake's powerful eruption today drifting west.



Comment by Howard on May 28, 2015 at 5:22am

Nicaragua's Telica Volcano Erupts (May 27)

A new phase of explosive activity occurred at the volcano with a large explosion that sent an ash plume 3 km above the summit.

The above webcam video show the dramatic explosion occurring at approximately 14:00 UTC.



Comment by Howard on May 25, 2015 at 4:12pm

Powerful Eruption at Wolf Volcano in Galapagos (May 25) 

A spectacular effusive-explosive eruption is occurring at Wolf volcano on Isabela Island in the Galapagos Islands off Ecuador.

Tall lava fountains produced an immense ash plume that rose to up to 45,000 ft (14 km) altitude.

At the same time, several lava flows are descending from the vents from a fissure on the volcano.

The last eruption of Wolf volcano, a 1710 m tall shield volcano, was in 1982.



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