Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013
Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)
"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. " ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000
Large pyroclastic flows at volcanoes in Indonesia and Nicaragua yesterday.
Large Pyroclastic Flow at Indonesia's Semeru Volcano (Feb 13)
A pyroclastic flow (hot avalanche of fragmented volcanic material) occurred on the volcano's southern side yesterday morning, reaching 4.5 km length and producing an ash plume that rose to 26,000 ft (8 km) altitude.
Darwin VAAC raised the aviation color code to RED. Another, smaller flow seems to have occurred today.
Pyroclastic Flow at Nicaragua's Momotombo Volcano (Feb 13)
Another explosion occurred at the volcano yesterday at 10:40 local time.
It produced a pyroclastic flow that descended the NE flank through the prominent ravine that also had channeled the recent lava flow from 2015.
Two relatively smaller explosions occurred at the volcano on Feb 12, one at around 02:20 and another at 11:15 local time.
Guatemala's Fuego Volcano Spews Ash on Nearby Towns (Feb 10)
The overnight eruption of Fuego Volcano sent ash billowing up to five kilometers into the sky and rivers of lava up to two kilometers long, according to Guatemala's Volcanology Institute.
This is the third paroxysm this year at the volcano. Over the past days, strombolian and effusive activity had gradually increased into now pulsating lava fountains and well-alimented lava flows.
Light tremors were also felt up to 25 kilometers away.
Strong gusts of wind could carry the clouds of "fine ash particles" to Guatemala City, 45 kilometers distant, said David de Leon, a spokesman for the government's disaster coordination service.
But thus far authorities were maintaining a yellow alert and were not ordering evacuations. However schools in the vicinity were ordered closed.
De Leon said the ash had so far fallen on three towns -- including Antigua Guatemala, a small, UNESCO-listed city dating back nearly five centuries and which served as the capital until the 18th century.
SATURDAY 6th FEBRUARY: This dramatic footage shows the Popocatepetl volcano in Puebla, Mexico, spewing ash and smoke into the sunlight.
The powerful eruption sent ash as high as 2,500 feet into the atmosphere and was caught on camera by Webcams de México.
The volcano erupted three times over 17 hours and caused an earthquake with a magnitude of 1.7 on Saturday.
Local authorities have set up a 7.5 mile exclusion zone around the volcano as a safety precaution.
Feb 09. 20.16 20:30 Local Time , Guatemala: Tonight Fire Volcano recorded strong Explosions...
Increased Explosions at Costa Rica's Turrialba Volcano (Feb 8)
Turrialba Volcano has recorded an increase in activity that includes 5 ash, gas and vapor explosions since Feb 6. The most recent event occurred on Monday at 5:33 p.m., according to the University of Costa Rica’s National Seismological Network (RSN).
The explosion formed an ash plume of about one kilometer high, similar to that reported during another explosion on Sunday that also included gas emanations.
Earlier on Monday RSN monitoring systems recorded an explosion at 10:24 a.m. that formed an ash plume of about 400 meters high, but shortly after it moved towards the Braulio Carrillo National Park area, the agency reported. Other similar explosions occurred Saturday at 1:50 p.m. and Sunday at 10:26 p.m.
RSN volcanologist Raúl Mora said experts noticed an increase in Turrialba’s activity since late January, along with a spike in seismic activity.
So far this month the RSN has registered tremors of moderate magnitudes in the area. Last Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 9:40 a.m., a strong, magnitude-4.4 temblor with an epicenter located 17 kilometers west of the Caribbean canton of Guápiles was reported by residents in Limón, Cartago and San José.
On Monday at 1:40 p.m., a magnitude-3.8 temblor was recorded in Santa Rosa de Turrialba, while at 9:04 a.m. on Tuesday, RSN reported a magnitude-2.9 temblor with an epicenter located 15 kilometers west of Guápiles, near the Turrialba area.
Indonesia's Soputan Volcano Erupts Twice (Feb 6)
There were two eruptions at the volcano today - a smaller one in the morning at 10:00 UTC and a powerful eruption 15 minutes later that sent a large ash plume into the sky.
At 11:45 UTC, Darwin VAAC issued alerts to aviation about an ash plume that had risen to estimated 23,000 ft (7 km) altitude and has been drifting NW. Aviation color code was immediately raised to RED.
Ash fall was reported from the areas at the foot of the volcano.
Guatemala's Santa Maria Volcano Erupts, Forcing Evacuations (Feb 5)
A strong explosion occurred from the active Caliente lava dome this morning around 10:30 local time.
It genereated a pyroclastic flow that traveled down the southeast flank of the dome complex reaching a length of approx. 2-3 km.
Ash plumes from both the explosion and the pyroclastic flow rose to an elevation of 17,000 ft (5.5 km) and produced moderate ash falls in the southern sectors of the volcano, in particular in the village and coffee farm of El Palmar.
Authorities ordered preventive evacuations in areas to the S and SE closest to the volcano.
At the moment, it is unclear what exactly triggered the pyroclastic flow - collapse of ejected material or partial collapse of the upper parts of the dome itself, or, most likely, a combination of both.
This morning's eruption was preceded by 34 small to moderate explosions within 24 hours, a quite unusually high rate, suggesting that magma and/or gas supply into the dome has been elevated at the moment.
The Alboran Island, a volcanic island in the western Mediterranean.
February 3 2016
The series of earthquakes that hit Alboran Sea since 25 January (link: http://www.earth-of-fire.com/2016/01/nombreux-seismes-dans-la-mer-d... ) is linked to the tectonic and volcanic origin of Alborán island.
This island is located between the Iberian Peninsula (Eurasian plate) and North Africa (African plate), at the coordinates 35º56'24 "N 3º02'04 y" W, in the west of the Mediterranean Sea.
The island has a visible part which is limited to 7.12 ha and a maximum extent of 265 m 605mètres; its highest elevation is 15 meters above sea level.
This small area contrasts with the expansion of its submerged base, formed by the ridge of Alboran and a continental shelf, 10 km wide and 45 km long, located at a maximum depth of 200 meters. The edges of the continental shelf, on each side, plunge to depths between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. CONTINUE...
Colima's Violent Eruption Captured on Video (Jan 29)
A pillar of ash shot 10,000 feet into the sky in a violent explosion of the Colima volcano in south-central Mexico. The event was captured on a web camera installed by scientists to monitor the active volcano in the Jalisco province.
The awe-inspiring timelapse footage shows the volcano as it burst last Friday. The mountain is still erupting intermittent explosions varying from 3,000ft to 9,800ft in height, according to VolcanoDiscovery.
Footage from the webcam, installed across from the mountain to catch volcanic activity, is being analyzed by a specialized team at the University of Colima.
As Mt. Colima is one of the most active volcanoes in Central America, the eruption wasn’t the first for the locals, who have suffered the wrath of the mountain as recently as July 2015.
Colima, a small state beside Western Mexico, about 155 miles (250km) from Guadalajara, has endured more than 30 periods of eruptions, including several significant explosions in recent years, often covering the town in sheets of ash.
Residents have not been evacuated yet as winds are blowing the ash north-east, away from villages. However, the area has been placed on a possible evacuation alert until the eruptions die down.
Australia's Remote Big Ben Volcano Erupts in the Antarctic (Jan 30)
Scientists aboard Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have filmed a rare volcanic eruption video off the coast of Antarctica. You may also like: Rainfall on Earth affected by phases of Moon, finds study Your lifestyle is turning Earth into a 'plastic planet' The team, working in partnership with Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), was studying underwater volcanoes in the region. However, the land-based volcano caught their attention, and the event was captured on reel. This rare volcanic eruption video is one of the first to capture the Big Ben volcano spew out thick smoke. The Big Ben is an active volcano located in the Heard Island, a remote sub-Antarctic region. It is believed that the volcano has erupted only thrice since the turn of the century.
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