Japan: A new island appears in the Ogasawara Islands - November 2013
Active volcanoes (Sep 28, 2012)
"Of course all volcanoes will explode, as this is going to be a very severe pole shift. What about the months and years preceding the pole shift? It is no secret that Mammoth Lake and the caldera of Yellowstone are warming up, and the populace has been prepared for these occurrences by the movie Volcano where there, in the middle of LA, lava is bubbling up. In fact, there is a fault line running from the approximate San Diego/LA area, up into the Sierras, and this is liable to rupture rather violently during one of the quakes that precedes the pole shift by some months. Volcanic eruptions from that area in the Sierras can be expected. Will Mount St. Helen erupt? All volcanoes that have been active within the memory of man will begin spewing and burping and oozing, and many that were not expected to become active will reactive. " ZetaTalk - Feb 15, 2000
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano - ICELAND
July 23, 2017
On Friday 22-July-2017 and on Saturday 23-July-2017 earthquake swarm activity took place inside Katla volcano caldera. Largest earthquake on Friday 22-July was magnitude 3,1 and on Saturday a magnitude 3,2 earthquake took place. Before and after the main earthquakes a swarm of smaller earthquakes took place.
Strong earthquake swarm on Reykjanes peninsula ICELAND
Posted on July 26, 2017
Currently there is a strong earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes peninsula. Largest earthquake so far was a magnitude 4,0 with second largest earthquake having magnitude of 3,8. This earthquake swarm is currently ongoing. Over 150 earthquakes have been detected so far (this number is going to get obsolete soon).
Update 1 at 00:04 – 27-July-2017
Over 300 earthquakes have happened so far on the Reykjanes peninsula. Largest earthquake so far had the magnitude of 3,8 and second largest had the magnitude of 3,3.
Glacier flood confirmed from Mýrdalsjökull glacier ICELND
July 28, 2017
It was confirmed at around 22:00 UTC that a small glacier flood has now started from Mýrdalsjökull glacier (Katla volcano). At the moment the glacier flood is small. It is unclear if this glacier flood is going to remain small and run it course as it is or if it is going to increase in next few hours.
Reports have been coming of strong sulphur smell in the area of Múlakvísl on Mýrdalssand area (desert area south of Mýrdalsjökull glacier).
Civil protection authority in Iceland have closed down few tourist roads and limited access to certain areas for time being due to this glacier flood. I strongly recommend that people follow those closers since change can happen in Katla volcano without warning and the closer people are to the volcano the less time they have to get away from it if an eruption starts.
An Alaskan volcano that has erupted several times since last year spewed an ash cloud up to 30,000 feet, leading to an aviation warning.
The Bogoslof volcano erupted Saturday (July 8), sending ash over the Aleutians Islands, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) said.
It "remains at a heightened state of unrest and in an unpredictable condition, and additional explosions producing high-altitude volcanic clouds could occur at any time," the observatory said.
The volcano sits under the flight path of many flights from Asia to North America and its ash cloud could adversely affect aircraft.
"Ash and aircraft do not mix, as volcanic ash is abrasive, melts at jet engine temperatures, and can cause engine failure," the United States Geological Survey says.
The aviation color code remains at red..."
A helicopter carrying eight people crashed Sunday while on the way to help with evacuations near a volcano that erupted on the main Indonesian island of Java.
Officials didn't know the fate of the people on board, but villagers said they found two bodies at the crash site.
The eruption of the volcano, located in a popular tourist area, injured at least 10 people.
The helicopter from the National Search and Rescue Agency was carrying four crewmen and four rescuers when it crashed near Candiroto village in Central Java province's Temanggung district, Heronimus Guru, the agency's deputy operations chief, told KompasTV.
Guru did not know the fates of those on board, but villagers told the TV station that they found the bodies of two people.
Photo BNPB Indonesia
Earlier Sunday, Sileri Crater at Dieng Plateau spewed cold lava, mud and ash as high as 50 meters (164 feet) into the sky when it erupted, said National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.
He said the sudden eruption occurred at around 11:30 a.m., when there were about 17 visitors around the crater.
Ten people were injured and were treated at a hospital.
Soldiers and police officers were dispatched to the scene, while local residents and visitors were asked to evacuate the area in case of further eruptions, Nugroho said.
Sileri is the most active and dangerous among some 10 craters at Dieng Plateau.
Its most recent eruption was in 2009, when it unleashed volcanic materials up to 200 meters (656 feet) high and triggered the creation of three new craters.
Dieng Plateau, located in the Central Java district of Banjarnegara, is a popular tourist attraction because of its cool climate and ninth-century Hindu temples.
It sits about 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) above sea level.
Some 142 people were reportedly asphyxiated in 1979 when the volcano spewed gases.
Rincón de la Vieja volcano eruption blasts over 2000 meters in Costa Rica
The National University's Volcanology and Seismology Research Institute (OVSICORI), reported an eruption at the Rincón de la Vieja Volcano in Guanacaste at 2:56 p.m. this Friday, June 23, where the column reached 2000 meters above the crater and 3,916 meters above sea level, (12844.48 ft).
According to the report by OVSICORI, the eruption registered is phreatomagmatic, which means it results from the interaction between magma and water. This type of eruptions usually contains juvenile magmatic clasts.
The activity was short, only lasting one minute, There are no reports of ash-fall for the time being, but the explosive and violent eruption caused once again a small pyroclastic flow, meaning a current of hot gas and volcanic matter such as rocks that heads down the north slope of the volcano forming a lahar. The lahars that form as a product of eruptions in this volcano usually affect the rivers Pénjamo, Azul and Quebrada Sufrosa.
Volcanologists recommend staying away from these rivers since the water level can increase suddenly.
http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LOvOW7cBMQ
Jun 24, 2017 02:20 - A significant explosive eruption at Bogoslof volcano occurred at 00:49 UTC, June 24
(16:49 AKDT, June 23) and lasted about 10 minutes. The eruption produced a volcanic cloud that reached
about 36,000 ft above sea level, and was accompanied by strong seismcity, lightning and infrasound.
Thus, AVO is raising the Aviation Color Code to RED and Alert level to WARNING for Bogoslof volcano.
Satellite data through 1:30 UTC shows a volcanic cloud with an estimated altitude of 36,000 ft asl moving
towards the northeast. Seismic and infrasound data suggest that the ash ...
June 16, 2017
A major explosive eruption took place at Russia's Bezymianny volcano at 04:53 UTC on Friday, June 16, 2017. By 05:10 UTC, ash plume from the eruption reached an altitude of 12.2 km (40 000 feet) above sea level and a distance of 40 km (25 miles) NE of the volcano, according to the Tokyo VAAC. This is the strongest eruption of this volcano since September 2012.
At 05:43 UTC, KVERT said they raised the Aviation Color Code from Orange to Red. "Ash cloud as big as 28 x 25 km (17.4 x 15.5 miles) drifts to the northeast of the volcano," the Observatory said, adding that ash explosions up to 10 - 15 km (32 800 - 49 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time. "Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft.
This is the strongest eruption of Bezymianny volcano since September 1/2, 2012. It comes just two days after a powerful eruption of nearby Sheveluch volcano ejected ash to an altitude 12 km (39 360 feet) a.s.l. Sheveluch is located 90 km (56 miles) NE of Bezymianny.
The last significant eruption of Bezymianny volcano, although nowhere near today's, took place on March 9, 2017. Based on webcam observations, an ash plume rose to altitudes of 6 - 7 km (20 000 - 23 000 feet) a.s.l. and drifted 20 km (12.4 miles) northeast. The Aviation Color Code was raised from Yellow to Orange. About 30 minutes later, an ash plume rose to altitudes of 7 - 8 km (23 000 - 26 200 feet) a.s.l. and drifted 60 km (37 miles) northwest. Later that day a 274-km-long (170 miles) ash plume identified in satellite images drifted NW at altitudes of 4 - 4.5 km (13 100 - 14 800 feet) a.s.l.; the majority of the leading part of the plume contained a significant amount of ash. A lava flow traveled down the NW part of the lava dome.
Bezymianny is one the most active volcanoes in the world. In 1955, for the first time in history, it started to erupt, and after six months it produced a catastrophic eruption with the total volume of eruptive products over 3 km3.
The lava dome began to grow in the explosive caldera immediately after the catastrophe and still continues. At least 44 Vulcanian-type strong explosive eruptions of Bezymianny occurred between 1965 - 2012.
Prior to its noted 1955-56 eruption, Bezymianny had been considered extinct. The modern volcano, much smaller in size than its massive neighbors Kamen and Kliuchevskoi, was formed about 4700 years ago over a late-Pleistocene lava-dome complex and an ancestral edifice built about 11000 - 7000 years ago. Three periods of intensified activity have occurred during the past 3000 years.
The latest period, which was preceded by a 1000-year quiescence, began with the dramatic 1955-56 eruption. This eruption, similar to that of St. Helens in 1980, produced a large horseshoe-shaped crater that was formed by collapse of the summit and an associated lateral blast. Subsequent episodic but ongoing lava-dome growth, accompanied by intermittent explosive activity and pyroclastic flows, has largely filled the 1956 crater.
Residents were issued with masks and gauze bandages after the (June 14) @ 4.23am eruption of Shiveluch volcano some 50 kilometres away.
Some 330 grams of ash were registered per one square metre in the village.
The ash fall was 3mm thick in places.
The eruption sent ash some 12 km above sea level.
'We have enough gauze masks, we always have plenty of them in storage and at pharmacies,' said Alexander Voznikov, head of the village council.
There are no complaints from citizens, the situation is under control.
'This is nothing new for villagers here, we are used to be living next to two large volcanoes.'
Resident Viktoria said: 'We're cleaning our house with a hose. A lot of ashes fell, the whole yard is grey.
'We can't let our poor dog outside. Children are sitting at home, of course.
'The particles of ash are small. They crunch on the teeth and sticks to our faces, it's a terrible feeling.'
Lyudmila, who has lived in Kluchi for ten years, said: 'People are sneezing. In the morning they wore hoodies, masks and carried umbrellas.
'Windows are shut; everything is covered with ash - gardens, grass.
Clouds of ash might reach villages of Atlasovo, Milkovo, Ust-Kamchatsk, and Ivashka, warned experts.
Kluchi village is located 560 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, capital of Kamchatka region in the Russian Far East.
Around 5,700 people are living in the village.
Shiveluch is the northernmost volcano in Kamchatka, some 3,283 metres above sea level and 70,000 years old.
The heavy rains falling on Santiaguito and Fuego volcanoes created lahars which disrupted the communiation between communities living close to the volcanoes.
On June 8, 2017, the Volcan de Fuego in Guatemala erupted 23 times (13 small, 6 moderate and 4 strong). According to local observers, the Fuego produced one of the strongest explosion of recent years.
The 4 powerful explosions generated plumes of gray color rising up to 4,400-4,500 m. asl, before dispersing to the west and north.
Incandescent pulses of 150 m. Over the crater caused moderate to strong avalanches in the Santa Teresa, Taniluya, Ceniza and Trinidad barrancas.
Due to heavy rains lahars are descending in different ‘barrancas’ along the slope of the Fuego and the Santiaguito volcanoes.
Lahars hit the slopes of the Fuego volcano in the barranca Santa Teresa, dragging 1 to 3 meters in diameter rocks, trunks and complete trees, and in the barrancas Trinidad as well as Cenizas, transporting smaller blocks disrupting intercommunity communications.
Concerning the Santiaguito volcano, lahars carring trunks and blocks measuring 1 to 2 meters in diameter have engulfed the Rio Cabello de Angel, a tributary of the Rio Nima and San Isidro, and the Rio Samala
Source: http://strangesounds.org/2017/06/23-explosions-at-fuego-volcano-cre...
June 6, 2017, http://news.co.cr/new-eruption-poas-volcano-reported-tuesday-mornin...
The National University’s Volcanology and Seismology Research Institute (OVSICORI) reported an eruption that reached 1,000 meters above the crater, 3,708 meters above sea level (12.162,24 ft.), began at 8:50 a.m. local time this Tuesday and was still in progress at 10:05 a.m.
This past Friday, June 2 the Poás Volcano registered constant activity
with small size eruptions and red columns of gases and ash, on Saturday some activity continued but Sunday and Monday there were no new eruptions although there was an intense column of steam and gases emanating from the crater.
The Poás Volcano has experienced several changes of its structure since the eruptions began back in April, with new cones forming, the dome almost completely destroyed,
and the water of the lake drying fast, new small fumaroles have also appeared and incandescent materials can be seen in certain areas at night time.
As of now there have not been reports of ash fall in the nearby communities; however the wind direction is to the west which means it could reach the community of Bajos del Toro.
Dr. Maarten de Moor from OVSICORI is in the area and was able to capture the image included with this article.
Hanoi (VNA) – Marapi volcano in West Sumatra, Indonesia erupted on June 4, spewing clouds of volcanic ash over the region of Tanah Datar in Sumatran province.
According to the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Centre (PVMBG), Marapi volcano erupted twice at 10:01 am and 10:22 am (local time).
The first eruption generated a 300-metre high plume of smoke from the peak, while the second one spewed ash much higher at around 700 metres from the mountain top.
The PVMBG set up an exclusion zone with the three-kilometer radius from the mountain summit, and called local residents to abide by instructions as well as notices of the centre.
The centre said it will deliver an early warning about whether the volcano continues to pose danger or not.
Meanwhile, head of Tanah Datar district Irdiansyah Tarmizi said that the volcanic ash of Marapi volcano has blanketed four sub-districts namely Batipuh, Pariangan, Sungai Tarab and Salimpaung.
However, the daily activities of local people are not affected much by the eruption, he said.-VNA
Sakurajima volcano in SW Japan erupts
TOKYO, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Mount Sakurajima, a volcano in Kagoshima Prefecture in southwestern Japan, erupted on Tuesday morning, the weather agency here said.
According to the agency, the eruption occurred at 7:56 a.m. local time and marked the second significant event there in recent weeks.
Ash and smoke was recorded as billowing as high as 3,200 meters into the sky, the weather agency said, and was ejected from the 1,117-meter volcano's Showa crater.
The agency warned that similar eruptions could occur, although there have been no immediate reports of injury or damage as a result of the latest eruption.
The last major eruption occurred at the mountain on May 29 this year and the volcano is under Level 3, orange alert by the Japan Meteorological Agency, signifying the volcano is active and should not be approached.
In September, 2016, a team of experts from Bristol University and the Sakurajima Volcano Research Centre in Japan concluded after studies that the volcano could have a major eruption within the next 30 years.
Bogoslof RED/WARNING Alerts: Significant explosive eruption at Bogoslof volcano
The strong explosive eruption occurred at 14:16 AKDT (22:16 UTC) on May 28, 2017 and ended after about 50 minutes.
Satellite images and pilot reports indicate that the cloud from today’s eruption reached at least 35,000 ft, and possibly as high as 45,000 ft asl.
The Aviation Color Code remains at RED and the Alert Level remains at WARNING, reports AVO .
An observer on Unalaska Island reported seeing a large white-gray mushroom cloud form over Bogoslof, with ash fall out to the west. Winds in the area are currently to the northwest.
Since the explosion, seismicity and infrasound as detected on neighboring islands is quiet, no lightning has been detected, and satellite images show no additional emission from the volcano.
The National Weather Service Alaska Aviation Weather Unit has issued a SIGMET for possible ash to 50,000 ft asl.
The NWS has a Marine Weather Statement for trace or dusting of ash over coastal waters near the island.
Bogoslof volcano remains at a heightened state of unrest and in an unpredictable condition. Additional explosions
producing high-altitude volcanic clouds can occur at any time. Low-level explosive activity that is below our
ability to detect in our data sources may be occurring. These low-level explosions could pose a hazard in the
immediate vicinity of the volcano.
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