Animal Behavior, Methane Poisoning, Dead or Alive and on the move (+ interactive map)


When Planet X entered the inner Solar System in late 2002 - early 2003, it was not just the Earth that reacted, as it did with an increase in earthquakes, volcanism and extreme weather, the animal life on Earth also started showing signs of the approaching monster.

The most noticeable symptoms were:

  • Crazy Animal Behaviour:  Reports of bizarre behaviour including animal attacks from normally passive creatures and spiders spinning webs over whole fields.
  • Confused Animals:  Whales and dolphins stranding themselves on beaches in droves or getting lost upstream in coastal rivers.
  • Large fish and bird kills:  Flocks of birds falling dead from the sky and shoals of fish dying and floating to the surface of lakes, rivers and washing up along coastlines.


Crazy Animal Behaviour

Reports of crazy animal behaviour have included sheep that charged a farmer’s wife off a cliff, deer attacking a car and rabbits biting pedestrians.  Spiders have spun webs over whole fields and caterpillar larvae have covered whole trees in silk.

As usual, the Zetas explain the true causes: (Jan 11th 2003)

Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but nonetheless there.  [……]  Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal for a spider.  EOZT


Confused Animals

Other erratic behaviour among animals included a seeming loss of direction with whales and dolphins swimming inland and stranding themselves on beaches.

Unreliable Compasses  (March 28th, 2009)

The compass is unreliable for the past few years, and lately has gotten very extreme in its variance. Many animals and insects have a biological compass, recording during migrations where that compass laid, and when taking a return trip relying on the recording to guide them back. If the Earth's N Pole swings away from the press of Planet X, which is increasingly pointing its N Pole at the Earth, then these animals are not given correct clues and aim for land or up a river. Sad to say, this will only get worse as the last weeks and the pole shift loom on the horizon.   EOZT

Are due to the Magnetic Clash   (July 1st, 2006)

The compass anomaly, swinging to the East, is indicative of the Earth adjusting to the approach of Planet X and the clash of their magnetic fields. The change is indicative of a clash in magnetic fields as Planet X comes ever closer to the Earth, their fields touching. It is the combined field that Earth must adjust to, and continue to adjust to, not the exact position of the N Pole of Planet X within these fields, and the Sun's magnetic field enters into the equation too. This dramatic change, noted by a conscientious tracker, checking dual compasses daily for years, indicates that the Earth is trying to align side-by-side with Planet X, bringing its magnetic N Pole to point toward the Sun, as Planet X is currently doing in the main. These adjustments are temporary, and change about, as magnets can make dramatic and swift changes in their alignment with each other. Put a number of small magnets on a glass, with iron ore dust, and move a large magnet about under them, and watch the jerking about they do. Are we saying the Earth's magnetic field is going to get more erratic in the future, dramatically so? There is no question that this will be one of the signs that will come, yet another not covered by the Global Warming excuse.   EOZT


Large fish and bird kills

Hundreds, if not thousands, of these events have taken place with the frequency increasing year on year.  Poignant examples include the 20 tonnes of dead herring which washed ashore in Norway and 1200 pelicans found on a beach in Peru.

Earth Farts  (January 9th, 2007)

We have explained, in great detail, that the stretch zone does not register great quakes when rock layers pull apart and sink, as this is a silent Earth change. Nancy has carefully documented breaking water and gas mains, derailing trains, dislocating bridge abutments, mining accidents, and outbreaks of factory explosions, showing that these have occurred in rashes on occasion, when the rock layers pulled apart. [……]  In September-October of 2005, a smell of rotten eggs was sensed from LA to Thunder Bay on Lake Superior to the New England states and throughout the South-Eastern US. We explained at that time that this was due to rock layers being pulled apart, releasing gas from moldering vegetation trapped during prior pole shifts, when rock layers were jerked about, trapping vegetation. We explained in March of 2002 that black water off the coast of Florida was caused by this phenomena. Do these fumes cause people to sicken, and birds to die? Mining operations of old had what they called the canary in a birdcage, to warn the miners of methane gas leaks. Birds are very sensitive to these fumes, and die, and this is indeed what happened in Austin, TX. Were it not for the explosions associated with gas leaks, it would be common knowledge that gas leaks sicken, as the body was not structured to breathe such air for long.   EOZT


Zetatalk Explanation  (January 8th, 2011)

Dead fish and birds falling from the sky are being reported worldwide, suddenly. This is not a local affair, obviously. Dead birds have been reported in Sweden and N America, and dead fish in N America, Brazil, and New Zealand. Methane is known to cause bird dead, and as methane rises when released during Earth shifting, will float upward through the flocks of birds above. But can this be the cause of dead fish? If birds are more sensitive than humans to methane release, fish are likewise sensitive to changes in the water, as anyone with an aquarium will attest. Those schools of fish caught in rising methane bubbles during sifting of rock layers beneath them will inevitably be affected. Fish cannot, for instance, hold their breath until the emergency passes! Nor do birds have such a mechanism.   EOZT



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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 29, 2012 at 7:51pm

16 crows found dead in Ganjam village

PTI | 06:01 PM,Jan 29,2012 Berhampur (Odisha), Jan 29 (PTI) With the death of 16 crows at Mudulipalli village in Odisha's Ganjam district in the span of two hours, triggering avian influenza scare in the area today. "We have found 16 dead crows in the village, samples of two were preserved to be sent for testing," Chief District Veterinary Officer (Ganjam), A K Swain said. Unconfirmed reports, however, put the crow death toll to 20 during the period. With the 16 crow deaths, a total of 42 birds of different species were found to be dead in the district. Veterinary officials had earlier detected dead crows, pigeons, kite and pelican in different parts of the district. Besides the samples of the dead crows, the samples of 353 poultry were also sent for testing, CDVO said. The CDVO, however, asserted the poultry sector in the district was so far unaffected with the spread.

Comment by Andrew Veresay on January 29, 2012 at 6:26pm

Arctic snowy owls soar south in mass move

This is unprecedented for these owls to move in mass

Comment by Weston Ginther on January 29, 2012 at 12:16am

Snowy Owls Soar South From Arctic In Rare Mass Migration

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - Bird enthusiasts are reporting rising numbers of snowy owls from the Arctic winging into the lower 48 states this winter in a mass southern migration that a leading owl researcher called "unbelievable."

Thousands of the snow-white birds, which stand 2 feet tall with 5-foot wingspans, have been spotted from coast to coast, feeding in farmlands in Idaho, roosting on rooftops in Montana, gliding over golf courses in Missouri and soaring over shorelines in Massachusetts.

A certain number of the iconic owls fly south from their Arctic breeding grounds each winter but rarely do so many venture so far away even amid large-scale, periodic southern migrations known as irruptions.

"What we're seeing now -- it's unbelievable," said Denver Holt, head of the Owl Research Institute in Montana.

"This is the most significant wildlife event in decades," added Holt, who has studied snowy owls in their Arctic tundra ecosystem for two decades.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 28, 2012 at 6:14pm

More dead dolphins wash up on Southeast Louisiana coast

January 27, 2012

NEW ORLEANS-- It's been a busy few months for Suzanne Smith of the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas.

"We keep all kinds of species here," she said.

Smith is also a part of the Louisiana Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Rescue Program. Just last week alone, she conducted necropsies on three dead dolphins found near Grand Isle.

"We're finding, unfortunately, more dead dolphins than we normally would," Smith said. "So, the testing on the necropsies has gotten very strict and we are taking duplicate and triplicate samples on all parts, externally and internally on these animals, to try and find out what is happening out in the wild population."

Since the beginning of the month, 14 marine mammals, including a dozen dolphins, have been found along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Half of the dead dolphins washed up on the Louisiana coast.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) calls it an "Unusual Mortality Event" in the northern Gulf and next month will mark two years since it began. The tally so far: 630 dead.

The event started in February of 2010 - two months before the oil spill began. Still, the deaths raise a red flag with the Gulf Restoration Network.

"The ongoing death of these dolphins speaks to the idea that we haven't seen all of the impacts from the BP oil drilling disaster end yet," said Dan Favre of the Gulf Restoration Network

Since there is an ongoing investigation and litigation involving the BP spill, Smith and other scientists are not allowed to reveal what they have found in the necropsies. Last fall, NOAA said some of the dead dolphins showed signs of a virus called Brucella. What role, if any, the oil spill may have played with the immune systems of the dead dolphins is still not clear and neither is when the strandings may finally stop.

"I hope we don't see anything more, but I would say we still have a little more time where we're going to be on the edge of our seat in seeing what might actually happen in the future," Favre said.

All of this comes as a federal trial is scheduled for February 27, related to liability in the oil spill and spanning multiple jurisdictions and claims. That trial, considered the first of three trial phases, will focus on what caused the blowout and spill.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 27, 2012 at 7:27pm

Dead fish found in stream off River Usk near Brecon

Dead fish More than 100 fish were found dead in a stream off the River Usk

An investigation is under way after more than 100 fish were found dead in a stream off the River Usk in Powys.

Environment Agency Wales made the discovery at around 13:30 GMT on Friday.

The fish and a large amount of silt were found in the stream, about a mile from Brecon, and officers are trying to establish the cause of death.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 26, 2012 at 10:47pm

Stranding specialists on alert after about 200 dolphins are sighted in Cape Cod Bay; 77 have already died

Approximately 200 dolphins have been sighted in the center of Cape Cod Bay, dolphin stranding specialists said today, announcing that rescue teams have been put on alert in case the dolphins come ashore.

“It’s a concern just given what’s happened in the recent past,” said A.J. Cady, a spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Since Jan. 12, 98 dolphin strandings have been confirmed, Cady said. Sixty-three of the animals were found dead. Of the 35 found alive, 11 died while being rescued, 24 were released, and three of those have since been found dead.

“We tend to get a bit more strandings this time of year,” Cady said. However, he said, “You certainly don’t see this kind of large strandings of common dolphin happen very often.”

He said that while there are several theories about the strandings, the cause is still a mystery. “At the moment, there’s nothing conclusive.

Comment by Love is the answer on January 26, 2012 at 12:16am

Tens of thousands of birds invade Oldham County Neighborhood

Residents of Kentucky's Oldham County are trying to scare away a massive flock of black birds that are living in a wooded area and clouding the skies.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 24, 2012 at 2:35pm

5,000 fish found dead in Perth's Swan River

Updated January 24, 2012 18:53:49

Low oxygen levels and hot weather are believed to have killed thousands of fish in Perth's Swan River.

About 5,000 dead fish were discovered between the Middle Swan Bridge and the Ellen Brook in the upper reaches of the river.

Swan River Trust spokesman Mark Cugley says recent rain and hot weather have decreased oxygen levels in the waterway and that particular area is outside the reach of the river's oxygenation plants.

"Sudden rainfall often drags nutrient-rich organic matter into the river and this typically causes oxygen levels to rapidly drop below levels suitable for fish and other aquatic fauna," he said.

"It is something that is of a concern, and although we believe the cause was low oxygen levels in the water column, we are monitoring the water quality and sending off samples of those fish for that to be clarified."

Mr Cugley says most of the fish appear to be juvenile black bream with the remainder being trumpeter.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 24, 2012 at 1:36am

2 dolphins die on Cape Cod as strandings continue

By Associated Press
Monday, January 23, 2012 -

WELLFLEET - Two more dolphins have died as the animals continue to strand themselves on Cape Cod.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare said the dolphins stranded on the Eastham-Orleans line Monday. One died shortly after rescuers found it. The other was initially guided out to sea, but stranded again in Orleans and died just as workers were starting to move it to a rescue trailer for care.

The group says 85 dolphins have stranded the Cape since the middle of the month, including 30 in one day on Jan. 14.

Fifty of the dolphins were dead when they were found and 11 died later. An IFAW spokesman said 24 were able to be released back into the open ocean, though three of those have since died.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on January 24, 2012 at 1:32am

Fishing: There was a red tide boom; why only dead mullet were found is a mystery

2:01 PM, Jan. 14, 2012  |
Yes, we did have a red tide event.

I am not sure what the concentration levels were, but I am sure the scientists who take the readings were right about them being raised. If this is true, then my next question may seem strange. What killed all the fish?

After having been out three days during the event, all I saw were dead mullet. I only saw one small jack mixed in with the dead mullet. So, why do I question what killed the fish?

Normally with red tide, it does not discriminate. You will see all kinds of fish dead. Catfish especially seem to be susceptible and not a one did I see.

Secondly, the only place I saw dead fish was around the mouth of the river and near the Sanibel Causeway area. Once I got up to St. James City or north I saw no dead fish.

Then, I received two reports. One was from a couple fishing off Fort Myers Beach and the other from a pilot who flies what is known as the sundown patrol.

The couple asked me while we were in Captain Rob’s bait shop getting bait, why were there so many dead mullet floating with no heads.

I had no answer at the time. After thinking about it I began to wonder if they were actually seeing dead fish in an arched position with their heads under water. I personally did not see any with their heads lopped off.

The pilot, whom I met at the Punta Rassa boat ramp, said he was making the patrol circuit the weekend before and had noted off Redfish Pass, 48 commercial boats all around a large school of fish. They were all casting nets and the decks were littered with fish.

Here is my conjecture as to what happened. Either there was one really concentrated area of red tide offshore that wiped out a huge school of mullet and little else or some huge net operations caught so many mullet in one net, they could not handle them all. The fish died from suffocation and the nets broke.

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