"Stretch zones primarily experience sinking ground, as the support in the rock strata is stretched thin. Thus, buildings implode and gas and water mains break."  ZetaTalk






What happens to rock layers under a diagonal pull, or being pulled apart? As can be seen during recent years, this has resulted in derailing trains, sinkholes suddenly appearing, gas and water main breaks, torn roadways and separating bridges. Despite the effect on man, crawling about on the surface of what they assume to be terra firma, these changes are superficial. When the pulling starts, weak points break and thereafter the plumbing and roadways hold, giving the impression that the pulling has stopped, but this is misleading. The North American continent is giving evidence that its rock layers are separating from each other, and sliding sideways in a diagonal, thus exposing portions of these layers to vent into the air above. If rock is being stressed, then where are the earthquake predictors giving evidence of this, the frantic animals, the static on the radio, the earthquake swarms? Rock in the stretch zone, pulling apart rather than compressing, does not emit the particles flows that animals and radios sense, nor register on instruments are tension and release quakes.




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"We have repeatedly stated that the Earth changes will not diminish, but will increase going into the pole shift.

This is not a lineal matter, as the closer Planet X comes to Earth, an inevitable path, the more the torque effect and the polar wobble where the N Pole of Earth is pushed away violently on a daily basis, occur. The wobble will become more pronounced, more violent. The plates are tugged back West of the Atlantic, pulled forward East of the Atlantic, during the daily rotation of the Earth. The North American continent is allowed to roll East during rotation while the S Pole is pulled West, creating the diagonal pull likely to trigger the New Madrid fault line into an adjustment, and soon. The N Pole is pushed away and allowed to bounce back, daily, as the Earth rotates, a wobble that puts stress on all fault lines when the plates are suddenly in motion, and suddenly stopped!

"As there is no other explanation for the effect on the stretch zone, lacking any earthquakes to blame, and as these stretch zone accidents will continue to emerge, and with ferocity, this is a certain clue to those on the fence, that the influence of Planet X is the cause. Or is it Global Warming?" 

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for April 13, 2013

"Sinkholes almost invariably form in areas subject to karst limestone cavern formation. Underground water flows eat away the limestone leaving vast caverns and caves, which often give scant indication above ground that a cavern lies below. Karst limestone rock formations have been mapped and are known, however, but since one never knows just where a cavern might have formed, this provides little help in predicting just where a sinkhole might form. Sinkholes open up when the rock is fractured due to stress from being in the stretch zone, from the bending of a plate, or due to torsion."


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Comment by lonne rey on June 29, 2015 at 10:20am

Nine sinkholes in 3 months scare locals in central town


Nine sinkholes in 3 months scare locals in central town

Karapınar, a town of some 48,000 people in the central province of Konya, was once known for its desert-like landscape dotted with countless dunes that rain dust on the town in bad weather. Now it faces another threat, this time from underground in the form of sinkholes.

Nine sinkholes, with some reaching 70-meters in depth, have emerged over the past three months in the town. Although they were not in residential areas, locals live in fear that a massive sinkhole could devour buildings.

Sinkholes have been common in the area since 1997, but their size has considerably increased in the past two years, during which 12 sinkholes have emerged. Dirican says the figure may be higher, as some landowners do not report sinkholes in their fields so that they are not closed to use for agriculture.

Experts link over 200 sinkholes in the region outside Karapınar to recent downpours.

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 23, 2015 at 6:57am

Large sinkhole opens on Lenexa golf course

Canyon Farms shortens hole, keeps course open

LENEXA, Kan. —A big sinkhole has opened up on a Lenexa golf course.

The sinkhole is on the left side of the fairway on the 13th hole at Canyon Farms Golf Course. Despite the change in the landscape, the course and the hole itself remain open.

“I believe it’s par 4,” said golfer Jerry Nelson. “But they have set the tee box way up front about 120 yards out.”

Shortening the hole takes the sinkhole out of play.

A statement from the owners said a portion of the course is built over a nonoperating limestone mine. The statement said the majority of the mine is considered stable, according to various geotechnical studies.

Nelson and his partner said they took a good look at the sinkhole as they played the course.

“We walked to walk around and look into it a little bit. It looks like everything has sunk 10 feet or so,” Nelson said. “The green from the grass is down about 8 to 10 feet, something like that.”

Canyon Farms management said sinkholes on golf courses are common. Nelson said it was first one he has ever seen. Recent wet weather may have been a factor in causing the sinkhole to open up.

The owners said they’re trying to figure out how to repair the sinkhole.

Source: http://www.kmbc.com/news/large-sinkhole-opens-on-lenexa-golf-course... 

Google Maps

Comment by Stanislav on June 20, 2015 at 8:19pm

In the south of Moscow there was a sinkhole

Source of image: NTV.ru

Sinkhole occurred near the 23th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road on Saturday morning, blocked one of the lanes at the "inner ring", told RIA Novosti in Moscow traffic police.

"On the inner side of the road collapsed ground transport currently pass is only two lanes. At the scene builders, they are finishing the restoration work. In parallel, inspection, investigate the cause of what happened," - said the representative office.

According to information service "Yandex" according to 10.50 MSK on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road in the vicinity of Kashira Highway traffic jam was formed almost a ten. On the outside the Moscow Ring Road in the vicinity of Kashira Highway traffic jam there for about three kilometers.

Source: ria.ru

Comment by Mark on June 15, 2015 at 3:47pm

Sinkhole forces Illawong residents to evacuate


More than a dozen people have fled their homes at Illawong in Sydney's south after a sinkhole swallowed a backyard on Monday afternoon.

The three-metre deep hole opened up about 4pm, forcing police and firefighters to evacuate a row of townhouses on Osprey Drive.

One man was asleep on his couch when he heard a loud crack in his garden outside, the man's friend, Hisham Bashir said.
"He looked outside and the tree had collapsed and the ground started to sink," Mr Bashir said.

"Dirt had sprayed up all over his backyard and on the trampoline. There was dirt all over the windows.

"It's pretty scary, but these things happen," he said.

Police said the hole measured 10 metres by six metres, and was three metres deep. They said it opened up without warning.

Thirteen residents inside the homes were evacuated as a precaution. While most have now returned to their homes, the man who saw the sinkhole open, along with his partner and their six-month-old baby, have not been able to do so.

The townhouses sit on top of a massive garage that services the 22-unit complex, which is prone to flooding, most recently during the Sydney storms in April.

Comment by Mark on June 13, 2015 at 12:31pm

Southwest Colorado Springs neighborhood ravaged by sinkholes


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — One neighborhood is dealing with some massive sinkholes in the middle of the street, causing cars to swerve around them.

Some are worried the problem could get worse if it’s not fixed soon.

The sinkholes are in the southwest part of town on Irvington Court, where there are two, and on Ellsworth Street, which has another.

Neighbors said one sinkhole has been getting worse for around three weeks, while the others are more recent and progressing faster.

Diane Smith said the city isn’t doing nearly enough to fix the problem.

“They’re doing nothing, other than putting cones around, which is not a fix. … It just makes me crazy, because you want to be careful there’s another car coming, you have to stop. It’s just ridiculous,” said Smith.

This problem isn’t going away by itself.

“They’re getting worse,” said Smith. “When we went out yesterday the one down around the corner was sinking, you could see, but it hadn’t gone down. We came up about four hours later and it completely collapsed.”

Smith said she’s disappointed in the city.

“We have not seen one person. Nobody from the city, even driving up to see where they are,” said Smith.

That is angering for her and her neighbors.

“It hasn’t rained in this area and yet they still haven’t been up here, so they don’t have an excuse and I think heavy rain is going to make it much worse,” said Smith.

Comment by Mark on June 11, 2015 at 11:05am

Neighbors worried about massive sinkhole on Detroit's west side


Neighbors on Detroit's west side are worried someone is going to get hurt if a massive sinkhole isn't repaired soon.

The sinkhole, at the intersection of Colfax and Linsdale, is at least 14 feet wide and is swallowing the roadway with each passing day.

Neighbors say complaints to city hall and the water department have not resulted in the road being repaired. After a month of concern, they reached out to 7 Action News.

Curtrise Garner from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department told us it is a rather intricate repair, and they had to contract it out to make sure it gets done right the first time.

Comment by Derrick Johnson on June 6, 2015 at 7:44am

Weatherford building about to be swallowed by sinkhole


Google Maps

Comment by Mark on June 5, 2015 at 5:32pm

Sergeant scrambles to safety after sinkhole swallows Sheridan police SUV


SHERIDAN, Colo. — A Sheridan police sergeant’s SUV went into a massive sinkhole early Friday morning on West Oxford Avenue near River Point Parkway.

Sgt. Greg Miller was taken to Swedish Medical Center to be treated for minor injuries after the accident about 2:15 a.m. as he was traveling eastbound on Oxford at Natches Court.

The Sheridan Police Department said as Miller entered the intersection, the road gave way and collapsed, creating a sinkhole about 10 to 15 feet deep.

“I was on basic patrol driving down the road and the next I know there’s a big bam,” Miller said. “And I realize I’m down in this hole with water rushing around me. Dirt walls. And the only thing I can think of is I better get out of here.”

Miller crawled onto the roof and out of the sinkhole and has since been released from the hospital.

“I climbed through the driver’s side window. Reached up, grabbed the rails on top of the SUV, pulled myself up onto the roof, then reached up onto the pavement and pulled myself out.”

The SUV is a total loss.

Comment by Mark on June 4, 2015 at 4:50pm

Saskatoon: Cement truck falls into back alley sinkhole


It was a sinking feeling for a morning delivery man in Saskatoon. A cement truck went through a sinkhole in a back alley on Mackie Crescent.

Derek Zary captured the moments afterwards on video.
Zary told Global News the fully loaded cement truck arrived around 8 a.m. Wednesday to make a delivery when it went through the sinkhole.
A crane had to be called in to lift the truck out of the hole – an operation that took three hours. Crews also had to deal with underground power lines, but power to the area did not have to be shut off.

Comment by Mark on June 1, 2015 at 12:34pm

Lanes closed in Northampton town centre after sinkhole opens in road


A sinkhole that opened in the road in Northampton is causing problems for motorists.

The hole, which is being repaired by workers from Anglian Water, appeared over the weekend outside the BBC Northampton building in Lower Mounts.
Two lanes of traffic have been closed heading towards the Grosvenor Centre for a short stretch and temporary traffic lights have been put in place near Northampton College and at the junction of Lower Mounts and York Road.

The pavement between the top of Abington Street and the job centre is also cordoned off with police tape, and the bus stop within the prohibited zone has been temporarily moved outside the job centre building.

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