The Zetas have predicted "Great Clarity" since this new phase began in early 2021. Let the clarity emerge!

SOZT The past couple months have been a phase shift toward clarity for those scanning the skies for evidence of the Nibiru complex. The Red Dust is charged, and thus seeks to cling to Nibiru or its Moon Swirls, even creating magnetic fields around these elements. Having the complex clouded by this Red Dust was considered inevitable. When out in space, this Red Dust would drag behind Nibiru, but when Nibiru slowed for his passage past the Sun it caught up to Nibiru and enveloped Nibiru and its moons in this fog.

Then in early 2019 the Petrol Bubbles arrived, though hints had been in view prior to that in Alberto’s photos. The Red Dust had arrived much earlier, being a fine dust and thus easily blown about, and also being magnetically charged being attracted to Earth’s magnetic field. The Lomonosov explosions on the surface of the upper atmosphere were captured on satellite images in February, 2019 and the Petrol Bubbles were appearing in a puzzled Alberto’s photos as dark smudges.  

Meanwhile, the fine Red Dust that clung to Nibiru and its Moon Swirls forced the use of filters for red spectrum light. Where these red smudges were found, there would be the bully magnet Nibiru or its moons. What changed over the past few months? The wafting tail, full of Red Dust and Petrol Masses, was blown close enough to the Earth to remove the Red Dust as a factor. The Red Dust was absorbed into the Petrol Masses - trapped there by the oil. Where the former view was blurred by a layer of Red Dust and then a layer of Petrol Bubbles, it now had been swept clean of the Red Dust.

In this new environment, a new view of Nibiru and its Moon Swirls and individual moons in a String of Pearls has emerged. Great clarity will be provided, especially as Nibiru continues to approach the Earth. The Red Dust would form into magnetic fields, which will now be absent from view.  Location vis-a-vis the Sun and general shape and size will be a clue. In the case of these recent photos provided by Marty, this is clearly a String of Pearls in apparent rapid motion. The motion is a factor of the Earth wobble, as it is the Earth that is moving. EOZT

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Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 27, 2021 at 4:37pm

August 26th 2021 SE Idaho 5:15PM - Playing around with some filters and came up with this repetitive setup. I'm not totally sure what is going on and the Zetas comments would be most welcome if they are available to do so.
[and from another]

This is not the first time that the Daily Earth Wobble has been caught on film. Shoving the globe in from one side to the other happens quickly. This has been reported by people watching the Moon jump quickly in the sky, and was captured on film by Gordon Gianninoto
in 2012 in a series of time stamped photos. Marty has captured the view of the Sun on the move. These are not Sun ghosts in the lens, nor objects in the sky, but the Sun shifting position in the view from Earth during a wobble move happening within seconds.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 20, 2021 at 7:09pm

Albert sends his latest. With a different filter. Alberto says "seem to be like one vortex." and I say "It is a vortex! Because Nibiru is retrograde, ie clockwise and its tail swings under the Sun in our view and then up along the left and over the Sun. Round and round"

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 20, 2021 at 6:16am

What looks to be Nibiru zoomed in with it's magnetics.You can kind of see some of the Square/Hexagonal type shape like in Albertos recent picture.

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 20, 2021 at 6:04am

August 19,2021 Sarasota, FL 5:33 PM.What looks to be Nibiru complex and what looks to be a good part of some string of perals and its magnetics or just some dominant moons.

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 20, 2021 at 5:57am

August 19,2021 Sarasota, FL 5:33 PM

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 19, 2021 at 9:27pm

Alberto's latest and upon color changes in the Nibiru Complex at 4 o'clock, one can make out a hexagon shape! If Mario was capturing Magnetic fields, overlapping, in July, then this is a similar phenomenon.

A Magnetic Field that has developed around a Petrol Mass does not have a solid core like a magnetized planet or moon. Thus this Magnetic Field around a Petrol Mass is temporary, and dissipates

ZetaTalk Explanation April 9, 2021:

What causes geometric shapes in the photo captures of the sky filled with Petrol? Alberto’s photos captured a year ago at times showed these hexagon shapes, or even rectangular shapes. Does the Petrol Mass itself assume this shape, or is this an illusion? Light rays are captured by the Petrol, and are directed by the shape of the Petrol Mass to go around in circles within the Petrol Mass. Like all particle crowding, there is the tendency of the crowded particles to escape in a burst.

Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 18, 2021 at 1:48am

Green Flash from Sunset Cliffs in San Diego.  Nibiru Petrol? 

via reddit@sipthestreets

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 17, 2021 at 7:40am

Was able to isolate it a bit more from Alberto photos I hoppe that was ok if not please feel free to delete

Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 16, 2021 at 11:35pm

Alberto's captures of Nibiru show it steadily getting larger. 

Comment by James of Idaho on August 16, 2021 at 7:11pm

August 16, 2021 SE Idaho 930-10AM Smoke filled skies and a warning to stay indoors to prevent lung damage . So capturing these took a bit of doing . Once again we see the moon swirl tubes as they dance about the sky and illuminate when the Sun's ray's strike the bend in the tube ....Enjoy

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