The Zetas have predicted "Great Clarity" since this new phase began in early 2021. Let the clarity emerge!

SOZT The past couple months have been a phase shift toward clarity for those scanning the skies for evidence of the Nibiru complex. The Red Dust is charged, and thus seeks to cling to Nibiru or its Moon Swirls, even creating magnetic fields around these elements. Having the complex clouded by this Red Dust was considered inevitable. When out in space, this Red Dust would drag behind Nibiru, but when Nibiru slowed for his passage past the Sun it caught up to Nibiru and enveloped Nibiru and its moons in this fog.

Then in early 2019 the Petrol Bubbles arrived, though hints had been in view prior to that in Alberto’s photos. The Red Dust had arrived much earlier, being a fine dust and thus easily blown about, and also being magnetically charged being attracted to Earth’s magnetic field. The Lomonosov explosions on the surface of the upper atmosphere were captured on satellite images in February, 2019 and the Petrol Bubbles were appearing in a puzzled Alberto’s photos as dark smudges.  

Meanwhile, the fine Red Dust that clung to Nibiru and its Moon Swirls forced the use of filters for red spectrum light. Where these red smudges were found, there would be the bully magnet Nibiru or its moons. What changed over the past few months? The wafting tail, full of Red Dust and Petrol Masses, was blown close enough to the Earth to remove the Red Dust as a factor. The Red Dust was absorbed into the Petrol Masses - trapped there by the oil. Where the former view was blurred by a layer of Red Dust and then a layer of Petrol Bubbles, it now had been swept clean of the Red Dust.

In this new environment, a new view of Nibiru and its Moon Swirls and individual moons in a String of Pearls has emerged. Great clarity will be provided, especially as Nibiru continues to approach the Earth. The Red Dust would form into magnetic fields, which will now be absent from view.  Location vis-a-vis the Sun and general shape and size will be a clue. In the case of these recent photos provided by Marty, this is clearly a String of Pearls in apparent rapid motion. The motion is a factor of the Earth wobble, as it is the Earth that is moving. EOZT

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Comment by James of Idaho on August 20, 2024 at 2:46am

Aug. 19th, 2024-Idaho New filter combo set up- Thank You Zetas!!!...👽👽👽

Comment by James of Idaho on August 19, 2024 at 10:00pm

Aug. 19th, 2024 - Idaho Nibiru and the double helix in motion.....videos included at link below:

Comment by James of Idaho on August 18, 2024 at 9:42pm

Aug. 18th, 2024-Idaho Nibriu and the Dragon's tail.....👽👽👽    Videos at link below:

Comment by James of Idaho on August 18, 2024 at 9:31pm

Aug. 17th, 2024-Idaho Nibiru and its helix tail.....👽👽👽  Videos at link below:

Comment by Juan F Martinez on August 18, 2024 at 8:27pm

Swirling Moons
written during the 2001

sci.astro debates
Why do the moons trail, and spin in a slow whirlwind behind Planet X, rather than orbit the planet?

In moons that have found themselves trailing their planet, bumping takes the form of increased circular motion. Collisions are avoided by more rapid motion. The moons of Planet X have assumed a swirl that perpetuates itself. This swirl, unique to man in any comets or planets it observes, is what caused the ancients to call the passing monster, red in the sky because of its illuminated red dust cloud, a dragon, lashing its tail, the swirl of moons.

Could these Moons whomp us during this passage, as had occurred in the past in the Asteroid Belt?

No, per the Zetas, because Planet X is expected to stay 14 million miles from Earth during the passage, and this means the Moons would come no closer than 5 million miles from Earth.

Tail/Moon Range
written Dec 2002
Where dust in the tail, and some debris the size of gravel and boulders, reach the Earth during this passage some 14 million miles from the earth, the Moons stay closer to Planet X. You can consider the Moons to be within 5 million miles of Planet X, as the maximum distance they will stray.

The path apparently differed in the past, when it went through the Asteroid Belt.

But a second reason the Moons will not impact us is that the Council of Worlds has plans for the Earth as a habitation and would prevent that even if it were possible.

GodlikeProduction Live
written Apr 15, 2006
We have stated before when questions of Near-Earth Orbit asteroids came up that the Council of Worlds has granted an exception, a waver in interfering with anything that would devastate the earth, snuff out life on earth, or start any kind of a chain reaction that would preclude life from continuing on earth. This includes large asteroids. Should something just drop into the ocean and cause high tides this is not the case. Should something drop on Earth, and open up a super volcano that would be the case. So we are telling you no such impact will happen on Earth that would cause an extinction level event, as it's often called.


More on X

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 18, 2024 at 12:29am

Comment by James of Idaho on August 15, 2024 at 10:58pm

Aug. 15th, 2024-Idaho Nibiru and a small segment of what a moon swirl tubes coming together look like in the double helix...👽👽👽    Videos at link below:

Comment by James of Idaho on August 14, 2024 at 6:09am

August 13th, 2024- Idaho - The magnetic field around the Sun...👽👽👽 

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 14, 2024 at 6:09am

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on August 12, 2024 at 3:07pm

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