The Zetas have predicted "Great Clarity" since this new phase began in early 2021. Let the clarity emerge!

SOZT The past couple months have been a phase shift toward clarity for those scanning the skies for evidence of the Nibiru complex. The Red Dust is charged, and thus seeks to cling to Nibiru or its Moon Swirls, even creating magnetic fields around these elements. Having the complex clouded by this Red Dust was considered inevitable. When out in space, this Red Dust would drag behind Nibiru, but when Nibiru slowed for his passage past the Sun it caught up to Nibiru and enveloped Nibiru and its moons in this fog.

Then in early 2019 the Petrol Bubbles arrived, though hints had been in view prior to that in Alberto’s photos. The Red Dust had arrived much earlier, being a fine dust and thus easily blown about, and also being magnetically charged being attracted to Earth’s magnetic field. The Lomonosov explosions on the surface of the upper atmosphere were captured on satellite images in February, 2019 and the Petrol Bubbles were appearing in a puzzled Alberto’s photos as dark smudges.  

Meanwhile, the fine Red Dust that clung to Nibiru and its Moon Swirls forced the use of filters for red spectrum light. Where these red smudges were found, there would be the bully magnet Nibiru or its moons. What changed over the past few months? The wafting tail, full of Red Dust and Petrol Masses, was blown close enough to the Earth to remove the Red Dust as a factor. The Red Dust was absorbed into the Petrol Masses - trapped there by the oil. Where the former view was blurred by a layer of Red Dust and then a layer of Petrol Bubbles, it now had been swept clean of the Red Dust.

In this new environment, a new view of Nibiru and its Moon Swirls and individual moons in a String of Pearls has emerged. Great clarity will be provided, especially as Nibiru continues to approach the Earth. The Red Dust would form into magnetic fields, which will now be absent from view.  Location vis-a-vis the Sun and general shape and size will be a clue. In the case of these recent photos provided by Marty, this is clearly a String of Pearls in apparent rapid motion. The motion is a factor of the Earth wobble, as it is the Earth that is moving. EOZT

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Comment by Nancy Lieder on November 20, 2023 at 2:47pm

Nov. 15th, 2023-Idaho- A question for the Zetas if they have the time. I am noticing a helix pattern in the clouds as of late . Is this due to Nibiru's gravity field enveloping the Earth and showing the particle flows within the clouds?
[and from another]
Idaho Helix 2023
[and from another]
Florida Red Light
[and from another]
Italy Explosion
A mysterious bright light appears in the sky in Monteromano, Italy. Wonder what was disbursed over Italy from the west?
[and from another]

What would it take to convince the public that Nibiru was a real and present danger? The cover-up over Nibiru is strong with hundreds assassinated to silence them. But lately Nibiru has been mentioned in passing on Internet forums because the rumor is that Nibiru will be admitted, forced to be admitted by some means. Russia would like to inform the public and has the means, but even with Xi confirming his statements this would be dismissed by the western press as political games.

We have stated that in 2021 the visibility of Nibiru would be undeniable,
and it was, but the result was a tightened coverup with more excuses from NASA’s think tanks. UFO’s are barely admitted, despite dramatic displays in the skies, with the excuses provided including Chinese lanterns and drones controlled by the public. Fleeting photos or videos are claimed to be CGI with plenty of experts on the payrolls to back up that claim. Even the wobble, with the Sun rising and setting out of place, is not sufficient because it is ignored by the media, thus in essence denied.

Dramatic Displays of burning petrol visible to the public increased in 2021 with Alberto’s dramatic capture
of Nibiru with its Double Helix, but such displays are treated by the coverup as burning meteors or space junk returning to Earth. Given that Nibiru itself is shrouded by Red Dust and Petrol so is seldom fully visible, how can the coverup be broken? A barrage of burning Petrol in the sky, worldwide and in a vast display so that all excuses fail, would bring the subject into the open, and will be tried next.

Prior Hexagram ZT:
What is the significance of an octagonal UFO seen over a Chinese city? On March 15, 2018 a hexagon UFO was filmed next to the ISS. A hexagon UFO was also present next to the ISS in February, 2015. Distinct geometric shapes, especially where displayed where they will be recorded on film, are used to convey a message to a broad audience, as they are rare and undeniable.  The ISS has sleeping quarters for 6, though it can for a short time host more astronauts. The hexagon UFOs that have visited the ISS are telepathically warning those aboard that they are in danger from the debris in the tail of Nibiru.

Prior NibDogs 7/1/2023 ZT:
What appear to be cloud waves rising through a Sun Halo is a lower atmosphere phenomena caused by the dual effect of light rays coming both from the Sun and from Nibiru.  The familiar Sundogs are reflected light from the Sun bouncing off ice crystals. Now we have a mix with reflected light from Nibiru, which perhaps should be called NibDogs or a NibHalo. Since Nibiru rotates counterclockwise in a retrograde manner, this reflected NibLight is rolling upward and to the left. This phenomena has been noted in antiquity too, during the last passage of Nibiru.

Prior 9/30/2021 ZT:
This dramatic photo capture by Alberto shows what the people of Earth will soon be seeing regularly. We have referred to Nibiru as the Nibiru Complex because it presents many parts, all of them visible in this photo shot. There is the corpus of Nibiru in the center, a distinct orb that casts a shadow on the shade side. Then there is the Double Helix of the dominant moons on either side, twisting in this photo into a dark swirl of Petrol. A long String of Pearls is on the outer side of this complex, enclosed in burning Petrol so it casts a light down on Nibiru. Nibiru can no longer be denied.

Prior 7/31/2021 ZT:
But can a Petrol Monster in space, between Nibiru and the Earth, alight? The components of such a burn exist within the Petrol, in that there is always some oxygen captured in various compounds. Once alit by the heat of the Sun or perhaps an interplanetary lightning flash, a slow smoldering burn can start and proceed until free oxygen is no longer released. Oxygen can in fact be passed around, from first one burn to another, if the result of the first burn is fragile. What would the people of Earth conclude, seeing the sky on fire?

Comment by James of Idaho on November 19, 2023 at 9:42pm

Comment by James of Idaho on November 19, 2023 at 12:46am

Nov. 18th 2023-Idaho- Here we see where the moon swirl tubes cross forming an X shape in the 5 million mile long heliacal end of the MST......👽👽👽  Video follows below:

Comment by James of Idaho on November 18, 2023 at 7:08am

Nov. 17th, 2023-Idaho- Nibiru and it's lashing tail supporting Michael DiFato's Batrus post . You see how the lashing tail effects the Earth with Nibiru's influence ......👽👽👽   Video link below:

Comment by James of Idaho on November 18, 2023 at 6:38am

Nov. 15th, 2023-Idaho- A question for the Zetas if they have the time. I am noticing a helix pattern in the clouds as of late . Is this due to Nibiru's gravity field enveloping the Earth and showing the particle flows within the clouds?.......👽👽👽

Comment by James of Idaho on November 15, 2023 at 9:15pm

Nov. 15th, 2023-Idaho -From the Kolbrin....👽👽👽    Video at link below:

Comment by James of Idaho on November 12, 2023 at 2:29am

Comment by Mario Valencia-Rojas on November 12, 2023 at 2:17am

Comment by James of Idaho on November 10, 2023 at 6:09pm

Nov. 10th, 2023-Idaho-The daily debris field of Nibiru causing the Sun to shine brighter than what accords the order of light ...👽👽👽

Comment by James of Idaho on November 9, 2023 at 9:09pm

Nov. 9th, 2023-Idaho- Nibiru and it's 2 dominant moons seen through the helix tail.....👽👽👽  Video at link below:

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