Newsletter Addendum to cover all the August 13th related drama. This can be found in the Archives too (
August 13th
Mike Lindell held live round table discussions for 3 days straight going into August 13, in support of his prediction that President Trump would be reinstated on August 13, or at least in August. How did Mike conjure up this date? Let's take this deliberate movie script step by step. First, a report by Ben Fulford and others that Biden was denied entry into the Pentagon in April. The Zetas confirmed. It was reported that the US Military did not honor Biden as the President and considered President Trump to be the Commander in Chief.
ZetaTalk Insight 4/30/2021: This report by Fulford and other insider sources is correct. General Dunford was a Marine and solidly pro-Trump, but General Milley who was his replacement did not have that inclination. Milley was promoted to Chief of Staff of the Army in the past by Obama. These mixed loyalties have been described by insiders as embedded Deep State but in truth it is unrealistic to assume all members of the Military are of a like mind. Milley's reluctance to use the Kraken evidence to reinstate President Trump to the official position of President had become a sticking point. Biden had been a Double for some time, but prior to the 2020 election had become a White Hat Double to replace the Biden Black Hat Double that was out campaigning. This was a takeover of the Double persona by the Junta. Why did the Junta not straighten out the 2020 election fraud promptly, before the Inauguration of Biden? The Junta was dealing with a five front war and needed time to avoid exhausting the Military - CCP invasion, the Satanist Moloch worship, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and then finally the 2020 election fraud.
ZetaTalk: Insight 8/31/2020: The list of options for the Junta presented last July included having the Junta take over the Biden campaign. This has happened. Is this legal? The Biden campaign is now officially an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is legal.
ZetaTalk Insight 5/31/2021: The Junta is preparing to overturn the 2020 election, announcing to the world that they had proof of election fraud in hand since the election occurred on November 3, 2020. As is patently clear, the US Military has never acknowledged a Biden Presidency, and with the use of Doubles a Biden Presidency has just been a well-orchestrated movie. President Trump never left office because the Insurrection Act was invoked on January 11, 2021 ahead of any swearing in of Biden. Congress is not in session or in power under Martial Law, thus the inauguration was invalid. The Junta has been dealing with multiple war fronts. The Junta had been hoping that the 2020 audits being done in the Swing States that were key in 2020 would prove the Biden Presidency illegitimate, but this is a slow process. Thus the Junta is preparing an alternative approach.
Then in July, President Trump held several rallies, and during one of them mentioned that he expected to be reinstated in August. This was reported by videos and news broadcasts from the New York Times and CNN and Reuters and USA Today kept this discussion alive. That Friday the 13th of August should be the date Mike Lindell set added to the mystique of the debate. Then an Emergency Alert System test was scheduled for August 11, heightening the expectations.
ZetaTalk Insight 7/31/2021: These rumors of President Trump's reinstatement on August 13 are a test to see how the public reacts. Mike Lindell is a respected self-made businessman, and thus his prediction is taken seriously. This is being watched, with portions of the public reacting in riots, an essential civil war, or just reacting in lively discussion and debate. The EAS test on August 11 is to bolster Lindell's prediction, with the implication that President Trump or the Junta would use the EAS to make their announcement.
Then an explosive announcement was made by General Lloyd Austin, the Biden appointed Secretary of Defense. He mandated that all Military personnel would be vaccinated by September 15, regardless of what the FDA decided about approval of the vaccines to be used. Biden and General Milley of the Joint Chiefs appeared to be supportive, but General Berger, the real acting head of the Joint Chiefs, stated his Marines would not be forced to take the jab. Per the Zetas, this was all to foment a public debate, so as to slide into a public admission that President Trump is still President.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2021: The gambit to force the US Military to take an experimental vaccine is not what it seems on the surface. The mRNA is so fraught with problems it will not get approved by the FDA, even in a Biden Administration, and the only vaccine that could be considered safe is Russia's Sputnik. Even though the current Secretary of Defense is a Biden appointee, Biden is a White Hat Double under the control of the Junta, and the Joint Chiefs is no longer headed by General Mark Milley, who was a Biden fan.
So who is calling the shots and what is this gambit about? We called the Mike Lindell claim that President Trump would return by August 13 to be a test. If the public reacted favorably, without civil war rumblings, then the US Military might move forward. What would be the excuse, or trigger, for such an announcement by the Junta? Statistically, there are more deaths among young healthy adults from the vaccines than from Covid-19 itself, so putting the US Military at risk is unwise. This fracas is to give the Junta an excuse for making the announcement that President Trump won the 2020 election and thus any steps the Biden Administration takes are illegal.
To add to the drama, on August 12 and into August 13, the website for the Joint Chiefs would on occasion be offline. This would go on for hours, then return. Per the Zetas there is a tussle going on between Biden staff and the Pentagon over what this website should say!
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2021: Was there an attempt to take over the Joint Chief's website on the day before the notorious August 13 reinstatement of President Trump? This website was down for over an hour on the morning of August 12. This can easily be arranged by the Pentagon because they control the Domain Name Server for .mil websites. Those in the Military supporting a return of President Trump had indeed changed the site to state that General Berger was the head of the Joint Chiefs, and no mandatory vaccination of Military personnel would occur.
When this post was discovered by the Biden Administration staff, a scuffle occurred. Of course, the office of the Secretary of Defense has access to the websites of the Military and quickly scrubbed the Joint Chief's site and returned it to espouse General Milley. Who are the players in this drama and what is the likely outcome? Biden is a White Hat Double under the control of the Junta. The Biden appointed Secretary of Defense - General Austin - is not a Double nor does he follow the Junta directives. He does what the White Hat Double Biden tells him to do.
The Junta as a block is pro-Trump and wants to reinstate President Trump. They hoped the civil route of audits and decertification by the states and intervention by SCOTUS would cause this to happen. General Milley - the current official Chairman of the Joint Chiefs - is pro-Biden and does not want the use of the Military Kraken evidence to be used during this political fight. In April it was reported and confirmed by ourselves that a coup occurred within the Military such that General Berger, a Marine, took charge of the Joint Chiefs.
As we have explained, the Junta needed an excuse, a trigger, to allow them to announce that President Trump is considered their Commander in Chief and argue the issue before the American public. A route was plotted whereby President Trump would proclaim that he expected to be reinstated in August, and Mike Lindell would publicize this date as Friday August 13. Much drama and exposure were expected and did occur. Next the White Hat Biden (under the control of the Junta) would direct the Secretary of Defense to authorize mandatory vaccinations for the Military.
Now on August 13 we have open conflict within the Military. More than just control of the website is required, however, for the American public to grasp the issue. More than just live debate hosted for days on end by Mike Lindell is needed. More than just the bulk of the Military standing up to the supposed Commander in Chief - Biden - and defying his orders is needed. We have predicted that when the New Madrid turmoil occurs toward the end of 2021 or early 2022 and requires Martial Law, that the Military will casually announce that President Trump never left office, and that no one will care.
There are other signs that President Trump will soon be reinstated. Pelosi is periodically rumored to be resigning, but this time there does not seem to be a reason. These fresh rumors emerged just ahead of the infamous August 13 date. And suddenly, on August 13, Jill Biden appears wearing a House Arrest boot. And finally, the Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin dated August 13 warning against terrorism threats. Can this all be coincidence?
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2021: During the cleanup of the Deep State, many key politicians were replaced by Doubles so the Junta did not have to prematurely explain what the Tribunals were up to. The thinking was that a replacement by a Double would allow a long running sting operation, catching more treasonous politicians as a result. At present we have Biden and Harris in the White House. We have Pelosi and Schiff and Nadler and Maxine Waters and the Squad in the House, and Schumer and Lindsey Graham in the Senate.
Each of these individuals requires a handling team, but there is insurance that the Double will play the script the Junta wants them to play. It was anticipated that eventually the whole story about Deep State treason and prosecution would be told to the public, but rather than clarity there have been more complications, so this moment of truth has been put off repeatedly. Since a Double must act like the original, if the Junta desires a different hand at the helm in the House, how to get the Pelosi Double to play that hand?
If the Pelosi Double suddenly seemed to have a change of heart about many issues, the public would become suspicious and demand the full story. At the moment, the Junta has spent several months fighting several fronts at once: Soros funded Antifa riots, CCP invasion in Michigan and Maine and in tunnels under the White House, Satanist child sacrifice for Moloch worship, and Deep State treason. They are poised to address the 2020 election fraud. They want to see a reinstated President Trump with a cooperative Leader of the House, so would have their puppet the Pelosi Double resign.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2021: The real Joe Biden was replaced to be a Black Hat Double by the Cabal in June 2019 when Biden appeared to have had a face lift. Then a year later the Junta stepped in to replace the Black Hat Double with a White Hat Double so that they could be in control if Biden was placed into office. During all these changes, Jill Biden seemingly remained at Joe's side, the faithful wife. In fact, she was intimidated and terrified, and cooperated with whomever seemed to be in charge and likely to point a gun at her.
What has changed now that Jill is wearing an obvious House Arrest boot? The claim that this boot had been worn for weeks due to an imbedded object in the foot beggars belief, as who waits two weeks to remove a painful and potentially festering object? That this is being featured in the media now is because it has become one more obvious piece of evidence that President Trump is being returned to office. Jill's treason was her cooperation with the election fraud, and she indeed will have a trial at Gitmo for this cooperation. We anticipate a plea deal.
ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2021: Once again there is that date, August 13. The nexus is the tussle between the Junta and the Biden Administration to force the issue of the 2020 election fraud and the legitimacy of President Trump's win into the media and in front of the American people. This heightened terrorism alert is a reaction to the real progress that Mike Lindell made. The Biden Administration has tried to appoint pro-Biden people and this Homeland Security Secretary is not wanting to be replaced during a President Trump return. Anyone marching or protesting in a pro-Trump rally will be considered a terrorist. Simple as that.
Commandant of the Marines General Berger issues guidance to implement Secretary of Defense Austin's mandatory Covid-19 vaccination of Marine Corps (September 1, 2021)
"All non-exempt active component personnel will achieve full vaccination no later than 90 days from the date of ref (c) [Aug 30, 2021]"
"all non-exempt reserve component personnel will achieve full vaccination no later than 120 days from the date of ref (c) [Aug 30, 2021]"
"FDA Licensed vaccine(s) are the only vaccine(s) that can be mandated for DoD personnel at this time"
Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Of Marine Corps Active And Reserve Components
1. This MARADMIN provides guidance to Marine Corps active and reserve components to implement Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)-directed mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination of Department of Defense (DoD) service members
3.a. Per refs (b) and (c), all Marine Corps active and reserve component (Active Reserve, Selected Marine Corps Reserve, and Individual Mobilization Augmentee) service members shall be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless medically or administratively exempt. All non-exempt active component personnel will achieve full vaccination no later than 90 days from the date of ref (c), and all non-exempt reserve component personnel will achieve full vaccination no later than 120 days from the date of ref (c).
3.b. COVID-19 vaccines that have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensure are mandated for all DoD service members by ref (b). FDA Licensed vaccine(s) are the only vaccine(s) that can be mandated for DoD personnel at this time. However, service members who voluntarily receive a complete initial series of an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID-19 vaccine, or a vaccine included in the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use Listing, will meet the requirements of refs (b) and (c) and this MARADMIN.
9. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps total force.
10. This MARADMIN remains in effect until canceled.
11. Release authorized by General David H. Berger, Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directs military departments to begin immediate mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations of all service members- active duty, Guard or Reserve (August 24, 2021)
The Pentagon press secretary said only FDA-approved vaccines will be mandatory.
Memorandum for Senior Pentagon Leadership, Commanders of the Combatant Commands, Defense Agency and DOD Field Activity Directors
Subject: Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of Department of Defense Service Members
"After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people."
"I therefore direct the Secretaries of the Military Departments to immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces under DoD authority on active duty or in the Ready Reserve, including the National Guard, who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Service members are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose vaccine. Those with previous COVID-19 infection are not considered fully vaccinated. Mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 will only use COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance. Service members voluntarily immunized with a COVID-19 vaccine under FDA Emergency Use Authorization or World Health Organization Emergency Use Listing in accordance with applicable dose requirements prior to, or after, the establishment of this policy are considered fully vaccinated."
"Mandatory vaccination of Service members will be subject to any identified contraindications and any administrative or other exemptions established in Military Department policy."
"The Secretaries of the Military Departments should impose ambitious timelines for implementation. Military Departments will report regularly on vaccination completion using established systems for other mandatory vaccine reporting."
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