Same pic with PX at 5 o'clock

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Comment by Selim KARABIYIK on July 4, 2011 at 12:11pm

Hi Gioavanni. You are welcome.

Just a couple of days ago, I had to measure the angles in Stansilav's images with a protractor on the screen and other processes really killed me. I followed the link in one of the YouTube videos where a guy was talking about this free software. You can download it from the link below. Please, don't forget to download the help file separately and install it, as well. It is a very good program, one needs to do lots of experimentation , though.

Have Fun


Comment by Giovanni Baele on July 4, 2011 at 12:01pm
Hi Selim. Thank you so much for your explanation, that's pro advise;-). What is the program you use to check this out please. I remarked also that between the 2 pictures there was a difference of place of PX to te sun, the cut out was made from the second picture. Have a nice day
Comment by Selim KARABIYIK on July 4, 2011 at 11:44am

Hi Gioavanni. Like you, I have been after PX, but what I have got is only reflections and flares and some nice panoramic sunsets. I haven't given up, though. I studied your pictures twice to make the measures more precise. The angle of the second object below the sun changes, which mustn't. My conclusion is that, unfortunately (or fortunately), it is a reflection.

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