Hello friends! I've just joined this group. I'm from Chile, which suffered a big earthquake and tsunami. I live in a city which underwent not one, but 3 tsunamis, named Talcahuano. After reading a lot, and having contacts with contactees, I had learned that Chile was going to go up, so the ocean wasn't going to flood it entirely. But after reading zetatalk i lost hope, since it says there that as a new continent is going to emerge to the south of Chile, the waves are going to be so big that nothing is going to stop them, only the highest places in The Andes Mountains, and these are not safe places either, since there won't be enough oxygen. What do you think about this? I also have a house in the country side, far from the sea, but I guess that'll be useless too. Love to everyone and keep safe and happy.

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Thank you Brian. i had already read that, but I refreshened it. We'll try to keep safe and so do you.
Alex, I have a lot of faith. I think that you all are very good friends and I don't feel alone or strange now by worrying about future events. The fact is that one doesn't have too many people around to talk these things over, not even your own family!
'Ola' Norma Rozas ! Amo Chile ! I was blessed to visit (the middle third of ) your beautiful, long country for four months in 2004. I've just joined this group (6-13-10), and I empathize with your present challenge. It is very important to keep a positive attitude, as you are, and "be firm in (y)our hope", knowing that we are Spirit. ..and that "the only Real Security is Spiritual Security". Having studied zetatalk for a few years now, I know that the good Zetas advise Chile's residents to go high up (quite a few thousand feet, I forget how many) into the Andes Mtns., prior to the SHIFT, returning to homes afterward. And tho they do mention that some "mountain building" will occur there, I don't ever recall their saying that there won't be enuf oxygen in the mountains, or that you should go so high up that you wouldn't have oxygen.
The most stable part of Chile, I learned, is up in the Elqui Valley. Just recently, I was trying to find out what the elevations are back up in the higher parts of Elqui. I've been reading Drunvalo Melchizadek's book:
SERPENT of LIGHT BEYOND 2012, The Movement of Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. I think it was in that that I, recently, learned that the Spiritual Center on Earth has moved from the Himalayas to the Andes, and the new 2nd chakra on the planet is/will be up in the Elqui Valley. You might look into that, and please review all the Zeta's comments, regarding how high up in the Andes to go to be above the waves. If you respond to this, I will reply. "May God guide you thru all hazards, and keep you smiling."
Peace be with you, whatever happens.
Dear Susan: I was so happy to read your comments and learn that you care for my country. I've signed up as a member just a week ago and I tell you, I'm so surprised at the human qualities the members have, mainly you. You know I'm quite worried about the pole shift coming. One can't leave everything behind and leave. Not everybody (not even your own family ) is conscious of these events coming up. Do you know which will be the signs? I mean, ¿will we realize before this terrible thing will happen? I'm a teacher, a wife, a mother and grandmother, so I'd like to know if we'll have some time to run or will it happen all of a sudden? If you know anything about this, let me know. Thank you very much for your words. A great hug for you.

Susan Canedy Gilman said:
'Ola' Norma Rozas ! Amo Chile ! I was blessed to visit (the middle third of ) your beautiful, long country for four months in 2004. I've just joined this group (6-13-10), and I empathize with your present challenge. It is very important to keep a positive attitude, as you are, and "be firm in (y)our hope", knowing that we are Spirit. ..and that "the only Real Security is Spiritual Security". Having studied zetatalk for a few years now, I know that the good Zetas advise Chile's residents to go high up (quite a few thousand feet, I forget how many) into the Andes Mtns., prior to the SHIFT, returning to homes afterward. And tho they do mention that some "mountain building" will occur there, I don't ever recall their saying that there won't be enuf oxygen in the mountains, or that you should go so high up that you wouldn't have oxygen.
The most stable part of Chile, I learned, is up in the Elqui Valley. Just recently, I was trying to find out what the elevations are back up in the higher parts of Elqui. I've been reading Drunvalo Melchizadek's book:
SERPENT of LIGHT BEYOND 2012, The Movement of Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. I think it was in that that I, recently, learned that the Spiritual Center on Earth has moved from the Himalayas to the Andes, and the new 2nd chakra on the planet is/will be up in the Elqui Valley. You might look into that, and please review all the Zeta's comments, regarding how high up in the Andes to go to be above the waves. If you respond to this, I will reply. "May God guide you thru all hazards, and keep you smiling."
Peace be with you, whatever happens.
Querida Norma Rozas, I know that we will have 3-5 days of darkness in the northern hemisphere prior to the
SHIFT, when you are having 3(-5) days of daylight, looking up at the "Bully Magnet"! I think, if I were you, I would
pray to God at dawn, as often as possible, . . do a novena, ie. pray at dawn for 9 mornings in a row, and listen for
inner guidance, for direction, for some place higher up, run and/or owned by more aware people. (As bright as
my Baha'i Friends in Santiago are, Alas! they all "blew off" the information and warnings I gave them, suggesting
this same thing....to find a good spot a few thousand feet up, and persuade the property owners to permit the
digging of the shallow, individual trenches (with STRONG, protective roofs, open at head and foot)that the Zetas recommend for us to lie in during the hour (or so) of the SHIFT. (The Zetas even said that the single Mom, now
ex-president knew/knows about what's coming...perhaps you could contact her. I would.) Get the women together. It's the women, some of them, who've got the wisdom. Buena suerte, querida una. Suzanna

Norma Rozas Leal said:
Dear Susan: I was so happy to read your comments and learn that you care for my country. I've signed up as a member just a week ago and I tell you, I'm so surprised at the human qualities the members have, mainly you. You know I'm quite worried about the pole shift coming. One can't leave everything behind and leave. Not everybody (not even your own family ) is conscious of these events coming up. Do you know which will be the signs? I mean, ¿will we realize before this terrible thing will happen? I'm a teacher, a wife, a mother and grandmother, so I'd like to know if we'll have some time to run or will it happen all of a sudden? If you know anything about this, let me know. Thank you very much for your words. A great hug for you.

Susan Canedy Gilman said:
'Ola' Norma Rozas ! Amo Chile ! I was blessed to visit (the middle third of ) your beautiful, long country for four months in 2004. I've just joined this group (6-13-10), and I empathize with your present challenge. It is very important to keep a positive attitude, as you are, and "be firm in (y)our hope", knowing that we are Spirit. ..and that "the only Real Security is Spiritual Security". Having studied zetatalk for a few years now, I know that the good Zetas advise Chile's residents to go high up (quite a few thousand feet, I forget how many) into the Andes Mtns., prior to the SHIFT, returning to homes afterward. And tho they do mention that some "mountain building" will occur there, I don't ever recall their saying that there won't be enuf oxygen in the mountains, or that you should go so high up that you wouldn't have oxygen.
The most stable part of Chile, I learned, is up in the Elqui Valley. Just recently, I was trying to find out what the elevations are back up in the higher parts of Elqui. I've been reading Drunvalo Melchizadek's book:
SERPENT of LIGHT BEYOND 2012, The Movement of Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. I think it was in that that I, recently, learned that the Spiritual Center on Earth has moved from the Himalayas to the Andes, and the new 2nd chakra on the planet is/will be up in the Elqui Valley. You might look into that, and please review all the Zeta's comments, regarding how high up in the Andes to go to be above the waves. If you respond to this, I will reply. "May God guide you thru all hazards, and keep you smiling."
Peace be with you, whatever happens.
Te envié un mail Rosita. Espero que sigamos en contacto. Cariños.

hola norma amiga chilena…. no todo es como lo pintan aquí... hay cosas mas grandes que están y estarán pasando un cambio grande que es para renovación no extinción…. para mas información si deseas conectase por esta vía rosamnaranjo@gmail.com namaste :0)
Dear Susan: Not only I have read about Serpent of Light, but I also read something about the Bahá'ís. Both impressed me most. But to reach the spiritual level you have attained is a difficult path. I'll do my best. A big hug.

Susan Canedy Gilman said:
Querida Norma Rozas, I know that we will have 3-5 days of darkness in the northern hemisphere prior to the
SHIFT, when you are having 3(-5) days of daylight, looking up at the "Bully Magnet"! I think, if I were you, I would
pray to God at dawn, as often as possible, . . do a novena, ie. pray at dawn for 9 mornings in a row, and listen for
inner guidance, for direction, for some place higher up, run and/or owned by more aware people. (As bright as
my Baha'i Friends in Santiago are, Alas! they all "blew off" the information and warnings I gave them, suggesting
this same thing....to find a good spot a few thousand feet up, and persuade the property owners to permit the
digging of the shallow, individual trenches (with STRONG, protective roofs, open at head and foot)that the Zetas recommend for us to lie in during the hour (or so) of the SHIFT. (The Zetas even said that the single Mom, now
ex-president knew/knows about what's coming...perhaps you could contact her. I would.) Get the women together. It's the women, some of them, who've got the wisdom. Buena suerte, querida una. Suzanna

Norma Rozas Leal said:
Dear Susan: I was so happy to read your comments and learn that you care for my country. I've signed up as a member just a week ago and I tell you, I'm so surprised at the human qualities the members have, mainly you. You know I'm quite worried about the pole shift coming. One can't leave everything behind and leave. Not everybody (not even your own family ) is conscious of these events coming up. Do you know which will be the signs? I mean, ¿will we realize before this terrible thing will happen? I'm a teacher, a wife, a mother and grandmother, so I'd like to know if we'll have some time to run or will it happen all of a sudden? If you know anything about this, let me know. Thank you very much for your words. A great hug for you.

Susan Canedy Gilman said:
'Ola' Norma Rozas ! Amo Chile ! I was blessed to visit (the middle third of ) your beautiful, long country for four months in 2004. I've just joined this group (6-13-10), and I empathize with your present challenge. It is very important to keep a positive attitude, as you are, and "be firm in (y)our hope", knowing that we are Spirit. ..and that "the only Real Security is Spiritual Security". Having studied zetatalk for a few years now, I know that the good Zetas advise Chile's residents to go high up (quite a few thousand feet, I forget how many) into the Andes Mtns., prior to the SHIFT, returning to homes afterward. And tho they do mention that some "mountain building" will occur there, I don't ever recall their saying that there won't be enuf oxygen in the mountains, or that you should go so high up that you wouldn't have oxygen.
The most stable part of Chile, I learned, is up in the Elqui Valley. Just recently, I was trying to find out what the elevations are back up in the higher parts of Elqui. I've been reading Drunvalo Melchizadek's book:
SERPENT of LIGHT BEYOND 2012, The Movement of Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. I think it was in that that I, recently, learned that the Spiritual Center on Earth has moved from the Himalayas to the Andes, and the new 2nd chakra on the planet is/will be up in the Elqui Valley. You might look into that, and please review all the Zeta's comments, regarding how high up in the Andes to go to be above the waves. If you respond to this, I will reply. "May God guide you thru all hazards, and keep you smiling."
Peace be with you, whatever happens.
Querida Norma Rozas Leal: Each of us has a slightly different karmic path. I am lucky to be on the path of Grace.
That's all. Did you read my rather long composition called "This Day of God"? We aren't supposed to mention
religion. I stand corrected. I just wish I could assist you & other beautiful Chileans/Chilenos at this time.
All I can do, really, is envision you SAFE. Buena suerte. Susan

Norma Rozas Leal said:
Dear Susan: Not only I have read about Serpent of Light, but I also read something about the Bahá'ís. Both impressed me most. But to reach the spiritual level you have attained is a difficult path. I'll do my best. A big hug.
Susan Canedy Gilman said:
Querida Norma Rozas, I know that we will have 3-5 days of darkness in the northern hemisphere prior to the
SHIFT, when you are having 3(-5) days of daylight, looking up at the "Bully Magnet"! I think, if I were you, I would
pray to God at dawn, as often as possible, . . do a novena, ie. pray at dawn for 9 mornings in a row, and listen for inner guidance, for direction, for some place higher up, run and/or owned by more aware people. (As bright as my Baha'i Friends in Santiago are, Alas! they all "blew off" the information and warnings I gave them, suggesting
this same thing....to find a good spot a few thousand feet up, and persuade the property owners to permit the
digging of the shallow, individual trenches (with STRONG, protective roofs, open at head and foot)that the Zetas recommend for us to lie in during the hour (or so) of the SHIFT. (The Zetas even said that the single Mom, now
ex-president knew/knows about what's coming...perhaps you could contact her. I would.) Get the women together. It's the women, some of them, who've got the wisdom. Buena suerte, querida una. Suzanna

Norma Rozas Leal said:
Dear Susan: I was so happy to read your comments and learn that you care for my country. I've signed up as a member just a week ago and I tell you, I'm so surprised at the human qualities the members have, mainly you. You know I'm quite worried about the pole shift coming. One can't leave everything behind and leave. Not everybody (not even your own family ) is conscious of these events coming up. Do you know which will be the signs? I mean, ¿will we realize before this terrible thing will happen? I'm a teacher, a wife, a mother and grandmother, so I'd like to know if we'll have some time to run or will it happen all of a sudden? If you know anything about this, let me know. Thank you very much for your words. A great hug for you.

Susan Canedy Gilman said:
'Ola' Norma Rozas ! Amo Chile ! I was blessed to visit (the middle third of ) your beautiful, long country for four months in 2004. I've just joined this group (6-13-10), and I empathize with your present challenge. It is very important to keep a positive attitude, as you are, and "be firm in (y)our hope", knowing that we are Spirit. ..and that "the only Real Security is Spiritual Security". Having studied zetatalk for a few years now, I know that the good Zetas advise Chile's residents to go high up (quite a few thousand feet, I forget how many) into the Andes Mtns., prior to the SHIFT, returning to homes afterward. And tho they do mention that some "mountain building" will occur there, I don't ever recall their saying that there won't be enuf oxygen in the mountains, or that you should go so high up that you wouldn't have oxygen.
The most stable part of Chile, I learned, is up in the Elqui Valley. Just recently, I was trying to find out what the elevations are back up in the higher parts of Elqui. I've been reading Drunvalo Melchizadek's book:
SERPENT of LIGHT BEYOND 2012, The Movement of Earth's Kundalini & the Rise of the Female Light. I think it was in that that I, recently, learned that the Spiritual Center on Earth has moved from the Himalayas to the Andes, and the new 2nd chakra on the planet is/will be up in the Elqui Valley. You might look into that, and please review all the Zeta's comments, regarding how high up in the Andes to go to be above the waves. If you respond to this, I will reply. "May God guide you thru all hazards, and keep you smiling."
Peace be with you, whatever happens.
I don't know if it's lack of expertice or just don't see it, but I can't find your essay about "This day of God" (and this is not religion, it's a fact). Could you please help me to get that?
Hi Norma Rozas ! I guess it's been made invisible w/in this Ning Chatroom, because of the quotations of new
sacred text. I'm happy that you want to read it, and would love to send it to you via snail mail, if you like....
Also, when in Chile, I met a wonderful woman named Ivonne, who lives in Santiago. She is smart and might
appreciate this vital information. Her # was 2233945. and another, named Josee: mariajosee@mi.cl. Then,
there was a woman named Mary Seppi, who, I believe, had land in the foothills, whom you might want to contact:
maryseppi@yahoo.com. Of course, this was 6 years ago, and there've been those big quakes....pero quizas you
will make these new connections.
Carino, Susanna

Norma Rozas Leal said:
I don't know if it's lack of expertice or just don't see it, but I can't find your essay about "This day of God" (and this is not religion, it's a fact). Could you please help me to get that?


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