A former Ning member had a good discussion on this topic, but must have erased it when she left.  So I want to repost some of my comments on the topic, along with some new observations, and re-open a space for this discussion.


This topic relates to defending yourself and your group after the Pole Shift, when desperate people and STS gangs will be roaming around looking to take whatever they can.


I will touch on a few of the main points I remember from the old discussion.  First, location.  This is probably the most important factor in defending your group/stores.  You want to be well-concealed, in a rural setting.  The Zetas have said these groups will receive assistance in that STS raiders will be unable to find those groups, and will be led away, or distracted.




Here is ZT regarding small groups:  http://www.zetatalk.com/xtime/x10.htm


Another main point is guns.  Some people swear by them, and plan on using them.  But what happens when the ammo runs out?  How much ammo are you going to carry, when space is limited? 


Here is a ZT answer in response to the gun question: 

The statistics on guns kept in the home are such that you are more likely to be killed by a gun in the home than by a stranger. If 43% of the survivors will be somewhat insane, if only temporarily, after the pole shift, then this applies to the head of household who holds the gun as well! Protection by angels, who cloak a survival community, cannot simply be calculated. Those who are highly Service-to-Other of course are more likely to get this assistance than others, as the Earth is intended to be their home in the Aftertime. Communities that are predominantly Service-to-Other or led by Service-to-Other individuals likewise will likely be assisted. We have stated that communities should do self-help and keep a low profile, be out of the heavy traffic lane, as to do othewise is not Service-to-Other but expecting the angels to do all the work, like a parent tending a spoiled child. Service-to-Other.




There is much more info about guns if you do a search on the ZT site.


There are many alternatives to guns.  It seems that pepper spray is a good idea.  It will take down the biggest men, it is quietly used, and easy to carry.  Of course, most should carry a knife of some sort also, as they are very useful in a survival situation, not just for defense. 


This should be enough to get us started...



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I was watching the new episode of "The Colony" last night, and was disappointed with their ability to defend themselves. The show is a group of 7 or 8 people put into a post-apocalyptic scenario, where they are dropped into a 10-acre deserted area of new Orleans. They are beset upon by hostiles (actors), but it was pretty real. There was some real fighting going on. I was surprised how far it went. At first, they were accosted by one man with 2 women, and he was demanding food for nothing in return. They even gave him some water and milk. When he wanted to enter their home for more, there was a scuffle, and he was sent packing by being outnumbered.

Well, later they returned with a mob of about 15-20 people, where they had the numbers advantage, and were able to overwhlem the colonists, and steal much.

What could they have done? Well, I'm not sure if there was a better place for their home base or not, but let's assume they chose the best place. They should have really tightened up the building they were living in, with only 2 or 3 entrances. When they saw the large group coming, they needed to hole up in their home, and force the hostiles through the small choke points, and defend against a few attackers at a time, rather than taking them all on in the open. Also, we don't know what level of violence is allowed in this "experiment". I assume a real attack like this would have killed all the colonists, and lost all supplies. And defense would have had better weapons. People aren't going to charge into a set of blades.

Another thing they could have done, is when they realized loss was inevitable, they should have regrouped, and focused on one of the enemies with pepper spray, taken that person down, and stolen the spray. Then they might have been able to use it to save some losses.
One of the posts I had on the prior forum related to mobility. If you spot a well-armed group coming toward your camp, the best option might be to grab what you can quickly, and abandon the rest. Then start over in a new location.

You could even hide some valuable items too heavy or bulky to take with you, and then return to your old camp later to recover them when it is safe.
Previously, I had noted my personal steps taken, as far as taking 6-months training in Muay Thai kickboxing. I'm also a fan of samurai swords. I'm not trained in their use, but my enemies won't know that. If I had to use it, I could.
... interesting Kris. I do not have a TV or would be involved in a show like this. However; it seems that a scenario such as this would be highly susceptible to the chaos side of the spectrum. Meaning that an acting situation is likely to miss the mark and more likely to leave someone to miss interpret such a situation. As you stated, the likely story may be much more horrendous than one anticipated! It is interesting that we would try to vision this in an acting situation, but not really?!
I think this discussion board will get a lot of hits as we are all interested in the input and response of this serious and compromising agenda. A discussion such as this could open up a few to the reality of STO and STS characteristics and mind set? It would be a tough lesson to defend against one that was truly in need and you could have made that difference? Lots of hard lessons on our true humane/humanity nature will arise I'm sure. Yep, where the cake gets cut alright! Love, Trust, Humility, and Kindness are also real good weapons for and of the Heart, Soul, Mind. May we all fare well in the times ahead for sure! Thank you for listening!
Mike and Maka
I think it might be wise to consider using a bow and arrows to defend oneself, or even hunt if a person had the skills. It's a low profile weapon, and may keep a person 'under the radar' so to speak. Everytime you shoot a gun, everyone within a mile or more is going to hear it, especially in a quiet rural area.

Because I am probably going to be on my own, I think the best defense is to fly under the radar, and be mobile, if necessary. I am thinking that right after the PS when the weather will be so horrible, people may be not be as prone to roaming as they will be later on, but that is just my guess.
There are really no alternatives to guns.. especially if the other guy has one. 99% of us will never be effective hand to hand fighters. 60% of us are probably elderly, overweight or both.

A .22 rifle is cheap, the ammo is CHEAP and you can carry 1000s of rounds. By the time you run out of ammo, everyone else will have also and the world will be a VERY different place. You need the gun to get thru the early years of chaos. A bolt action rifle is very durable and safe. A telescopic sight makes accuracy easy even for the inexperienced...when that breaks... go back to iron sights.

There is heaps of discussion on other sites about guns, calibres, etc etc. IMO they are a basic tool for survival. You need them for hunting, for protecting your crops, to protect your livestock from predators ( eg your chickens from wild cats and dogs). And probably lastly for defense from bad guys ( that is if you have done your PS preparation well). If you are still in downtown LA when the PS hits... YMMV.
I would think that the most basic survival tool would be our knowledge, our brains and how we use it. A gun is only a condition of using the Brain. IF, one can keep that condition out of the picture, I think all would benefit in the long run?! Fear is the one and only enemy we will have. If that fear can be changed to love and acceptance and the will to survive can be shared and freely given to all. I know there will be some that don't agree with this, but it is the only way we can make it work. This I am sure of!
I have read on several sites that wasp spray works really well as an alternative to mace or pepper spray.

The other thing that would be helpful is trying to form a "neighborhood coalition" of immediately surrounding neighbors that all agree to look out for each other.
Another point I remember making on the old forum, was about sentries. If you are in a small group, it is a good idea to set up night watches, not only for looters, but for wildlife. I know I would sleep a lot better knowing that at least one person was watching things.
Kris it was me who posted earlier on various guns,tactics etc. I would definitely NOT recommend the home-made gun! I've made and experimented with them, and 90% blow up in your face or hand area (we remote fired them).

One effective,easily made weapon, though, are explosive arrows. Use aluminium shafts and fill them with gunpowder or rifle bullet propellant. Buy some blanks, and get ones that fit snugly down into the shaft. Glue it in place, then glue a metal BB to the firing cap. Simple. When you fire the arrow, on impact the BB detonates the primer on the blank which then detonates the whole shaft, sending razor sharp aluminium splinters buzzing round. You can use it as a direct fire weapon, or as a type of light mortar, firing up and dropping them on or near the bad guys. If there's a group of you with them, this is highly effective, as they'll be wondering what the hell sort of weapon they are under fire from, and won't be able to locate where you are.

I'll try and post more soon.
can you post some drawins of these arrows??? sounded like a good idea:)

Mike Otway said:
Kris it was me who posted earlier on various guns,tactics etc. I would definitely NOT recommend the home-made gun! I've made and experimented with them, and 90% blow up in your face or hand area (we remote fired them).

One effective,easily made weapon, though, are explosive arrows. Use aluminium shafts and fill them with gunpowder or rifle bullet propellant. Buy some blanks, and get ones that fit snugly down into the shaft. Glue it in place, then glue a metal BB to the firing cap. Simple. When you fire the arrow, on impact the BB detonates the primer on the blank which then detonates the whole shaft, sending razor sharp aluminium splinters buzzing round. You can use it as a direct fire weapon, or as a type of light mortar, firing up and dropping them on or near the bad guys. If there's a group of you with them, this is highly effective, as they'll be wondering what the hell sort of weapon they are under fire from, and won't be able to locate where you are.

I'll try and post more soon.
and once again i would remind everybody about this site, its on the top 3 list of survival sites. you can learn everything from hiding in plain sight to make a very VERY effective firehole wich minimize smoke and gives max heat.... he covers every aspect of survival....


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