Unfortunately Haiti's earthquake happened during a mercury retograde which governs communications, logistics, borders, structures. Problems will arrise in these areas and has for Haiti. The retrograde has stopped so these areas should start to clear up within the week.
Indeed Dr. Gupta should be applauded! But I can assure you that most of the people judging them so harshly would NEVER be in Haiti in the first place, and if they were, most would not stay behind against direct orders intent on securing thier safety... Remember STO's work for the good of the whole, the larger group of people affected; if Doctors are attacked then thousands of victims may not be treated, possibly without medical care for months... If they didn't leave, and were attacked, all medical providers would be held/moved back away from the epicenter, thus the ones needing medical attention the most, would not get it! It's easy to judge, but not so easy to be part of the program.
I have a bag of tricks...Tapping & Breathing techniques that are strong and fast working... results in very short time. I can post them when I get a second.... I have been teaching my high school students just keeping it simple such as, when the world is going crazy do this..... When you are starting to have an anxiety attack do that..... I've been thinking that with all the people that will be off of their medications including all the anti depressives, anti anxietiy and pain meds and on and on....it's not gonna be pretty. We are going to need quick and dirty tricks to help others and ourselves come from a place of 'Center". 1st installment below... side note...I saw a saying today at the Kabbalah Center I wanted to share... SHIFT HAPPENS!
Lesson one- LEFT NOSTRIL BREATHS, calms/ engages the parasympathetic nervous system, cools one..... RIGHT NOSTRIL BREATHS activates/ engages sympathetic nervous system....... cover one nostril and breathe in through other.... long , slow and deep 4x starts the shift....10x deepens.... have them do as many as you can get them to do
Great advice Kathleen! Here's another "rescue remedy" you may already use, but may not realize it!
After/during a sudden "shock' our thymus gland function get out of sync and may need to be "reset". Notice how when observing a disaster you naturally clutch, or pat the center of your upper chest and automatically you repeat "Oh no, Oh my, Oh my God, Oh my"). By covering/clutching this area you are trying to protect your thymus gland from negative energy frequencies (sudden shock, fear, worry, greif, loss). The " patting" of this area is a natural shock remedy that overcomes negative energy and re-energises the bodys energy center. Below is a method you can use after suffering shock/PTSD (post traumatic shock) or depression, (or low energy); it's called the called the "Thymus Thump". I recommend you teach it and practice it with your family.
Locate the top of your breast bone just below the two bumps where your collar bone joins; with a clenched fist, pound this area rythmically several times, while smiling and thinking of someone you love; and at each thump, forcefully say "Ha-ha-ha". This will reestablish thymic dominance, and should be repeated 'as needed' during ongoing stress. If you catch yourself holding this area unconsciously, you are being exposed to, or creating to too much negative energy, or you are under to much stress (all of which which may be unconscious). Notice how when you have "a frog in your throat", if you allow yoursef to have a good cry/sob, the frog dissappears (the frog is an accumulation of negative energy), and sobbing helps reset your depressed thymus function.
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