Before the pole shift the lowlands of Europe will be assaulted as we can read in the
recall that Nancy had about major earth changes that will occur well before the pole shift or last weeks.
"As the Atlantic rips open, this causes water adjustments. First water rushes from elsewhere to fill the void, then piles up, clashing in the middle, so that a tide rushes toward Europe, assaulting the lowlands there"
And the Zetas gave an answer about the height of the tide.
During the hour of the pole shift we have predicted that coastlines can anticipate tides up to 500-600 feet due to the sloshing of the oceans. This is due to the exceptionally rapid movement of the globe, a 90 degree turn within the span of an hour. The severe wobble and lean to the left do not bring that rapid movement, but bring their own problems. The severe wobble will bring a twice a day swing, which is not the hour
of the pole shift but is a12 hour movement. These tides can be expected
to be hundreds of feet high, 200-300 feet, the the worst being where a
normal tide under the influence of the Moon is in process during the
wobble. The lean to the left will bring a pooling of water toward the
poles because the orbit of the Moon will continue, crossing over the
poles rather than round the Ecliptic. This will be slight, only a dozen
or more feet of difference. The tearing of the Atlantic, where there is a
sudden void to be filled by water which will then clash and rebound,
will cause something like a tsunami for UK and the countries along the
mainland. This tsunami will mostly strike Europe due to the Gulf stream
which is already in motion, pushing water from the west to the east. We
would anticipate a tide of perhaps 100 feet reaching the Netherlands
during any such tsunami.
My feeling tells me that this will occur soon, within 6 months.
And that those that live in those lowlands of Europe need to be ready for what will occur.
A description of the North European Plain can be found
here and a evelation map of Europe can be found
hereA evelation map of the Netherlands can be found
here and