Hi Nancy - I haven't said hello to you and wanted to let you know I keep you in my thoughts and heart and thank you for what you do. Best wishes as things ramp up... Hugs, Allie
At 6:08am on January 01, 2014, 06z2z1vq48uz9 gave Nancy Lieder a gift…
Nancy, "CTC" STS in Russia came out and did the 2 movies and were VERY interested in the Zeta Talk and the Ning. I will send the links when they are posted in September.
At 3:03am on May 17, 2011, 2vq3ton9he80e gave Nancy Lieder a gift…
Thank YOU, Nancy, for all that you have done and all that you continue to do! Your hard work is muchly appreciated!
If there is anything that I can do, it would be an honor to be of service.