Posting Guidelines:
Q: What is allowed on this Ning?
Q: When is the Poleshift supposed to happen?
Q: The Zetas have stated that the Poleshift will happen before 2012 (Dec, 21 2012)?
Safe Location / Preparation
Q: Where can I find a "Safe Place/Safe Location"?
Q: What should I do to prepare for the pending poleshift?
Planet X
Q: What is Planet X/ Nibiru ..?
Q: Why is Planet X/ Nibiru not always visible in the sky?
Q: How does the path of Planet X/ Nibiru looks like?
Q: What are the SOHO images showing?
1-10 Scale
Q: What is the 1-10 scale used by the Zetas?
Q: Where are we right now within the 7/10?
Earth Wobble
Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?
Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere-simulator?
Q: What is LISS (Live Internet Seismic Server)?
Group Formation?
Q: Is Group Formation allowed on the Ning?
Q: My relatives/friends etc. are not believing me, no matter what I try? Am I alone?
Q: My post/comment/discussion disappeared? What happened?
Q: I cannot sign in with my account anymore?
Q: I cannot access the PoleshiftNing anymore?
Q: How can I contact the Moderators?
Q: I cannot connect to Zetatalk?
Q: How can I make a backup of Zetatalk/Ning?
Q: Im receiving E-Mail notifications, how can I unsubscribe?
Q: How can I delete my account?
Q: What is this Ning about?
This Ning is providing people with information about earth changes, the pending pole shift, how to survive these events and the life afterwards.
Q: What is allowed on this Ning?
Q: What is Zetatalk? contains vast amount of information being relayed by the Zetas in answer to questions posed to their emissary, Nancy Lieder.
The "Zetas" are a alien species, originating from the zeta reticuli star system and inform mankind about the earth changes and the pending Pole Shift.
Q: What is the Poleshift?
Q: When is the Poleshift supposed to happen?
Q: The Zetas have stated that the Poleshift will happen before 2012 (Dec, 21 2012)?
"As we have stated that we are not allowed to give the date or timeline, any statement by ourselves as to say that a date is after the pole shift would be revealing a date or timeline. Thus, any such statement made by ourselves was only to encourage mankind to prepare, without delay, for what is coming. We are not allowed to give the date, but we are allowed to press man to heed our warnings." [Link]
"In that stating "before 2012" is in a manner of speaking "giving a date", this should be taken with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, we are advising people, as we have since the start of ZetaTalk, to take action, not to wait. Those asking for guidelines are most often those wanting to linger in comfortable jobs and surroundings, not getting their hands dirty with gardening or animal husbandry, not moving to the hinterlands but preferring to stay on the shores where life is more pleasant. Nancy gets requests to give advice on when to sell this or that stock, or if it is safe to dares to take a cruise or vacation. Where the issues should be basic survival, and how to care for injured and starving survivors, this is not the type of request that is well received. Get your ass prepared, and stop thinking of the exact date! That's our message to you." [Link]
"We will not give a time-line. We already admitted that our prior statement indicating that the passage was likely to occur prior to Dec 21, 2012 was a breach of that very rule (and thus the pole shift could occur after that date). Beyond this we cannot say. Could be any time. Watch for the signs, the beginning of the last weeks, as your clue. The last weeks will all occur within a single magnetic trimester. And the pole shift will occur at the end of a trimester, either the end of an April, the end of an August, or the end of a December." [Link]
"Our prior statements about the pole shift likely happening prior to 2012 must be taken in the context that we are not allowed to give you the date, so even this warning must be taken with a grain of salt. We are constantly trying to get humans who linger in their comfortable coastal cities to move inland into rural area and get into gardening. Take our warnings in that context. The pole shift could happen at any trimester, and theoretically could happen after 2012. [...]" [Link]
Q: Where can I find a "Safe Place/Safe Location"?
For the Poleshift:
Q: What should I do to prepare for the pending poleshift?
Q: What is Planet X/ Nibiru ..?
More info:
Q: Why is Planet X/ Nibiru not always visible in the sky?
Planet X is seen most readily at sunrise or sunset, when light in the red spectrum curves over the horizon and the glare of white light is reduced. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles. A recent post on the Pole Shift ning blog devoted to the analysis of new photos of Planet X had a recent addition from Rio. Planet X is in a different location in the Rio photos from photo captures in the Northern Hemisphere, such as those from Norway and South Dakota featured in Issue 213 on November 28, 2010. The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted, but it is a complicated picture! - Read more:
Funnled MoonSwirls
When can Planet X be seen naked eye?
ZetaTalk: Dead on and Deadly
ZetaTalk: Second Sun
ZetaTalk: Planet X personas
Q: How does the path of Planet X/ Nibiru looks like?
Q: What is the 1-10 scale used by the Zetas?
Q: What is the 7/10?
Q: Where are we right now within the 7/10?
Check the 7 / 10 Status on the left side of the Mainpage.
Q: What is the "Earth Wobble"?
Q: How can I understand the Magnetosphere-simulator?
Q: Is there a relationship between disturbances shown on the Magnetosphere-simulator and seismic activity?
Q: What are the SOHOimages showing?
Q: What is LISS(Live Internet Seismic Server)showing?
Q: Is Group Formation allowed on the Ning?
Group formation in any shape or form is FORBIDDEN. The PS Ning is for informational purposes only. Any member that will engage in networking or group formation will be immediately suspended without warning.
- You may not start group forming blogs or discussions of any such kind.
- You may not broadcast your safe location, exchange or post contact information.
- You may not engage in any activity that implies networking or group formation.
- You may not covertly, via private messages network or participate in group formation.
The PS Ning is in no way responsible for ANY outcome negative or otherwise of such activities. This is for your own safety, the Zetas have given their advice on the matter of group formation and that is what the PS Ning stands by. Zetas Advice
Q: My relatives/friends etc. are not believing me, no matter what I try? Am I alone?
Q: My post/comment/discussion disappeared? What happened?
If a post/comment/discussion disappeared, it was deleted by the Moderation. You may get notice via PM or Email, except if you tried to embrace any main establishment lies, where you will be suspended without a warning.
Q: I cannot sign in with my account anymore?
If you have trouble connecting to your account, it is most probably because you were suspended due to violation of the rules. Your content will be deleted, except if the Moderation considered it worth keeping. A suspended account can be reinstated, but will be only done if the Moderators decided to do so.
Q: I cannot access the PoleshiftNing anymore?
In some cases, after suspension, the cookies prevent accessing the mainpage. However the PoleShiftNing is accessible without the need to sign up. So try to delete your old cookies. If you still have trouble, contact the Moderators through the contact form.
Q: How can I contact the Moderators?
You can send a PM to the Moderation account or use the "contact" formular on the tab-bar (on top of the mainpage).
Q: I cannot connect to Zetatalk?
Try one of the mirror sites of zetatalk:
Q: How can I make a backup of Zetatalk/Ning?
Q: Im receiving E-Mail notifications, how can I unsubscribe?
Open the E-Mail-Settings and choose which notifications you want to receive.
Alternative way: Go to "Settings" (on the right panel) > E-Mail
Or read a detailed description here.
Q: How can I delete my account?
Go to "My Settings", then scroll down the page until you arrive at the end where you see a "Leave Earth Changes and the Pole Shift" note.
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