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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

Accepted questions will be noted as such.

  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 51327

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Replies to This Discussion


Scientists are saying that the largest ozone hole ever detected over the North Pole closed after opening about 5 weeks ago.  The excuse was the unusual Polar Vortex that stayed trapped in that region all winter.  Knowing they invented that term to describe the increasingly severe wobble, I don't buy it.  They then go on to use their tired excuse of Climate Change to explain why the Antarctic ozone hole is shrinking due to abnormal heat.  Would the Zetas care to answer what really caused these ozone issues?  Can we expect more of this as the wobble gets worse?


Declined as this suddenly-worse and then suddenly-fixed scenario is just wobble related. Like the Arctic Ice going in the wrong direction ( which likewise was clearly the wobble. As long as the cover-up over Nibiru continues we will get worthless discussions on cause. Even when the bull shit cover-up is shot full of holes, we will still hear these sputtering arguments as to "cause" for all the Earth changes.

By the time the 7 of 10 scenarios have marched around the Equator to the point that Africa has separated from its ties to Europe and the Mediterranean and dropped, many dramas will have played out in the corridors of power.  These forces, to tell and not to tell, rise and fall like waves, together. But if for no other reason than that obvious plate movements have occurred, and in accordance with our predictions, the early 7 of 10 scenarios will force a change. This is clearly not Global Warming, nor the loss of the ozone layer, nor is this caused by solar emissions as historically a solar maximum does not cause plate movements. All this is bolstered by a severe wobble, where the Sun and Moon are out of place and so much under discussion that it will be a topic as common as the increasingly erratic weather.

Shaun Kazuck said:

Scientists are saying that the largest ozone hole ever detected over the North Pole closed after opening about 5 weeks ago.  T

Accepted via email: 

I was looking some pictures of Jared before 2020 and late 2019. Seems like Jared is not Jared anymore. I mean looks like He is not the same person in fact He is not! Is this was a move by the White Hats or was a move by the DS? Also, we all know about the Kushner bloodline and the ties with the Israel elite community. So maybe Bibi or GS behind the Jared replacement? I can see some differences in the teeth (the two pronounce front teeths in the double and almost a perfect smile in the real one, the dimples in the cheeks of the real Jared ain't in the lastest appearance of Jared (double). The ears and the eyebrows has some differences also. Maybe I'm wrong but even the lips and chin are not the same.
[and from another]
[and from another]
Jared Kushner identified as senior White House official whose security clearance was denied by career officials
April 3, 2019
The senior White House official whose security clearance was denied last year because of concerns about foreign influence, private business interests and personal conduct is presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, according to people familiar with documents and testimony provided to the House Oversight Committee.

As Chief of Staff Kelly determined when pushing back against a security clearance for Jared, Jared’s loyalties were not to his father-in-law but to the Soros group, and this caused repeated conflict within the West Wing. Jared appears to have a slightly different face recently, and has been replaced, in public, with a Double who can be counted on to follow the script. Previously, Jared would say one thing to President Trump, but follow his own agenda when put into a power position. Neither Jared nor Ivanka have been arrested, but Jared has been neutered.

Trudeau's double bans guns
The Trudeau government has announced a ban on over 1500 types of rifles yet the ban is voluntary to some degree. We have been told that Trudeau is a double so who really is behind the gun ban? Is this a planet x related move to disarming the public and if so why the wishy washy move? Is the double trying to appease both sides by agreeing to the ban but yet giving gun owners a chance to hold on to their firearms?

The Double is not making any decisions but is a total puppet, as they all are. The UK marines are running the show in the UK and Canada. And from what the Dark Judge has recently said, Q is at the head in all of this. Thus just interpret this from the standpoint of an anti-riot move, anticipating the New Madrid rip and chaos in the US, and wanting to guard against riots in Canada. Question thus declined. 

Carlos Villa said:

Trudeau's double bans guns

Accepted via email: 

Take a look at this radar screen capture from this morning for me, and maybe ask the Zetas. I uploaded it to YouTube, I thought “might as well” since it was also too big to be sent to you by email. My educated guess is that it was some sort of burst from rock friction below perhaps?  I did a little reading about Doppler radar just a bit ago. What gave me pause was that if those images are Doppler generated, I don’t know if rock friction charge or lighting would be detected by it. If there was a radar signature contour different than the original storm, it could be a radar so called “echo,”?
[and from another]
Happened on April 29th 2020. Strange “flash” registered within storm radar reading, with abnormal coloration that only lasted briefly [at 9:50]. You can see the New Madrid fault line riding along the river below it and New Madrid the town itself barely above and left of the flash, at the river bend. Happened about the same time an earthquake hit by Rutledge, Tennessee, visible on the map marked by the yellow spot.
[and from another]
“Echoes from surface targets appear in almost all radar reflectivity images. In the immediate area of the radar, "ground clutter" generally appears within a radius of 20 nm. This appears as a roughly circular region with echoes that show little spatial continuity. It results from radio energy reflected back to the radar from outside the central radar beam, from the earth's surface or buildings.”
[and from another]
The Current Radar map shows areas of current precipitation. A weather radar is used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow, hail, etc.), and forecast its future position and intensity. Modern weather radars are mostly doppler radars, capable of detecting the motion of rain droplets in addition to intensity of the precipitation. Both types of data can be analyzed to determine the structure of storms and their potential to cause severe weather. Precipitation type is indicated by the color - green is rain, pink is a mix of rain, freezing rain, sleet, and/or snow, and blue is snow.

The changing colors in a rain storm being displayed by radar represent the intensity of precipitation – a heavy deluge or a light drizzle. These colors range from green indicating moderate precipitation through to yellow and then red for a deluge. What would cause the radar interpretation to flash into red for a split second, and then return to green and yellow? Rainstorms take minutes, at a minimum, to disburse. Nor is this display related to the Radar Circles
that appeared in 2010, technically called “echoes”. These were caused, as we explained, by clumping particles attracted to the flow of magnetons.

The flashes of red on this radar image as it passes over the New Madrid Fault Line near the town of New Madrid do not represent a sudden deluge, but are a distortion of the feedback the radar software uses to determine precipitation density. The feedback was reacting to the emission of electronic screech that occurred during an adjustment in the border between the soft and hard rock east of the town of New Madrid. The screech is a flood of electromagnetic particles, similar to what radar uses when looking for the feedback from its radar probe. This was a false-positive, thus, reporting rain when it was feedback pollution.

Prior 2010 ZT:
Radar sweeps pick up matter, such as flying objects or even heavy precipitation. The white areas that look like spokes on a wheel are the lingering results of changes that the radar emissions caused in the atmosphere, a type of coagulation of particles that clump together and then have a dearth in between the spokes.  So what is the particle, and why has this not been seen elsewhere or previously?  The tail has petrochemicals in it, greasy elements, and charged dust.  The Australia radar circles are not caused by these greasy elements nor are they caused by charged dust in the atmosphere.  We have mentioned that for every sub-atomic particle that man is aware of, we, the Zetas, are aware of 1,000, such is mankind's ignorance. Thus, it would be pointless to name the particles involved in the radar circles. It is an accumulation of these particles, normally swept along with magnetons into the magnetic S Pole of Earth, that are clumping. 

Accepted via email: 

If the US comes under a severe EMP attack by Nibiru, will the administration blame hackers or deliberate infrastructure equipment from foreign adversaries? 
[and from another]
May 2, 2020: Trump Declares National Emergency As Foreign Hackers Threaten U.S. Power Grid
[and from another]
May 1, 2020: U.S. Moves to Address ‘Extraordinary Threat’ From Some Foreign Electric Gear
[and from another]
May 1, 2020
Trump issues executive order to protect power grid from attack
[and from another]
[and from another]
May 1, 2020
White House: Executive Order on Securing the United States Bulk-Power System
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in the United States bulk-power system.
[and from another]
March 26, 2019
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has the potential to disrupt, degrade, and damage technology and critical infrastructure systems.  Human-made or naturally occurring EMPs can affect large geographic areas, disrupting elements critical to the Nation’s security and economic prosperity, and could adversely affect global commerce and stability.  
[and from another]
April 10, 2019
These robust energy supplies present the United States with tremendous economic opportunities.  To fully realize this economic potential, however, the United States needs infrastructure capable of safely and efficiently transporting these plentiful resources to end users. 

On its face, President Trump’s EO issued on May 1, 2020 is addressing the vulnerability of the US infrastructure when using shoddy equipment manufactured by foreign governments, or when using deliberately faulty equipment designed to sabotage the USA. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the dangers of complacency. Faulty masks and tests
manufactured in China have been exposed. But at a time when Nibiru is causing more and more EMP assaults, might this most recent EO about the power grid be used to avoid an admission about Nibiru?

President Trump has rightly focused on the US power grid, issuing an EO on April 10, 2019 to facilitate energy independence and the distribution of oil, gas, and coal resources. This followed closely an EO on March 26, 2019 ordering an inspection and rectification of the grid re EMP vulnerability. The bases have certainly been covered. Why not, then, simply set about to replace shoddy equipment that might have been identified? Why publicize this possibility in an EO? The time when Nibiru can no longer be denied is close at hand, and President Trump and his Junta do not want to be rushed into an admission. Blaming shoddy equipment during any downtime buys them time.

Accepted via email: 

In Maine, after dark, there was a flash of white light that lasted only briefly, seen up and down the coastline and much discussed on FaceBook. There was no boom sound. Was this a skyquake? Or related to shifting plate movement? It was like a strobe light, but huge though very brief.
[and from another]
In the context of light pollution, skyglow arises from the use of artificial light sources, including electrical (or rarely gas) lighting used for illumination and advertisement and from gas flares Light propagating into the atmosphere directly from upward-directed or incompletely shielded sources, or after reflection from the ground or other surfaces, is partially scattered back toward the ground, producing a diffuse glow that is visible from great distances. Skyglow from artificial lights is most often noticed as a glowing dome of light over cities and towns, yet is pervasive throughout the developed world.
[and from another]
Skyquakes are unexplained reports of a phenomenon that sounds like a cannon, trumpet or a sonic boom coming from the sky. They have been heard in several locations around the world.
[and from another]
The reason why sky looks blue during the day is because when the sun rays hit the atmosphere they get scattered into their constituent colors and it's the blue color that scatters the most so we see that the sky is largely blue.

This mystery can be solved by the process of elimination. This could have been lightning creating a flash except for the lack of a thunder clap or visible lightning snaking down to the ground or across the sky. It was not lightning. It could have been earthquake lights except this light did not precede any perceptible earthquake. It was not related to an earthquake. It was not ground movement, it was air movement that was perceived. Nor was it related to the booms that accompany heaving land
or water during plate movements. This was light, not sound, that was perceived. This was not related to plate movement elsewhere.

This was not an aurora, as though these are increasingly seen at lower latitudes, they linger and are not brief. Nor are they a single color, this color being white. Skyglow, the light pollution seen over cities where light is reflected back from a cloud cover, did not occur as no large city or light source existed under the flash point. We have, because of Nibiru’s vast tail, had glowing neon clouds and spirals in the sky. We have also had debris, an increase in bolides that are visible for miles. This light strobe did not result from any of this.

But the Lomonosov petrol bubbles that are increasingly arriving
to explode on the Earth’s outer atmosphere does account for this light flash. These explosions are brief, with light that scatters in all directions. Unlike Bolides or mid-air airplane explosions, which are visible as yellow or orange in color, an explosion on the edge of the outer atmosphere results in disbursed light rays and merges with the predominant blue light color of the sky. The result is white light. As Alberto has noted, the Lomonosov petrol bubbles are clouding his camera view. There will be more such
Lomonosov flashes in the skies.

Prior 1996 ZT:
Pre-cataclysm booms are caused by heaving in large bodies of water. Earthquakes where plates are compressing are measured by humans as the friction causes jolting, but for every compression adjustment there is, somewhere, a widening in a rift. Most often these rifts lie underwater, as water fills low lying places. A widening rift does not jolt the bordering plates, it is a silent adjustment. However, the sea water rushing to fill the new void has an effect on the air masses above, creating a thin air mass and causing the air on all sides of this thin air space to rush in, and clap!

ZetaTalk Explanation 2/28/2020:
Petrol bubbles are not controlled by gravity, and just as oil floats on water and just as methane gas rises high in the atmosphere, will seek to stay high in the Earth’s atmosphere. What then causes the neon clouds to descend, and what caused the lower atmosphere explosions seen in Clermont County? The petrol bubbles are chasing ahead of the rest of the tail trash, in essence trying to stay above the density of the trash. They would prefer to stay above Earth’s atmosphere, but during a heavy tail swipe, are caught between these two forces, and take the less dense route. More petrol bubble explosions can be anticipated, which will be excused as a type of lightning strike, accompanied by electrical disturbance.

Accepted via email: 

The Judge said that they (the White Hats) can stop Nibiru. I'm wondering if it's true or just a joke. What the Zetas say about that?
[and from another]
Would the Zetas care to comment on the RDJ stating that Nibiru can be stopped?
[and from another]
We have ways of stopping Nibiru.
[and from another]
Asked in 1980 why the Secret had yet to be released, Pope John Paul II told a German audience:
‘Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.’

When someone tells you to continue prepping but not to worry, that’s when you start to worry because you are not being given the truth. We appreciate the Judges admitting that Nibiru exists. We appreciate them telling the public they should continue prepping. But stopping Nibiru, by deflecting it
with nukes or attempting to disintegrate a planet 23 times as massive as the Earth and 5 times the diameter of Earth has been tried and FAILED. This is an inhabited planet,
and the Council of Worlds does not allow one inhabited planet to destroy another. It’s going to do a passage, so deal with it.

Not to worry is what the Catholic Church has been saying about the Third Secret of Fatima.
Pope John Paul II tipped their hand when he told a German audience in 1980: “if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message.” The most the establishment can promise is that inbound debris
will be countered and disintegrated, as Chelyabinsk

Not to worry forces a placated populace into panic when the moment strikes, as the public did when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, rushing out to buy toilet paper as though this would save them. Rather, the public should be told their salvation lies in community gardens and flocks of chickens, learning how to save seed and rebuild shelters with hand tools, and preparing to move away from the coastlines when the Last Weeks arrive or preparing for houseboat communities, as the oceans have already become lush from Nibiru’s iron rich dust.

We presume this statement by the Judges about stopping Nibiru is a test, though we are unlikely to ever know as the whole issue is “classified”. Faced with the toilet paper panic in the US when the lockdowns were announced and the starvation in Venezuela when the price of oil plunged and the social welfare system collapsed, the establishment does not know how to proceed. Test 1 was total denial of Nibiru. Fail. Test 2 is admitting it exists but telling the public that daddy will take care of it. Fail. Test 3 should be more honesty.

Prior 9/23/2003 ZT:
On this day the US Government is planning to push Planet X away from its Point of Passage with Earth, changing its orbit such that it is diverted in its path to an increased retrograde orbit, which would take Planet X more quickly in a clockwise direction, averse to Earth’s counterclockwise orbit direction, thus avoiding what is termed a collision of sorts, a pole shift, a collision of magnetic fields in which the Earth would unquestionably be the loser. The much publicized death of Galileo, sending it into Jupiter with its spent payload of Plutonium 238, will be the cover for success in this regard, any flash of light, or shock wave, being explained to the public as a reaction to the death of Galileo. 

Prior 6/26/2005 ZT:
Billed as an opportunity to learn more about the early days of the solar system, when comets were presumably formed, this collision with a comet is anything but what the public is being told. Planned almost a decade ago, this was and remains an alternate means of nuking Planet X out of its approach toward Earth, to hopefully lessen the impact of the passage. The first attempt on Sep 21, 2003 was disguised as the death of Galileo into Jupiter, billed as potentially lighting the sky up, but a dud as it was disabled by benign aliens. The rules governing worlds such as Earth, in the early stages of their spiritual growth, are that they are not allowed to destroy one another. Despite being so warned, the US set out to attempt to nuke Planet X with a loaded probe, and failed. Chance of nuking Planet X out of its trajectory? Zero.

Prior 1/13/2005 ZT:
Of course, everyone anticipates that the remaining Fatima Secret, known to few except the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and Sister Lucia, who received the vision, will encompass the End Times. Just as with the cover-up, where admitting the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system and the likely outcome is inconvenient to those in political and fiscal control of the world, this suppression was done for convenience. Did not those who gave the children the vision intent it to be known?  It is for convenience that the vision is suppressed. Of course there is a reason to reveal the secret. People can chose to limit the size of their families, can chose where to live, can chose a profession or trade based on anticipated need, and in general can plan to love one another with more intensity if they are aware of what is likely to occur.

Hello Nancy and The Zetas,

Could there be any insight as to the more than a dozen children in city NYC hospitals who have a rare illness connected to COVID-19? Is this related or akin to Kawasaki Disease? With no fatalities reported among the New York City cases, is this just more fear posturing using a "concern for the children" linking it to covid-19?

I've read the first recent case of this disease was spotted on the West Coast much like covid-19 did. If so they Why NYC?

Insects carrying virus with the wind over hundreds of miles could explain the west coast cases (see study published 2011 below), but NYC.

"..The pediatric multi-syndrome inflammatory syndrome that has been observed in 15 NYC children who were hospitalized from April 17 to May 1." It's been considered a direct symptom of COVID-19.

"The syndrome resembles Kawasaki disease, authorities said, an inflammatory condition of the blood vessels in which children develop a high fever, rash on the back, chest and abdomen, bloodshot eyes, swollen hands and feet, swollen lymph glands and swelling around the mouth and lips."


".Kawasaki disease and toxic shock have been seen in patients between the ages of 2 and 15, as well as days-long fevers and inflammation.

Four of the 15 children tested positive for COVID-19, and six tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies, signifying a previous infection.

The city's health department may only be recognizing severe cases at this point, but one doctor familiar with the illness believes there will be many more to come".


Back in 2011 Starr DiGiacomo posted a study under the highly informative blog  "Disease outbreaks will increase as per ZetaTalk" showing then a study Kawasaki Disease:

First Posted: 11/10/11  "Researchers Find Surprising Link To Wind Patterns"

Part of a series investigating the complex linkages between human, animal and environmental health: The Infection Loop.

Dr. Jane C. Burns always takes her vacation in September and October. That's when, she says, there is a "lull in the action."

By action, she means the influx of children with Kawasaki disease that she has come to expect during summer and winter months. Similar seasonal patterns are seen in other parts of the world, but no one has been able to explain why.

Now Burns and her colleagues think they may have found an important clue -- blowing in the wind. Despite 50 years of research, the underlying cause of Kawasaki, a rare condition that involves the inflammation of blood vessels, remains unknown.

The interdisciplinary team of doctors and climatologists has linked large-scale wind patterns originating in central Asia to fluctuations in cases of the serious and sometimes fatal disease in Japan, San Diego and Hawaii. Their findings, detailed in the journal Nature's Scientific Reports on Thursday, suggest that when these particular wind currents reverse -- sweeping in from the south, in the case of Japan -- the number of Kawasaki cases drop. A close look at data from these three regions found no associations with other environmental factors such as precipitation, temperature or dew point.

"If the winds blow in one direction, there is Kawasaki; if winds blow in the other, there is no Kawasaki. It's very dramatic." says Burns, a professor of pediatrics and director of the Kawasaki Disease Research Center at the University of California, San Diego and Rady Children's Hospital.

Researchers are now looking at dust samples collected from winds over Japan in hopes of determining what virus, bacteria, fungi or other contagion -- live or inert -- ultimately triggers Kawasaki disease. And until that mystery is solved, no one can be certain of the wind's true role.

If the Kawakasi agent does, in fact, traverse great distances by wind, it would be the first known human infectious disease agent to do so. Dust plumes have been known to travel internationally. And some pathogens of plants and animals such as European livestock Foot and Mouth Disease and African Swine Fever can blow around, but only over relatively short distances, said Guy Hendrickx, managing director of Avia-GIS, a Belgian company specializing in spatial information for health and agriculture research. His own research has found that insects carrying Bluetongue virus will fly with the wind over hundreds of miles -- yet still not at the same high altitude and long distance suggested in the new Kawasaki research.


M. Difato said:

Could there be any insight as to the more than a dozen children in city NYC hospitals who have a rare illness connected to COVID-19?

Could there be any insight as to the more than a dozen children in city NYC hospitals who have a rare illness connected to COVID-19? Is this related or akin to Kawasaki Disease? With no fatalities reported among the New York City cases, is this just more fear posturing using a "concern for the children" linking it to covid-19? I've read the first recent case of this disease was spotted on the West Coast much like covid-19 did. If so they Why NYC?
[and from another]
Insects carrying virus with the wind over hundreds of miles could explain the west coast cases (see study published 2011 below), but NYC.
"..The pediatric multi-syndrome inflammatory syndrome that has been observed in 15 NYC children who were hospitalized from April 17 to May 1." It's been considered a direct symptom of COVID-19.
"The syndrome resembles Kawasaki disease, authorities said, an inflammatory condition of the blood vessels in which children develop a high fever, rash on the back, chest and abdomen, bloodshot eyes, swollen hands and feet, swollen lymph glands and swelling around the mouth and lips. Cohen is one of several local hospitals where pediatricians say they’re concerned about recent hospitalizations of previously healthy children who have become critically ill with the same features, resembling Toxic Shock Syndrome and Kawasaki disease, an autoimmune sickness that can be triggered by a viral infection and if not treated quickly, can cause life-threatening damage to the arteries and the heart. 
[and from another]
Kawasaki disease and toxic shock have been seen in patients between the ages of 2 and 15, as well as days-long fevers and inflammation. Four of the 15 children tested positive for COVID-19, and six tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies, signifying a previous infection. The city's health department may only be recognizing severe cases at this point, but one doctor familiar with the illness believes there will be many more to come.
[and from another]
Back in 2011 Starr DiGiacomo posted a study under the highly informative blog "Disease outbreaks will increase as per ZetaTalk" showing then a study Kawasaki Disease.
[and from another]
11/10/11 Researchers Find Surprising Link To Wind Patterns
[and from another]
[and from another]
In response to an unknown trigger, the immune system may begin producing antibodies that instead of fighting infections, attack the body's own tissues. Treatment for autoimmune diseases generally focuses on reducing immune system activity.
[and from another]
Dr. Jane C. Burns always takes her vacation in September and October. That's when, she says, there is a "lull in the action." By action, she means the influx of children with Kawasaki disease that she has come to expect during summer and winter months. Similar seasonal patterns are seen in other parts of the world, but no one has been able to explain why. Now Burns and her colleagues think they may have found an important clue -- blowing in the wind.
[and from another]

It is well known that a virus can incite an auto-immune reaction in the human body. Acute episodes of Multiple Sclerosis most often follow a cold or flu. Guillain-Barre paralysis is associated with a stomach flu or seasonal flu virus, as the surge in cases during the 1976 swine flu vaccinations showed. The vaccine was withdrawn due to this surge. Nancy still bears the aftereffects of Guillain-Barre, when all in the household had a stomach flu but she only became temporarily quadriplegic.

Autoimmune reactions occur because the immune system cannot clearly differentiate between the germ or allergen and some cell type in the human body. This is not a weak immune system, it is an over-reactive and robust immune system. The Covid-19 virus has the characteristic of inciting an over-reaction. Thus older individuals, who have an immune memory of mustering an attack against corona virus in the past are suffering from cytokine storms – an inflammatory reaction during an immune response.

Notably the auto-immune reaction comes AFTER the exposure to the virus, AFTER the initial fight between the immune system and the virus is engaged. Auto-immune is a secondary reaction. The immune system engages the primary enemy, the virus, but by association some cell type has been tagged as a RELATED enemy. Can this cell type be eliminated? No, because it is inherent in the human body. Thus a lingering inflammation ensues, which can be broken by anti-inflammatory meds such as Prednisone or diminished by the passage of time.

Accepted via email: 

Moreover, even though the vaccine does not yet exist, Denmark has just voted the principle of forced vaccination. However, many people are asking themselves the legitimate question of the content of the vaccine that the establishment is trying to impose on them.
[and from another]
The ZTs explained that gates basically hung himself by telling the plan and naming names. Dr. Mikovits, a whistleblower teaches how the medical cartel had manipulated the system so they could kill the human population with a planned Pandemic.
[and from another]
Denmark rushes through emergency coronavirus law
March 13, 2020
Denmark's parliament on Thursday night unanimously passed an emergency coronavirus law which gives health authorities powers to force testing, treatment and quarantine with the backing of the police.-
[and from another]
Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video
May 8, 2020
Mikovits also accuses Anthony Fauci, head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a prominent member of the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force, of being responsible for the deaths of millions during the early years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The video claims Mikovits was part of the team that discovered HIV, revolutionized HIV treatment, and was jailed without charges for her scientific positions. Science fact-checked the video. None of these claims are true. 
[and from another]
Connections Between Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the WHO and the CDC – Relevant to Coronavirus Pandemic
April 8, 2020
Gates and his father for decades have been connected to George Soros and Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Dr. Fauci is on the leadership counsel for the Gates Foundation.
[and from another]
America, Meet Tony Fauci. HIV/AIDS Activists Have Known Him a Long Time
March 20, 2020
Under Fauci’s leadership, NIAID became the single largest funder of HIV/AIDS research in the world. His own lab’s research also has helped clarify fundamental relationships between the virus and the immune system.

When we explained why Bill Gates
was recently executed by the Tribunals, we detailed his plans to poison
selected portions of the populace with a vaccine. These rumors about Gates had long been circulating, and he and his partners had been watched closely while evidence was collected. Within the body of ZetaTalk we have also confirmed how the Bush administration tried to release the 1957 Bird Flu virus to incite a pandemic, a maneuver that was stopped. And it is well known that the CIA’s hand was at the helm when HIV/AIDS escaped Africa.

Now that the Covid-19 pandemic put the world on lockdown, fearing a repeat of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, there is talk of a mandatory vaccine to end the worry. There are several vaccines in human trials, in several different countries, and most of them will work. Testing is being expedited, with volunteers willing to be infected after inoculation. Thus, their availability by the Fall of 2020 is likely. These vaccines will be as safe as any, as all vaccines carry the risk of an adverse reaction. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccine, a mandatory vaccine, was withdrawn due to an increase in the auto-immune reaction – Guillain Barré.

Alarms have been raised about a potential mass-poisoning of the population because the hard working Dr. Fauci has been known to work with the Gates Foundation and been in photos grouped with Soros. Guilt by association. Of course those with evil intent try to surround themselves with camouflage. Gates was not an immunologist. He chose the best for his camo. Fauci's association with prior pandemics comes from his expertise and work ethic, not from any evil intent. He strikes an appropriate balance with President Trump, who is a visionary leading the world out of the lockdown nightmare, by recommending traditional safety brakes.

Prior ZT:
There have long been rumors that Gates had plans to murder much of humanity via vaccines, to sculpt humanity to suit the New World Order crowd of which he is a member. Where Gates holds stock in the Pirbright Institute, they did not create the Covid-19 virus nor release it in China nor expedite its spread. But Gates, as others, correctly anticipated the wild animal mix in the wet markets in China giving birth to another virus similar to the deadly SARS. Gates is in trouble with the Tribunals not so much for what he has done, but for what he planned to do. 


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