Ground motion in the African plate is getting active, as of 2015/06/18

There are some stations showing active ground motion in REV in the African plate.


See also; 

* 7 of 10 progress

(1) Code, Name and Location of station (alphabetical order)

1) II.ABPO; Ambohimpanompo, Madagascar; 19.02 S, 47.23 E


2) II.ASCN; Butt Crater, Ascension Island; 7.93 S, 14.36 W


3) GT.BOSA; Boshof, South Africa; 28.61 S, 25.26 E


4) GT.DBIC; Dimbokro, Cote d'Ivoire; 6.67 N, 4.86 W


5) G.FOMA; Nahampoana reservation - Fort Dauphin, Madagascar; 24.98 S, 46.98 E


6) IU.FURI; Mt. Furi, Ethiopia; 8.90 N, 38.68 E

Big UnderGround Motion

7) IU.KMBO; Kilima Mbogo, Kenya; 1.13 S, 37.25 E

Big UnderGround Motion

8) IU.KOWA; Kowa, Mali; 14.50 N, 4.01 W


9) GT.LBTB; Lobatse, Botswana, Africa; 25.02 S, 25.60 E


10) IU.LSZ; Lusaka, Zambia; 15.28 S, 28.19 E

Big UnderGround Motion

11) II.MBAR; Mbarara, Uganda; 0.60 S, 30.74 E

Serration wave

12) MN.RTC; Rabat, Morocco; 33.99 N, 6.86 W


13) IU.TSUM; Tsumeb, Namibia; 19.20 S, 17.58 E

Lots of Jiggles

(2) Ground motion at each station

1) ABPO (Madagascar)

Big fluctuating on 2015/06/16 and 2015/06/17.

2) ASCN (Atlantic Rift)

Continuous fluctuating since 2013/02/13.

See a blog about ASCN posted on 2014/10/26.

Ground motion of three stations along the Atlantic Rift

3) BOSA (South Africa)

Weekly-Jolt at 13:30 on every Wednesday.

* See the following blogs about Jolt.

“A series of Jolt happened one week later again as an identical pattern” posted on 2014/02/23.

A series of Jolt

“Third a series of Jolt again! Now happening every 1 week.“ posted on 2014/02/28.

A series of Jolt again!

“Change of Jolt Appearance: Plate movement in progress” posted on 2014/03/29.

Change of Jolt Appearance

4) DBIC (Cote d'Ivoire)

Weekly-Jolt at 13:30 on every Thursday.

5) FOMA (Madagascar)

Fluctuating from 2014/11/09 to 2014/11/11, and from 2014/12/03 to 2014/12/05.

Recent seismogram in REV is unavailable, as of 2015/06/18.

6) FURI (Ethiopia)

Big UnderGround Motion on 2014/11/03.

See a blog about Big UnderGround Motion.

Big Under Ground Alteration Around the world

7) KMBO (Kenya)

Big UnderGround Motion on 2014/05/18.

Recent seismogram in REV is unavailable, as of 2015/06/18.

8) KOWA (Mali)

Fluctuating since 2014/11/02, which is continuing as of 2015/06/18.

9) LBTB (Botswana)

Weekly-Jolt at 16:30 on every Tuesday.

10) LSZ (Zambia)

Big UnderGround Motion on 2014/05/14.

Jiggle on 2015/04/15, 04/17-04/21.

Recent seismogram in REV is unavailable, as of 2015/06/18.

11) II.MBAR (Uganda)

Serration wave on 2015/06/10.

12) MN.RTC (Morocco)

Occasionally uneven from 2015/03/17 to 03/26.

Continuous fluctuating from 2015/03/27 to 04/21.

Bumpy, uneven with some fluctuating from 2015/04/22 to 04/27.

Recent seismogram in REV is unavailable, as of 2015/06/18.

13) TSUM (Namibia)

Jiggle(s) on 2014/11/02, 11/03, 2015/01/21, 02/05, 03/10, 03/18 and 04/05.

Lots of jiggles on 2015/04/06-08, 04/24-05/05, 05/09 and 05/11.

(3) Seismogram in REV

1) ABPO (Madagascar)


2) ASCN (Atlantic Rift)


3) BOSA (South Africa)

[2015/04/01, 08, 15, 22]

4) DBIC (Cote d'Ivoire)

[2015/04/02, 09, 16, 23]

5) FOMA (Madagascar)

[2014/11/09-11/13, 12/03-12/05]

6) FURI (Ethiopia)

[2014/11/03, 2015/06/18]

7) KMBO (Kenya)


8) KOWA (Mali)

[2014/11/02, 11/20, 12/05, 2015/01/09, 02/21, 03/17, 04/11, 05/11, 05/28-06/18]

9) LBTB (Botswana)

[2015/03/31, 04/07, 04/14, 04/21]

10) LSZ (Zambia)


[2015/04/15, 04/17-04/21]

11) II.MBAR (Uganda)

[2015/06/09-11, 06/18]

12) MN.RTC (Morocco)

[2015/03/18, 03/22, 3/27-04/27]

13) TSUM (Namibia)

[2014/11/02-04, 2015/01/05, 01/21, 02/05, 03/10, 03/18, 04/05-08, 04/24-05/06, 05/09, 05/11, 06/18]

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Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 6:34am

4) DBIC (Cote d'Ivoire)

[2015/08/01 - 10/02]

Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 5:19am

17) II.SACV; Santiago Island, Cape Verde; 14.97 N, 23.61 W

[2015/09/07 - 10/02]

Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 4:41am

7) KMBO (Kenya)


Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 4:40am

10) LSZ (Zambia)


Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 4:38am

13) TSUM (Namibia)


Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 4:35am

* Big UnderGround Motion

2015/09/08: TSUM, 09/22: LSZ, 09/24: KMBO

See also

Big Under Ground Alteration Around the world.

Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2015 at 3:47am

16) MN.TIP; Timpagrande, Italy; 39.18 N, 16.76 E


Comment by Kojima on August 1, 2015 at 11:13am

4) DBIC (Cote d'Ivoire)

[2015/07/30 - 08/01]

Comment by Kojima on July 26, 2015 at 4:55pm

* Change of a ground motion pattern at PM.PVAQ in Portugal on 2015/07/25.

15) PM.PVAQ, Portugal; 37.40 N, 7.72 W


Comment by Kojima on July 23, 2015 at 3:55am

4) DBIC (Cote d'Ivoire)

Big adjustment of several times of underground happened on 16-18th of July changed a wave form of the general movement of the ground motion at DBIC.


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