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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 49421

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Data:; worldpaymentsreport

This issue was partially affected in this ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 19, 2016 and was touched by Nancy in this The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 530, Sunday November 27, 2016 but was not affected by the Zetas.

Is it true that one of the reasons for the introduction of non-cash settlement in world comes from the IMF, Central Banks, Bush/Clinton family and etc. in order to delay migration in the future? Banks aggressively attempt to introduce non-cash settlements while limiting the amount of non-cash payments, etc.

"Recently, the European Union announced it would start researching whether or not to put an upper limit on what cash can be used for… with the idea of implementing this policy in 2018. Spain, Greece, Portugal, and France are already banning cash for above certain amounts (usually €500 or €1,000). Others will be joining in this."

Payment Cards Set to Surpass Cash For First Time Ever. Image source:

What else yesterday seemed like a terrible fantasy from the novel of Orwell and Huxley today seems like reality. Now we have Aadhaar (Aadhaar is the world's largest biometric ID system, with over 1.19 billion enrolled members as of 30 Nov 2017)

A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Experi...

"The IMF praised progress on tying India's social safety net to Aadhaar, India’s unique identification system."

The Government of India believes that this contributes to economic growth, etc. But they actually falsified economic growth! Just changed the method of calculating GDP in 2014. 

"Government data is sacrosanct, or at least it was till before 2014. With the arrival of the Narendra Modi Government in the Centre, this changed. - Indian National Congress. 

Thank you very much

Accepted. As usual, Stan, you do superlative research. 

Stanislav said:

Is it true that one of the reasons for the introduction of non-cash settlement in world comes from the IMF, Central Banks, Bush/Clinton family and etc. in order to delay migration in the future?

Banks aggressively attempt to introduce non-cash settlements while limiting the amount of non-cash payments, etc. What else yesterday seemed like a terrible fantasy from the novel of Orwell and Huxley today seems like reality. Now we have Aadhaar (Aadhaar is the world's largest biometric ID system, with over 1.19 billion enrolled members as of 30 Nov 2017). The Government of India believes that this contributes to economic growth, etc. But they actually falsified economic growth! Just changed the method of calculating GDP in 2014. 
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
Recently, the European Union announced it would start researching whether or not to put an upper limit on what cash can be used for… with the idea of implementing this policy in 2018. Spain, Greece, Portugal, and France are already banning cash for above certain amounts (usually €500 or €1,000). Others will be joining in this.
[and from another]
[and from another]
U.S. President Barack Obama has declared the strategic partnership with India a priority of his foreign policy. China needs to be reined in. In the context of this partnership, the US government’s development agency USAID has negotiated cooperation agreements with the Indian ministry of finance. One of these has the declared goal to push back the use of cash in favor of digital payments in India and globally.
[and from another]
The IMF praised progress on tying India's social safety net to Aadhaar, India’s unique identification system.

We stated in 2016 that India’s desire to hamper the use of cash
by their working poor was a desire in the elite of India to prevent them from fleeing the country, thus drown during the hour of the Pole Shift. Has this maneuver spread to other countries, such as Canada, Australia, and countries in Europe such as France, Belgium, the UK, and Sweden? It should be noted that most of these countries are Commonwealth countries, under the influence of the Queen who is not someone looking out for the welfare of her charges.

Cash allows mobility, as the bearer can presumably go anywhere. It is direct, without needing the interface of a Credit Card company or bank for the transaction to complete. It also hides the identity of the bearer. Those countries wishing to control the MOVEMENT of their populace, and the ability of their populace to HIDE THEIR ACTIVITIES, are increasingly trying to impose a cashless society. We have predicted that banks will restrict withdrawals from savings accounts, but it goes beyond that. Only electronic transfers to the approved Credit Card will be allowed, and then ID must be presented for use.

How does this fit in with the banking battles ongoing, wherein the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank are losing out to the BRICS consortium? The IMF was notable for creating debt slavery among individuals and impoverished countries. BRICS is the opposite, empowering by their loans and reasonable fees. It is not surprising, thus, that the push for cashless societies is strong among those in the West, who stand behind the IMF. We have stated that the world will increasingly move toward a barter economy, not using paper money or Credit Cards or Cryptocurrency, but items to be exchanged.

Prior ZT:
The elite of India want the poor working classes to be helpless during this sinking. They want them unable to flee, unable to buy airplane tickets or hire boats to go to Africa or Europe or the Americas.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

Could the Zetas say what it means? From ZetaTalk Chat for January 31, 2018

"The 7 of 10 Plate Movements have been allowed to return to their normal pace and outcome, and the daily Wobble and dramatic visibility of the Nibiru complex are in force."

If I understand correctly, the pace of 7 of 10 will return to the pre-2012 level?

"We stated that even after the announcement, the 7 of 10 pace would not simply be released to return to a sudden and violent pace, but some time would be granted to the world’s people to react."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for October 12, 2013

But what has changed? The battle in the US is far from complete (well, or so it seems). For example, confusion over recently released UFO program:

"28 December, 2017. Mystery over top-secret UFO programme deepens as US government is accused of backtracking on staggering footage released

<...> A spokesman for the US Defense Intelligence Agency said: "There is some confusion about this program and claims about its purpose in press reporting... the Defense Intelligence Agency has not released any information, files or videos."

But Department of Defense officials disputed this response, claiming they did not know what "confusion" the Defense Intelligence Agency was referring to - and stated they had been "clear" about the programme's aims." Source:

Very strange situation! Or NASA's statement that Antarctica is melting due to underwater geothermal activity, this is not new news: Source:

I could go on, but I think the point is clear. And of course there are some successes... in short, what has changed?

Thank you very much

Declined as you are in essence hand wringing and asking for specifics, dates and events, which the Zetas cannot do.

For instance, in addressing the restarted 7 of 10 predictions earlier this month, re the Basingstoke UFO's in the southern UK near the Bristol Channel, many people were livid because the Zetas would not DETAIL what they meant by "the European tsunami threat seemed diminished. To what extent will it return, now that the Council of Worlds has lifted the brake on the 7 of 10 plate movements?  This UFO warning is telling the people of Basingstoke that their floods may come from both the East and from the West. For flooding to reach Basingstoke, the tsunami assault will be significant."  Then we had the big quake off-short from the Aleutian Islands, felt all the way to Florida, and the Zetas were able to state that this compression of the Eastern Pacific Plate had REPLACED their earlier prediction of several 8+ mag quakes in Japan. They could not warn about this quake earlier, per the rules they must operate under.  

When you ask "If I understand correctly, the pace of 7 of 10 will return to the pre-2012 level?" the answer is that the original 7 of 10 can be assumed to roll out, but just what the timing is will not be given. The original prediction did not have timing, it had sequence of events. There may be nuanced changes, because plate movement HAS occurred since 2011. 

You ask "But what has changed? The battle in the US is far from complete (well, or so it seems). For example, confusion over recently released UFO program" citing the slow disclosure process. You are looking at official admissions, which are likely to stay close to zero, while disclosure is roaring along on other venues. The number of contactees rising from 12,000 in 2008 to over half the human population by now, over 4 billion. The Snake Men of Peru, which hit the alternative media and even some major media. Reputable scientists, and those eggs in the belly, compelling. 

Yes some old news will be re-reported, if the press to discuss certain issues requires it. "Or NASA's statement that Antarctica is melting due to underwater geothermal activity, this is not new news: " If you want to see what the establishment is allowing to be discussed, look at the TRENDS. For instance, how often the term Nibiru is in a headline. Old news may be pulled up, if new news does not give the establishment the venue it wants. 

We can see what is going on in politics, the Deep State cleanup in the US and ISIS pushed back but Turkey still wrangling with the poor Kurds etc etc. But the next step in the public awareness of Nibiru is unlikely to be an official thing. I myself am looking to the Council of Worlds to trigger some Earth changes that will catapult the subject of Nibiru into hot news. This is NancyTalk, not ZetaTalk, just my hunch. 

Stanislav said:

Could the Zetas say what it means?

Accepted via email: 

There have been a bunch of Cryptocurrencies springing up lately, using Bitcoin as a model. But fraud has followed. Where is this leading?
[and from another]
[and from another]

Following the success of Bitcoin to establish itself as a virtual currency, there has been a plethora of Cryptocurrencies emerging. Fraud and bankruptcies have followed. Are these new Cryptocurrencies safe and stable? No, nor is Bitcoin immune from fraud or a sudden collapse either. Paper money is backed by the country printing this money, with the currency exchange rate showing the relative worth and stability. If a country is faltering this can be seen long before a crash. And there is always an accounting eventually, where the essentially worthless paper money is exchanged for something of worth.

But Cryptocurrencies do not have backing from a country, and are not housed in a bank that might be backed by a country. In the US, this is known as the FDIC, where savings accounts are backed up to $100,000 in case of bank failure. Who does that for Bitcoin? The worth resides on a series of servers, owned by individuals, who invest to establish this repository and then collect a transaction fee. These individuals perform a series of checks and balances against each other, to prevent blatant theft.

Most of the new Cryptocurrencies are being established to eventually steal from the public. The schema is to allow the currency to go into use, encouraged by celebrities or chirpy reports on how easy the new currency is to use, then boom anyone holding the electronic currency suddenly finds it has zero worth and cannot be redeemed. Bitcoin touts its safety saying it has not yet been hacked. But all computers can be hacked, when the prize is large enough. To date Bitcoin servers have only held small change, so have not been worth the effort.

Prior ZT:
A virtual bank, its popularity has increased because there is no apparent physical location where the funds can become entangled and no way for the tax man to easily trace the funds. On the flip side, it’s virtual money, and thus can disappear along with the Internet. Bitcoin will not outlast the Internet, which will falter during the Pole Shift and essentially disappear. But Bitcoin is a step closer to the barter system than traditional banking.

Hello Nancy and the Zetas,

On it's surface the intentions below would appear good.  However given some of the previous actions and motives of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, BH Warren Buffett, and JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon , not likely for the good of the common man. 

 Is this a move to secure Healthcare for Elites or of employee's and or clients assurance so they will continue to show up to work or remain invested in companies in the months ahead? 

Would you or the Zetas care to give some insight ? Or should this play out a bit more before motives are seen? TY


 Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase & Co. announced Tuesday a partnership to address health care for their U.S. employees, with the goal of improving employee satisfaction while reducing costs.

The three companies will form an independent company to pursue this objective “free from profit-making incentives and constraints,” according to the companies’ release on the partnership..."

(and another)

"..Amazon, Berkshire and JP Morgan say they can bring their scale and "complementary expertise" to what they describe as a long-term campaign.

Amazon's entry into the health market has been perceived as imminent, even though the company had announced nothing publicly.

It has been watched very closely on Wall Street, which has seen Amazon disrupt numerous industries ranging from book stores to clothing chains.

Amazon, which mostly sold books when it was founded more than 20 years ago, has radically altered the way in which people buy diapers, toys or paper towels. Most recently it has upended the grocery sector, spending $14 billion last year for Whole Foods Market Inc.

(and another)

"..It was not clear if the ultimate goal involves expanding the ambitious project beyond Amazon, Berkshire or JPMorgan. However, JPMorgan’s Dimon said Tuesday that, “our goal is to create solutions that benefit our U.S. employees, their families and, potentially, all Americans.”

Shares in health care companies took a big hit in early trading Tuesday, hinting at the threat of the new entity to how health care is paid for and delivered in the U.S.

Before the opening bell, eight of the top 10 decliners on the Standard & Poor’s 500 index were health care companies.

The need for a solution to the health care crises in the U.S. is intense. With about 151 million non-elderly people, employer-sponsored coverage is the largest part of the U.S. health insurance market..."


Hi Nancy,

Would the Zetas comment on Obama's culpability in the various scandals linked to his administration - Was he complicit or did he turn a blind eye on the massive abuse of power from the surveillance of the Trump campaign during and after the elections, the conspiracy of FBI and CIA to install Hillary, and his participation in Uranium One and Hezbollah scandals?
The Zetas mentioned that the CIA had been grooming him for decades to become President, but one could only surmise that they had nefarious motives behind this.

Thank you!

Hi Joseph

Here is previous Zeta Talk about how the CIA and others were using Obama's secrets to control him

What is the explanation for Obama’s bizarre behavior; where he expels Russian diplomats and even looking back over the past couple years, campaigns for Hillary? Going back even further, why would Obama appoint Hillary to be his Secretary of State, given that her criminal history was well known and firmly established?  It has been rumored that Hillary had proof that Obama was born in Kenya, and started this rumor in 2008 in an attempt to discredit him. It is true that the CIA has been grooming Obama for decades for the White House, and forged the Hawaii birth certificate. But in 2008 Hillary had hope that they could blackmail Obama into supporting her, so she could win in 2012. 

Thus, Hillary held off on releasing her proof, and Obama gave her the Secretary of State position, supposedly to bolster her resume with foreign government interaction. Then by 2012, Hillary had collapsed with a stroke, called a dehydration faint in the media, so she was unable to run against Obama. The pressure on Obama going into 2016 was ramped up to include a very closely held secret that the CIA was using to control Obama. He is gay, and married to Michael, a transvestite, his children adopted at birth. Now at the end of 2016 Obama’s layered Birth Certificate is out and about on the Internet, no longer a secret, as is the rumor about Michelle being a tranny, something Joan Rivers stated openly and the reason she was quickly silenced.  

Joseph said:

Hi Nancy,

Would the Zetas comment on Obama's culpability in the various scandals linked to his administration - Was he complicit or did he turn a blind eye on the massive abuse of power from the surveillance of the Trump campaign during and after the elections, the conspiracy of FBI and CIA to install Hillary, and his participation in Uranium One and Hezbollah scandals?
The Zetas mentioned that the CIA had been grooming him for decades to become President, but one could only surmise that they had nefarious motives behind this.

Thank you!

Declined as not priority. Employers routinely provide health care insurance for employees, so nothing new. What is the nexus between Amazon and a bank, etc? They appear to be washing their hands of existing insurers like Blue Shield/Blue Cross etc. I am getting from the Zetas that this is a financial motive, anticipating price rises from existing insurers. Assuming the employees of Amazon and JPMorgan are HEALTHY, else would not be working, setting up a non-profit arrangement to insure them would be, ultimately, less funds out of the pocket.  

M. Difato said:

On it's surface the intentions below would appear good. 

The Zetas have stated that Obama was a Star Child, ie a walk-in soul that entered the Obama body in late teens timeframe due to the opportunity to maneuver the world for good. That Star Child soul may no longer be in the Obama body, since the Presidency ended. The CIA was already grooming the Obama body by his late teens. As per the most recent (and likely only) comment on Obama's history and involvement, written just ahead of Trump's inauguration, they had black mail material on Obama galore. People often have a misconception about the Chief. They do not just bark orders and everyone under them responds. There are layers and layers under a Chief with their own agenda, sleeper cells, and handlers. He was not made President so he could run the show!!! Obviously. A good hearted person in this situation must walk through the mine field.

What is the explanation for Obama’s bizarre behavior; where he expels Russian diplomats and even looking back over the past couple years, campaigns for Hillary? Going back even further, why would Obama appoint Hillary to be his Secretary of State, given that her criminal history was well known and firmly established?  It has been rumored that Hillary had proof that Obama was born in Kenya, and started this rumor in 2008 in an attempt to discredit him. It is true that the CIA has been grooming Obama for decades for the White House, and forged the Hawaii birth certificate. But in 2008 Hillary had hope that they could blackmail Obama into supporting her, so she could win in 2012.

Thus, Hillary held off on releasing her proof, and Obama gave her the Secretary of State position, supposedly to bolster her resume with foreign government interaction. Then by 2012, Hillary had collapsed with a stroke, called a dehydration faint in the media, so she was unable to run against Obama. The pressure on Obama going into 2016 was ramped up to include a very closely held secret that the CIA was using to control Obama. He is gay, and married to Michael, a transvestite, his children adopted at birth. Now at the end of 2016 Obama’s layered Birth Certificate is out and about on the Internet, no longer a secret, as is the rumor about Michelle being a tranny, something Joan Rivers stated openly and the reason she was quickly silenced. 

There was more than Obama’s personal secrets at play. The assassination of Karlov was intended to trigger World war III, a key part of the Hillary/Soros agenda. Despite Soros’ heart attack and death, and despite Hillary’s loss to Trump, this crime family’s ambitions have not changed. Obama was constrained by dirty bomb threats, and has played the game until Dunford and the Transformation Team can clean out the dirty nukes and dismantle the Hillary/Soros crime family. Dirty bomb threats required the use of C-130’s over Denver in late November and over New York City in mid-December .

Why the flap about Russian hacking? If the Hillary/Soros crime family is demanding that World War III be facilitated, a necessary ingredient is for Russia to be antagonized and for Russia to take the bait! Clearly Obama cannot just order the US Military to attack Russia, unprovoked and without cause. The DoD would refuse, the Congress in an uproar, as only the Congress can declare war and the President can only do so temporarily with clear evidence that an attack is in process. So, provoke Putin, who wisely laughed it all off. The US media can see no clear evidence that Russia hacked the DNC or Podesta email, and Wikileaks takes credit implying that they and Seth Rich were responsible.  Meanwhile, Obama must act like a clown.

Joseph said:

Would the Zetas comment on Obama's culpability in the various scandals linked to his administration 

Closing this January 31, 2018 Q&A and opening the new one for February 28, 2018. Please post your ongoing questions there. Thank you.


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