Could the Zetas say something about the current refugee situation in Europe? If worse now, I can only imagine how it will get when the earth changes will increase and with the announcement? Up to 10 million migrants on their way to the EU. [and from another] ‘Up to 10 million migrants on their way to EU’ Austrian police have confirmed that between 20 and 50 refugees have been found dead in a tractor trailer in the country's east. It appears the migrants, whose bodies have begun to decompose, suffocated in the back of the truck. [and from another] The victims had died from suffocation. Police suspect that a Bulgarian-Hungarian trafficking ring is behind the migrants’ deaths. The migrants were dead before the truck entered Austria. The truck, which has Hungarian license plates and was near the Hungarian capital Budapest on Wednesday, is believed to have been abandoned for several days.

We have long predicted that the refugee crisis would exacerbate as the 7 of 10 plate movements picked up steam and the worldwide drought and deluge increased starvation. Migration from the flooding southeast Asia has been on the increase since the sinking of the Sunda Plate ensued in 2011. Australia has imposed brutal immigration policies so that Indonesia and Malaysia resettle these displaced people. The unwanted in Bangladesh and Myanmar, lands that are sinking, are increasingly pushed into boats. Smugglers have been known to sink boatloads of migrants they cannot unload, sell them into slavery, or kill and bury them on land. The increased flow of refugees and job seekers from Mexico and Central America has become a campaign issue in the US.
The Middle East has become a horror with ISIS roaming about killing the populace with abandon. Efforts to get the countries there to fight ISIS runs into the age-old religious battles between Sunni and Shia. ISIS lives between the fractures, like a sadistic horde that cannot be stopped. War torn Afghanistan and Pakistan are hardly better. These migrants do not run north into Russia or its satellites as these borders are well guarded and refuse any migration, a long standing practice. Word gets around, and the word has always been that Europe welcomes migrant workers, and will put immigrants on the welfare dole. Migrants, like water, will flow in the direction of least resistance.
Thus Europe finds itself the target of frightened and desperate immigrants trying to reach what they have always heard was a welcoming land of opportunity and security. They are not so much running to security as running from homelessness and starvation and perhaps a brutal death at the hands of ISIS. They cross the Mediterranean in boats and then attempt to infiltrate the UK via the Chunnel. They flood into Greece from Turkey, both countries moving the flood of migrants along as quickly as possible until they pile up at the border of Austria or Hungary. Does Europe block them, creating a humanitarian crisis, absorb them, or find yet another solution for what threatens to become a flood ten million strong?
Europe has been slow to establish a policy because there simply isn’t a viable solution. A huge percentage of the world is essentially bankrupt, unable to meet the growing demands of their citizens. Governments are running scared, squeezed between economic downturns that refuses to abate and Earth changes they fear will only get worse. When asked to take in refugees, Heads of State quiet shake their heads. There are NO offers. We have predicted that countries will get increasingly strict when faced with a flood of refugees. Those who are already brutal will get increasingly brutal. Just where the push back occurs in Europe is yet to be seen, but it is surely coming.
Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for September 5, 2015
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