Could the Zetas say something about the current refugee situation in Europe? If worse now, I can only imagine how it will get when the earth changes will increase and with the announcement? Up to 10 million migrants on their way to the EU.
 [and from another]   ‘Up to 10 million migrants on their way to EU’ Austrian police have confirmed that between 20 and 50 refugees have been found dead in a tractor trailer in the country's east. It appears the migrants, whose bodies have begun to decompose, suffocated in the back of the truck. [and from another]  The victims had died from suffocation. Police suspect that a Bulgarian-Hungarian trafficking ring is behind the migrants’ deaths. The migrants were dead before the truck entered Austria. The truck, which has Hungarian license plates and was near the Hungarian capital Budapest on Wednesday, is believed to have been abandoned for several days. 

We have long predicted that the refugee crisis would exacerbate as the 7 of 10 plate movements picked up steam and the worldwide drought and deluge increased starvation. Migration from the flooding southeast Asia has been on the increase since the sinking of the Sunda Plate ensued in 2011. Australia has imposed brutal immigration policies so that Indonesia and Malaysia resettle these displaced people. The unwanted in Bangladesh and Myanmar, lands that are sinking, are increasingly pushed into boats. Smugglers have been known to sink boatloads of migrants they cannot unload, sell them into slavery, or kill and bury them on land. The increased flow of refugees and job seekers from Mexico and Central America has become a campaign issue in the US. 

The Middle East has become a horror with ISIS roaming about killing the populace with abandon. Efforts to get the countries there to fight ISIS runs into the age-old religious battles between Sunni and Shia. ISIS lives between the fractures, like a sadistic horde that cannot be stopped. War torn Afghanistan and Pakistan are hardly better. These migrants do not run north into Russia or its satellites as these borders are well guarded and refuse any migration, a long standing practice. Word gets around, and the word has always been that Europe welcomes migrant workers, and will put immigrants on the welfare dole. Migrants, like water, will flow in the direction of least resistance. 

Thus Europe finds itself the target of frightened and desperate immigrants trying to reach what they have always heard was a welcoming land of opportunity and security. They are not so much running to security as running from homelessness and starvation and perhaps a brutal death at the hands of ISIS. They cross the Mediterranean in boats and then attempt to infiltrate the UK via the Chunnel. They flood into Greece from Turkey, both countries moving the flood of migrants along as quickly as possible until they pile up at the border of Austria or Hungary. Does Europe block them, creating a humanitarian crisis, absorb them, or find yet another solution for what threatens to become a flood ten million strong? 

Europe has been slow to establish a policy because there simply isn’t a viable solution. A huge percentage of the world is essentially bankrupt, unable to meet the growing demands of their citizens. Governments are running scared, squeezed between economic downturns that refuses to abate and Earth changes they fear will only get worse. When asked to take in refugees, Heads of State quiet shake their heads. There are NO offers. We have predicted that countries will get increasingly strict when faced with a flood of refugees. Those who are already brutal will get increasingly brutal. Just where the push back occurs in Europe is yet to be seen, but it is surely coming. 

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for September 5, 2015

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Comment by M. Difato on January 21, 2018 at 5:00pm

Rare look at life inside Lesbos' Moria refugee camp

 Images capture living conditions the Greek island's largest camp, home to thousands of refugees and migrants.

 Lesbos, Greece - In March 2016, the European Union and Turkey signed a controversial deal to prevent refugees and migrants from reaching Europe.

The agreement came after more than 46,000 refugees had reached the Greek Island of Lesbos in just the two months before it. In April 2016, the month after the deal was reached, the number dropped to 1,766, according to the UN's refugee agency (UNHCR).

As part of the agreement, the Greek government confined refugees and migrants to five islands for the duration of their asylum process.

Today, it is estimated that more than 7,600 asylum seekers live on Lesbos.

Some 5,000 of them live in extremely poor conditions in Moria, the largest camp on the island which has previously been described by some as a "prison".

In November 2017, Lesbos Mayor Spyros Galinos had warned that the island and other border areas could be turning into "concentration camps, where all human dignity is denied".

These images give a rare sight on the conditions inside Moria camp, where journalists cannot enter without the prior agreement of authorities. 

An improvised shelter can be seen inside and outside Moria camp. Often just provided with summer tents, people try to make those fit for winter and the harsh weather conditions. (KEVIN MCELVANEY/AL JAZEERA)

A former military base, the site of Moria camp can easily be mistaken for a prison. Stretching along a hilltop and with many fenced sections, it is confusing to find your way around.

An asylum seeker is making tea at one of the camp's rare functioning electricity spots. The network often collapses and people do not have access to power for days. 

At night, there are many open fires inside the camp. The wood comes from the forest and olive grove surrounding the area, which leads to tensions with the local farmers. 

Asylum seekers from African countries are typically faced with have a long process. 

Piles of waste are spread all over the camp. Residents accuse authorities of not cleaning the designated areas every week. It is estimated that Moria camp is hosting more than 2.5 times more people than its intended capacity.

Some 350 unaccompanied minors and hundreds of children, women, elderly and disabled people live here. The so-called vulnerables still face delays of up to three months over their relocation to the mainland, which should take place sooner.

Some residents live in containers, but even here the heating system is not working all the time. A few people seek protection between the structures and build up tents there. 

A sign reads that the EU and the Greek government spent more than 5.4 million euro ($6.6m) on Moria camp.

Syrian and Iraqi asylum seekers share a fireplace between their tents. For many Moria camp residents, this is the only way to protect themselves from the plummeting winter temperatures.

Makeshift tents spread across the olive grove outside Moria camp. People here have no access to electricity or sanitary facilities.

( By Kevin McElvaney 19 JAN 2018)

Comment by KM on September 21, 2015 at 2:51pm


Amid anti-immigration protests, Finnish authorities said they have begun to impose controls at the border with Sweden as a result of the influx of people who have entered Finland this year.

Finnish police began checking people who arrived across the border with Sweden on Saturday, due to a rapid rise in the number of refugees and migrants entering the country.

“From now on, people crossing the border in Tornio will have their documents checked by the police,” stated the Finnish Interior Ministry.

The northern Finnish city of Tornio forms a cross-border twin city with the town of Haparanda in Sweden; together they have 32 500 inhabitants.

The system of border cooperation between the towns was established so that the region could “enjoy the benefits of two countries but address the obligations of one country,” according to the Finnish administration of Lapland.

The Finnish authorities’ order to impose more stringent controls at the border came as hundreds of people held an anti-immigration protest in the center of Tornio, and formed a human wall to express their opposition to migration.

“We oppose so many asylum-seekers coming to Finland,” one couple at the demonstration told Finnish broadcaster YLE.

“We have only seen men, no families. These are welfare refugees and that is why we are protesting,” explained another protestor.

Earlier this month YLE reported that up 300 people illegally cross the border into Tornio every day.

According to official figures released last week, 11,263 people have sought asylum in Finland so far in 2015. The Interior Ministry expects 30,000 asylum seekers to reach Finland this year, almost ten times the 3,651 people who claimed asylum in Finland in 2014.

Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 14, 2015 at 9:51pm
Comment by SongStar101 on September 9, 2015 at 10:49pm

40 percent school dropout rate in Mideast conflict areas

UNICEF estimates 13.7 million kids have quit school because of fighting in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Sudan

Forty percent of children from five conflict-scarred Middle Eastern countries are not attending school, the United Nations agency for children said Thursday, warning that losing this generation will lead to more violence, migration and a dim future for the region.

An estimated 13.7 million school-age children from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Sudan are not in school, out of a total of 34 million in the area, UNICEF said in a report titled “Education Under Fire.”

"It's no coincidence in that what we see in terms of our TV pictures — the tragic pictures of people crossing on boats to Greece and Italy — very much comes back to the Syrian conflict and [to] the Iraqi conflict, to a lesser extent," UNICEF regional director Peter Salama said. The dropout rate could increase to 50 percent in coming months as conflicts intensify, he said.

"We are on the verge of losing a generation of children in this region," he said. "We must act now or we will certainly regret the consequences."

He said UNICEF needs an additional $300 million this year to make a dent in the numbers and give more children access to education. The agency so far has received $140 million, or 40 percent of its 2015 appeal, for the education of displaced Syrians.

Thursday's report is an attempt to show the scope of the regional education crisis, Salama said. The report said that education is increasingly being disrupted by fighting and the displacement of millions of people.

Close to 9,000 schools in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya have been destroyed in fighting, turned into shelters for displaced people or commandeered by fighters, UNICEF said. In the Gaza conflict that began in July 2014, which killed at least 551 Palestinian children, eight schools were destroyed, and at least 281 were damaged, according to the report.

In Syria and Yemen, 1 in 4 schools can no longer be used for education, the report said. In Syria, 50,000 teachers no longer report to work, and thousands of children have to cross front lines to take attend classes.

Syrian refugees have reported the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has taken over schools in some areas it has occupied.

"The forces that are crushing individual lives and futures are also destroying the prospects for an entire region," the report said.

Salama said he believes lack of access to education is helping drive the increasingly desperate attempts by Middle Eastern asylum seekers to reach Europe. Also, children who are not going to school are more vulnerable to recruitment by radical groups, he said. He said that UNICEF has seen a rise in recruitment attempts, in parallel with the drop in school enrollment.

The agency called for greater efforts to educate children in conflict zones, including through self-learning kits and an e-learning program, Sahabati (Arabic for "my cloud"). The program would teach Arabic, English, math and science, with a system of online assessments and certification, the report said. It's not clear when it will be rolled out.

The report also called for increased investment in education in humanitarian emergencies. More money should be spent, among other things, on school systems in countries hosting refugees, including more than 4 million Syrians who fled civil war, UNICEF said. More than half the Syrian refugee children, or 700,000, are not in school, the report said.

In 2010, 7 million to 8 million school-age children in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Sudan were not in school, said Juliette Touma, a UNICEF spokeswoman. Reasons include ongoing conflicts, such as in Sudan and Iraq, as well as poverty.

Since then, new conflicts have erupted in Syria, Libya and Yemen, and fighting in Iraq has intensified after land grabs by ISIL there last year.

The 13.7 million children estimated to be out of school comprises 2.7 million Syrians, 3 million Iraqis, 2 million Libyans, 3.1 million Sudanese and 2.9 million Yemenis.

The number of dropouts and children who have never been to school is bound to increase. In the next few months, with the situation expected to worsen, "up to half ... of school-age children will be out of school," Salama said.

A study released in April by UNICEF and UNESCO, the U.N. agency the deals with education, estimated that 15 million — or 1 in 4 — children in the Middle East and North Africa are not receiving an education.

Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 6, 2015 at 3:55pm

Austria and Germany show the way: An Overwhelming Welcome for the refugees as Britain and other European leaders flip-flop and drag their feet over refugee allowances

As Britain and other European leaders flip-flop and drag their feet over refugee allowances, a paradoxical situation of wonderful irony emerges as the two main protagonists from WWI and WWII. Austria and Germany open their arms with an overwhelming welcome for the Syrian refugees Sunday
Austria and Germany have welcomed thousands of migrants, many of them Syrian, who are now free to cross the border after spending several days stuck in Hungary.
Local people in Munich and Frankfurt applauded them as they arrived and handed out sweets to children.


Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 5, 2015 at 12:00pm

Millions on the move and European leaders don't know what to do because they know the world is watching!

The above picture is not warn torn Syria but a refugee camp in Calais northern France were thousands of refugees hope to reach the UK.
Staggering statistics of refugee numbers wanting to enter Europe is staggering and breaking all records daily.
For example more than 23 000 migrants arrived in Greece by sea last week, nearly 50 percent more than in the previous week, according to preliminary data collected by Frontex. 
The number of Syrians detected at the borders in the Western Balkans region nearly quadrupled to 20 000 in the second quarter compared to the previous three months.
Syrians ranked just ahead of Afghans, whose number nearly tripled to 18 850.
In the month of July, the number of migrants detected at EU’s borders more than tripled to 107 500 compared to the same month of last year, surpassing the 100 000 mark in a single month for the first time since Frontex began keeping records in 2008.
Despite the dangers, the migrant tide shows no sign of abating, even though, nearly 7,000 refugees drowned in less than 2 years trying to reach Europe from Syria
In the latest disaster off the coast of Libya, two overcrowded vessels packed with an estimated 450 migrants sank last Thursday, leaving 150 dead, after leaving the Libyan port of Zuwara - a major launchpad for smugglers, 200 are still missing feared dead.
Lacking navy ships, Libyan officials were searching for survivors with fishing boats and inflatables provided by locals.
Despite the dangers, the migrant tide shows no sign of abating.
The victims are wearing light summer clothes which are now inadequate for many European lands, especially in the evenings.
Today, it seems as if great swathes of the developing world have decided that their only hope is resettlement in the West.
Some are refugees and some are economic migrants.
But the crossing to Europe is treacherous, and more than 3,000 people have died this year in attempts to reach Europe by boat, compared with 3,500 during the whole of last year.
More than 300,000 refugees and migrants have used the dangerous sea route across the Mediterranean so far this year with almost 200,000 of them landing in Greece and a further 110,000 in Italy.
The UN refugee agency, revealing the latest statistics in Geneva on Friday, said this represents a large increase from last year, when around 219,000 people crossed the Mediterranean during the whole of 2014.
Also last Friday, prosecutors in Sicily detained 10 people on suspicion of smuggling and murder for having allegedly crammed dozens of migrants into the airless hold of a boat where 71 bodies were found this week.
The refrigerated vehicle was found by an Austrian motorway patrol with fluids from the decomposing bodies seeping from its back door.
Thousands of migrants have crossed into Austria, after Hungary's surprise decision to provide buses to take them to the border overnight.
For days, the Hungarian government had blocked them from travelling by train to northern and western Europe.
About 3,000 exhausted people, many of whom had initially fled Syria, crossed the Austrian border and are being received in a Red Cross Centre.
Austria says they can claim asylum or carry on to Germany if they wish.
The move comes as European Union countries are struggling to agree on how to deal with an unprecedented surge of asylum seekers.
Hungary's government eased restrictions on transit after many migrants overwhelmed police cordons and set off towards the border on foot on Friday.


Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 4, 2015 at 2:13pm

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