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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 11046

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I have a question this week, recently I have seen a few convoys of military vehicles this week, on Thursday about 10 miles of them heading towards Frederick MD on 70 and today about the same size heading south towards Winchester VA.   For the last few months we have seen military vehicles moving across 70 both east and west, but not in the numbers I am seeing this week.  I have not heard much about any special military operations this summer, like the last two, and again there are no markings on any of the vehicles, all were either camo or tan in nature.  Does Zeta know something that the rest of the country does not at this time.  I do know that there is talk about July 2 and many protest going off against our president Trump, but not sure that is where these are headed

Declined as it would be surprising if there were NOT heightened military maneuvering, given the pointed threats by ISIS. As Trump squeezes ISIS via his deals and alliances, they will snarl and attack. It is more surprising that we have not YET had attacks. And in addition, Summer is the time for reserve units to have exercises.

Rebecca S. Barnhart said:

I have a question this week, recently I have seen a few convoys of military vehicles this week

Accepted via email:

This little article sat me down, hard. Can you and/or the Zetas comment on this next interesting “deed for humanity” by our friend, Mark Zuckerberg? It sounds really good on paper, helping in disasters and all, but I smell an insidious way to track people. I suspect we all know what his intentions are (as it tracks movements of people in real time), but having you all comment will expose them more to the masses by having this on poleshift.ning and picked up by search engines. This is pretty slick on the elite’s part.
[and from another]
Some think this is a spy machine.
[and from another]
Facebook launches disaster maps to help aid workers save lives. Facebook launched disaster maps - an initiative aimed at helping humanitarian organizations save lives in emergencies.
[and from another]
The company that it's launching a new product called "disaster maps," using aggregated, anonymized Facebook data in disaster areas to deliver crucial information to aid organizations during and after crises. Facebook is currently beta testing the product with three organizations: the World Food Programme, UNICEF, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Through disaster maps, researchers are currently sharing three types of information with these organizations. The first taps into Facebook's widely recognized social good product, Safety Check, offering information on where people are checking in safe. This shows how people are using the platform in a disaster. Facebook is also sharing data on location density—where people are located before, during, and after a disaster relative to where you would expect them to be.  The third type of information they're focusing on is the direction in which people are moving. It's important to know if people are evacuating north, south, east, or west, so organizations know where to send food, water, and medicine. It could also pinpoint the location of roads, and whether they're congested and should be avoided in rescue efforts.
Russia was not allowed to launch satellites
that would spy on migrants. In like manner, the Council of Worlds slapped Zuckerberg down
in 2016 over his ambitions to control survivors in Africa with his drone based Internet. He is now trying to be covert. His cover is to masquerade as an assist to disaster recovery providers. Zukerberg is hardly a humanitarian. As a member of the elite he wishes to limit and control the starving masses after the Pole Shift, to enslave them, and to eliminate those who will not be useful to he and his ilk. He seeks information.

Look at what is to be learned!  He would learn where survivors are grouped, their “density”, where they are moving, where they feel safe and are setting up new homes. For the elite, who wish to ELIMINATE certain segments of the population, whom they consider trouble makers or worthless as workers, this allows a pointed assassination campaign. Poisoned food or water, or self-limiting diseases such as infections, would be prime tools in such a campaign. If the density of survivors is to be limited, knowing what routes they are using can be targeted to divert survivors into smaller enclaves. This allows the elite to enslave these smaller groups, and to capture and relocate them later.

Where Zuckerberg feels he has smugly gotten around the Council of Worlds objections, he makes a number of assumptions. First, that the Internet, in particular his FaceBook application, will be functional. Those communication routes used by the survivors and aid agencies genuinely concerned about helping them will function, but FaceBook will not. Second, the endeavors to poison survivor groups will fail, in a thousand different ways. Third, after losing track of the migrants, he will not be able to recover their locations or their direction, even if they move toward elite enclaves.  True karma awaits.

Prior ZT:
FaceBook is immensely popular and international, and Zuckerberg had announced almost a year ago that he intended to promote his via satellites and drones, to provide service to parts of the world with scarce access to the internet. Africa is clearly a key target. It should be no surprise that Africa is also a key target of many elite, who anticipate the high ground of Africa and its future temperate climate to be ideal for settlements and survival. Europe and India will migrate to Africa in droves, prior to the Pole Shift. Where satellites will be torn from the skies during the passage, prior to the Pole Shift itself they will function to some degree. Thus, those who have migrated to Africa, and set up settlements and formulated defense of their perimeter, will be accessing the internet via one of Zuckerberg’s satellites. As the satellites fail, these will be replaced with the Zuckerberg drones already in operation. All communications in the vast region of Africa will be known to Zuckerberg and his elite allies, who obviously include Israel. This information would be used for enslavement and control, and it is this effort that the Council of Worlds will not allow.    

Hello Nancy, Zetas and friends.

I am financially puzzled leading into the poleshift, that I feel others may be feeling the same.

My Question has two parts.

1.  There is all sorts of information on the internet and You tube concerning the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and RV Re Valuation of currencies globally.  Are the Zetas able to offer some clarity?

Where people like Benjamin Fulford, (I understand that Nancy has said Ben is now off the reservation, and no longer worth listening to, my reference is prior to this revelation), Neil Keenan, (new healing machine based on frequency and "Collateral accounts), and many others discuss how the world is about to be liberated financially, and the accounts of every person about to be hydrated with funds so that they can shine, or not!

And then there are others like Winston Shrout, helping people understand the mechanics of NESARA

There are other groups that say anyone trying to revalue currencies like the Dong, Dinar and Zimbabwe Zim, are walking into a trap for light workers laid by the Cabal, (Clinton / Bush Crime Team) and HSBC Bank.

2.  Going into the poleshift, if people are still Debt Slaves, (this is a situation many face and the stresses of being part of the system is getting worse, as many already know.  Reports of the Cabal loosing their control are on the increase, and it makes some sense to this limited human that we may have some financial relief before the shift in order for the light workers to do some of their greatest works in helping hydrate the banks accounts of others so they can be free of the day to day stresses.  If this is not the case, I understand that it is what the soul does when the chips are down that matters.  

Are the Zetas able to shed any light on how we move from a coastal city, to a safe zone and ask the land owner if we can squat on their property, and work for food, (after it is too late to make a real difference before being a liability to a group rather than an asset)?  Rather than, approaching the land owner with an offer to help improve and care for the land and support others in the process, explore new technologies in dome building techniques, healing machines, food production and sharing on an Open Source platform like and

It could be that I completely misunderstand, (which I am guilty of in the past), and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. E

Declined for 1). The Zetas spoke to the stupid NECARA issue years ago. All debts forgiven. Yeah sure, that sounds like the banking empire.

What can the establishment do to forestall panic, riots, placards waved in the air over angry heads in front of the White House, a story that would surely get in the news somewhere, in spite of media control, and the cat out of the bag. Would the public buy that some general amnesty was about to be issued? Would they even consider such a concept? If rumors were to circulate, on the Internet, would this get around, get mentioned at coffee houses, at bars, at the workplace? If so, then such rumors are worth floating, if not, then another tack needs to be taken. NESCARA was such a test ground, and determined that where this was highly attractive to the man on the streets, none of whom are without debts, it was deemed impractical by any but the most childish. Who would buy that banks would forgive all debts? This is how they make their living. Who would buy that politicians would resign? They fight tooth and nail to get into politics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from this life, in the main. And how to adjust the inequities? If one man owes another a debt, is this not absolved, while debts to the banks are? Where is the line drawn? Rent past due? Home ownership recently arranged forgiven the same as home ownership one payment from completion? The concept is ludicrous, when examined as to workability, and after an initial perk of interest, soon falls into this type of discussion on how it would be implemented. Thus, the establishment has determined that other means, such as frank payment of unemployment benefits, an extended coverage, needs to be done.

Accepted for 2)

Evelyn said:

I am financially puzzled leading into the poleshift, that I feel others may be feeling the same.

Going into the Pole Shift, if people are still Debt Slaves, (this is a situation many face and the stresses of being part of the system is getting worse, as many already know.  Reports of the Cabal loosing their control are on the increase, and it makes some sense to this limited human that we may have some financial relief before the shift in order for the light workers to do some of their greatest works in helping hydrate the banks accounts of others so they can be free of the day to day stresses.  If this is not the case, I understand that it is what the soul does when the chips are down that matters.  Are the Zetas able to shed any light on how we move from a coastal city, to a safe zone and ask the land owner if we can squat on their property, and work for food, (after it is too late to make a real difference before being a liability to a group rather than an asset)?  Rather than, approaching the land owner with an offer to help improve and care for the land and support others in the process, explore new technologies in dome building techniques, healing machines, food production and sharing on an Open Source platform like and

We have predicted that the world will go on the barter system
after the Pole Shift. Except for some enclaves where the wealthy will try to barter art work and precious jewels among themselves, or some holdouts where paper money and banking still prevail for a few months, only items of real worth will be used as a medium of exchange. Seeds, hand tools, livestock, medicinal herbs, and skill sets such as carpentry and dentistry will be of value, where former accountants and hedge fund managers will be rejected by survival camps.  

At the present time, debt slavery
has been imposed on the common man, and on many countries, by the IMF and western banks. Encouraged to go deeply in debt, both individuals and corporations and Heads of State
find themselves owned by their masters. These shackles will not hold forever, as bankruptcy is afflicting all. How does the globe leap from this situation into one where the barter system prevails, and survival camps are operating on a sharing and caring philosophy? This transition does not occur overnight.

Half the world’s population lives on coastlines or in river valleys. During the increased ocean sloshing and torrential rains expected during the daily Earth wobble, which has hardly peaked as yet, these coastlines and river valleys will implode. Corporations, which cluster near high population areas, will go bankrupt. Insurance companies will default and go bankrupt. Governments will not be able to fill the gap, themselves being bankrupt. Homeowners will default on their mortgages as flooded homes are in any case worthless. Where does all of this leave the banks and the common man? No one will be compensated for their bad judgement, fantasies like NESCARA
notwithstanding, and as the bankruptcy courts know, one cannot get blood from a turnip.

So the common man, destitute or with a few belongings, may gather in tent cities or squat in foreclosed houses or wander into the countryside looking for a camp they might join. Here the spiritual maturity of the population comes into play. Though walk-ins by Service-to-Other souls might increasingly occur, MOST humans do not have a sparked soul, and of those that do, MOST are immature, so that without an influx of walk-ins, only 5% of humanity is inclined fully as a Service-to-Other soul to share and care. This makes ventures like The Venus Project a fantasy.  If there are 7 billion people on Earth at the present time, there will be 7 billion different paths taken. The culture, personal assets, past life experience, soul maturity, age, and courage are some factors but there are too many even to list.

Prior 2003 ZT:
NESCARA was a test and determined that where this was highly attractive to the man on the streets, none of whom are without debts, it was deemed impractical by any but the most childish. Who would buy that banks would forgive all debts? This is how they make their living. Who would buy that politicians would resign? They fight tooth and nail to get into politics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from this life, in the main. And how to adjust the inequities? If one man owes another a debt, is this not absolved, while debts to the banks are? Where is the line drawn? Rent past due? Home ownership recently arranged forgiven the same as home ownership one payment from completion? The concept is ludicrous, when examined as to workability, and after an initial perk of interest, soon falls into this type of discussion on how it would be implemented.

Prior 2001 ZT:
We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. Moneys will be used as a medium of exchange, as will jewels and art, in some settings, for a brief period of time. This will occur until those being offered these at bargain prices realize the shift has happened worldwide, and rescue and a return to civilization as they knew it will not occur. Perhaps months, but more likely weeks, and only in limited settings. We advise the common man, as we have in the past, to relieve themselves of stock and jewels and paper money that will fall in value, perhaps suddenly and without warning. Better to stock up on things that will have value, candles and matches, school books and a guitar, than what the rich treasure.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

What's happening? Is this a cold civil war in the US among the authorities? What will all this lead to?

Republican House whip Steve Scalise shot in Virginia shooting

Rep. Steve Scalise was shot Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia, a House colleague told CNN, in what sources are calling an apparent "deliberate attack."

The shooting took place at a practice for the GOP congressional baseball team.
Scalise, a member of the House Republican leadership as the majority whip, appeared to have been shot in the hip and it appeared two Capitol Hill police agents were shot, according to Rep. Mo Brooks, who told CNN he was on deck when the shooting occurred. 

<...> According to both congressional and law enforcement sources, the shooting appears to be a "deliberate attack."

Reference/Source: Kopan, T., Vries, K. D., & Scott, E. (2017, June 14). Republican House whip Steve Scalise shot. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Link

Rep. Steve Scalise applauds U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate pact

Reference/Source: Broach, D. (2017, June 01). Rep. Steve Scalise applauds U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate pact. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Link

Thank you very much

Declined as this is not a movement, just a lone wolf angry citizen. Not even ISIS related. The shooter was 66, recently retired, was a Bernie Sanders volunteer, was known to hold up placards complaining that the 1% (rich) did not pay their fair share of taxes. Just as the person attempting to shoot President Reagan was not a movement but angry/crazy citizen. Just as the person shooting Gabby Gilford recently.

Stanislav said:

What's happening? Is this a cold civil war in the US among the authorities?

Accepted from Giovanni Baele,

A dear friend of mine sent me this link today about this huge crop-circle appeared in France in the region Centre-Val de Loire department Cher.
[and from another]

This vast Crop Circle is genuine, a point solidly made by the makers who bent grain at the node, wove grain in an eloquent manner, and had the center of a swirl off center to demonstrate that a manmade machine did not swirl the grain. As with the Starburst CC,
which shows a blocked interaction with the Sun, this new Magnetosphere CC in France is referring to interactions with the Sun. The Sun’s magnetic field on either side is even, but Nibiru has warped the magnetic field Earthside and on the backside of the Sun for balance.

We have stated that as the hour of the Pole Shift approaches, that the Sun’s magnetic dominance
begins to be supplanted by Nibiru. When Nibiru stands between the Earth and the Sun, it is fully dominant, thus forcing the Pole Shift. Nibiru is shown in this CC forcing the Earth’s magnetosphere outward. On the opposite side of the Sun, the Sun’s magnetosphere attempts to achieve balance by adjusting the amount of magnetons that flow there. There is a void on the opposite side of the Sun as there is now a crowding on the side where Nibiru and Earth reside.

As is our usual practice we are closing this 6/17 Q&A so answers can be prepared for the web. Please post your new questions on the chat for 6/24. Thank you.


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